Simply and Miraculously: 100 Theme Challenge

Summary: Marinette and Adrien lead thrilling lives…even if their friends, family and you know all of Paris have no idea they are the beloved heroes, Ladybug and Cat Noir. School, friends, saving the city…its life. From budding romances, close calls and everything else life throws their way take center stage in this 100 theme challenge.

Authoress' Notes: I have been wanting to do this for a while now, and the one-year celebration of the series felt like such a great chance to do this. Happy one-year anniversary Miraculous, here is to countless more!

Be sure to drop any request for pairings, I will do my best to pen them. (But yes, lots of shipping goodness lies ahead!)

August 31st, 2016

Characters: Adrien, and Plagg


It had been a few hours since it had happened and yet Adrien could still fell his heart beating wildly in his chest.

It was so thrilling…freeing. Yes, that was a better word for it. Freedom- now that was an even better adjective.

From a glance one would think that he would be the type to have it all. Son of one of the world's most recognize and respected fashion designers. A successful career modeling in all the top ads and shows. Connections as well as contacts and chances millions would kill for. In theory it sounded good, idealistic. After all how many cliché filled series was there about teens with a picture perfect life was there?

Knowing that no matter how far or little you ventured you would come across a print with your image. Scrolling through social media and seeing articles praising you.

A slight sly grin formed across Adrien's slightly crimson face. He had to admit it wasn't bad to be admired, and the occasion compliment was nice. Especially if the girl happened to be sweet.

Being in front of the cameras was not what his aspiration in life was. Sure he enjoyed it, but fashion was his dad's thing. Not his. What was his thing? He had never really been sure, not that he really had a lot of room to explore different options. That was until that day when he transformed.

Adrien turned to see Plagg. The lazy kwami that sat perched on the edge of the sofa as he shoved a block of chesses in his mouth. As disgusting as the sight and smell was, the teen couldn't help but to grin. It was thanks to him that he had become Cat Noir.

Cat Noir.

Just thinking of his new persona made him grin.

Yeah, I think I can get used to being a superhero.