Lucy pov

"Let me out!" I sighed as i started to pack my clothes for tomorrow. It was currently 11:30 pm and i was shouting for like 2 hours so ya. Master called me saying Plue was fine and healthy but i need to be on set tomorrow with Natsu and Gray. I packed up grabbing anything i needed. Basically underwear and some paint since my concert is coming up soon. It's gonna happen 2 weeks after shooting the film. "Nya. Lu-lu." I ran to the door whispering. "Milliana? Please open the door for me. I'm starving." "Nya. I got the key." She opened the door. 3 girls were there. Mira looked worried and so did Levy. "Hey guys." The smiled and Mira took my hand pulling me towards the delicious smell in the kitchen.

Levy closed the door following behind. Milliana just jumped on the rail sliding down landing in someone's arms. "Nya! Sting!" I looked up seeing Natsu, Levy, Mira, Sting, Milliana and Laxus. "Lucy why not some dinner?" I walked over to the soup Mira made. "You mean a late night snack." I laughed as Natsu was stating it was dinner while Levy said it was a midnight snack. I turned my head to see Natsu's cat, Happy, eating my dinner. "HAPPY!"

Everyone turned heads to happy who licked my plate clean. "Why me?" Happy left and i rushed over to Natsu shaking him violently. "NATSU GET ME MY DINNER!" He looked like he was about to barf, but who cares i need my dinner. "Lucy ur gonna kill him." I turned my head to spot Gray laughing. Natsu groaned begging for mercy. "Don't worry Natsu, i got my girlfriend covered." Gray draped an arm over my shoulder kissing me on the lips. I blushed as i felt the healt rushing to my cheeks.

"AWE!" Mira was in that goofy faze where she imagines our babies. "Laxus Mira Faze." He smirked picking the maiden up and carrying her away. Levy just stood smiling. "Here Lu-chan, some food." Happy came over next to it about to eat it. I ran over picking him up and dropping him on the floor. "Happy..." Natsu crawled over to him petting him. Cat lovers. I ate my food in peace talking about our past as teenagers and sometimes when i was a kid. "Remember we did the stupid thing at the end of school year for all of us in 12th grade. Lucy was in 12th and we came over to see her." Gray looked confused. Oh right...he left me... "Yeah that was funny." "What was funny?" Gray kissed my cheek asking everyone what happened.


Another year without Gray. Well no more Lisanna or Juvia at least. "Well time for school." My dad came in shouting at me. "HAPPY LAST DAY OF SCHOOL LUCKY LUCY HEARTFILIA!" I laughed getting out of bed picking plue up and doing my hair. I picked out specific clothes and was hopping everyone else did too.

I stepped into the shower loving the cool feeling of it. I looked into the mirror as i stepped out and noticed i grown a lot. I grew a bit taller but i wasn't so much of a flat chest anymore. I mean i had a chest but not as big as Erza or Mira. They were plump and big. My bottom was nice too with my hair reaching my butt. I woke up 2 hours early brushing and drying my hair. I then put curlers in it. (Hate makeup or any beauty for anything products so don't judge. Wee) I then put on my bra and lace panties then my white blouse with lace on the top and red designs all over it. I put on a thin white lace jacket that buttoned from the bottom of my chest to the end of it. I wore white jeans that reached just bellow my knees and light pink with white stripe flats. I brushed my teeth putting a white clip on the left side of my head that held my hair. I dropped the curls letting my hair wavy at the end. I nodded leaving the bathroom to feed poor starving plue.

"Plue Plue?" He came rushing to me whining for food. I laughed smiling down at him. "Poor Plue hungry?" After i fed him I left my room saying bye to mom and dad. I was out the door running to meet up with Levy. She was wearing a salmon color cap that was more rectangular on the top. She was wearing round glasses. Her shirt had a dark pink stripe in the begining but then turned, pink, light pink, dark blue, then aqua. She was also wearing a half overall. Her shorts were plaid blue. Her shoes were the same color as her hat. Her blue hair was very curly too. (Figure out yet? wee)

"Lu-chan!" "Levy chan!" We met up and walked towards the school. Everyone was wearing what they needed to wear. I walked into class greeting the teacher who was also wearing what she needed. She had her dark brown hair up in a messy bun with 1 curl at the end. She was wearing old people glasses with a chain holding her round glasses up. She was wearing what would u call it, oh a hippy style jacket with mostly blue in it. She had a pink shirt under it. With a red bracelet and gold like color necklace. She had big round blue earrings too. She had black pants at the end with light brown sandals. (Figure out yet? NO cheating! Use memory people! wee)

We had our usual class. Thankfully this was a half day. Erza, Jellal, Natsu, Mira, Laxus, and Gajeel came taking their old school seats. They got out of college easy and came over to help me finish my school year.

Natsu was wearing a blue shirt. He had a dark blue collar with some white buttons only on top and stripes that went from dark blue to aqua then dark blue and back to aqua, u get the point. Hist shirt was a short sleeve shirt and jeans at the end dark blue to be exact. His shoes were dark dark dark green. (How about now? wee)

Gajeel had his hair short around this time. His hair reached at the end of his neck. He was wearing a red and white t-shirt with a white one underneath and cakcy pants with white plane shoes to end it. (Now? wee)

Mira was wearing a jacket that was light yellow with green and pink hearts. It was t-jacket. She had the top of her pink shirt underneath showing then the jacket was zipped up until then. On her left wrist she had a big green bracelet. She had big dangly ring earrings. Her bangs were down in her face on her forehead. The rest of her hair was made into a really and i mean really curly ponytail. She also had studs in her ears. She had black short shorts with pink socks at the end and really light green shoes. (Yet? wee)

Jellal was blushing to his outfit he was wearing a golf hat (Kangol like. wee) that was pink and a long sleeve button up light pink shirt with dark slim strips going down. It was tucked in his blue jeans with a white belt. White shoes to end it. (NOW? wee)

Erza had her hair in short pig tails to the side of her head. She was wearing a pink and blue plaid headband with white loop earrings. She had a t shirt with a white collar. It went from white blue and back and forth. She had a bracelet that was white on her right wrist. Since her shirt was a button up one she had a pink shirt underneath it. She had white pants to go with it. Her shoes were brown flats. (Tick tock tick tock got ur answer? wee)

A new guild member Jenny who came from Blue pegasus was dressed up. She had a hot pink ( dont know what it's called.) shirt that only stayed up by going around her neck. It had jems on the front on where it looped around her neck. She had gold pants and gold highheels too. On her right wrists she had 2 bead bracelets. Her blonde hair was curled at the end of her hair with a gold headband with a bow. On her left her left wrist she had 2 white bracelets. (Jepordy sound. wee)

I gasped when i saw Laxus. He was smiling and had his hair with curls in it. He had hair extensions. He was wearing a green t-shirt that had the words "I majored in VACATION". His belt was dark brown holding up his jeans right above his white sneakers. (You getting the answer? Wee)

Time was nearing. Only 3 minutes left. The bell rang everyone throwing papers in the air screaming jumping hugging and celebrating. (GOT THE ANSWER? NO? WELL HERE IT IS! WEE)

Laxus got onto a desk and he was a good singer i have to admit.


"What time is it?!"

Everyone in the class room cheered.


"SUMMER TIME!" (Yes sorry but i had to. lol. wee)

"It's our vacation!"


"What time is it?!"


"Party time"

"That's right say it loud"


"what time is it?!"


"Time of our lives"



"What time is it?!"



"school's out! scream and shout!"

Everyone left the class leaving me and Natsu. He was my boyfriend now and we loved eachother but i still wasn't complete.


"Finally summers hear"

"Good to be chilling out"

"I'm off the clock"

" The pressure's off"

" Now my girl's what it's all about"

He gave me a hug holding my hand.


"Ready for some sunshine"

"For my heart to take a chance"

" oh yeah!"

" I'm here to stay, not moving away"

"Ready for a summer romance"

Lucy and Natsu:

" Everybody's ready, going crazy, yeah we're out"

" Come on and let me hear u say it now right now"

We left leaving a sleeping Gajeel with a teacher slamming books on his desk. Natsu pinned me against lockers kissing me on the cheek holding my hand. Laxus was rushing in and out of hallways asking the same question.


"What time is it?!"


"Summer time."

"It's our vacation!"


"What time is it?!"


"Party time"

"That's right say it loud"


"What time is it?!"


"Time of our lives"



"What time is it?!"



"school's out! scream and shout!"

Jenny grabbed onto Jellal not sexually but holding his hand tugging him. He soon got his role holding his bag following her around the fans.


"Goodbye to rules"

"No summer school"

"I'm free to shop till i drop"


"It's an education vacation"

Jenny and Jellal:

"And the party never has to stop"


"We've got things to do"

"We'll see u soon."


"And we're really gonna miss u all"


"Goodbye to u and u"


"And u and u"


"bye-bye till next fall"

Jenny and Jellal:

" Everybody's ready, going crazy, yeah we're out"

" Come on and let me hear u say it now right now"


"What time is it?!"



"It's our vacation!"


"What time is it?!"


"Party time"

"That's right say it loud"


"What time is it?!"


"Time of our lives"



"What time is it?!"



"school's out! scream and shout!"

Natsu and Lucy:

"No more waking up at 6:00am"

" Cause now our time is all our own"

He walked down the stairs giving me a piggy back ride smiling at me.

Jenny and Jellal:

"Enough already, we're waiting"

"come on let's go"

"go out of control"

The boy all ran into the gym grabbing basketballs and started to do a dance.


"All right!"


We started to dance on the court near the boys. Us girls that is.



"Come on!"

We all ran into a big hallway the main one actually.


"School pride let's show it"

"We're champions and we know it"

"Soaring Fairies, yeah, are the best, yeah!"

"Black, red, and white!"

"When it's time to win, we do it"

"Number one, we've proved it"

"Let's live it up, yeah, party down"

"That's what this summer's all about."


"What time is it?!"


"Summer time, it's finally here! Yeah!"


"Let's celebrate!"

Natsu and Lucy:

"We wanna hear u loud and clear!"


"School's out!"

Laxus and Erza danced together laughing and smiling.

Laxus and Erza:

"We can sleep as late as we want to!"


"It's our time!"

Levy and Gajeel:

"We can do what ever we want to!"


"What time is it!?"


"It's summer time!"

Jellal and Mira:

"Come on and say it again now!"


"What time is it?!"

"It's party time!"

Lucy, Levy, Mira, Erza, Jenny, Jellal, Natsu, Gajeel, and Laxus:



"Let's go and have the time of our lives!"

Lucy, Levy, Mira, Erza, Jenny, Jellal, Natsu, Gajeel, and Laxus:




I was laughing as everyone else. "I can't believe we did that!" Levy was laughing holding onto Gajeel for support. "U made us do that for what bunny girl?" Gajeel was laughing smirking at Levy. I laughed remembering our lives. "So who was who?" Gray never watched High school Musical 2 or what time is it song. (Name of movie and song. wee) "Oh Natsu was Troy, I was Gabriella, Jenny was Sharpay, Jellal was Ryan, Laxus was Chad, Erza was Taylor, Levy was Kelsi, Mira was Martha, and Gajeel was Jason." Gray laughed and joked around with everyone. Why couldn't it always be like this?

Gray and I walked to his room hand in hand. Once inside Gray kissed me softly and sweetly. "Gray...mmm..." He groaned picking me up letting my arms wrap around his neck with my legs around his torso. "Lucy..." He lowered us to the bed. My hands in his messy black raven hair and his all over me granting my pleasure. I gasped as i felt Gray's little friend poking at me. He didn't seem to care as he shoved his tongue in my mouth. I just couldn't help but love Gray.

My body yearned for him. He was the best thing to happen to me. "Gray...I love you." Gray stopped sucking on my lip letting saliva keep us connected. "I love you Lucy. I'm sorry for not being the man you needed back then." I rubbed his head hugging him. He needed to know i loved him. "Lucy. I'm so sorry." I felt something warm and wet on my breasts. I looked down to see him crying in my chest. His crying was loud and mournful. I tired to move so i can hug him but i think he thought i didn't want him.

His arms around my back tightened and he cried louder and stuff his face in my breasts. Someone knocked on the door. I just rubbed his head kissing his head hopping to calm him down. Jellal opened the door with Erza at his side. Erza looked cranky but when she saw Gray and me her eyes softened. She rubbed her belly waving a goodnight. Jellal smiled at me rubbing his hand on Erza's belly too and closing the door. Gray didn't even notice them.

I started to hum and rock Gray back and forth. (Can you guess the song? IDK if the lyrics are right)

"We were all the same

Laughing it up back then

You tenderly turned a blind eye

To my white lies

Didn't you?

Even if we don't have a place to go home to

I don't care

Because i'll be the one who'll protect that smile of yours

The meetings and farewells i'll have

As many as the stars

And all the things i don't want to lose

There's nothing i need right now

I just want to gaze at you

By your side




It all starts right there

Right now

Let's begin our tomorrow

Just the two of us

It's alright

Carry on those feelings you were born with

They're fluttering in the summer wind

Just like a flower

And coming into full bloom

Right at this moment" (Did you guess? Fairy Tail ending 4 english lyrics. I told you IDK if they are correct. Wee)

Gray fell asleep. I moved him back quietly. His hair was messy and he snored. Not like a beast like Natsu but a normal snore. I got up turning the light off letting the light of the moon help me find my way back to Gray. I crawled into his arms falling asleep.

Yes this is short but hey it's another chapter for you to read. I am editing stories so don't loose hope in me guys! More Graylu is coming soon and something else. Come close. WHISPERS: a GrayLu Lemon!