This fanfiction is ROUGHLY based on the movie/play 'The King and I' (hopefully with a better ending). I realize I haven't updated a swan queen story in a while and for that I apologize to my dear swen. I am here thought 3


The carriage rode up to a big castle and I Emma looked out the window to see it. Henry pulled on his mother's sleeve.

"Mama are we going to stay there? Do you think the queen will come and greet us?" Henry's brown locks were just at his eye level and his mother gingerly pushed them away only to have them return to their annoying place.

"The Queen has promised us a cottage of our own Henry. So no, we won't be staying there. She also has too much to do to come and see us." Just as Emma said this the whole carriage came to a stop throwing the two Swan's forward.

"Halt in the name of the Queen" A man shouted. Emma got out of the coach and saw an african american man with an odd beard.

A boy came over, he must have been 17 or 18 and he was very frightened of the man.

The odd man whispered something into the teenagers ear and the boy ran over to Emma.

"His majesty is Sir Glass. He is the queen's right hand. You are the teacher they sent over to educate the children?" Emma motioned for Henry to get out of the carriage.

"Yes that's me." Emma was beginning to regret taking the job.

Sir Glass shouted at the young man something quickly.

"Sir Glass wants to know about your late husband." It really wasn't a question although the fear in the boy's eyes meant he knew better than Sir Glass about asking Emma such a thing.

"Tell 'Sir' Glass that my relationship status is none of his business." The boy choked on his laughter.

Sir Glass came behind the boy and hit him hard with the back of his hand.

"Young Mistress should know better than to talk back to royalty in such a way." The older man seemed to say with no problem with English.

"A man of royalty should know better than to lie by bringing an interpreter!" Emma said in a one upping fashion.

"I no lie." Glass retorted looked at Henry.

"Boy. Name." Henry looked up at his mother scared.

"Henry, Sir." Henry didn't let his voice waver with fear. Emma beamed at his courage.

"You all come. Live in Palace."

"No no, I was promised a house, Sir Glass!" Emma walked up to Glass with no fear in her eyes.

"Woman teacher will be happy with palace. A million whores would be happy to be in castle." Looking down at Emma the man turned his back on the conversation.

Emma wasn't having that and she walked around him and stood right in front of the idiotic man.

"I'm not a WHORE! I was promised in a letter a certain wage and, AND a cottage!"

Glass looked bored with the conversation.

"Take me to the Queen." Emma demanded.
