Hey guys!

I know I've not really been all that active lately but that's only because my laptop's been broken. It still is broken but my keyboard works better now - the only key that doesn't work is the "I" key so I have to use a wireless keyboard.

Anyway, you've waited long enough for this chapter so, without further ado, enjoy!

Altair finished his shower and left the bathroom to find Ezio gone. Unsurprised at the man's impulsiveness and rush to be elsewhere, he grabbed some fresh clothes from his wardrobe and threw them on. He was just in the middle of forcing his way into a red hoodie that was getting to be a bit too small when he heard the familiar 'ping' of his phone and new he'd received a message though he wasn't sure who it could be from.

He saw the name 'Malik' on the screen and quickly swiped the lock screen open to find the text, "Morning! How are you today? P.S. Hope I didn't wake you"

Altair smiled at his enthusiasm and typed a quick reply of, "Haha, morning Malik, I'm fine" - he paused a moment and frowned before shrugging and continuing to type "How about you? P.S. No, you didn't, but I'm surprised you're awake, we both got back pretty late last night"

He pressed send and ignored the immediate sense of guilt he received from talking to Malik. He knew how Ezio felt about it but they really were just friends. Plus, he liked talking to Malik because he didn't really have any friends besides Ezio.

He left the room to make a meager breakfast of cornflakes and left his phone on the bed. He was glad to find that he had just enough milk for one bowl as he would have been pretty pissed if he had to go to the shop to but milk just t make some goddamn cornflakes.

He came back to find another text from Malik: "Good to hear, and yeah, I'm good too. P.S. What are you talking about? You call midnight late? Hah, novice! Besides, I only live around the corner from the restaurant so it didn't take me long to get back."

Altair frowned. 'Novice?'. He didn't think he'd ever heard that word outside of a video game before now. Also, what was it with Malik and 'P.S.'?

He replied with: "Good that you're good :p. P.S. You don't call it late? Some people have work and things to do in the morning, you know. So yeah, I would call midnight pretty late. And I didn't know you lived so close to the restaurant so you can't blame me for getting confused"

He took a spoonful of cereal and smiled at the next text, "Wow, you did not strike me as the kind of person who uses smilies in their texts. P.S. Novice."

He was about to reply when he heard a knock at the door.

Frowning, he went to answer it and found Desmond stood there, looking anxious, peering over his shoulder into the apartment.

"Hey Des-" be started but was interrupted pretty quick.

"Ezio's not here, is he?"

"Um...no" he looked around, "He just left"

Desmond let out a breath and visibly relaxed.


Altair didn't say anything. It was no secret that Desmond didn't like Ezio; he couldn't always hide the bruises.

"So, what's up" asked Altair as he invited Desmond in.

"Well, um, this is awkward...so, I got sent a text..."

He pulled out his phone and showed the message he'd received from Ezio through Altair's phone.

Altair visibly flushed in embarrassment before paling in rage. How dare Ezio send that!

The message read: "Hi Desmond, Ezio speaking. Alty's gonna be running a little late today. Also, he might not be much use when he does arrive, he'll probably be feeling a little 'fucked out', sorry"

Altair re-read the text in silent fury as Desmond awkwardly stared at his feet.

He shoved the phone back into his cousin's hand as he stormed off to his room to get his own phone so he could question what the hell Ezio was thinking, "What the fuck, Ezio?! Why would you send that text to my cousin? Normal people just say that they're busy, not 'fucked out'! Don't bother coming around for a while, I'm angry with you."

He knew that a text like that, that sounded so demanding, would probably just rile Ezio up but he didn't care. It was one thing to demand sex from him but texting his friends and family about it is where he drew the line.

As he predicted, he got an angry, long-winded reply from Ezio within a few minutes which he scimmed but didn't bother to read properly.

He put his phone in his jeans pocket before he quickly finished his cornflakes and followed Desmond out of the apartment and back to his house.

He helped out with moving boxes from house to van and took some smaller and more fragile items in his own car. After an hour or so - as they were transporting the last of the belongings from the van to the new house - a red Ferrari pulled up outside with the plate 'EZ105 C4R'.

Altair gulped, this wan't good.

All his cousin's friends were here to help him move - the last thing he needed was for Rauf and the others to see this.

Ezio slammed his car door shut and stormed over to Altair - glaring all the while.

He made his way over and stopped just in front of Altair, towering over him and pushing his shoulders back and his chest out to look more threatening - it was working.

He looked around - noticing people - and thankfully leant down to growl lowly in Altair's ear:

"One day you're going to learn not to fuck with me. I don't care how long it takes or how many times I have to break you - you will learn your place as my bitch and you'll learn to like it." he paused and Altair licked his lips - his mouth dry in fear of what Ezio might say next.

He continued, "Pull another stunt like this, and you may not live long enough to do so".

He pulled back and glared at Altair for several long seconds before turning on his heels and getting back into his car and driving off.

Altair swallowed, 'oh shit'.

Is it just me or are my chapters getting shorter and shorter, sorry :/

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll finish editing chapter 5 as soon as i can.

