A/N: this part of the story was added after certain parts. It was created to address some flaws in the story that were brought to my attention. So If some things vary, thats why. Please R&R, its awesome. Love you guys.


Before the story takes place: At the Battle of Hogwarts.

There were spells flying past her face. Ginny was battling a short death eater, who's magic was mediocre to say the least. She was driving him back into a wall when she felt someone run into her, knocking her sideways. She glanced to see who it was, she was shocked to see Her best friends, Harry, and Hermione run by along with two of her brothers, Ron and George.

"Guys?!" She yelled, Hermione glanced back but kept running. Ginny furrowed her brow and in that second, a spell hit her. She was unable to move as the death eater came over to her, grinning.

"I gottcha. You's a bloodtraitor you are. And the Potty's girl you are. Ohhhh I got you, I did. The Dark Lord will be so happy." He said gleefully. She wanted to move, to get out of there, and hide until it was all over, she was scared. More scared than she had ever been in her life. He bent down to pick her up, but his body vanished from view as he was tackled to the ground. She saw a bright flash then another. With the second flash, the spell holding her still vanished. She slowly sat back up and looked first at the death eater, who was now stuck in place, and then at the person who was snapping the still man's wand in half. Draco Malfoy.

"what are you..." She trailed off. "Malfoy?"

He looked at her then ran off without speaking a word. She glanced at the stunned man by her feet then ran in the direction Malfoy had gone. What was that git up to now?

She saw him following a group heading out the doors of the castle. Then she noticed how everything was quiet. What was going on? Then she heard it "Harry Potter is dead! He died trying to run, to save himself!" She had finally made it out the doors, no longer thinking of malfoy, but thinking of Harry and the body she could see, held in the arms of their friend, Hagrid.

"NO!" She screamed, her throat burned as she felt tears leave her eyes at her scream. She heard other cries, but she could see nobody. She felt herself starting to fall, when arms caught her. After a moment, she was able to see who had caught her. Malfoy was looking at her. She looked around, her family wasn't even looking for her, they were all trying to push together to the front of the crowd. Not worrying about their daughter and sister.

As soon as she was able to stand properly, Malfoy let her go and backed away. What was with him. She saw him approach someone with a broken arm and tend to them. He was helping them? She just now caught the words of Voldemort.

"Those who wish may join me, and be spared." after a moment everyone heard the word "Draco" Said by a woman. She looked over and saw him slowly make his way over to the woman. It was his mother. Ginny noticed the look on his face, guilt. She shook it off as chaos erupted. In the moments that follwed, Neville killed a snake and Harry jumped up, alive.

Ginny fought. Again. For her life, for her friend's lives and for the wizarding world. And they won. Voldemort was dead. So were many other death eaters, Lucius Malfoy, Bellatrix, and so many others it was difficult to believe. She had fought harder than ever, Fred was dead though. Of all her siblings, Fred was the one to die. Families were grouped together, mourning. She looked around, there were so many who had given their lives for this. She looked back to the body of her joker brother and she could swear she had seen Malfoy again, she snapped her head up and her suspicions were right, he was sitting at a table with his mother, looking out at those who had given everything. He looked tired, and had white lines down his dirty face that could have been from tears. But, she thought as she shook her head, she couldn't think about that right now.

Her eyes found their way to her brother and his friends. The Golden Trio. They were hugging eachother. She was never going to be a part of that... there had never in her life been a moment where she was surrounded by people she loved, but felt utterly alone. Until now.

A/N2: DUN DUN DUN! How is it? Please let me know. Thnx guys!