The first time Tsuna saw one was when he was 6 years old. It was of a little girl who was wearing a blue dress, had brown hair and was crying, and the strange part was that she didn't have any feet. He was playing in the backyard when she appeared out of nowhere and started crying making him sad, so he approached the girl.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

She stopped crying and looked at him in surprise, "Y-you can see me?"

He nodded, "Un! What's wrong? Are you feeling bad?"

She then smiled and grabbed his hand, "The park! Take me to the park please! I forgot where it was!"

Tsuna nodded happily and left through the back gate the girl still holding his hand. They walked side by side with the boy ignoring the people around him as his destination was getting to the park because the girl asked him to.

After what felt like an eternity they finally arrived at the park where there was the swing set Tsuna would play on.

"Here right?" he asked.

The girl nodded letting go of his hand to look around the area until she looked at the swing set and saw the lump she looked over at him and pointed at the spot making him run over to her and look at the lump.

"What's there?" Tsuna asked.

The girl looked down sadly, "…Me."

He tilted his head and decided to dig up what was there underneath the swing. He was almost done when he heard a familiar voice call out to him, "Tsu-kun!"

He looked back and saw his mom run over to him, "Kaa-san!"

She embraced the boy in a tight hug, "Thank goodness! I was looking all over for you! Why did you leave the house?"

"My new friend asked me to find her." Tsuna told her.

"Your friend?" she tilted her head.

Tsuna nodded, "Un! Can you see her Kaa-san?"

Nana looked behind his shoulder but instead of seeing a girl she saw something else that was under the swing set.

It was a body of a dead girl.

Nana immediately called the police which didn't take them long to arrive at all and soon a crowed gathered around the park. The police confirmed it was the dead body of Saki Kazemoto who went missing 3 days ago, and the suspect had been her father but without a body none of them could pin it on him, until now. The man was picked up from his house and hauled into the police station he had a look of utter horror on his face, probably from getting caught of finally facing up to what he had done.

Nana had taken Tsuna away before the police could question them about how they knew the body was there. She gave her son a big hug much to his confusion, "Kaa-san? What's wrong? Did I do something bad?"

She shook her head, "No, what you did was great. You put a bad man away forever and now that girl's soul can finally find peace."

"You mean Saki-chan?" Tsuna asked.

Nana nodded and smiled, "I'm sorry I couldn't see her Tsu-kun, but I get the feeling she's probably smiling right now and thanking you for helping her."

Tsuna looked behind her and true enough the girl Saki was smiling from behind them, "Thank you…" and with that she faded away from existence.

"Your right Kaa-san…" Tsuna smiled.


After that first encounter Tsuna started seeing more like her sometimes older, teenage, elderly, or adult like, sometimes there were some his own age. He didn't say anything to his classmates knowing they probably wouldn't believe him anyway and would find something else to bully him about. He was a very smart kid and was always kind to others because that's just how he is, and sometimes when he would eat alone near the sakura tree the spirits would gather around to join him to keep him company.

On his walk home the bullies blocked his path much to his confusion they dragged him to an alley where no one would hear them, but that backfired on them quickly when it appeared that brown haired boy had a protector that not even he knew about.

Tsuna saw an orange feather and caught it in his hand and stared at it ignoring the bullies in front of him making them angry snatched the feather out of his hand. Big mistake.

Tsuna heard flapping of wings and looked behind him and saw it. It was a figure with large orange wings, wearing a fox mask with orange markings on it; the mask had long white hair coming out of it hiding the person's hair. The figure was wearing a white and red kimono and black boots. He could tell right away that the figure behind him was glaring but not at him but at the boys in front of him. He watched as the figure sent what looked like a fire ball at the bullies in front of him, turning around he saw them on the ground and completely brown.

Before the boy could say anything the figure grabbed him and flew off in the direction of his house bringing him to his room sitting him on the bed while the figure sat on the floor cross-legged. They had a stare down for what felt like hours but in reality it was only a few minutes.

Tsuna tilted his head, "Who are you?"

The figure said nothing it just stared at the boy.

"Do you need help?"

The figure straightened its back telling the boy that yes it did need help and he was the only one that could do it.

Tsuna smiled, "Okay! I'll help!"

Estraneo Famiglia Base


This place is hell.

Mukuro couldn't tell how many times he repeated the same words over and over again. This damn mafia family kept experimenting on them ignoring their cries and please to stop no matter how many times they shout it.


The boy heard screaming but this time it was coming from the scientists and not the children. Mukuro felt a flash of orange melt the bars of the prison cell he was in, walking out of the room holding his trident he saw that Ken and Chikusa were also walking out. The two boys automatically went over to him; they continued to hear more screams and pleas for mercy from the scientists before finally going to investigate it themselves. When they arrived they were completely taken back by what they saw.

It was a young boy who had large orange wings sprouting from his back, his eyes were orange as well and his hair was a pale blonde. The boy looked over to them his eyes completely calm but it still held sadness in them as well. Before Mukuro could do anything the boy folded his wings around him and disappeared in a burst of flames.

For the first time Mukuro felt…warm. That boy…that boy just ended their suffering and pain and set them free.

Kozato Family House

Enma was scared.

There was a tall blonde man that was about to kill them and he didn't understand why. They had always been ostracized by mafia people but for this to happen too? Why? Why? What did they ever do to deserve this?

Mami his sister was crawling over to him holding out her hand to him calling out his name desperately, he saw the blonde man coming from behind her and just as he was about to do something to his sister the man was kicked in the face by a boy about his age. The boy was floating in the air he had large orange wings, pale blonde hair, and orange eyes that were glaring at the blonde man that tried to kill them. Enma was staring at the boy then turned his attention towards the figure who managed to get himself out of the wall and glared at the boy hatefully.

"You! How dare you interfere! You won't get in my way!" the blonde man yelled charging at the boy making Enma cry out for him to move only the boy charged at him too but he was faster and he slammed into the tall blonde man again but then something happened. The tall blonde man transformed into another man with a pineapple head and wearing a uniform. Enma blinked a few times thinking it was a dream but it wasn't.

The man looked like he wanted to say something else but he didn't get the chance too because the boy had grabbed the man's face and made him burst into flames. Enma heard the man scream and cry out in pain and agony before he finally disappeared into nothingness. He couldn't believe what he just saw but there was no way you could deny it either, this person just saved their lives. The boy turned away from them, "Wait!" Enma called out. The boy gave him a side-glance and smiled sadly then turned away folding his wings and disappeared in a burst of flames.

He would never forget this day. How could he? Somehow someway he'd find the boy maybe not now but soon.

Sawada Household

The possessed Tsuna had just gotten back from the Kozato family house and sat on the bed. A soft glow from the body and out came the figure that possessed him; it sat down on the floor looking at the boy as of saying its thanks.

Tsuna smiled, "Your welcome."

The figure was quiet again but the boy could tell he was smiling which in turn made him smile too, "I need to give you a name don't I?" he asked.

The figure nodded.

"Then…Oh! How about Azzurra?" Tsuna smiled, "It means "Sky Blue" in Italian. I looked it up in one of my books!"

The figure sat there.

"Do you like it?" he asked.

The figure nodded making Tsuna squeal with delight and hugged his new friend Azzurra, unknown to him his new friend was smiling at him too.


Nana may not have been able to see the little girl's soul Tsuna saved but she was able to see his new friend who he named Azzurra much to both their surprise. She simply smiled and greeted the spirit making him some cookies, which he ate with a smile even though he still had his mask on; it was the lower part that was exposed.

Nana was happy that her son made a friend even though he wasn't human, but he was still a friend non-thee less. She thought it was a blessing that her son was able to see spirits because they were lost souls who had regrets when before they died and no one would be able to see them or listen to them, but her son was willing to do so. Her son didn't have to be like everybody else, she liked him the way he is now.


Kawahira was tending to his shop when he saw his favorite customer, "Ah Tsuna-kun! Hello there!"

Tsuna beamed at the man, "Hi Kawahira-ojisan! I wanted to introduce you to my new friend today!" the boy motioned over to the tall figure standing behind him.

Kawahira's eyes narrowed as he stared at the figure for a long time then sent a kind gaze towards Tsuna, "Tsuna-kun, why don't go in the back and look at the new books I just got in while I talk to your friend okay?"

Tsuna nodded then looked at Azzurra, "I'll be right back!" and with that he ran off to the back of the shop leaving the two alone to talk.

Kawahira sighed, "What are you doing…Giotto?"

Giotto tilted his head, "What do you mean?"

"I mean your appearance," Kawahira said, "How in the world did you even manage to look like that in the first place?"

"That's none of your concern." Giotto told him.

Kawahira closed his eyes, "No I suppose not, but you are aware of the boys spiritual abilities, yes? Aside from his sky flames the boy's able to see both yokai and spirits."

Giotto nodded, "I've already awakened his flames, all he needs now is a teacher. And that's you."

"Oh, you trust me with your precious descendant? I'm honored." Kawahira smiled.

"Try anything and I'll burn you." Giotto threatened.

Kawahira simply waved his hand sin surrender, "Yes, yes."


Kawahira taught Tsuna about spirits, yokai, oni, tsukumogami, cursed objects, and sprites. The little boy paid attention to everything the man was explaining to him even asking questions from time to time. Azzurra and the spirits around the boy would scare off some bullies or even going as far as threatening to kill them if they bother him again, of course they did this when the boy wasn't looking. Tsuna earned the nickname "Creepy-Tsuna" but he didn't really care because he had his friends.

Azzurra then taught Tsuna how to fight so he could learn to protect himself which made Tsuna happy. He was incredibly eager to learn what sort of fighting style his friend was going to teach him. Azzurra taught Tsuna, "Yin Style Baguazhang" a complete system that is made up of other complete systems involving eight trigram animals, lion, monkey, rooster, dragon, phoenix, snake, bear, and unicorn. By each session his body was in pain but he didn't complain about it because he was learning to protect himself since he worthless father wasn't here to teach him. When he asked Azzurra where he learned about the fighting style the man simply put his finger to his lips on the mask, meaning it was a secret.

Azzurra, or Giotto wanted to beat the hell out of Iemitsu for not checking to see if he was being followed during his last visit because the dumbass brought assassins with him. Each one tried to either kill or kidnap Tsuna, which always ended up with each of them, getting cursed by the spirits or flat out being killed by the few yokai that took a liking to the boy. He couldn't believe such an idiot was actually his descendant. One of these days he'll send that idiot crashing into a wall or a building which ever works.


"Tsuna, I'm going to be teaching you something different today." Kawahira smiled his finger emitting an indigo flame writing a kanji symbol in the air. It read, (式神).

"Now then, do you remember what this kanji means?" Kawahira asked.

Tsuna nodded, "Un! It means Shikigami!"

He smiled, "Correct. Their spirits used for summoning and protecting their masters from dangerous yokai and spirits, but in old times Onmyouji's would call them out to keep them company and seek companionship."

"Oh…" Tsuna said.

Kawahira smiled, "The reason I'm telling you this is because is because I want you to have your own Shikigami in case your idiot friend Azzurra isn't there to protect you." he dodged a fire ball from the man making Tsuna sweat-drop. Yeah these two really don't get along so well.

"Anyway here," he pulled out a human shaped piece of paper for the boy and gave it to him, "This is a paper is used for creating Shikigami, concentrate real hard on what you want it to look like. It could be a human or an animal." Kawahira instructed.

Tsuna nodded and looked at the piece of paper before closing his eyes and an image soon appeared. He had often wanted a twin brother someone who would play with him, stay by his side, and always be there for him, "Tsuna-kun, open your eyes." Kawahira said.

He did as he was told opening his eyes and saw it was another him, but with black hair and red eyes that looked dull and void of emotion, "Wow! He looks just like me!"

Kawahira chuckled, "That's because he's a manifestation of what you were thinking. But he's not complete yet Tsuna-kun, you have to give him a name."

Tsuna looked at his Shikigami-no his new brother and smiled, "Then…Tsunayoshi!" the lookalike's eyes glowed red before showing signs of life. Tsunayoshi blinked a few times before looking at Tsuna and smiled, "Tsuna…"

Tsuna smiled and hugged Tsunayoshi, "You talked!"

Tsunayoshi chuckled, "Of course, not talking would be an insult to you and I refuse to do such a thing Tsuna."

Kawahira couldn't help but smile, 'Interesting, he may not have realized it but he poured his sky flames into the paper giving it its form to look like him. Instead of a Shikigami it's almost like an exact copy of the boy in appearance and, other things.' He thought.

He watched as the boy and his Shikigami smiled and talked to each other like real siblings, 'You sure do have an interesting descendant…Giotto.'


Tsuna explained Tsunayoshi to his mom and she squealed with delight and hugged Tsunayoshi tightly rubbing her face against his welcoming him into the family. The two boys went to Tsuna's room and talked for felt like hours just enjoying each other's company.

Nana soon enrolled Tsunayoshi into the same school as Tsuna introducing them as cousins, Tsunayoshi was nothing like Tsuna at all he was only calm around Tsuna and only loved Tsuna everybody else was considered vermin to him and he proved it by bashing a few of the bullies skulls in or trying to toss them out the three story window. Had it not been for Tsuna's intervention they would have died.

What an interesting Shikigami Tsuna created.


Omake 1: Children are impressionable

Kawahira had a habit that Tsuna noticed right away, and that was drinking sake. Sometimes he would eat ramen but drinking sake was his absolute favorite thing to do, and unfortunately Tsuna picked up the habit seeing as how the boy looked up to the older man.

Azzurra/Giotto walked in on them one day and saw Tsuna taking a sip of some sake that Kawahira left lying around.

Kawahira walked in the room only to duck when a punch was sent his way. Jumping away from the offender he looked up and saw an enraged Giotto promising pain.

The white haired man sweat-dropped, "Well now…you seem upset about something now don't you."


Kawahira still sweat-dropping raised his hand in surrender, "Corrupt him? I think your over exaggerating Giotto."

"BE SILENT! YOU WILL PAY FOR TRYING TO CORRUPT HIM!" Giotto charged at a fleeing Kawahira who ducked and dogged fireballs sent his way by the pissed off man. All the while Tsuna was still drinking the sake next to him believing it to some new tasty juice while at the same time ignoring the two adults.

"So good~!" Tsuna beamed.


Next Time: Hitman Tutor Reborn!