The class already had a few students inside, Lou walked along the edge of the room towards the back row. Louisa pulled out the chair to the corner seat. Pretending to be busy on her phone, she watched as the teacher pulled out his day planner, he moved almost in a jerking motion. Mr. Branson's hands shook when he tried to right on the blackboard.

The bell for morning class sounded and more students filled the classroom. The first few rows filled up quickly, but a girl that seemed only a bit taller than Lou joined her in the back. One chair separated them. She watched as the brooding teenager pushed back he short cropped bangs. Not like most students, she did not have her phone out.

"Alright class, phones down," said Mr. Branson.

"The Brandon James gif put us on the map Mr. B, we've got seven of the top ten trending hashtags right now," a tan skinned boy said from a few rows up. His appearance screamed boyish-jock and arrogance.

"Maybe you should focus more on your studies and less on Lakewood's web buzz," Mr. B replied, leaning against his desk.

The boy's smirk grew, "Who can resist a murder selfie."

"Which is what the killer is counting on," another boy across the room pointed out. The student leaned forward in interest, the sun behind him gave his light brown hair a halo effect.

The class was silent. Everyone turned towards the teacher, he seemed to be having a mental screaming match. Finally, he spoke.

"Alright Will Graham," he said, stepping away from his desk. "What is this killer's desire?"

"Well murders a lonely game," nerd boy explained. "I mean, say you're the killer. You sneak into Nina's house, you skulk around and scare her, and then you kill her. But then what, take a victory lap around the pool? You just stand there and watch the blood spread out, thinking your crazy guy thoughts."

"Creepy monologue alert," a pretty blonde muttered.

Louisa tried to even her breathing. The mention of Nina's murder caused her body to stiffen and her brain was telling her to get up and run.

"So maybe it's no good if he's the only one that's watching," suggested the Asian girl that sat beside her.

The boy turned back to look at her. "Exactly," he said, "It's the age of Instagram, YouTube and Tumblr! We need to share the things we do or it's like nothing happened."

The excitement on his face shown bright. Louisa grabbed her bag before taking the back door out of the room. Her breathing was hard and her body felt numb. Lou noticed the girl who sat a seat away watched curiously as she ran out. Her eyes seemed calculating. From outside the room she heard Mr. Branson to tell a girl off for having her phone on.

A beat of silence.

The mysterious girl rushed past her, following behind in a slower pace another blonde trailed after. The sympathy and concern for the shorter girl showed.

"Audrey is everything okay," asked the blonde.

She put her hand on Audrey's shoulder, but the dark-haired girl shook it off. Lou could hear choked back tears. As she watched them she noticed Audrey's body tremble.

"I called Rachel to check on her, her mom answered her phone…They found her hanging from her ceiling fan," cried Audrey, her voice trembling. "She's dead."

Louisa and the other blonde watched as Audrey stormed past and exited the hallway. Her face was tinted pink and had fresh tears. Her friend just stared after her, helplessness radiated from her.

"You alright," Louisa called out.

"No actually. Everything is going wrong and I can't stop it. My friend died and now my other friend's girlfriend was found dead," she said, running her hand through her hair. "I'm sorry, I'm Emma. Sorry to rant, it's been a crazy week."

"It's no problem, I'm Louisa. New to the school," Lou held her hand out to Emma.

"Nice to meet you," Emma said taking her hand. "I should probably go, bell is about to ring and my friends will want to know what's going on."

Emma gave a tight lipped smile before walking down the hall and past the door back to class. The bell rung a few minutes later and the hall filled with students. All of them chatting about the death of a girl named Rachel. Lou was about to make her way past the door herself but the nerdy boy from class ran into her.

"Sorry," he shot out, grabbing her arm to steady her.

"It's fine,"

"You're the new girl! It must be really weird moving to murderville," he said, a beat later he cleared his throat. "Sorry, I sometimes talk without thinking."

"It's fine," Lou repeated. "I need to go, nice meeting you."

"Noah," he mumbled. "Uh, my name is Noah."

"Louisa, but I prefer Lou," she called over her shoulder.