
"Hey Reiji, what are you reading?" a small little girl asked, peering over her older brothers shoulder.

He glanced at her. "My homework."

You frowned. "Why?"

"Because I have to," he rolled his eyes.

You sat down in the chair next to him, pulling out your bag. "I'm happy I don't have that much work."

"You are younger," Reiji muttered, concentrating on his work.

You pulled out a brown stuffed object, a needle, and a few other stuffed parts. Reiji smiled a little before going back to his work. The breeze blew against your (h/c) hair as the day went on. Your mother sat in the other chair next to Reiji, sewing something like always. Reiji finally finished his homework, pulling out a book to read.

Laughter filled the air as three brothers ran around, trying to catch some bats. They're Reiji's half-brothers, since they all have the same father. You had a different father, some mortal your mother met. You were the youngest, a few years behind Reiji. You had (h/l) (h/c) hair that was as soft as a feather, sparkling (e/c) eyes that glowed with happiness, and a smile was almost always on your face. You wore a (f/c) dress that went to your knees, (s/f/c) shoes, and a (f/c) bow in your hair.

You tied a knot before cutting of the string. You held up your stuffed object that was finally completed. It was a teddy bear. It had light brown fur, a tan belly, hands, feet, and snout, a stitch mouth, brown eyes, an eye patch over its left eye, and a small pink jacket. Satisfied, you jumped out of your chair and poked Reiji.

"Reiji, look!" you showed him. "I finally finished!"

He looked up from his book. "That's really good, (N/n)."

You smiled big, running over to your mother. "Mommy, look! I made a teddy bear!"

She ignored you, not looking up from her sewing. Your smile faded as you lowered the animal. Reiji glared at his mom, grumbling under his breath. You turned away, running over to the other family. You smiled slightly when you saw that their mom was busy and wasn't paying attention. Holding the teddy close, you ran over to the three boys.

"Guys, look what I made!"

They all turned towards you, smiling at your creation.

"You're getting better and better everyday," Laito commented.

Ayato tilted his head. "Yeah. Hey, do you want to play with us?"

"Yeah!" you nodded.

Kanato stared at the teddy. "He's so cute."

You looked down at it then smiled, holding it out to him. "Do you want him?"

Kanato widened his purple eyes. "Really?"

"Yeah, go ahead, you can have him."

He took the teddy, hugging it before running over to his brothers. You quickly followed, laughing along with them.

~End Flashback~

You jolted awake in your bed, the sun slowly going down in the sky. You woke up early today. Rubbing your eyes, you climbed out of bed, yawning. You walked over to your dresser, pulling out your clothes for today. You slid into them, looking into the mirror. You wore a pair of black jeans, a blood red tank top, and an elbow length hoodie. You brushed out your hair so it looked some what presentable. Looking around to make sure none of the others appeared inside the room since at least one of them does every morning, you opened a small chest.

Inside was a pair of fake fangs, almost as sharp as a real vampire's fangs. You set it over your top teeth, making sure it stayed put. After a few minutes it would feel like it wasn't there(kinda like braces, if you have them you know what I mean). Sighing, you slipped on your black tennis shoes, staring out the window at the glowing sun.

Your life was one big lie. You lived in a house with six vampires! Six! You were a human, a walking sack of blood. You would probably be dead right now if Reiji and Shu didn't do anything. They cared about you like older brothers would. Shu didn't trust the others at all, which caused this to happen.

You had to pretend you were a vampire.

My life is a lie...

No one can say anything that will prove me wrong.

I don't know how this will end, but I know it won't be a happy one.

~(Y/n) (L/n)