"I can't believe she'd go and stab herself," Laito said. "It seems our Bitch-chan has got some guts after all."

Shu turned his head away. "She's caused a lot of trouble... for a girl who is meant to be bait."

Reiji scoffed slightly. Kanato hugged Teddy. "So what happens next? Do you think her body will disappear?"

No one answered his question. Ayato looked up. "Subaru, what should I do? Is it okay to pull the knife out now?"

He gently grabbed the knife. "Wait," Subaru handed you to Laito, walking over to Ayato and Yui. "You should let me do it." He took the knife and pulled it out, not to fast and not to slow. Her blood dripped off slowly. You hugged Laito, keeping your eyes shut. Ayato carried Yui's body over and set her on the couch. Reiji left the room quickly for his lab. Subaru held the knife, turning and walking outside into the gardens. You glanced at Yui and followed him.

Subaru looked up at the sky for a moment then looked down at the blood covered blade. He gripped it and closed his eyes. He suddenly growled, swinging the knife forward and striking it through a white rose. "Damn!" You took a step back, about to leave him in peace but he perked his head up, glancing over his shoulder. "Why did you follow me?"

"I wanted to make sure you were okay," you mumbled, looking down.

He stared at you for a moment, his eyes softening. "Thanks..." You smiled, taking his hand and leading him back into the house. Yui was now white and lifeless. Everyone stood in silence when she started whimpering, her eyes scrunched up him pain.

"It seems like she's in a lot of pain, doesn't it?" Kanato said, eyes filled with worry.

Ayato kneeled down beside her. "Hey, wake up."

She turned her head toward him, whimpering again. "What the hell is going on with her?" Subaru asked.

"I suspect it is the awakening," Shu said. "It looks to me like its already started."

"I'm a little worried, because nothing seems right about this situation," Kanato lifted his head. "No mortal woman has ever awakened with the power of a vampire before, right?"
"That's right, because no vessel has been able to endure the process."

Ayato narrowed his eyes slightly. "But it's completely different this time. She has that woman's heart beating in her chest."

"Tell me the truth," Kanato looked over at Shu, "is she going to die? Is there any way to save her?"

"Yes there is, but it's incomplete." You looked up, seeing Reiji standing at the door.

"Reiji," Ayato turned to him, "what is that you got in your hand."

"A custom made renami that will get rid of that woman once and for all," he said.

"This is unusual," you crossed your arms. "It's not like you to come forward with an unfinished product."

"Why is it incomplete?" Shu asked. "What's missing?"

Reiji looked up. "I believe all I need is a piece of Cordelia."

"But that's impossible, we destroyed ever trace of that woman," Subaru growled.

"Actually, I have something." Everyone looked over at Kanato. He ripped open Teddy's neck, the stuffing popping out. he pulled out a vial of a black substance. "Maybe you could use this. I don't need it anymore."

He walked over to Reiji, handing it to him. Reiji stared at it. "Is this what I think it is?"

He added it to his potion, shaking it so it mixed together. He held it up to the light. The dark purple swirled and turned into a light blue. He smirked. Ayato smirked at him. "So that did the trick."

He took the bottle and looked at Yui. He opened it and dumped the potion into his mouth, kneeling down beside her. He leaned down and kissed her, slipping the potion into her mouth. He pulled away. She took a gulp. He stared at her. Her skin started getting color again. You looked beside you and saw Laito appear, a satisfied look on his face. You gave him a look and he just gave you a look that said "I'll tell you later". Ayato leaned down over Yui's face. "Yui?"

Her eyes peaked open and blinked, fully open. They were her normal pink color. "Ayato?"

He smiled. "Hi."

She lifted up her hand, examining it. "I'm alive... I don't believe it. What am I... doing here?"

He sat up straight. "Don't worry about it. There's no reason for you to know that."

She looked over at everyone. "You're all here."

Kanato smiled sweetly at her. Reiji gave her a blank look but still had relief in his eyes. Laito gave her a smile, not a perverted smirk, but a smile. Shu gave her a bored look but sighed in relief. Subaru's eyes were a bit softened. You gave her a relieved smile. Ayato grinned at her, happy she was alive. Yui slowly sat up, holding a hand by her throat. She looked up at them. "I'm so thirsty, I wonder why..."


You stood in the middle of the garden, looking up at the stars. You felt happy. You didn't have to pretend to be something you weren't and the best part was that the brothers stopped sucking your blood... most of the time. You breathed in the cool air, looking down at the roses. You picked one up, lightly touching the soft white petals.

"Oi." You jumped, a thorn getting stabbed by one of the thorns. Hissing quietly, you turned around, seeing Subaru standing behind you. He looked down at you. "What are you doing out here?"

"Walking," you shrugged. "Why?"

"It's almost dawn," he said. His gaze cast down to your hand. "You cut yourself."

You set down the rose, checking your finger. "It's fine..."

He grabbed your wrist, lifting it up. You cowered slightly, a small amount of fear in your chest. He stared at the small drop of blood for a moment before licking it up. You turned your head away, waiting for his fangs to sink into your wrist or something. Subaru gazed at you, dropping your hand. You opened your eyes, looking up at him. He wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you close and leaning down, connecting your lips with his. You squeaked, widening your eyes. He closed his eyes, putting a hand behind your head. You closed your eyes, kissing him back. Subaru pulled away, gazing into your sparkling (e/c) eyes. "Can I tell you something?"

"Yeah..." you murmured.

"I-I like you..." he glanced to the side, blushing. "I-I mean... I love you..."

You widened your eyes. After a second of shock passed by, you grinned at him. "I love you, too."

For the first time in a long time, Subaru smiled.

You're awake.

That's good.

I'm happy for you.

Now I'll get to see the revulsion on your face again.

That adorable look, contorted with pain, fraught with terror, aching with anxiety, looking so desperate to get away.

I love it when you make that face.

So please make it again for me right now.

~Kanato Sakamaki

Bitch-chan, don't forget about me.

You're the one who came running to me.

How shall we enjoy ourselves today?

The thought alone fills me with glee.

I'll love you lots, from top to bottom.

Let's fly to the moon, where we'll make love amongst the stars.

~Laito Sakamaki

Are you prepared for this?

Are you prepared to give up everything that makes you, you for vampires like us?

Are you prepared to alter everything about you?

I doubt it, but that suits you.

You don't need to think.

All you need to do is give your blood to me.

~Shu Sakamaki

Honestly, what a high maintenance servant you are.

I wish you would stop creating work for me.

Unlike some people, I have no time to enjoy myself.

Although, rather than black tea, I'm more in the mood for a sip of your blood.

That's about all that you are good for anyway.

There is no way around it.

I will treat you to strict training.

~Reiji Sakamaki

Will you accept your destiny, and give up everything to us?

If you are capable of doing that, I will take you with me into an eternal dream.

Whether that dream is Heaven or Hell is up to you.

I will not stop myself.

How you feel about it is irrelevant.

I will do as I please, so brace yourself.

~Subaru Sakamaki

Why are you shivering?

All you have to do is seek me out.

I'll teach you over and over until you know me intimately.

Feel me from head to toe.

Seek me, heart and soul.

You belong to me.

~Ayato Sakamaki

I finally understand everything.

Why you came...

Why my brothers care...

Why I'm loved...

I will not let you fall into the darkness that seeks you out.

I will help you, and keep you safe.

You're my sister now, Yui.

Don't forget that.

~(Y/n) (L/n)