Hello everyone and welcome to the final chapter of Varsity Blues. In the final chapter, Spartans face the Stallions in one of the most legendary games. We also finally get to see Sonic and his friends finally stopping Sally Acorn. I want to thank everyone for all the reviews for my first Sonic high school story, it's really appreciated. I hope all of you enjoyed my story and leave reviews as always. Let the final chapter begin folks!

Chapter Eighteen: The Final Play

Today is the most important day at Green Hill Zone High School. Tonight, the Spartans will face off against the undefeated Station Square High School Stallions in the playoffs. Everyone at Green Hill High was preparing themselves for the game, including the faculty and the principal. At the principal's office, Amy was coming in to drop off the attendance sheet for her first class.

"Here you go Mrs. Wolf." Amy said dropping off the attendance sheet.

"Thank you Amy. I need to keep up with these." Mrs. Wolf. It was at this time Principal Soar the Eagle came out of his office and saw Amy.

"Good morning Amy." Principal Soar happily greeted.

"Good morning Principal Soar." Amy kindly replied.

"Amy, I need you to do me a favor. The janitor forgot to change the security tapes a few weeks back and I wanted you to retrieve the tape up there." Principal Soar said pointing to the security camera in the office.

"Sure. No problem at all." Amy said. She grabbed a small ladder in the supply closet and climbed up to retrieve the security tape. Soar held the ladder still as Amy changed the old tape with a new one and climbed off the ladder.

"Here you go." Amy said handing the tape to the principal.

"Thank you Amy. Now, let's see if there were any problems the camera caught." Soar stated. Amy followed the principal to his office and watched him place the tape in the DVD player. The footage was a little blurry at first but now became clear for Amy and Principal Soar to watch.

"I see no problems at all." Principal Soar said. Amy just continued to watch the footage until she saw a figure in dark clothing sneaking into the counselor's desk. Principal Soar was also shocked by the mysterious figure entering the school undetected.

"Someone got in." Amy said. The pink hedgehog watched the figure hacked into the school records and changed someone's transcript. Amy watched closely and saw the figure was a brown chipmunk and on the computer screen was her letter from USC. Amy was now in shock when she really realized that the security tapes caught Sally hacking into her records; Sonic was right.

"Sally." Amy said. Principal Soar and Amy watched Sally finish her job and leave the scene, supposedly, unnoticed. They finally caught Sally on video hacking into the school records and let's just say that Principal Soar was not very pleased of what he just witnessed.

Game Time

It was finally game time at Green Hill Zone Stadium and the place was rocking. Thousands of fans were filling up both sides of the stadium and waiting for the game to begin. In the home team locker room, Coach Hardhead and his Spartans were in a team huddle and praying together. From Sonic to Cyo, everyone had their eyes closed and prayed together for health, safety, and most importantly for a win. After the team prayer, Coach Hardhead gave his team one final pep talk.

"This is it boys. This is one of the most important games we have ever faced this season. I want all of you to go out there and played the next 60 minutes as if it was the last hour of your careers. Have trust in each other and let's go kick their asses!" Coach Hardhead preached. The entire team cheered and whistled in excitement, they were ready to play. Sonic held his fist in the air and was joined by the rest of the team.

"Spartans on three. One, Two, Three Spartans!" The team shouted. Sonic lead the charge out of the locker and onto the field, were the entire school shouted and cheered. The coin toss was done and the Spartans received the ball first. On the sidelines, Sally had a smirk on her face as she thought about Sonic's ultimatum while Perci lead the cheerleaders a few feet away. In the stands, Nebula and the girls were looking around for someone; where is Amy.

"Anyone of you girls seen Amy?" Nebula asked.

"No I haven't." Cream said.

"I haven't seen since this morning." Rouge answered.

"What about you Blaze?" Nebula asked Blaze.

"Hell no. She's not even here." Blaze replied.

"It's not like her to miss a playoff game." Sticks stated. Nebula just shrugged her shoulders before she turned around and watched the ensuing kickoff. The Stallions kicked off the ball and was returned by Carson to the 30 yard-line. The offense went on the field, but Sonic was stopped by Sally and her evil smirk.

"Remember what I said." Sally evilly said. Sonic juts glared at her before putting on his helmet and entering the field. Knuckles, Shadow, and Silver waited for their quarterback to join the huddle. Sonic entered the huddle and decided to tell his situation to his friends.

"Sally wants me to lose this game so that Amy can stay at UCLA. If I don't, I'm forced to be Sally's girlfriend, Amy gets kicked out, and I don't go to UCLA with Amy." Sonic announced. Knuckles, Shadow, Silver, and the entire offense huffed and stomped in anger over the situation.

"Shit! I hate that bitch!" Knuckles huffed in anger.

"You know Sonic, screw it. Play this damn game like it was your last." Shadow said.

"And remember, we got your back." Silver said. Sonic just smiled at his friends and teammates, happy they are sticking by his side.

"Thanks guys. Now let's win this game. Ready, break!" Sonic stated. The first drive of the game ended with Sonic handing the ball off to Shadow, who ran for 25 yards and the touchdown. Nebula, her friends, and the entire student body cheered for Shadow. Sally just frowned in anger; Sonic was defying against her wishes. Shadow celebrated with Sonic after the touchdown run.

"Thanks Sonic." Shadow said.

"Thank you Shadow." Sonic said while hitting Shadow's helmet in happiness. Perci and the cheerleaders continued to do cheers while Sally watched on in anger.

"Yeah keep it up shithead." Sally angrily frowned. It was an intense first halt of football as the Spartans and Stallions duked it out. Players on both teams were bruised and battered, including Sonic and his friends. On the sidelines, Cyo was worried as the Stallions were now leading 28-17 with three minutes' left in the first half. Tails, Carson, and Hugo lead the defense on the field to stop the Stallions from scoring again.

"Let's stop these assholes from scoring again." Hugo stated.

"With great pleasure!" Tails replied in determination.

"I got this shit!" Carson said for his friends. The Stallions current quarterback yelled out hut and Hugo bone rushed the offensive line. Hugo hit the quarterback hard, causing the ball to be tipped and be intercepted by Carson.

"Interception!" Coach Hardhead shouted in excitement. Carson ran the ball with Tails leading the way, but a terrible event happened. Carson hurdle over a defender, but a second defender came out of nowhere and hit Carson's legs. This caused the charmeleon to be knocked out of bounds at the Stallions sideline and land on his right shoulder.

"Aaahhh!" Carson yelled in pain. Hugo, Tails, and the head trainer ran out to check on Carson. Sticks gasped in horror when she saw her boyfriend get hit hard out of bounds and land awkwardly on his right shoulder.

"Get me off the field damn it!" Carson said in pain. Hugo and Tails helped Carson's up to his feet and take him to the Spartans sideline. The trainer ran up to Coach Hardhead and announced the news of Carson's injury.

"He dislocated his shoulder." The trainer announced.

"Shit! Take him back to the locker room to ease his shoulder." Coach Hardhead replied. The trainer nodded in agreement as Hugo and Tails took Carson to the locker room.

"I'm sorry coach." Carson said in guilt.

"Don't be sorry. You did a great job. Now go back to the locker room so the trainer can ease your injury." Coach Hardhead said. Carson gave a small smile and was helped back to the locker room. Meanwhile, Sally saw the injured Carson entered the locker room and evilly smiled to herself.

"Perfect." Sally said as she secretly walked to the locker room. Sticks was very worried about her boyfriend and immediately went down the stands to check on him. Nebula, Cream, Rouge, Blaze, and even Perci followed Sticks to check on Carson. The first half ended with Sonic throwing his second touchdown pass to Knuckles, which was also his TD catch, to make the score 28-24. In the locker room, Carson now had a sling on in order to ease his dislocated shoulder when he saw Sally entered and close the door.

"What the hell Sally?!" Sonic said in shock. Sally just pushed Carson down on the bench and sat over his stomach, knowing very well he can't escape.

"Since Sonic won't obey my orders, I'll take it upon myself to do it." Sally said beginning to undress herself.

"Get the hell off of me!" Carson said struggling due to his injured shoulder. It was at this time Sonic busted the door open and saw Sally with her shirt off. Knuckles and Tails came in time to see the scene and glared with Sonic in anger.

"What are you doing?" Sonic asked in anger.

"Stay out of this Sonic!" Sally said.

"Don't do this Carson." Knuckles said. Shadow, Silver, Hugo, Nebula, and the girls came in time to see what Sally was doing to the injured Carson.

"You really want Sonic to lose this game so much that you're trying to seduce Carson in front of his girlfriend." Tails stated. Sticks gasped in shock at Sally's motive, why would she do such a thing in front of her eyes.

"Why do you give a damn Sonic? You're not committed to the team like Carson." Sally said. Cyo overheard the conversation and walked on his crutches to the room.

"But I am." Carson said standing next to Sonic. "Don't do it Carson. I don't want you to go through the same shit Sonic went through." Cyo pleaded. Sally got off of Carson and began to push them out of the room while Sticks ran in and hugged Carson. Sally was stopped by an angry Shadow who shoved Sally back.

"You put your hands on Carson again, I swear on my mom's grave I'll rip your arms off and beat the shit out of you." Shadow angrily said.

"You stay out of this bitch. It doesn't concern you." Sally said.

"You're wrong Sally. This has to do with all of us. We played sick, hurt, and scared because you don't give a fuck about us." Sonic shouted shoving Sally. "All you care about is killing Amy's college dream by destroying her friendships!" Sonic finished shouting.

"You're about to risk both Amy's and your scholarships…" Sally didn't finish as Amy and Principal Soar entered the locker room.

"Sally Acorn, you are expelled for hacking into the school records and destroying Amy's acceptance letter." Principal Soar announced. Sally just stood in her spot in complete shock, she was caught on camera. She looked over to see Amy glaring at her with a frown on her face.

"You!" Sally said in anger.

"It's over Sally." Amy said turning around to exit. Sally quickly ran behind Amy and attacked her in anger. Sonic and the boys caught Sally in time and tossed her away from Amy. Sally quickly stood up and looked around to see everyone glaring at her. She began to whimper in defeat; everything bad thing she has done finally caught up to her in the end.

"No, no, no…" Sally didn't finish as security took her out of the locker room. Sally began to hysterically cry and struggle in the guards' grip as she was escorted out of the stadium. In the locker room, Sonic and the whole group looked at each other after the events before Sonic spoke up.

"Before the game, Sally order me to lose our playoff game just so I can keep Amy in UCLA worried free." Sonic said out loud. "You know what I say, I say fuck it. Let's go back out there and play how the game is meant to be played; with blood, sweat, and tears. We only played because we were afraid of Sally screwing our college dreams. But now all of that is over now, she's gone and we don't have to play scared anymore. So do we go out there and let them run all over us, or do we go out there and play the greatest game in football history?" Sonic asked the team.

"I'll leave it up to you guys." Sonic stated. Each player was touched by Sonic's passion and Shadow began to clap. Soon Knuckles joined in followed by Tails, Silver, Carson, Hugo, Cyo, and the entire team. Sonic felt a huge smile come to his face as every player, Amy and the girls clapped to pump each other up. Sonic held his fist in the air with Shadow and the team joining in as well; they can now play the game with no fear at all.

"Thank you guys. Now who are we? Spartans!" Sonic and the team shouted in unison. Coach Hardhead came out of his office to see his team fired up and smiled at them.

"Let's kick some ass!" Coach Hardhead shouted in excitement. Coach Hardhead led his Spartans back onto the field as the second half began. The Spartans showed a new fire in their game as they held the Stallions to a field goal on their first drive. The Stallions were now leading by the score 34-24 with plenty of time left. The Spartans now had the ball and Cyo was speaking to Sonic and the offense on the sidelines.

"Alright, I moving Shadow to receiver." Cyo stated. "We're doing the No Huddle offense. No running back and no tight ends. Shadow, Silver, and our third receiver will burn the Stallions on the left side while Knuckles attacks their right side." Cyo ordered.

"And no timeouts!" Sonic stated. This caught the offense completely off guard by their quarterback's demand.

"What?!" Silver said in shock.

"No timeouts and no spikes. The faster we complete plays and get to the line, the more tired the Stallions defense will be." Sonic said. Shadow and the offense did not complain and listened to their quarterback.

"You heard Sonic. Spartans on three. One, two, three Spartans!" Cyo shouted. The Spartans offense did not disappoint and moved the ball down the field. Every time Sonic threw the ball, Shadow and Silver will get the first downs. The Stallions had no response at all as they were being attacked from both sides. The Spartans' fans cheered loudly as Sonic threw his third touchdown pass to Silver to make the score 34-31 late in the fourth quarter.

"Yeah!" Sonic shouted while celebrating with Knuckles and Shadow.

"Whoo!" Silver shouted in excitement while running back to the sidelines.

"That's what I'm talking about Cyo!" Coach Hardhead said high-fiving Cyo. Carson, who was in his sweats, cheered from the sidelines as well; even with his shoulder in a sling. Amy, Nebula, Cream, Rouge, Blaze, Sticks, and Perci cheered for their team; they were one step closer to victory. As for Sally, she just cried as she passed by the trophy case and was taken away by her disappointed parents. Back at the Stadium, Tails, Hugo, and the defense were able to force a fourth down for the Stallions.

"Timeout!" Coach Hardhead said signaling the referee. Sonic walked to the injured Cyo and Carson to see the Stallions field goal unit take the field.

"They're going for a field goal." Sonic stated.

"Yeah, and we just used our last timeout." Cyo said in defeat.

"With a minute and fifty seconds left, they have the game in their hands." Carson said. It looked like the Spartans season will come to an end, that was until Shadow came up to Cyo.

"Cyo put me on the field." Shadow asked desperately.

"You want to play defense?" Cyo asked looking at Shadow.

"Trust me. Put me in with Tails and Hugo and we'll block the field goal." Shadow said with determination. Cyo looked over to Coach Hardhead, who just nodded in response to his young assistant coach.

"Get in there Shadow!" Cyo ordered. Shadow put his helmet on and ran onto the field. The other player quickly got off the field as Shadow now played defensive tackle. As soon as the kicker yelled hut, Shadow bone-rushed through the line and blocked the kick. Hugo quickly recovered the ball, sealing a chance for the Spartans to win the game.

"Yeah!" Cyo cheered. Sonic, Knuckles, and Silver took the field with the offense with a minute and thirty seconds left. Shadow had just celebrated with Tails and Hugo before going to the offense in the huddle.

"Alright, we have seventy yards to the end zone. It's time for some play action plays. Knuckles and Silver make sure you two get the hell out of bounds." Sonic said shoving his two receivers. Sonic led the Spartans to the line for their last plays, looking at Amy in the stands.

"You can do it." Amy cheered. Sonic just nodded at her before calling his next play.

"Down, set, hut!" Sonic shouted. Sonic had excellent protection as he threw a 15-yard pass to Knuckles. The echidna caught the pass, but was immediately stopped before going out of bounds; taking 15 seconds off the game clock.

"Get back to the line!" Sonic ordered. The offense quickly got back to the line as the game clock continued to countdown.

"Set, hut!" Sonic shouted. Once again, Sonic had excellent protection as he connected with Silver for a 25-yard pass. Silver caught it by the sidelines and was immediately tackled out of bounds, stopping the game clock at thirty-five seconds left.

"Hell yeah! Great catch Silver!" Sonic said as Silver returned to the huddle.

"Alright Sonic, Quick Slant Pass." Cyo called in his headset.

"You got it Cyo. Ready, break!" Sonic and the team said in unison. The Spartans went up to the line as the Stallions showed a blitz formation.

"Shift!" Sonic shouted. The offensive line responded and shifted positions to block the blitz. Sonic called the play behind the center; this could be their final drive.

"Set, hut!" Sonic yelled. The offensive line picked up the blitz as Sonic threw the ball to Shadow, who caught it just in time. The black hedgehog shook off defenders and scrambled all the way to the ten-yard line before being tackled out of bounds. There were ten seconds left in the game and the Spartans were now in scoring range.

"Ten seconds left." Tails said worriedly. Sonic looked over to Cyo at the sidelines, who just gave secret hand signals to the blue hedgehog. Sonic saw the hand signals, smiled at his friend, and ran back to the huddle.

"Shadow?" Sonic said to the black hedgehog. "How good is your arm?" Sonic asked with a smile.

"Really good." Shadow replied with a smile. Sonic whispered his final play to his offense before saying break. The Spartans walked up to the line as the entire stadium went silent; so silent that you can hear a pin drop. Sonic looked up at the game clock before shouting his final words.

"Down…set…hut!" Sonic shouted. The game clock count down as Sonic grabbed the ball and handed it to Knuckles in a reverse. Knuckles then handed the ball off to Shadow before making a huge block. Five seconds left in the game, Shadow saw Sonic running into the end zone. Shadow threw the ball in the air before being tackled. Sonic saw the ball in the air and caught the pass with three seconds left. The Stallions safety delivered a big hit to Sonic, but the blue hedgehog dived over the defender and into the end zone as time expired.

"Touchdown!" Coach Hardhead cheered in excitement.

"We won!" Cyo shouted in happiness. The fans cheered in utter happiness and excitement as their team finally won a playoff game. Knuckles, Shadow, and the rest of the team shouted in joy as they lifted up Sonic onto their shoulders.

"Holy shit! We did it! We did it!" Sonic shouted in happiness. The fans ran onto the field in complete happiness as the Spartans defeated the Stallions 38-34. Amy cried tears of joy as she passed through the crowd to see Sonic. Sonic saw her coming through the crowd and as gently put down to see Amy.

"I love you Sonic." Amy said finally admitting her feelings.

"I love you Amy." Sonic replied in happiness. The two hedgehogs finally shared their first kiss as their friends cheered in happiness. Rouge kissed Knuckles in utter joy, Shadow twirled Nebula in his arms with Silver doing the same with Blaze. Tails and Cream cried in happiness together, Sticks and Perci hugged in happiness, and Carson and Hugo gave Cyo a Gatorade bath. Sonic and Amy kissed until air became necessary and happily smiled at each other after their first kiss.

"We did it!" Sonic said hugging Amy tightly.

"We won!" Amy shouted in happiness to her boyfriend. Confetti fell from the stadium to complete the Spartans victory celebration. It was a win everyone will remember until the end of time.

Epilogue-Sonic's POV

It was a great win for all the players and everyone that came to our games. We would make it to the state championship, but we lost one hell of a game 41-38. We didn't care, we showed that we can play against the best teams even when the odds are against us. The next season, we would finally bring our first state championship to Green Hill Zone High School. I would never forget our playoff win and how everyone won in different ways.

Tails and Cream cried in happiness because they love each other. Both would be accepted to Ohio State University; the two are now married with a baby girl on the way. Silver and Blaze were accepted to the University of Michigan; they shared a friendly rivalry with Tails and Cream because of their schools. Hugo drank beer at the victory celebration because he loves beer. He would go to the University of Miami (FL) with his girlfriend Perci; they would move back to Green Hill after graduation.

Cyo is happy; he would graduate from Stanford University and take over Coach Hardhead as the new football coach. Knuckles and Rouge also attended the University of Miami (FL) because Rouge loves the beach. As for Carson and Sticks; Carson got his full ride to Texas Christian University with his girlfriend. Shadow and Nebula didn't move far from us; the couple were accepted to University of Southern California. Amy has no regrets about their college choice; she's very happy with me.

Sally didn't get into a university; she received academic suspension for her actions and her parents order her to sign tuition checks to the victims, including Amy and the gang. As for me, I would take my full ride scholarship with me and graduate from UCLA. My girlfriend Amy would graduate from UCLA as well; she's my beautiful, lovely wife now and the mother to my son. That night was ours and no one, not even Sally, can take that away.

The End!