Yes, I know and apologize, it has been over a year since update. I will not bore you with facts about how my job had at many points this year just killed my time and energy… but now that this job is coming to an end, with the building I work in being sold off. I shall try and make an effort at this story again. To be honest, the break seemed to have matured some of the ideas in my mind's eye (a shout out to Professor Trelawney).

So here I am, once again writing. My mind fresh after the fog has lifted, though I do also have to find a new job now. Which I find for the best; but we all know how those job searches can be…

Well, hope you enjoy.

Chapter 5

Morning arose with dawn and the annoying chirping of birds. But none of these could be found as Harry awoke in the chamber, many, many hours later, and next to him slept Su, on the floor of the library.

No…there was no fooling around; or anything else promiscuous about this scenario. In truth, both of them were just too tired to sneak back to their dorms unnoticed, and even though they were both tired, Harry adamantly wanted to try what the professor had taught him the night before.

And try they did, they both sat down and practiced simple spells for hours upon hours. Never before had they felt so tired, before passing out. But it was so exciting and new to them. Feeling their magic.

At first, they only noticed a little; but after a few hours, they began to feel the difference between a lumos, and an incendio spell. Difficult…? Really, the professor was right; it wasn't. but Harry could truly tell how it could be easily overlooked, and even why it was no longer taught. The problem was, that it just took so much more concentration to cast the spells like that.

Mentioning this to Su, the fact that he was confunded about this—and no, Lockhart was nowhere to be seen—she explained it to him, and he thought he could understand her reasoning. She had said, that in the martial arts, no-one is truly skilled, while people are better than others from the start, she had seen many of them surpassed quickly, because they put in little effort.

She then went on to say, that when her uncle started teaching her a new technique, he would drill her, until the movement was so concise and automatic, that she no longer had to think about it. And when that was having little effect, she would have to start teaching children how to do it. Which she said, made her truly think about how to execute the technique properly.

So basically, she was saying, they just do it, until they did not have to think about it. But thinking about it, that was often how Harry learned a new spell. Not by teaching; but by practicing until it was ingrained.

After thinking about this for some time Harry opted for an idea, in which, he clearly learned from Hermione. This idea was, organization. The two then sat down and wrote out all of the spells they were best at. For Harry, it was more often than not, defensive spells, and other such charms. For Su, it was also charms, and she also seemed to do quite well with transfiguration.

Next they then decided that it was an excellent idea, that after homework, they would spend the next few hours down here practicing what they could of feeling their magical essence, and controlling the flame.

Yes, it was true, Harry was being ostracized; but he was also seeing the benefits of it, like who was; and wasn't his friends. Hermione, she was never a friend he would give up, despite her tendency to boss him and Ron around. Ron…he was unsure of.

True, they may eventually work things out; but he knew for sure, nothing would ever be the same again.

But oddly enough, after everything, he was starting to realize that a better friend was close by, going ignored, and he felt bad for that. And that was Neville Longbottom. The boy may not be brightest; but he was surely determined and an excellent help for Harry at herbology. Even better than Hermione.

Also among them, were the Twins', yes they sure loved to joke; but Harry often found comfort in their presence as of late.

His quidditch team at first seemed to be hesitant; but after a while, they realized that he was not such a glory-hound, and began speaking with him, in which he was grateful.

And then, most surprising of all, was Ginevra Weasley. The once shy, infatuated girl was now speaking to him as if he were a person, and not just some boy from a fairy tale. True, he was sure this was something the Twins' made happen; but he was grateful none the less. He knew the girl quite well and knew the fact that she was a blast to be around; just not when she was beyond infatuation with him.

Sure, she still blushed around him; but she was able to speak and be herself. So he was glad.

This was all Harry thought about before he slept.


Later on, Harry was in the Chamber, Su back up in her common room, as Winky happily cleaned. The two had decided not to spend too much time down here alone, as it was obvious that their absences would cause too much notice, and neither wanted to explain about the place, as it made for a great sanctuary.

Apparently Su herself was quite the studious person; but not as inclined to the more theoretical aspects of a Ravenclaw. And though there are many other Ravenclaw's who shared the same trait, the place could also be considered quite the competitive madhouse. One in which was led by Professor Flitwick, a half-man who urged so much competition in his classes, that he would award prizes such as a day off in Hogsmeade, where you were able to stop at the three broomsticks and have lunch, along with a shopping trip in town (if you had your own purse that is) though the professor did opt to buy you sweets at Honeydukes.

So she was back up at her dorm area, trying to pretend as if she were not off all night, hiding in a dank dark dungeon, which was now smelling of cleaning supplies, mold and decay, all at once.

Winky herself, had apparently been grabbing cleaning supplies from…somewhere? The school maybe? Well, it was probably best not to ask. As she cleaned from one room to another, shocking Harry at the pace that a happily scrubbing Winky could clean.

He himself knew the art of cleaning and would probably be thought to have been raised as a house-elf, by the nobler part of the witching society; but this was a whole new level to him. Cleaning with magic. He began to help as he noticed the similarities of elven magic and some of the more mundane spells he knew; but Winky berated her master for it, so he decided to wait for a time when she was not around and watching him, to try.

But the other thing that surprised him, was that Dobby had popped in earlier, after Su left, to check on Winky (he thought apparition under school wards was impossible—or so Hermione had told him many times over) and noticed the giant Basilisk in the atrium. After this, he said nothing, as some tools appeared in his hand as he told Harry that he was harvesting the thing so that Harry Potter could sells it and use other parts fors potions and such.

Winky then ran off popped off to the potions room, before quickly coming back with one of them large trunks and Dobby began harvesting the ginormous beast.

It was weird for Harry, how quickly life could change; but then he began to remember a certain letter.


Over the next couple of weeks, Harry began to have quite the active life. It was only a couple of hours a day, but the two would meet down in the chamber, to work on their practical spell homework. And now that Harry spent a good bit of time learning to focus on his magic and the spells, he learned that both he and Su were becoming more adept at such practical work. It was not something that was improved by leaps and bounds, no; but caused more by the fact that they were beginning to feel what exactly a spell should feel like.

And then there was the fact that when they learn such a feeling on a new spell, it was that much easier to replicate. That was one of the things that they learned was the greatness of learning such a technique. But the unexpected was that with the simpler spells, the ones that they learned in their first year, and started practicing to learn how to feel, they had begun to feel it from other people too! It may just be stuff like a simple lumos or a levitation charm, but they were beginning to learn stuff like that each person had a different feel to how they performed it, and such a concept just left them in awe.

But over this period of time, one significant thing happened that would change Harry's life forever.


"Where exactly are we going Harry?" Su asked, expectantly, for what had to be the thirtieth time. Thankfully, it was quiet, the way she asked, and the map told him that nobody was around.

He was pretty sure that she knew what the map did by now; but he was still not willing to actually tell her. Though, he had noticed her glancing at the thing as he checked it out from time to time; but it was his pride that kept him of speaking of it.

Finally, the two were met by the entrance; or exit—depending on how it was viewed—in the atrium. After stopping for a few moments, to check the map again, he determined that they were in the clear.

Creeping forward, the two exited into the darkest of nights, with the bitterest of winds.

Staring up into the sky, Harry saw naught a star in the sky, as the clouds had it covered; but not only did the star's light get covered by the clouds; but the moon was also new on this night.

This kind of freaked Harry out, as they made their way to Hagrid's hut. But as he got there, he noticed, that Hagrid already stood waiting. In the most hideous suit he had ever seen, along with the most horrible stench one could imagine.

Stepping on a twig, he noticed that he grabbed Hagrid's attention.

"Aye, that you Harry?" he asked, as Harry began to choke on the musk.

"Oy, quiet yerself out there, do ya wanna get us inter trouble?"

"Just keep yerself back and covered, then yer ta follow me." Hagrid, said, just as a new noise entered the area.

Harry didn't answer, flabbergasted as he was, and just shrugged at Su.

He was unaware of what was going on, just knew that Hagrid had wanted to meet him down here at midnight…

What for? Harry had been wondering since he got the note; but even though he was here now, Hagrid said nothing. He was willing to bring Su, because Hagrid was one person that he knew would love the idea of Harry having more friends, and sad as it was to say, Hagrid was not someone students took seriously, and would not believe the man about Harry hanging out with Su. He did not want to complicate her life like that and felt bad about the animosity sent towards Hermione for being his friend.

Finally, after he was brought out of his revelry, Harry found out the reason for Hagrid's state of dress. Amidst the darkest of nights came the prim yet silent Madame Maxime.

"Oy Olympe, ya ready to go?" he said, walking in stride, with the oversized woman, he waved for Harry to follow (this was shown only by the light of his cabin fire) his pace was something that was almost a run for both Harry and Su's legs. The two exchanged a questioning glance, that neither could see; before following.

The walk that they had, took quite a while; but the strangest part, was that the light of Madame Maxime's wand seemed to just suddenly vanish at one point. And not vanish, like a finite, the wand seemed to vanish just before her's and Hagrid's shadows. Staying back so far had gotten them used to the dark, as they were able to make out silhouettes; but they just…disappeared, and those were some big shadows to lose. But being used to magic as the two were, they continued on, expecting…something.

But never, not in one thousand, nor twousand years would they have expected Hagrid had taken his date to see dragons.

"Ain' they beauts, Olympe?" Harry heard, just before he gave out a little squeak, which was overpowered by the thundering roar, and bursts of flames, only moments later.

Right next to him, Su grabbed onto his hand, an squeezed for dear life.

"Hey Hagrid," Harry heard, as he noticed the smaller form of Charlie Weasley, "you know that you shouldn't have brought your girlfriend here." He said, eying Hagrid and Madam Maxime up and down.

It was a testament, to just how much Harry had been through, in his short life, that he was able to understand what was being said.

"And you bloody hell know that she won't stay quiet in front of her student," he said, berating Hagrid. "I mean, I understand, and if not for that fact that my job were at stake, and the fact that my mother forbade me from telling him, I would have dragged Harry down here myself."

"Them having to face down dragons and all." At this point, Harry was not fully sure why, but he lost a lot of respect for both Molly and Charlie Weasley, at this point. It was only much later that he realized that in the name of both rules and a job, the two were willing to risk his life on being unprepared. But it would be months later that he figured this out.

After a while of listening and fear, Harry found himself being dragged back to the school by Su. And it was only later, when they made it back, and fully regained his composure, that Su had let him know that she noticed Karkarof had been skulking passed them, away from the dragons. A fact that cemented the reality, that all three schools knew of the first task; but what of Cedric Diggory? Did he know?

The fact was, rules be damned, and he could care less for the fact of winning at this point, he just wanted to come out of this alive.

HPatW-TS (note to self, insert more of Su here, make sure to establish more of her character credentials)

"Harry!" Su yelled, as she finally slapped him back to reality, and leaning her forehead against his, bleeding out a sigh of relief.

Three times he blinked before shaking his head and jerking back from her. Thank Merlin, she thought, as she noticed his stunned reactions. It was kind of cute, seeing that blush; but she was just glad he was reacting again, as she had feared for him being in such a catatonic state.

True, she could understand his reasoning for becoming so catatonic; but it took everything out of her, as she realized he recovered from that state.

"Th-thanks," Harry mumbled, as he tried to recover his composure.

"Did, did they say-"

Oh yes, she nodded. Freaked out as she was, she heard that on part. Crazy, just crazy, this school was friggin crazy.

"Just once, just once," Harry said, as he seemingly tried to rip out a chunk of his wind swept mess of hair.

"Why can't I just have a normal life?" he began to whine, as he sat towards the corner of the room, and then began to hug his knees.

Actually, she kind of wanted to ask him that since the first time they talked.

"First year I have a Cerberus and a shade come after me, with a psychotic bumbling teacher…" he said, not to her; but himself.

Second year, a Basilisk and that maniac Tom!"

Just who is this Tom, she again wondered; but kept quiet. She was no longer sure if he was even aware of her presence. Though last year she knew that his parents friend, the boys own godfather wanted him—"and of course last year, dementors and that rat Peter Pettigrew coming after me!"

"Now fucking dragons," whoa, she thought. I think he might be a little angry.

"Harry," she said, genuine concern in her voice. "How are you feeling?" Su knew that the question was a bit cheesy. But what else was she supposed to say, ask or do? She did not know any of the answers; but she could see it in his eyes. Eyes drained of their vibrant emerald glow, only to be replaced by not defeat; but a grim resignation. One that seemed to just give up on something. Not life, she did not think it was life; but from what he seemed to be yelling out just now, maybe he just resigned himself to fate, whatever it may be.

"Seriously," she said, pulling him to his feet and leaning her head against his chest. "I know that you may not know me well yet, and the same could be said about myself of you; but if you ever feel the need to talk to somebody, without bias—I have already been a bit too surprised by you, and naïve as I might be… I get the feeling that there is far more going on around you and this school as well, so…." frustrated, she tugged on her simple braid.

"So, I guess what I am saying is, please feel free to talk to me."

"You," she said. Pointing her finger at him, "Are obviously one of them people that repress their emotions till they explode, and there have been plenty of people who under less pressure than you. With less fame and notoriety, that have broke. So whether it be me, Granger, or Merlin himself resurrect, just so you could clear your stress, please talk to somebody. If not…I am afraid of how you may end up. You already limit the people around you—and I know this may be a bit to blunt of me to say—but that is most likely the cause of your isolation this year. Nobody knows the real you, they only know the rumors and what Malfoy and Snape say."

"True, many understand the fact of their true nature; but you as the most famous wizard since Merlin—and yes, you are that famous, more so than even Dumbledore or Voldemort, my family over in China have even heard of you. And I say this, not to float your ego—it is obvious that does not seem to exist—or to horrify you; but to make you understand that you survived something so horrendous, something that no other wizard has been ever known to survive. That some just fear you out of the fact that nobody can read what you want; nor do they know who you as a person are." Shrugging, she gave a half-cocked smile, hoping that he understood.

This was often a topic of debate among students and she did not think that either Weasley or Granger ever bothered to tell him. Maybe hoping to spare him the reality of his situation—as it was not something she thought he would want to know; but she was not them. She herself was raised by people who wanted her to be honest over polite.

True, they said it was best to be polite when circumstance could dictate it; but this was obviously not one of them situations.

If he were to break, she did not think he could recover. She thought that, if something were to ever happen, something to truly break him, he might just be forever broken. And even though she had only been around him for a short time. This was something she did not want for him to deal with. But if it ever did, she also wanted him to know that she was not Weasley; she would be there for him.

That night, both Harry and Su stayed down in the chamber. Su stayed keeping an eye on Harry and mercifully the bad in Salazaar's Chambers was huge. Huge, and cleaned by the house-elf Winky, who left naught a spec of dust.

True, Su had forbade him from coming to her side of the bed (something he would not have done anyway) but it was also true that bed was thrice the size of his aunt and uncles king size bed. So in reality, even the fact that that he tended to thrash violently when having his Voldemort dreams, he would have never made it that far.

It took a while before Su began to snore; but Harry just lay there, sight seeing nothing, as he watched the dark ceiling.

The room now had every bit the cleanliness a newly rehabilitated house-elf, that only burst into tears every once in a while, could offer—spotless—but none of that shown, right at this moment.

Yes, he could say it, Harry was glad for Su's company, though he was still unable to tell her about everything; but hearing her words. They broke something inside of him, he was unsure of what it was; but he was sure it was done in a good way.

Things were turning to hell for him, and he was just so unsure of how to handle it. The Goblet of Fire, dragons, dreams, Sirius, Pettigrew…all of it was just too much. Harry was sure that the Headmaster was quite a bit more aware of what was going on, than any of them knew, which he all but admitted to, not so long ago; but knew that he would never get an answer. The old man loved to talk to him in riddles.

But of everything, he was glad that Su was here. Out of everybody, she said the things that might sting; but he needed to hear.

He did not want to hear about just how famous he was, and he did not like the answer to it, one bit. He was completely unaware that he was known that far, and he hated it. But now that he knew, he was beginning to understand more about his situation.

For some ungodly reason, people tended to treat him like thy were walking on egg shells, when he was around. Like they thought he would break.

Ron, Hermione, Dumbledore, all of them. But with all that he had been through, and all the more he would face. He just wished that they would quit it. His childhood ended the day he was put on the Dursley's front doorstep. Like an abandoned child from the fables. Wait…that was exactly what his life was like.

But what Su had said tonight. Now that had got him thinking. And right now, he was every bit as grateful to her, as he was to Hermione. Something about what she had said tonight, might have just saved him. But only time would tell what it saved him from. He was sure that at some point, he would come to regard her every bit as much as he ever did Ron and Hermione. Even though Ron was less a friend to him now, a time when he needed a good friend. He could not bring himself to hate the redhead. And that itself kind of irked him.

Unable to sleep, Harry decided to take a walk. Leaving the flames out, in the room, he wandered towards the library; but did not feel up to reading. Then he decided to walk off, heading towards the potions room. It was dark; but he did not think that the area would be as dangerous as the Forbidden Forest, and he had been out there plenty of times. So a walk through the…cultivation room? Was that what it was? He would have to think about that later; but he thought a walk through there should be safe.

The room was dark, very dark. Not a bit of light in the sky. Had he been normal, that might have bothered him; but as a wizard, he pulled out his wand, and instead of saying the spell, he just concentrated on the spell, what it felt like every time he cast it. The sensation of magic then began to well up, pouring inside of him. A feeling that he never noticed until recently. A feeling that was natural to him.

But while he focused on the feeling, it would not work for him. Nothing but a sputtering of light, flickering dimly. But when he thought of the word, lumos it flared up.

At this point, he was sure that the only reason it worked, was because this was the spell he most easily recognized and understood. But now that he had cast it without a peep, he was sure that in time he would not have to think about the word, and the thought of that filled him with elation.

Just imagining the idea of casting a spell without the incantation was amazing to him. He knew it would be hard, and he knew that other spells would be far more difficult than a lumos. But being able to feel the magic within himself, and from others (which was a bit harder; but not too different) had made him realize that it opened far more possibilities to him. Many more possibilities.

It was then that he heard it. A sound like a simple slithering through the grounds. Looking through the light that he was able to produce, he couldn't see anything. But the sound was coming closer.

Then came a rather feminine voice, filled the thicket. A voice that spoke to him, with a strong hint of a lisp.

"Ssspeaker," it said, as Harry searched back and forth, before seeing a silver and green head, rise above the foliage. "I have often wondered if I would ever get the chance to confront you, face to face. And now, here you are, the killer of my mother, my queen."

Now, in terms of thought, Harry never once considered himself Hermione's equal. Except for when that thought, came under pressure. Because somehow, he was quickly able to comprehend just what that snake was hinting at. And this snake seemed to have the same colors as the basilisk that he killed down here. Though it was missing the black.

This snake was the daughter of the one he killed, and it also seemed to think of her as a queen. This was bad. But then, how could that be? Shouldn't he be dead?

"I sssee that you ssseem to think I am here to harm you…" it said, making Harry flinch. He never realized just how comprehending a snake could be. And this was a rather large one, not too large; mind you, not the size of a full-grown basilisk. But a young one, about six feet long, and the width of a boa constrictor that had the same length.

Maybe that was it? He had never really heard or read anything about the young. So maybe it was after a certain level of maturity that they began to kill with sight? Now that he thought about it, he did have a bit of a headache; but he started getting used to those recently. Since the visions of Voldemort that had been plaguing him since summer.

"Worry not Ssspeaker, you are not the one I wish to kill. though mother had heard of you from our sssubjectssss around thisss ssschool. We have never quarrel with you."

"She had hidden me, from the other ssspeaker. The one that had possessed sssome young girl, sssome time passsed. But worry not; we had planned for the worst, and mother had grown too large to wander out, and had grown weary of life."

"Ssso, we do not blame you for what had happened. We blame the other one. The one who clingsss to hisss life ssso repugnantly, refusssing to die, and wasss able to regrasssp hisss control over mother, the one he had before I wasss born."

"But, what interessstsss me, isss what the horssse-men sssaid to usss. Sssomething they had read in the ssstarsss. Unlike you,they ressspect usss, and have decided to share their thoughtsss. And asss Marsss brightensss in the sssky, we are to fear the worssst."

"Ssso, asss, we ssseem to think it will be needed," as all of this was being said, Harry remained quiet, contemplative, and just plain afraid his voice would break, if he spoke. He was scared; but believed the snake when it spoke. Believed it would not harm him.

But it also made him restless, since as the snake spoke, it came closer and circled around him. And on top of that, how exactly did this snake know that it was he, that was the speaker? It just made little sense.

"But, after you recover from thisss, come ssspeak to me. There isss much that you will have to underssstand," and just as he was about to ask what she meant, it struck quick. It's teeth penetrating his skin. And just before he began to really feel the pain, it said, "It will hurt at firssst, mother sssaid; but we have no choice. You have no choice, I have no choice, this will be one way you can sssurvive, and I can get my revenge."

"I beg that you come back to underssstand…" and with that, he lost all function to think.


Waking up, Su grabbed for her wand, flicked her wrist, and with a quiet lumos was able to see. It was a dark room, and at first, she was unable to recall where she was. And with a blush, looked over to where Harry should be sleeping.

Thankfully, he had not come over to her side of the bed. She stayed their worried about him; but was now even more concerned, as she saw that he was nowhere to be found. Making her way out of the room, she first had to quickly use the facilities; but quickly resumed her search.

If she could not find him, she would go wake Winky up, and knew the elf could easily sense where her master was. And have her check on him; but she was also aware that he might just have wanted to clear his head.

First she made her way to the library. But he wasn't there, and she kept checking each room as she passed, not finding him. But when she got to the potions lab, she began to feel uneasy. He wouldn't have gone there, would he? That would be a foolish place to explore in the middle of the night, never having truly explored it before.

But then again, he had had her follow Hagrid into the Forbidden Forest, just earlier tonight. Not having a second thought; until he saw the dragons. So…he might have. Making her way through the tunnel, she had not long to wait, he was on the ground, unconscious, profusely sweating.

She had seen these signs plenty of times before. He was poisoned. Unknowing of what type of poison it was and not wanting to panic, she pulled out her wand and said, wingardium leviosa, and he began to float. This was something her parents had always drilled into her, time is of the essence, and levitate, never carry. But as a small witch, she doubted she would ever just carry someone. It was too impractical for her.

Being aware of the problem though, and being able to do something about it, well, those were two differing things. So trying to keep her fears in line, she began to walk off. Moving forward, she first made her way into the atrium of the chamber, up through a door the two had slowly explored. No more than a few times Harry had awoke, sweat beading down his face, as he agonized in pain.

This horrified her and she was beginning to really like this boy. So as her uncle had taught, deep easy breaths, this always had worked for her before; but never had she ever been so scared in her life.

She then made her way up the stairs (she actually knew what area led to where by now) and exited, pulling on a snake shaped lever. The Chamber of Secrets was meant to keep people out; but not in.

This corridor led out into a room that was quite close to the hospital wing, and she made her way over, resting only when she made sure he lay on the bed.

It was not long, before Madame Pomphrey came out, looking at Su, then seeing Harry, she pointed towards a bed (never uttering a word, and walked over, to begin a thorough examination).

Waving her wand, without a single incantation, she pointed the sobbing Su towards a seat next to the bed.

It was obvious to Su, exactly why she was allowed to stay, Madame Pomphrey needed to ask her some questions. Questions Su had no answer for. Though the healer did need to do her job, and Su sat there sobbing, some time later, the matron came over and asked, "Okay Miss Li, I have to ask where you have been, and though I am no expert on poisons, I have seen this one only twice before. Once, a couple of years ago. And honestly, there was only one reason I had to check for this specific poison—had it been anybody else, I would never have thought to do so, and almost didn't anyways—was because of who he is."

"Miss Li, can you please explain to me why he was poisoned by basilisk venom? Had this not been the second time and had the first time not been done by a more heinous dosage, I think you may never got him here alive. So Miss Li, I had better hear a good excuse for this."

Sniffling, she knew that he would not like her to be told; but Su was far more worried about his life, than some blasted secret chamber. So she told her the most important bits of the story. About getting down there and about how there was a dead corpse down there. But if need be, she would blow his entire secret up.

"But what are you gonna do for Harry?" she eventually asked, her voice quavering.

"You need not worry," she said, a sigh escaping her throat. "The boy is made up of sterner stuff, and had you not told me of what you knew, I would not utter a single bit of this to you. But since I get the feeling that you are genuinely worried about him, I will just say that he was healed by Fawkes, the headmaster's phoenix, some time ago, from the same poison coursing through his veins. Which seems to have made him rather resilient to this poison, and his body seems to be effective in fighting it off."

"In all honesty, I am rather amazed by this. Since I have not witnessed such a thing, not since the Tom Riddle was here."

"Who?" Su asked, now seriously interested. This name was familiar to her, and Harry never offered to explain just who the guy was. So hearing the healer speak of him so matter-of-factly, she was sure that he was well-known.

"Girl, Madame Pomphrey had said, "this is someone we do not speak about."

"But why?" she asked, her curiosity peaking. I mean, the only wizard I have ever heard to not be named was—" and she was cut off right there.

"And if you wish to survive, there are many of his followers still around. So please do not speak of him, ever. It has been thirteen years since he first tried to kill young Harry here. So please forget anything you have heard about this."

Su was now beginning to place things together. Madame Pomphrey was not trying to hide who the person was; but she was too afraid to mention the person, so she referred to him with a name that nobody could know. A name that Su had heard mentioned a few times…but how? He was supposed to have been dead?

"Sleep girl," the healer told her. "I have seen people in worse condition get through poisonings, after being given an antidote; but his was already coursing through his body, unlike the rest. And I do not want you wandering through the halls again. He will be here a couple of days; but should wake up after a decent nights sleep."

"So get your rest, get back to class in the morning. Cause you will wake you early. But now that I am thinking clearly on this, you come back after classes, and be prepared to be put to some rigorous work. You shall serve your detention here.

And with a groan, Su laid down, hoping to get some rest, and a bit restless at the idea of serving detention for Madame Pomphrey. Somebody she heard many horror stories about.