AN: This is my first Miraculous Ladybug story, and this is a very short introductory chapter, but things will start being more interesting starting new chapter! Warning: It's also being published on my tumblr ( crazycatladymikado) and on AO3 ( Miikado).

The first three chapters have already been published on AO3 and will be uploaded quickly here as well!

I hope you enjoy this story, please leave a comment and don't hesitate to share this if you've enjoyed it!

« Very well, then it's settled. » Mr. Damocles clapped his large hands together, catching the entire class' attention. The few students that had fallen asleep in the back of the class shot their heads up in fright at the sound. Unaffected, Mr. Damocles concluded his speech. « The celebration will take place on the first week of winter break. Class dismissed. »

Barely had the words left the tip of his tongue that already students were pouring into the hallway, eager to put as much distance between the school and them in as little time as possible.

Marinette lingered behind with Alya, both girls chit chatting about the brand new information they had been delivered while waiting for the most of the crowd to decrease. When the coast was clear, they stood up, packing their supplies into their respective backpacks. They grabbed the last of their things and left the classroom behind.

« I can't believe the school's holding a ball in celebration of Ladybug and Chat Noir saving our school! » Alya squealed excitedly, clutching her cellphone in her hand, the small ladybug charm bouncing on her wrist as she jumped up and down with each word. « Do you think they'll be there in person? Maybe I can get a exclusive interview with Ladybug for the blog! »

« I can't believe we're celebrating Chloé turning every single person in this school into an akuma victim... » Marinette sighed in annoyance. « With Rose last week, that makes almost everyone form this class. »

The akuma attacks had gotten more frequent in the past few months. Marinette didn't know if Hawkmoth was growing more desperate, or if Chloé had just gotten better at triggering people. Either way, she was barely holding it together, especially if she didn't want her grades to drop. "I'm actually a super heroine and I couldn't do my homework because I was off fighting until the break of dawn" might've been a fun excuse, but it certainly wouldn't get her out of trouble.

« Everyone aside from you and Adrien. » Alya pointed out, nudging Marinette's side with her elbow, snapping her out of her daze. « If I didn't know you any better I'd say you two are either immune to the attacks, or you've just become the prime suspects for Ladybug and Chat Noir's civilian identities. » she punctuated her words with a wink, and Marinette felt a cold wave crash over her.

It was obvious that Alya was only teasing, but Marinette always had this lingering doubt that her friend would see right through her lies, and figure out the entire truth. Although she hated hiding things from her best friend, this kind of reveal still wasn't something the heroine was looking forwards to.

She shook her head, pushing those thoughts aside, and tried to put up a mysterious front as she lifted her chin in the air and gave a mocking side-glance to her friend.

« I could be Hawkmoth, you know... »

Alya raised an eyebrow at that. « So you're telling me that my best friend—the girl so awkward she can't talk to her crush after two years of being in his class. The girl who apologises to mannequins and inanimate objects when she bumps into them. That girl—is actually an evil super-villain trying to take over Paris? I'd know about it, don't you think? »

« I'm just saying, you can't prove I'm not. » Marinette smirked. She knew she was being silly, but anything that worked to keep Alya from connecting the dots between Ladybug and her was good enough. « Have you ever seen the both of us in a room together? » She took in Alya's deadpan look and chuckled, adding; « See? It totally adds up! And besides, I have a life outside of you. I don't have to tell you everything I do when you're not around. »

« Alright, Mrs. Super-Villain... » Alya grabbed her friend's arm, dragging her along the empty hallway. « Let's get some snacks, I'm starving. »

They were just about to step out of the school when a shrill voice calling out Marinette's name stopped them dead in their tracks.

« Marinette Dupain-Cheng! »

The black haired girl cringed, gritting her teeth as she turned around to face the blonde who was standing with her hands on her hips, scowling visibly. Sabrina was standing behind her, a rather tall pile of books—none of which belonged to her, Marinette would've guessed—balanced in her arms.

Surprisingly, Chloé looked more inconvenienced by her own intervention than Marinette did, tapping the flat of her high heel impatiently as she waited for Marinette to answer, looking thoroughly bothered despite being the one to have called her out. It was obvious from her posture and general expression that she enjoyed interacting with Marinette as little as the black haired girl did. Good.

« Yes, Chloé? » Marinette asked, trying to bite back as much venom as possible. Now wasn't the time to start a fight with the mayor's daughter, she just wanted to get home as fast as she could.

« As you've probably heard, my father is the one organizing the ball for Ladybug and Chat Noir. » Chloé informed her haughtily. It was true that the mayor had offered to use the Palace's reception room for the ball, but from the blonde's mug air it seemed she believed the accomplishment to be her own. « I wanted it to be absolutely perfect, which it was sure to be with me in charge, of course. Except I don't know what kind pity-party your family pulled, but my father insist on them being in charge of the desserts during the party. » She cast a glance towards Marinette, lips curling in disgust. « I think it's a monumental mistake, but apparently he wanted to do an act of charity. » She scoffed. « As if the simple act of having you there wasn't charity enough! »

« What's your point, Chloé? » Marinette snapped, one hand shooting to the side, trying to hold back Alya from pouncing on the girl. She had half a mind to let her friend have a go at the blonde, but she didn't think it would do any good. Right this instant anyway.

« My point, » Chloé rolled her eyes, as if fed up of explaining something painfully obvious over and over again. « Is that you need to tell your parents to have this order ready for the morning of the ball. » She tossed a folded piece of paper towards Marinette, and the girl caught it just in time as if fluttered towards the ground. « And don't screw it up, boulet. »

And with that, she walked off towards the front door, the clicking of her heals disappearing as she vanished into a silver limousine parked in front of the school. Marinette and Alya stayed stunned for a moment, they eyes going from the spot where the blonde had been standing, to the crumpled paper in Marinette's hand.

« I can't believe you're gonna accept a job from her. » Alya spat. « I'd die before ever agreeing to work under her command. »

Marinette sighed dejectedly, stuffing the paper into the back pocket of her pink jeans. « Believe me, » she said, adjusting the strap of her bag on her shoulder. « If there were any other way, I'd do anything to avoid this. But my parents' anniversary is coming up soon and they're trying to save up some money to go on a romantic trip. »

« Rough, girl... » Alya place a comforting hand on her friend's shoulder.

The black haired girl nodded. Quickly, a grin replaced any sorrow from her face and she grabbed Alya's wrist and pulled her towards the exit.

« Now how about you come over and tell me what kind of dress you want for the ball, so I can make it for you? »

Alya gasped loudly, tackling her friend into a hug as she showered her with words of thanks and "you're the best, the absolute absolute best"

Marinette laughed it off and rushed home with her friend, both eager and anticipative of what that ball would bring them.