A lot has happened in the past year. Things that really surprised me. I moved towns, met a werewolf, who soon became my boyfriend. I was even turned into a werewolf. And not any werewolf. La Loba I even found out my family was actually full of supernatural hunters. But there was one thing that surprised me the most.

My death.


The first thing I felt was someone stroking my hair.

"You're okay, Maddie. Everything's okay."

"Derek." I mumbled, "What happened?"

I sat up and looked at him, blankets falling to my hips, and I noticed that I had no clothing on. I quickly grabbed the blanket and pulled it up to my chest,

"You turned into a wolf." Derek muttered,

"What?" I asked,

"A wolf. You turned into a wolf."

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, "Yea, I do that sometimes."

"And you didn't think to mention that?" Derek asked,


He tossed his phone into my lap before standing up and leaving the room. I picked up the phone and stared at the screen. On it was a photo of a wolf. It's dark red fur was raised up and its' face was curled into a snarl. But what scared me the most was its' eyes. Those purple eyes.

My eyes.


I walked around town, searching for Lydia. I couldn't pick up her scent anywhere. I was supposed to be with Derek, but he was kinda upset with me at the moment. And I couldn't exactly go home. My family knows my secret, and I'm kinda scared to be around them right now.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I answered,


I heard coughing on the other end before Aiden replied, "Maddie, we need help, please."

"Where are you?"

"Coyote den." He mumbled before the line went dead.

I quickly put my phone back into my pocket before sprinting towards the woods. I made my way to the den and found Aiden and Ethan inside, bleeding black blood.

"What happened?!" I asked, sitting between the two,

"Wolfsbane..." Aiden began,

"...Bullets." Ethan finished.

I grabbed Aiden's arm and his bullet wound began to glow. I gasped and pulled back,

"What the hell was that?"

"I don't know." Aiden answered, "But it felt good."

I placed my hand upon his bullet wound in his chest and the wound began to glow. I hissed in pain and removed my hand, the wound gone. I then turned to Ethan and Aiden came over,

Grabbing his hand, his injuries glowed until it disappeared. I felt woozy and as I stood up, Aiden had to grab me and sit me down.

"Thank you." He said, "You saved me brothers and I."

"Anything for you, Pretty Boy." I whispered.

I then got a text to go to Oak Creek camp, so I left the boys in the den to rest.


I met up with Scott, Stiles, Kira, Isaac, and Allison at the gates of the camp.

"We've done this before, guys. A couple of weeks ago we were standing around just like this and we saved Malia, remember?" Scott said,

"That was a total stranger. This is Lydia." I replied,

"I'm here to save my best friend." Allison stated,

"I came to save mine."

"I just didn't feel like doing any homework." Isaac said and I rolled my eyes before punching his arm lightly,

We walked through the gates and saw Kira's mother on the other side with the Oni. Kira, Allison, and I approached her mother while the boys went to get Lydia.

"Kira, turn around and go home. Take your friends with you." Her mother said,

"I can't. When I looked at the game I realized who I was actually playing. You." Kira responded,

"Call them off." Allison ordered, raising her bow,

"You think you could take him alive? You think you can save him?" Kira's mother questioned,

"What if we can?" Kira asked,

"I tried something like it 70 years ago. Your friend is gone." Her mother answered,

"Are you sure? Or if Stiles doesn't have to die. Maybe Rhys didn't have to die either?" Kira said, and the Oni raised their swords,

"I see I'm no longer the Fox now, Kira. You are. But the Nogitsune is still my demon to bury."

Kira's mother let out a small gasp and opened her hand, revealing a fire fly and it turned to smoke,


"What does that mean?" I asked,

"It means that there's been a change in ownership." We turned and saw 'Stiles' with the Oni, "Now they belong to me."

The Oni raised their swords and I I grew my fangs and claws before roaring.

We all began to fight the Oni. Kira's mom and 'Stiles' hid while the fight took place. I threw the Oni away from me, trying to keep close to my sister. Kira was being a badass by fighting them with a katana. And winning.

"How do we stop them?" I asked Kira's mother as I pushed one away.

"You can't!"

I dodged one of their swords, but fell to my knees. Just before the Oni cut me with the katana, Allison sent an arrow flying into its' chest. It dropped its katana and light burst out of the wound. I stood up and took a few steps backwards, watching the Oni die. I turned to smile at my sister, but I saw an Oni running at her with its sword raised.

"No!" I screamed jumping in front of my sister.

The katana pierced my back and I heard Allison gasp in pain. I followed the path of the katana and saw that it has also pierced Allison's stomach. The Oni took the katan out of our bodies and we fell to the ground. I looked over at my sister, and she looked back at me.

I reached out my hand and she grabbed mine as tears ran down my face,

"I'm sorry." I coughed, blood pouring out of my mouth, "I'm sorry I never told you that I was a werewolf."

"It's okay, Maddie. I understand after what happened to mom." Allison replied,

"I love you." I cried, "I love you so much, Alli."

"I love you, too, Maddie."

"Kinda poetic that we die together, huh?" I smiled, trying to bring some humor in.

Allison let out a small laugh before blood came out of her mouth,

"The weird thing is, it doesn't hurt."

"Do you think we'll see mom?" I asked,

"I don't know. Why?"

"Cause I have a lot to apologize for." I coughed.

"Do you think dad will be okay?"

"He's strong. He will be." Allison answered,

"But... his whole family is dead. I would break... if I were him." I replied,

"He'll be okay. He always is."

I squeezed Allison's hand before I let out a howl.

"See you... on the other side." I gasped.

"See you, Maddie."

Letting out one last howl, everything went dark.


Derek let out a grunt of pain and fell to his knees. His heart hurt... a lot. Hearing a howl in the distance, he made his way to the window of his loft,

"Maddie." He grunted.

"Your mate." Peter stated from behind his nephew.

"What?" Derek asked, turning around,

Peter chuckled, "Don't tell me you didn't know."

"Know what?!" Derek growled, the pain in his heart getting worse.

"Maddison Argent is your mate. Everytime you felt pain when you were alone, that was Maddie. When she's hurt, you feel it. And same with her. You are one. Didn't your mother tell you the stories?"

"That's all I thought they were. Stories." Derek replied,

"Well, they're not, sweet nephew of mine. They're real. And right now, you're mate it hurt. So I suggest you save her from whatever mess she got herself into this time."


No one wants to die.

Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life's change agent.

It clears out the old to make way for the new.

For life and death are one, even as the river and the sea are one.