The three roommates save the world, and two of them find true love, and then it's time for final exams.

Draco and Loki have made some concessions to the grand magic binding them, and so they have begun studying for Arithmancy together, occasionally brushing against one another as they reach for books and rifle through notes. The three roommates have also sat down for serious negotiations on their suite's decor. Though the walls remain blue, Ciel asked Sebastian for throw pillows and other accents in emerald green, and the butler sent back a plentiful array to place around the main room. They thus find a satisfactory balance— the overall effect is somewhat busy, to be sure, but they like the touch of chaos.

On the last night of finals season, Loki sprawls on a couch, wearing a lacy green nightgown and reading a Quidditch magazine. Draco sits by his feet with a mortar and pestle, crushing seeds for his final potions assignment while drinking the remnants of the Amontillado.

"I'm glad you're taking a liking to Quidditch," Draco tells him.

"Well, as your soulmate, I think it'd be helpful if we had more in common," Loki says with a shrug. "Also, the enchantments on this magazine are extremely high-quality, and it's got a picture of a Beater with, shall we say, an exhibitionist streak." He laughs at Draco's sputtering before saying, "Ciel?"

"Hm?" Ciel glances up from his Latin textbook.

"Have you decided whether you're coming back to school after winter break?"

Ciel shuts his book and takes a deep breath. "After careful consultation with the Queen, I've decided to stay in school. The networking opportunities here are unrivaled, and I could use some more technical training in the field—"

"Of course his friends have nothing to do with the decision," Draco protests to Loki in mock-distress.

"Yes, I'm sure he didn't spare a single thought for either of us—" Loki's look of sorrow morphs into something more mischievous— "or for Ken."

"What?" Ciel stutters. "Ken? Who's Ken, I don't know any Ken—"

"Oh, give it up," Draco snorts, "you're not the only investigator here. We know all about your ongoing coffee shop romance. It's incredibly cliche, now that I think about it."

"It's good you didn't consider him, actually," Loki adds, "seeing how you don't deserve him in the slightest."

"Excuse me?!"

"He's sweet," Draco says, "sensible, insightful, modest, even-handed, kind to everyone, with excellent taste—"

"—in other words, nothing like you," Loki finishes. "I can't even imagine how you've convinced him to put up with you this far."

Ciel drops his shocked expression for smugness. "Well, he says I'm delicious."

Loki starts crowing with laughter and clapping, and Draco's smirking as well.

"If you think he's a precious angel, you're sadly mistaken. But regardless," Ciel admits, "I did take him into account, and you too. I don't know how our arrangement works, we're a convoluted mess of pretention and illegal impulses and, well, 'daddy issues,' but . . . we have something special, nonetheless. Our dynamic is perfectly balanced, in its own uniquely chaotic way."

They all look at each other with gentle smiles, and Draco and Loki both start to speak— only to be interrupted by a sound at the door.

"It's Professor Dumbledore here," comes a distorted voice.

Ciel narrows his eyes. "Who wants to bet we're about to being expelled?"

The three scramble to action, stashing the alcohol and throwing a blazer over the nightgown, though they leave their bags and study materials scattered scrolls the floor. When they finish, Draco walks up and removes the force field. "How can we help, Professor?"

Professor Dumbledore enters with a grave look. "As you are no doubt aware, we have had some unusual crowding in our dormitories this year."

"We've noticed," the three of them say together.

"It is with regret that I must inform you that a new roommate will be joining you after the vacation. He has entered school one term late due to . . . family issues, but I trust you will easily integrate him into your community."




"Benjamin," he says, ignoring them all and beckoning to someone in the hallway, "please come in to meet your future roommates, just for a minute."

A hulking man stalks in. He's dressed entirely in black, except for a scarlet scarf and a rust-colored belt and the bright red laces on his tennis shoes. His lip curls as he surveys the suite— done up in blue and green and terribly disorganized— and then he turns to Professor Dumbledore and sneers, "I told you, the name's Kylo Ren."

Loki, Draco and Ciel shoot looks at each other and hold an entire conversation in silence, through glances and raised eyebrows— "Who is this intruder?" "What's his alignment?" "Lawful Evil, I agree." "How do we deal with him?" "We could try getting along with him— I'm joking, obviously." "We could convert him." "We could play nice and manipulate him into doing whatever we want." "Or we could just openly make his life hell from the start." "It's so fun when we have a common enemy . . ."

Openly, Loki simply dons a bland smile and says, "Thus our color scheme dies."

A/N: The end! Thank you for reading. This final chapter has references to Tokyo Ghoul and Star Wars.

Also, I accidentally omitted some scenes from Chapter 11 when I originally posted it, and those have now been added back in. Hopefully that'll make the plot flow more smoothly!