Hello! And we are back with the fourth instalment of 'Heart of Fire' Series! I hope that up till now you have been enjoying the series? If not that is too bad for you! Stop reading! But If you still like it! Still read and review! Also if you want to read an amazing warrior cat fan-fiction look up 'Lightning's Destiny' by SedatedDreams' it's really good! And she updates like crazy! Also she has a Deviant arts account by her profile name 'SedatedDreams' and if you ask her a question on P.M she creates some awesome artwork to answer the question on her Deviant arts! So look her up!

And also shout of to one of my loyal reviewer's/followers! Oquelly




Leader Bluestar-blue-gray she-cat, tingled with silver around her muzzle.

Deputy Fireheart-pretty ginger she-cat with jade green eyes. Also active nursing queen and warrior.

Medicine cat Spottedleaf-beautiful dark tortoiseshell she-cat with distinctive dappled coat.

Yellowfang-old dark gray she-cat with a broad, flattened face, formerly of ShadowClan and has taken to Spottedleaf's second in command.


Whitestorm-big white tom.

Apprentice, Brightpaw

Darkstripe-sleek black-and-gray tabby tom.

Longtail-pale tabby tom with dark black stripes.

Apprentice, Swiftpaw

Runningwind-swift tabby tom.

Mousefur-small dusky brown she-cat.

Apprentice, Thornpaw

Brackenfur-golden brown tabby tom.

Cinderpelt-dark gray she-cat.

Goldenflower-pale ginger coat.

Dustpelt-dark brown tabby tom.

Apprentice, Ashpaw

Sandstorm-pale ginger she-cat.

Apprentice, Cloudpaw

Fireheart-pretty ginger she-cat with jade green eyes.

Apprentice, Fernpaw


Swiftpaw-black-and-white tom.

Cloudpaw-long-haired white tom.

Brightpaw-she-cat, with with ginger splotches.

Thornpaw-golden brown tabby tom.

Fernpaw-pale gray with darker flecks, she-cat, pale green eyes.

Ashpaw-pale gray with darker flecks, tom, dark blue eyes.


Frostfur-beautiful white coat and blue eyes.

Speckletail-pale tabby, and the oldest nursery queen.

Brindleface-pretty tabby.

Willowpelt-very pale gray she-cat with unusual blue eyes.

Fireheart-pretty ginger she-cat with jade green eyes.


Halftail-big dark brown tabby tom with part of his tail missing.

Smallear-gray tom with very small ears; the oldest tom in ThunderClan.

One-eye-pale gray she-cat; the oldest cat in ThunderClan; virtually blind and deaf.

Dappletail-once-pretty tortoiseshell she-cat with lovely dappled coat.


Leader Nightstar-old black tom.

Deputy Cinderfur-thin gray tom.

Medicine cat Runningnose-small gray-and-white tom.


Stumpytail-brown tabby tom.

Apprentice, Brownpaw

Wetfoot-gray tabby tom.

Apprentice, Oakpaw

Littlecloud-very small tabby tom.

Whitethroat-black tom with white chest and paws.


Dawncloud-small tabby.

Darkflower-black she-cat.

Tallpoppy-long-legged light brown tabby she-cat.


Leader Tallstar-black-and-white tom with very long tail.

Deputy Deadfoot-black tom with twisted paw.

Medicine cat Barkface-short-tailed brown tom.

Apprentice, Mosspaw.


Mudclaw-mottled dark brown tom.

Apprentice, Webpaw

Tornear-mottled dark brown tom.

Apprentice, Tawnypaw

Onewhisker-young brown tabby tom.

Apprentice, Whitepaw


Ashfoot-gray she-cat.

Morningflower-tortoiseshell she-cat.


Leader Crookedstar-huge light-colored tabby with a twisted jaw.

Deputy Leopardfur-unusually spotted golden tabby she-cat.

Medicine cat Mudfur-long-haired light brown tom.


Blackclaw-smoky black tom.

Apprentice, Heavypaw

Stonefur-gray tom with battle-scarred ears.

Loudbelly-dark brown tom.

Graystripe-long haired solid gray tom, formerly of ThunderClan.


Mistyfoot-dark gray she-cat.


Graypool-thin gray she-cat with patchy fur and a scarred muzzle.

Cats ouside Clans

Barley-black-and-white tom who lives on a farm close to the forest.

Blackfoot-large white tom with huge jet-black paws, formerly ShadowClan deputy.

Boulder-silver tabby tom, formerly of ShadowClan.

Princess-light brown tabby with a distinctive white chest and paws-a kittypet.

Ravenpaw-sleek black cat with a white-tipped tail who lives on the farm with Barley.

Smudge-plump, friendly black-and-white kitten who lives in a house at the edge of the forest.

Tigerclaw-big dark brown tabby tom with unusually long front claws.


Fireheart purred as she bathed in the light of the sun, the light shining through the canopy of leaves letting in shafts of warm beams that heated up Fireheart's sleek flame-colored fur. The chirps of birds lulled Fireheart into a sense of calmness, Fireheart purred louder as a familiar presence came to lay next to her. The dark brown tabby fur pressing against her side as she linked her tail with his. It felt right, even the unseeable kink in her tail intertwined comfortably into his. thundering purrs came from his throat as she nuzzled her head under his chin.

"I love you, Tigerclaw." Fireheart meowed, receiving a lick on the top of her head followed with a throaty purr.

"I love you ,too, Fireheart," came his natural reply. Everything was perfect-

"Wake up ThunderClan deputy!"

Fireheart's jade eyes snapped open, they instantly landed on Hawkkit, his ice-blue eyes gleaming with admiration and excitement. Leafkit and Tawnykit were beside him, pummeling Fireheart's shoulder with urgent paws.

"You got duties to attend to!" Leafkit squealed, her amber eyes glowing with pride for her mother.

"Ya, you need to get up!" Tawnykit agreed, her green eyes looking up at her mother.

"I'm getting up, don't worry," she meowed, glancing around she saw with a pang of alarm that her other kits were missing.

"Mothkit said to tell you that she was going to the medicine cats den, also Goldenflower came in to bring some fresh-kill to you, but you were still asleep. But Squirrelkit, Bramblekit and Spottedkit were already awake so she took them outside!" Leafkit explained at seeing her mother's concerned look.

"Oh, that was nice of her," Fireheart's fur began to lie flat again, forcing herself to calm back down. The smell of magpie could now be scented by Fireheart, her attention turned to it. This was the high season for prey, a time for the Clan to grow fat on the forest's bounty. And although there had been little rain since the newleaf floods, the woods were rich with food. Fireheart's mouth watered at the delicious smell, and she wondered how her kits didn't try to eat any of it.

"Do you want some?" Fireheart asked her three remaining kits, already dragging it towards her.

"No," Leafkit replied, her whiskers twitching.

"Your Clan deputy, you need to keep your strength up!" Hawkkit added, his bushy tail flickering as a go ahead for her to eat.

"Are you sure?" Fireheart asked teasingly as she watched Tawnykit eye the magpie.

"I just want one bit!" Tawnykit murmured embarrassed, Fireheart had to hold back her amused purrs at the scandalous look Hawkkit shot his sister.

"You can all three have a bit, I don't mind," Fireheart meowed, allowing each kit a mouthful in turn, Hawkkit was the most reluctant, but when he got an upclose wiff of the magpie he dug right in.

When they were done eating, Fireheart came to stretched up from her nest. Looking around the nest to find that the other queens had already gone. "Mother?" Leafkit meowed, gaining Fireheart's attention. "You were twitching in your sleep, were you dreaming of StarClan?"

Fireheart felt a twinge in her heart, in her dreams she dreamt of Tigerclaw. The dark warrior had been prowling through her dreams since Bluestar had banished him from the Clan a quarter moon ago. Tigerclaw had tried to kill the ThunderClan leader, but Fireheart had stopped him and exposed his long-hidden treachery to the whole Clan. There had been no sign of Tigerclaw since, but at night, where her mind can roam free of Clan duties, she dreamed of times where things were much simpler with him by her side again.

"No, I was actually dreaming of chasing a squirrel." Fireheart lied, gaining an amused look from her tabby daughter.

Fireheart padded out of the nursery, almost running into the pale gray queen, Willowpelt, who lay at the entrance to the nursery, warming her swollen belly in the morning sun. Until recently she had shared the warriors' den. Now she lived in the nursery with Fireheart and the other queens while she waited for her first litter to be born.

Beside her, Brindleface affectionately watched her two kits as they tussled on the hard earth, scuffing up small clouds of dust. They had been Cloudpaw's adopted littermates. When Fireheart had brought her sister's firstborn into the Clan, Brindleface had agreed to suckle the helpless kit. Cloudpaw had recently been made an apprentice, and it would not be long before Brindleface's own kits were ready to leave the nursery too.

Not to far away, Goldenflower was watching over Fireheart's other kits. Fireheart felt a pang go through her as she gazed landed on her young son, Bramblekit, he looked just like his father, an exact copy. Although Hawkkit came to be just like Tigerclaw in appearance, Bramblekit was his exact double.

A murmur of voices drew Fireheart's gaze toward the Highrock, which stood at the head of the clearing. A group of warriors was gathered in the shadows beneath the rock on which Bluestar, the leader of ThunderClan, normally stood to address her Clan. Fireheart recognized Darkstripe's tabby pelt, the lithe shape of Runningwind, and Whitestorm's snowy head among them.

With a nudge of her paw to Tawnykits rump, she directed her kits over to Goldenflower and their other siblings that were being watched by Goldenflower.

As Fireheart padded silently across the baked earth, Darkstripe's querulous meow sounded above the other voices. "So who's going to lead the patrol at sunhigh?"

"Fireheart will decided, shortly," Whitestorm answered calmly. The elderly warrior was clearly reluctant to be stirred by Darkstripe's hostile tone.

"She should be here by now!" complained Dustpelt, a brown tabby who had been an apprentice at the same time as Fireheart.

"I am here," Fireheart announced. She shouldered her way through the warriors to sit down beside Whitestorm.

"Well, now that you're here, are you going to tell us who's going to lead the patrol at sunhigh?" meowed Darkstripe. The dark tabby turned a cold gaze on Fireheart.

Fireheart felt a hot flash go through her sleek fur, in spite of the shade cast by the Highrock. Darkstripe had been Tigerclaw's strongest supporter, and Fireheart couldn't help wondering about the depth of his loyalty, even though Darkstripe had not followed Tigerclaw into exile. "Sandstorm will lead the patrol," Fireheart meowed.

Slowly Darkstripe switched his gaze from Fireheart to Whitestorm, his whisker twitching and his eyes glittering with scorn. Fireheart swallowed nervously, wondering if she had said something stupid.

"Er, Sandstorm's out with her apprentice," explained Runningwind, looking awkward. "She and Cloudpaw won't be back till evening, remember?" Beside him, Dustpelt snorted scornfully.

Fireheart gritted her teeth. I should have known that! "Runningwind, then. You can take Brackenfur and Dustpelt with you."

"Brackenfur'll never keep up with us," meowed Dustpelt. "He's still limping from the battle with the rogue cats."

"Okay, okay," Fireheart tried to disguise her mounting agitation, but she couldn't help feeling she was just plucking names at random as she ordered, "Brackenfur can go hunting with Mousefur and...and…"

"I'm up for some hunting!" Cinderpelt piped up, her ice-blue eyes shining with encouragement.

Fireheart blinked gratefully at her ex-apprentice and went on. "...and Cinderpelt."

"What about the patrol? It'll be past sunhigh if we don't decide soon!" meowed Darkstripe.

"You can join Runningwind on patrol," snapped Fireheart, her patience running thin with the dark striped tabby.

"And the evening patrol?" Mousefur asked mildly. Fireheart stared back at the dusky brown she-cat, her mind suddenly blank.

Whitestorm's rusty mew sounded beside Fireheart. "I'd like to lead the evening patrol," he meowed. "Do you think Cloudpaw and Sandstorm would like to come with me when they return?"

"Yes, of course." Fireheart looked around the circle of eyes and was relieved to see that they all seemed satisfied.

The cast moved away, leaving Fireheart alone with Whitestorm. "Thanks," she meowed, dipping her head to the old warrior. "I guess I should have planned the patrols before now." or have woken up earlier!

"It'll get easier, and you have a lot of other things to occupy your mind," Whitestorm assured her. "We have all grown used to Tigerclaw telling us exactly what to do and when."

Fireheart glanced away, her heart sinking at the mere mention of his name.

"They're also bound to be more edgy than usual," Whitestorm went on. "Tigerclaw's treachery has shaken the whole Clan. and it's not your fault if some are more...pushier."

Fireheart looked at the white warrior and understood that Whitestorm was trying to encourage her and comfort her at the same time. It was getting easier to forget that Tigerclaw's actions had come as a massive shock to the rest of the Clan. Fireheart had been in denial for a long time that Tigerclaw's hunger for power would extend this far and to this point. But the other cats had found it much harder to believe that the fearless warrior would turn against his own Clan. Whitestorm's words reminded Fireheart that, even if she did not yet have Tigerclaw's confiden authority, she would never betray her Clan as Tigerclaw had done.

Whitestorm's voice interrupted her thoughts. "I must go and see Brindleface. She said there was something she wanted to talk to me about." He dipped his head. The warriors respectful gesture took Fireheart by surprise, and she nodded awkwardly in reply.

As she watched Whitestorm leave, Fireheart nearly jumped out of her pelt when a voice spoke up from behind. "I can go on a patrol, mama!" Fireheart whipped her head around, Hawkkit was standing there with his tail pointed high in the air, his blue eyes glittering with excitement. For a fleeting second Fireheart was worried that her son had heard her conversation with Whitestorm, but seeing that her son made no indication of hearing about his father's treachery she let herself relax.

"You're too young, Hawkkit," Fireheart scolded her son lightly, but nuzzled his head affectionately.

"Not for long, when I'm older, I'll be catching you fresh-kill," he meowed with determination. And Fireheart purred with pride for her son.

Fireheart flicked her tail for her young son to follow her, although she really didn't have to signal him, he trotted along happily beside his mother. She spied Whitestorm's ginger-and-white apprentice, Brightpaw, who sat outside the apprentice's den, and Fireheart wondered if she'd brought the elders any fresh-kill. She padded over to the old tree stump where she was washing her tail, Hawkkit right on her heels. She lifted her head and mewed, "Hello, Fireheart."

"Hi, Brightpaw. Been hunting?" Fireheart asked, sighing as Hawkkit exclaimed loudly. "That's Clan deputy!"

"Yes," replied Brightpaw, her eyes shining. "It's the first time Whitestorm's let me out by myself."

"Catch much?" Fireheart asked in interest.

Brightpaw looked shyly at her paws. "Two sparrows and a squirrel."

"Well done," Fireheart purred. "I bet Whitestorm was pleased."

Brightpaw nodded, looking bashful.

"Did you take it straight to the elders?" Fireheart quizzed.

"Yes." Brightpaw's eyes clouded with worry. "Was that okay?" she mewed anxiously.

"That was great," Fireheart assured her. "Have any other apprentice's been there?"

"I think Swiftpaw has?" Brightpaw's answer came out more as a question. With a meow of goodbye to Brightpaw, She decided to visit the elders to check that Swiftpaw had stopped in, and were not suffering too much from the greenleaf heat. As she and Hawkkit who refused to be shaken from her side approached the fallen oak where the elders made their den, voices drifted up from behind its bare branches.

"Willowpelt's kits will be born soon." That was Speckletail. She was the oldest queen in the nursery, and her single kit was weak and small for its age after a bout of Whitecough that Fireheart was lucky when none of her own kits caught it.

"New kits are always a good omen," purred One-eye.

"StarClan knows we could do with a good omen," Smallear muttered darkly.

"You're not still fretting about the ritual, are you?" croaked Patchpelt. Fireheart could image the old black-and-white tom flicking his ears impatiently at Smallear.

"The what?" meowed One-eye.

"The naming ceremony for the new Clan deputy," Patchpelt explained loudly. "You know, when Tigerclaw left, a quarter moon ago."

"It's my ears that don't work as well as they used to, not my mind!" snapped One-eye. She went on, and the other cats listened in silence because One-eye was respected for her wisdom in spite of her bad temper. "I don't think StarClan would punish us just because Bluestar failed to name the new deputy before moonhigh. The circumstances were very unusual."

"But that just makes it worse!" fretted Dappletail. "What will StarClan think of a Clan whose deputy turns against it, and whose new deputy was named after moonhigh? It looks as if we can't keep our cats loyal, or even carry out the proper ceremonies."

Fireheart felt an icy ripple along her spine. When Bluestar had learned about Tigerclaw's treachery and banished him from the Clan, she had been too upset to carry out the proper rituals for appointing a new deputy. Fireheart had not been named as Tigerclaw's successor until the following day, and to many cats this was a very bad omen.

"Fireheart's naming broke with Clan ritual for the first time I can remember," meowed Smallear in a grave tone. "I hate to say it, but I can't help feeling that her deputyship will be a dark time for ThunderClan."

Patchpelt mewed in agreement, and Fireheart felt her heart pound as she waited for One-eye to calm the others fears with her wise words. But Dappletail's voice rose up instead, "And it doesn't help that she is still nursing kits, her attention will be divided from the rest of us." Above Fireheart's head the fierce sun continued to shine in a clear, blue sky, yet Fireheart felt chilled to the bone.

She turned away from the elders den, unable to face them now, and paced anxiously along the edge of the clearing. "Mama, what do they mean?" Hawkkit asked, scampering back and forth along side Fireheart.

"Oh, Err," Fireheart came to a stop, gazing down at her son as her mind scrambled together. "They're elders and they fret a lot, pay no mind, alright?" Fireheart told him soothingly, pleased when her son blinked innocently back. As she began to approach the nursery, Fireheart stared at the ground, lost in thought. A sudden movement outside the nursery entrance made her look up. Her walking stuttered, and her heart began to pound as she recognize Tigerclaw's amber eyes gleaming at her. Shocked by the familiar gaze, Fireheart blinked in alarm. Wondering if Tigerclaw came back. Then she realized that it was not the fierce warrior she was looking at, but her son, Bramblekit.

"I got the moss-ball!" a flash of pale ginger shot out of the nursery behind her dark tabby son. Tawnykit, with a wad of moss between her jaws was tossing her head around teasingly as Leafkit and Squirrelkit tried to take it from her.

Fireheart settled down as Hawkkit let out a cut off squeal and charged after Tawnykit, getting in on the game. A ripple of pale amber fur also started coming out of the nursery, and Fireheart was pleased to see Goldenflower watching after the kits. The pale ginger she-cat gently nudged Bramblekit and he too shot off to join in on the game, bowling Hawkkit over as he fought for the moss-ball.

"Their getting bigger," Goldenflower remarked as she spotted Fireheart, who meowed in greeting.

"Yes, they are," Fireheart replied, curing her tail around her paws as she stared at her kits. "Thank you."

"My pleasure," Goldenflower purred, coming to sit beside ThunderClan's deputy and wrap her tail around her paws as well. "They were getting restless so I allowed them to get some air, it's not good to keep kits inside all the time."

"Do you think I'm neglecting them?" Fireheart asked, her heart rising in alarm at the mere thought.

Goldenflower looked at her in surprise, as if she didn't expect Fireheart to ask such a thing. "Never, you're a wonderful mother. A natural, you're just more busier than the average queen is all."

Fireheart felt, not for the first time, bitter about being deputy. She wished that Bluestar would have chose someone else, Whitestorm would have been a good choice, but she chose Fireheart. A newly made warrior and new queen and mother, who also had emotional toll upon her from her mates treachery along with duties to her kits and Clanmates.

"I'm afraid for them, Fireheart," Goldenflower went on, leaning in closer as an edge of worry filled her voice. "The Clan will never forgive Tigerclaw-nor should they. But the kits have done nothing wrong, and I don't want to see them be punished because of Tigerclaw." Goldenflower listened her concern's. And Fireheart for the first time, did not think about what Tigerclaw's treachery could reflect on their kits.

"You're a well respected cat, Fireheart," Goldenflower went on. "You're ThunderClan deputy and these are also your kits too, but some cats might forget about that side of them. And see Tigerclaw...especially in some of your kits." Goldenflower and Fireheart's eyes immediately went to Bramblekit and Hawkkit who have forgotten about the moss-ball and were instead play wrestling together.

"You're right," Fireheart meowed solemnly. "These are my kits too, and I will die to protect them if I have to. Tigerclaw will have no influence on them, he's gone. I won't tell them what happened to Tigerclaw, just that he was a brave and powerful warrior." who was loved his kits very much.

Behind them Whitestorm squeezed out of the nursery. "Brindleface thinks her two remaining kits are ready to begin their training," he told Fireheart.

"Does Bluestar know?" Fireheart wondered aloud. Pleased to hear that Ashkit and Fernkit were ready to be apprenticed, they were getting more rowdy and loud and more restless.

Whitestorm shook his head. "Brindleface wanted to share the news with Bluestar herself, but she hasn't visited the nursery in days."

Fireheart frowned. She hadn't spent as nearly as long in the nursery as usual this past quarter moon and was unaware of the leader's Clan leader usually took an interest in every aspect of Clan life, especially the nursery. Every cat knew how important it was for ThunderClan to have fine, healthy kits.

"I suppose it's not surprising," Whitestorm continued. "She's still recovering from her wounds after the battle with the rogue cats."

"Shall I go and tell her now?" Fireheart offered, jade eyes blinking thoughtfully at the situation.

"Yes. Some good news might cheer her up," Whitestorm remarked.

With a jolt, Fireheart realized that Whitestorm was as worried as she was about their leader. "I'm sure it will," she agreed. "ThunderClan hasn't had this many apprentices in moons."

"That reminds me," meowed Whitestorm looking thoughtful. "It's about two of your kits…"

"Is it Squirrelkit and Hawkkit again? I told Squirrelkit not to put that thorn in Smallear's nest I swear to StarClan that I will-" Fireheart cut off her rant at Whitestorm's raspy chuckle of amusement.

"No, not Squirrelkit and Hawkkit!" Whitestorm assured, making Fireheart confused as to what Whitestorm might mean. "It's Leafkit and Spottedkit,"

"Leafkit and Spottedkit?" Fireheart echoed, her ears perking in surprise at the mention of her two most quietest and more well behaved kits.

"They seem to have grown close to, two of the apprentices. Swiftpaw and Thornpaw, and it tends to distract the two from their apprentice's duties. I like that they show an interest in the kits it's just that their responsibilities come first over the urge to try and sneak the kits out of the camp while their mother is away on patrol."

"They, what?" Fireheart was startled at this information, Leafkit and Spottedkit? And Swiftpaw and Thornpaw? What in StarClan.

"I'll talk to them about it, I promise." Fireheart weakly assured the senior warrior.

"I hope you do, before they do something they might not see the consequences too," Whitestorm warned. Whitestorm lifted a massive paw and gave it a lick. "The woods are not as safe as they once were," he murmured, as if he could see the danger already. "Don't forget WindClan and ShadowClan are still angry with us for sheltering Brokentail. They don't know yet that Brokentail is dead, and they might attack us again."

Brokentail had once been the leader of ShadowClan. He had nearly destroyed the other Clans in the forest with his greed for more territory. ThunderClan had helped to drive Brokentail out of his troubled Clan, but had later given him sanctuary as a blind and helpless prisoner-a merciful decision that had not been welcomed by his former enemies.

Fireheart knew that Whitestorm was warning her as carefully as possible-the warrior hadn't even mentioned the possibility that Tigerclaw might still be around-but the newly found knowledge that her kits maybe in danger for her ignorance made her defensive.

"You let Brightpaw hunt alone this morning," she retorted, feeling silly after she said it. It was petty and low.

"Yes. I told her to stay in the ravine and be back by sunhigh." Whitestorm's tone was mild, but he stopped washing his paw and looked at Fireheart with concern in his eyes. "But kits are kits, and apprentices are apprentices. There is a difference, Fireheart."

Fireheart looked away, a tugging feeling growing in her stomach. "I should go and tell Bluestar the kits are ready." Fireheart murmured.

"Good idea," answered Whitestorm. "I can take Brightpaw out for some training. She hunts well, but her fighting skills need some work."

Silently making a promise to speak with her daughters later, Fireheart padded away toward the Highrock. Outside Bluestar's den, she gave her ears a quick wash and put her own dilemma out of her mind before calling a greeting through the lichen that draped the entrance. A soft "Enter" sounded from inside, and Fireheart pushed her way slowly in.

It was cool in the small cave, hollowed out of the base of the Highrock by an ancient stream. The sunlight that filtered through the lichen made the walls glow warmly. Bluestar sat hunched in her nest like a brooding duck. Her long gray fur was dirty and matted. Perhaps her wounds are still to sore to wash properly, Fireheart thought. Her mind shied away from the considering and more prominent possibility-that her leader no longer wished to look after herself.

But the worry she had seen in Whitestorm's eyes pricked at her. Fireheart couldn't help noticing how thin Bluestar looked, and she remembered the half-eaten bird her leader abandoned last night, returning alone to her den instead of staying to share tongues with her senior warriors, as she'd used to.

The Clan leader raised her eyes as Fireheart entered, and she was relieved to see a faint spark of interest when she saw her.

"Fireheart," she greeted her, sitting up and lifting her chin. She held her broad gray head with the same dignity Fireheart had admired even on her worst day. It was Bluestar Fireheart would always be loyal too, and Bluestar's faith in Fireheart had quickly established a special bond between them.

"Bluestar," she began, respectfully dipping her head. "Whitestorm's been to the nursery today. And Brindleface told him her kits are Ready to begin their apprenticeships."

Bluestar slowly widened her eyes. "Already?" she murmured. Fireheart waited for Bluestar to start giving orders for the apprentice ceremony. But her leader just stared at her.

"Er...who do you want to be their mentors?" she prompted.

"Mentors," echoed Bluestar faintly.

Fireheart's sleek fur began to prickle with unease, something was off, very off about her leader.

Suddenly a flinty hardness flared in her blue eyes. "Is there any cat we can trust to train these innocent kits?" she spat.

Fireheart flinched, too shocked to answer. The leader's eyes flashed once more. "Can you take them?" she demanded. "Or Graystripe?"

Fireheart's stomach pinched with alarm for her former mentor. Had Bluestar forgotten that Graystripe was no longer part of ThunderClan? "I-I still have my kits to look after. And Graystripe…" Her words trailed away. She took a small, fast breath and began again. "Bluestar, the only warrior not fit to train these kits was Tigerclaw, and he has been exiled, remember any one of ThunderClan's warriors would make a fine mentor for Brindleface's kits." She searched Bluestar's face for a reacted, but Bluestar was staring stone eyed at the floor of the den.

"Brindleface is hoping to have a naming ceremony soon," Fireheart persisted. "Her kits are more than ready. Cloudpaw was their littermate, and he's been an apprentice for half a moon now."

Fireheart leaned forward, willing Bluestar to answer. At last her leader nodded her head briskly and lifted her eyes to Fireheart. With a wave of relief she saw the tension leave her shoulders. And although her gaze still seemed remote and icy, it was calmer now. "We'll have the naming ceremony before we eat this evening," she meowed, as if she had never doubted it.

"So who do you want to be their mentors?" Fireheart asked cautiously. She felt a tremor rippled through her slightly crooked tail as Bluestar stiffened again but unstiffened with an anxious look around the cave.


Her answer threw Fireheart off guard, was Bluestar serious? Fireheart taking care of kits, being Clan deputy and mentoring two apprentices? "B-but Bluestar, I still have my kits a-and-"

"Nonsense," Bluestar spat, shaking her head from side to side. "You are a perfectly capable cat, Fireheart, you can raise kits and be mentor!"

"But not two!" Fireheart tried to bargain, her jade green eyes filled with alarm at seeing her leader's own glass over.

"Fine then, take one!" Bluestar spat, tail lashing back and forth.

"But what about the other mentor?" Fireheart meowed weakly, watching as Bluestar calmed somewhat.

"You decide."

Bluestar's reply was barely audible, and Fireheart decided not to press her any more. She dipped her head and tried to keep her concern and sigh out of her voice as she meowed, "Yes, Bluestar," before backing out of the den.

She sat in the shade of the Highrock for a moment to gather her thoughts. Tigerclaw's treachery must have shaken her even more than she realized if she didn't trust any of her warriors now. Fireheart ducked her head to to give her chest a reassuring lick. IT was barely a quarter moon since the attack by the rogue cats. Bluestar would get over it, she told herself. Meanwhile, she had to hide her leaders anxiety from the other cats. If the Clan was already uneasy, as Whitestorm had said, seeing Bluestar like this would only make them more alarmed.

Fireheart flexed her shoulder and leg muscles and padded toward the nursery. Intending to check up on the future apprentices and her own kits. "Hi, Willowpelt," she meowed as she reached the queen. The pale gray she-cat was lying on her side outside the thicket of brambles that sheltered the kits, enjoying the warmth of the sun.

She lifted her head as Fireheart stopped beside her. "Hi, Fireheart. How's life as both a queen and deputy?" Her eyes were gently curious and her voice was friendly, not challenging or judgmental.

"Fine," Fireheart told her. Or it would be, if I wasn't Clan deputy, she thought with frustration, or the elders fretting about the wrath of StarClan, or a leader who refuses to see reason and decide who should mentor Brindleface's kits. And on top of that having another apprentice while also taking care of kits myself.

"Is Brindleface around?" Fireheart asked. Struggling to keep from yowling her troubles like a kit.

"She's inside," Willowpelt meowed between licks.

"Thanks." Fireheart pushed her way into the brambles. The surprising bright sunlight streaming through the gaps in the twisted branches made her blink heavily, she internally noted that she would have to get the holes patched before the cold winds of leaf-fall.

"Hi, Brindleface," she greeted her fellow den-mate. "Good news! Bluestar says the naming ceremony for your kits will be this evening."

Brindleface was lying on her side while her two pale gray kits clambered over her. "Thank StarClan for that!" she grunted as the heavier of the kits, his fur speckled with dark flecks, sprang off his mother's flank and flung himself at his sister. "These two are getting too big for the nursery."

"I'm envious, you're getting a nest in the warriors den now!" Fireheart murmured jokingly.

The kits tumbled over and rolled against their mother's back in a tangle of paws and tails. Brindleface gently shoved the kits away from her and asked, "Do you know who their mentors will be?"

Fireheart was already prepared for this question. "Bluestar hadn't said anything yet," she explained, not mentioning that she was one of them. "Are there any warriors you'd prefer?"

Brindleface looked surprised. "Bluestar will know best; she should decide."

Fireheart knew as well as any cat that it was traditional for the Clan leader to select mentors. "Yes, you're right," she meowed heavily. Her fur prickled as the breeze carried the odor of Fireheart and Tigerclaw's kits to her scent glands. "Where are my kits?" she asked Brindleface, more sharply than she intended.

Her eyes widened. "She's taken them to the elders den for a story," she replied. She narrowed her eyes in concentration at Fireheart. "You heard about what Spottedkit and Leafkit tried to do? Didnt you."

Fireheart nodded uncomfortably.

"All kits are like that, Fireheart," Brindleface assured her. "Always trying to sneak out to have an adventure. So go easy on them, and the apprentices too," Brindleface added on, a look of amusement taking over her features. "Those two she-cats of your certainly can tame a cat!"

"Well, you know kits." Fireheart turned away, suddenly feeling uncomfortable. "I'll see you later at the ceremony," she meowed as she pushed her way back through the entrance.

"Does this mean Bluestar's decided when the naming ceremony should be?" Willowpelt called over to her when she appeared outside.

"Yes," she answered shortly.

"Who will there men…?"

But Fireheart trotted away before she could hear the rest of Willowpelt's question. News of the naming ceremony would spread through the camp like forest fire, and every cat would want to know the same thing. Fireheart would have to decide soon who the other mentor will be, but her nose was still filled with the scents of her kits and decided to pay the elders den a little visit.

Fireheart pricked her ears at the excited meows from kits as she neared the elders den. Poking her head inside she found each kit sitting with their tails tucked around them, listening as Dappletail and Patchpelt took turns talking.

"And the Thunderstar said. "He who is not strong and fierce shall not-" Patchpelt was silenced by a scuff from Dappletail.

"It was loyal and courageous!" She retorted, the once pretty tortoiseshell she-cat elder cut in.

"Who's telling this story?" Patchpelt demanded, his tone flat as he shot her a look.

"Then tell it right!" Dappletail contoured.

"Hey, the last time you told it you said that it was intelligent and swift." Swiftpaw butted in, his paws roaming through One-eyes pelt for fleas.

"Just like your name!" Spottedkit squeaked, her amber eyes focused more on the black-and-white tom cleaning the elder then the actual elder's story.

"Ya, like my name." Swiftpaw echoed, wiggling a little in place as his fur seemed to heat under her sunset stare.

"Mind your paws," One-eye muttered, wincing as Swiftpaw pulled away quickly. Realizing that his claws were unsheathed and kneading One-eye's pelt.

"Sorry, One-eye." Swiftpaw quickly apologised, sheathing his claws once again as he continued his work. But kept one eye on Spottedkit at all times.

Fireheart was amused to see the way Swiftpaw reacted to Spottedkit simply looking at him. It was enough to send him acting like a flailing mouse. It was endearing to say the least.

"I see that you're all having fun," Fireheart meow caused countless heads to turn her way. Her kits eyes sparkled when they saw her, and Tawnykit let out a squeal of delight as she threw herself at her mother.

"Patchpelt was telling us a story!" Tawnykit meowed, coming to nuzzle into her mother's chest as Fireheart licked her pale ginger tortoiseshell fur soothingly.

"More like arguing over it with Dappletail," Squirrelkit piped up, not even flinching from the stern glare both elders gave her.

"I hope you have been staying out of trouble," Fireheart meowed smoothly, not missing the way Leafkit and Spottedkit shared a quick look or how Swiftpaw ducked his head.

"I've got my eye on them, Fireheart," Goldenflower meowed from where she was sitting beside Bramblekit and Spottedkit, watching happily as Fireheart came to nuzzle each of her kits in turn.

"Where's Mothkit?" Fireheart asked, not spotting the pretty golden tabby striped she-kit.

"In the medicine cats den, as always," Hawkkit meowed dryling. Shaking his already broad head as his ice blue eyes narrowed in disdain. "I wonder why she likes hanging around sick cats for!"

"Being a medicine is very important to the health of the Clan," Fireheart rebuked her son, giving him a firm look.

"Why does she want to be a medicine cat instead of a warrior for?" Leafkit asked, surprising Fireheart as she gazed at her tabby she-kit.

"Wouldn't you like to be medicine cat?" Fireheart couldn't help but ask, watching as Leafkit's face scrunched up in thought for a moment.

"I thought about it for a while...but, I want to be a warrior! Like Thornpaw!" Leafkit declared, getting answering meows of agreement from Hawkkit and Squirrelpaw.

"But Thornpaw's an apprentice." Bramblekit pointed out, his pale amber eyes looking at his sister in confusion.

"He will be, soon!" Leafkit spat back, surprising herself and her mother and siblings.

"Who's going to be what?" the golden-brown tabby apprentice in question muffled voice echoed into the elder's den around a stick of mouse-bile.

"Thornpaw!" Leafkit squeaked weakly, while the other kits greeted him normally.

Taking pity on her daughter, Fireheart decided to change subjects. "Fernkit and Ashkit are going to be made apprentices this evening."

Content purrs came from the elders and Goldenflower while the apprentices and kits looked on wide eyed. "Ashkit and Fernkit are being made apprentices!" Hawkkit wailed in dismay.

"Their old enough and ready." Fireheart replied to her son, not understanding his distress.

"But I want to be an apprentice!" Hawkkit meowed, his fluffy tail sticking up in the same way Squirrelkit does.

"When can we be apprentices!" Tawnykit asked, her green eyes looking up sharply to stare into her mother's eyes.

"When your six moons old." Fireheart told her, getting upset wails from her as well.

"Isn't there some way we can speed it up?" Bramblekit asked, his own eyes filled with trouble at the thought of waiting.

"Enjoy sleeping in all day and playing while it lasts," Swiftpaw snorted, cracking a flea between his teeth with a look of disgust on his face.

"But I wanna be an apprentice now!" Hawkkit yowled, hopping on top of his closest sibling, which was Squirrelkit, and promptly engaging in a play fight.

"Just just ask impatient as Tigerclaw," Fireheart heard Smallear murmure quietly to Halftail. Only then to yelp and exclaimed, "That's my ear!"

"Sorry, accident," Thornpaw meowed, although it didn't look as if sticking a wad of mouse-bile in the gray toms ear was actually an accident. But Fireheart couldn't bring herself to rebuke the apprentice that stuck up for her kits.

"You'll all be apprentice's when you're older," Fireheart told her kits, meeting each one's stare in turn. "And you'll be brave and loyal one's at that."

"Unless they take after, Tigerclaw," Smallear's meow came again, still to quiet for the oblivious kits to hear but Fireheart heard it plainly, it was almost like Smallear was trying to pick a fight with the new ThunderClan deputy.

"Watch it!" Smallear screeched, pulling away from Thornpaw who had 'accidentally' unsheathed his claws to pull harshly at a tick that 'just wouldn't' come off.

"Sorry, Smallear," Thornpaw retorted flatly, if not a bit sarcastically. Smallear eyed the golden-brown apprentice suspiciously, but the young apprentice was a picture of cool and collective calmness, and no one was giving the young apprentice's true actions away. Even Swiftpaw kicked up some of his bedding while passing.

"I'll show you the hunting crouch after I come back with Longtail, alright?" Swiftpaw meowed quietly to Spottedkit, who nodded timidly but whose amber eyes shone with eagerness.

"I best be getting on, You okay watching them? Or do you want me to get one of the other queens to substitute for you?" Fireheart asked, turning to Goldenflower who was watching Hawkkit and Squirrelkit.

"No, it's fine, Fireheart," Goldenflower assured, bending over to start grooming Spottedkit's dark ginger fur.

"Alright, come find me if there is any trouble." Fireheart meowed in parting.

When she excited the elders den after Swiftpaw, she instinctively headed for the fern tunnel that led to the medicine cat's clearing. Spottedleaf would be there. Spottedleaf had been one of Fireheart's best friends since she was gifted the second chance at life. Spottedleaf had been there emotionally and with an open ear and will help to make sense of the confused emotions that seethed in her heart.

She quickened her pace through the cool ferns and emerged into the sunlit clearing. At one end loomed the flat face of a tall rock, split down the center. The niche in the middle of the stone was just large enough for the medicine cats to make their den and store their healing herbs.

Fireheart was about call when she heard meows of delight come from the shadowy cleft in the rock. Curious, Fireheart padded over to peek inside. The dappled tortoiseshell coat of the young ThunderClan medicine cat could be seen looking down at another form, who was hunched over sniffing at some herbs scattered at her paws while Spottedleaf looked on.

"It's borage, used to produce more and better milk. And also brings down fevers." the smaller form meowed, making Spottedleaf murmur in congradulations. Fireheart was impressed with the small cat, knowing herbs straight off at such a young age was uncommon and was surprising to find such a young talent and natural.

"Very good, Mothkit." Came Spottedleaf's praise, as the golden dappled she-kits ears flickered with bashfulness.

"I just know it cause you brought it in for Willowpelt," Mothkit said humbly, making Spottedleaf scuff.

"You remembered it, that shows a good and ready mind, Mothkit. I may just consider you a medicine cats apprentice when the time comes for your apprenticeship," Spottedleaf meowed, sounding like she meant it.

Fireheart's stomach clenched at the that, but she mentioned in her mind that this was not her choice, if Mothkit wanted to be a medicine cat, then that was her choice along with StarClan's. Squaring she shoulders she put as much excitement as she greeted the two cats. "Are you getting a lot done?"

Spottedleaf jumped in surprise at Fireheart voice, while Mothkit whipped her golden head around and meowed a greeting as Fireheart padded up to them.

"We we're just going over some herbs," Spottedleaf meowed as she recovered from her surprise and added on more fawndly. "Mothkit is being very helpful to both myself and Yellowfang, she has talent for healing, Fireheart."

"I'm sure she is." Fireheart replied, looking at her daughter sadly, but pride and love for her daughter was evident in her voice.

"She sure is," Spottedleaf replied back, her amber eyes sure and confident in Mothkit, so much that Fireheart felt almost like it was meant as a threat. "But what do you need, Fireheart? Are you sick?"

"No, it's just that…" Fireheart turned to look axiously at her daughter, who was eyeing the two older she-cats with interest. Spottedleaf seemed to get the silent hint as she turned toward Mothkit.

"Mothkit, why don't you go sort those juniper berries into piles for me? That would be very helpful if you did." with her amber eyes shining with glee, Mothkit scampered farther in the den, her tail wagging in the air as she set off on her task.

"What is it?" Spottedleaf asked, her attention solely on Fireheart.

"Tired mostly, what with being deputy and queen," Fireheart sighed, shaking her head as Spottedleaf looked sympathetic.

"There's a reason nursing queens are not normally picked with taking care of their Clan while also taking care of young kits," Spottedleaf said. "But you are a durable cat, Fireheart. And if anyone can do both jobs, it is you. Bluestar herself thinks so too."

"Sometimes I doubt that," Fireheart meowed quietly, making Spottedleaf's eyes widen in surprise then become knowing again.

"The omen," Spottedleaf stated, nodding her head to herself as she understood. "It's not going to be easy, StarClan assured me of that."

"What else did they tell you?" Fireheart asked in interest. But Spottedleaf was shaking her head.

"I have a feeling it's just not about omens, Fireheart," Spottedleaf pushed forward, piling the borge back into a neat pile.

"It's my kits," Fireheart said softly, not wanting to gain Mothkit's attention. "Cats seem to…" Fireheart didn't dare continue, afraid of where it might lead her.

"Be divided of opinions with them?" Spottedleaf added helpful, as she turned to look Fireheart in the eyes, a fierce fire burning there for her friend.

"I don't know what to do, what if someone says something to them? I feel torn at wanting the Clan happy, but there my kits and I feel as if someone insults them I should have the right to cuff them over the ears with my claws unsheathed." Fireheart meowed, her eyes flat to her head as she remembered how Smallear compared her kits to Tigerclaw this morning. "Some even think they'll turn out like him."

"If they see Tigerclaw every time they look at them, it's not surprising they feel like that," mewed Spottedleaf gently, blinking over Fireheart's hostile glare. "But they must look beyond their father's legacy and try to see the cat inside. Remember, they are not just Tigerclaw's kits. There your kits too. And Tigerclaw will never have influence on them now. It will be you and the Clan that raises them." She added, "You are proof that you can't judge someone by the circumstances of their birth."

Spottedleaf was right. Fireheart never let her kittypet roots interfere with her loyalty to the Clan. "Has StarClan spoken to you about Mothkit, yet?" she asked, knowing that Spottedleaf and Yellowfang would have studied Silverpelt at the moment of their births.

"I don't need StarClan to show me a sign when it's plain to see she is already the perfect choice to become my apprentice." Spottedleaf mewed firmly as she kept her amber eyes steady on Firehearts green ones.

Fireheart felt like Spottedleaf had already in her own mind, has decided that Mothkit would become her apprentice. A sign from StarClan or not. She decided to tell Spottedleaf about the other problem that was troubling her. "There's something else I wanted to talk to you about," she confessed. "Bluestar has decided that I should mentor one of Brindleface's kits,"

"Congratulations, this will be your second apprentice I believe?" Spottedleaf congratulated her in surprise.

"And she wants me to pick the other mentor." Fireheart added.

Spottedleaf eyes twinkled as she meowed back. "Why are you looking so worried, then? You should be flattered."

"Flattered?" Fireheart echoed silently, recalling the hostility and confusion in Bluestar's eyes. She shrugged helplessly. "Maybe. But I'm not sure who to pick."

"You must have some idea," Spottedleaf prompted her assuringly.

"Not a clue," Fireheart sighed, her head hanging in defeat.

Spottedleaf frowned thoughtfully. "Well, how did you feel when Cinderpelt was named your first apprentice?"

Fireheart was caught off guard by the question. "Proud, and scared. And desperate to prove myself," she replied slowly.

"Which one of the warriors do you think wants to prove himself most?" Spottedleaf meowed.

Fireheart narrowed her eyes. And image of a brown tabby flashed in her mind. "Dustpelt." Spottedleaf nodded thoughtfully as Fireheart went on: "He must be dying to get his first apprentice. He was pretty close to Tigerclaw, so he'll want to prove his loyalty to the Clan now that Tigerclaw's been exiled. He's a good warrior, and I think he'll make a good mentor." Even as she forced herself to stay cool when saying Tigerclaw's name it still sent a shiver down her spine, one she wasn't sure she hid well from Spottedleaf. Although Fireheart also realized that she had a more personal motive for choosing Dustpelt. The tabby's eyes had flashed enviously as Bluestar once made Fireheart a mentor, before him to Cinderpelt. And over looked as Sandstorm was made Cloudpaw his mentor. Perhaps, Fireheart thought guiltily, giving Dustpelt an apprentice would soothe the warrior's jealousy and make him easier to get along with.

"Well, then, there you are, problem solved," Spottedleaf meowed, her eyes bright. And so were Fireheart's.

"Solved what?" Yellowfang's rasping mew sounded from the fern tunnel, and the dark gray she-cat padded stiffly into the clearing. Fireheart turned to greet her. As usual, her long fur looked matted and dull, as if caring for the clan left her no time for grooming, but her orange eyes gleamed, missing nothing.

"Bluestar is making Fireheart one of the mentors to Brindleface's kits," Spottedleaf jumped in to explian. "And she asked that Fireheart choose the other mentor for her."

"Oh, has she?" Yellowfang's eyes widened in surprise.

"Who did you find?"

"We've chosen Dustpelt," Fireheart began.

Yellowfang interrupted her. "We've?" she rasped. "Who's we?"

"Spottedleaf helped," Fireheart admitted.

"I'm sure Bluestar is very proud that it takes both a medicine cat and deputy to come up with a mentor," Yellowfang remarked. She turned to Spottedleaf. "Have you finished mixing that poultice?"

"I been showing Mothkit how to do it since she arrived." Spottedleaf replied proudly, and for once Yellowfang looked slightly impressed.

"Where's the little terror now?" Yellowfang snorted, although she didn't sound upset.

"Sorting out some juniper berries, I'll go check on her." Spottedleaf meowed, meowing farewell to Fireheart she disappeared in the back.

"Have you spoken to StarClan about Mothkit?" Fireheart asked, wanting to know what the older medicine cat thought about her daughter's choice about being a medicine cat is.

"Now, listen here Fireheart," Yellowfang began sternly, her orange eyes narrowed. "The ways of a medicine cat are not to be meddled with, if Mothkit does wish to become a medicine cat and follow the wills and guidance of StarClan and they do accept her as a medicine cat, then there is nothing you can do about it."

"But she's my kit!" Fireheart threw out hotly, sounding selfish and guilty.

"Just like Brokentail was my kit, but there was nothing I could do to change his fate, no matter how much I tried." Yellowfang meowed sadly, although there was still a sharp edge to her voice.

"But what if she regrets becoming a medicine cat?" Fireheart meowed softly, doubt for her daughter flickering through her mind.

"All medicine cats have their doubts, but there is no changing fate or destiny." Yellowfang said dismissively, and Fireheart had to hold her tongue before she could say that she had changed fate by re-living a new life.

Fireheart pushed herself to her paws, she had what she needed, she had found the other mentor and her emotions towards those around her kits were realized but also reassured...if not a little bit. "Right, thanks Yellowfang." Fireheart meowed, blinking at the older medicine cat.

"Right, that's sorted. Would you mind leaving me and my associate and her soon-to-be-apprentice in peace now? We've got work to do."

"Of course," Fireheart meowed as she flicked her tail gently along the gray she-cats side and exited through the fern tunnel.

When Fireheart stepped out, she gazed across the clearing, Swiftpaw was there. With Spottedkit beside him, her hunches were lowered in a sloppy form of the hunter crouch, but Swiftpaw was there smoothing out her stance as he taught her how to place her paws.

For a moment they looked like mentor and apprentice and not apprentice and kit. It interested Fireheart, Swiftpaw would most likely be a warrior by the time Spottedkit was ready to become an apprentice, so maybe if it was possible that Swiftpaw could mentor Spottedkit?

She shook the thought off, she had to worry about the mentors of Fernkit and Ashkit right now. Fireheart hurried Bluestar's den. At the Highrock, Fireheart didn't pause to smooth her ruffled fur; just called out and pushed her way through the lichen as soon as she heard Bluestar's reply. The ThunderClan leader was crouching in her nest where Fireheart had left her, staring at the wall.

"Bluestar," Fireheart began, dipping her head. "I thought Dustpelt would be a good mentor."

The elderly she-cat turned her head and looked at Fireheart, then heaved herself up onto her haunches. "Very well," she answered flatley.

A wave of disappointment broke over Fireheart. Bluestar looked as if she didn't care whom she chose. "Shall I send Dustpelt to you so you can tell him the good news?" she asked. "He's out of the camp just now," she added. "But when he returns, I can-"

"Out of camp?" Bluestar's whiskers twitched.

"He's on patrol," Fireheart explained in confusion.

"Where's Whitestorm?"

"Out training Brightpaw."

"And Mousefur?"

"Hunting with Brackenfur and Cinderpelt."

"Are all the warriors out of camp?" Bluestar demanded.

Fireheart saw the muscles in her shoulders tense and her heart lurched. What was Bluestar afraid of? Her thoughts darted back to Spottedleaf and the omen. "The patrol's due back soon." Fireheart fought to stay calm as she tried to reassure her leader. "And I'm still here."

"Don't patronize me! I'm not some frightened kit!" spat Bluestar. Fireheart shrank back and she went on: "Make sure you stay in camp until the patrol returns. We've been attacked twice in the past moon. I don't want the camp to be left unguarded. In the future I want a least three warriors to remain in camp all the time."

Fireheart felt a chill shudder through her sleek pelt. For once she did not dare met her leader's eyes, afraid that she wouldn't recognize the cat she saw there. "Yes, Bluestar," she murmured quietly.

"When Dustpelt returns, bring him to me. I wish to speak to the both of you before the ceremony."

"Of course." Fireheart replied.

"Now go!" Bluestar flicked her tail at her, as if she thought Fireheart was putting the Clan in danger by wasting time.

Fireheart backed out of the den. She sat down in the shade of the Highrock and twisted her head to lick the fur on her slightly crooked tail. Her thoughts running rampant at Bluestar's behaviour. Ever since Tigerclaw's attack, she just seemed to shut down, even thought Fireheart herself had more reasons to crumble up in a heap herself she didn't let it get in the way of what she had to do. Like looking after her kits! And her duties as deputy! And now an apprentice.

Just then she heard the crashing of cats through the undergrowth outside the camp and she smelled the familiar scents of Darkstripe, Runningwind and Dustpelt on the warm air. Their pawsteps slowed as they trotted through the gorse entrance, Runningwind leading the way.

Fireheart sprang to attention. She hurried across the clearing to meet them. "How did the patrol go?" she called.

"No signs of the other Clans," reported Runningwind.

"But we did smell a strange cat scent." added Darkstripe. "Near Twolegplace, maybe a loner or rogue. It didn't smell like a soft, fat kittyept."

"Did you see them?" Fireheart meowed as casually as she could. Not rising to the bait. Darkstripe shook his head.

"Was it fresh?" she asked Runningwind.

"Fairly. We lost their trail when we started to head back to camp."

Fireheart nodded. Hopeful that it was just a one time occurrence. "Dustpelt, come with me. Bluestar wants to see us in her den." Dustpelt eyed her suspiciously, but didn't question her as she flicked her tail towards their leaders den.

She paused as she noticed Runningwind lead Thornpaw toward the camp entrance. "Where are you going?" she called out to them. Bluestar's warning about three warriors at all time in the camp at all times in her ears.

"I promised Mousefur I'd teach Thornpaw how to catch squirrels this afternoon," Runningwind meowed over his shoulder.

"Okay, but be careful of...just be careful!" Fireheart meowed, and Runningwind and Thornpaw disappeared into the grose tunnel. A stab of guilt at not being able to warn them about Tigerclaw ran through her. The thought of a rogue or loner on ThunderClan border made her remember that Tigerclaw did not belong to ThunderClan anymore, that he was a rogue now. Probably alone and hungry if he didn't join up with Brokentail's outlaws that is.

Fireheart turned around and padded once again back to Bluestar's den. Inside Dustpelt was already there and both were simply waiting for Fireheart to arrive. Bluestar was sitting up, looking indifferent as both Dustpelt and Fireheart sat before her, it was an short awkward silence between them before Bluestar began to speak.

"Two kits are ready to be apprenticed, and both of you have been chosen as mentors." Bluestar spoke, her voice hollow but her words leaving an impact.

Fireheart watched with pleasure as Dustpelt perked up at his leader's words, his ears pricking in surprise and being replaced by anticipation and excitement. "I trust you in taking care of these kits and mentoring them wisely." but Bluestar was looking solely at Fireheart, which left a bad taste in the flame-colored she-cat.

"We'll do our best." Fireheart replied, emphasizing on the both of them.

"Now, go. The ceremony will be shortly." Bluestar dismissed, her back turning to them. Fireheart wanted to ask if she would be alright, but knew she wouldn't get any reply. So both Dustpelt and Fireheart exited quietly, both buzzing with being made mentors.

"Congratulations on being made mentor, Dustpelt," Fireheart decided to lighten the mood a little, she was happy for him.

"Thanks." Dustpelt replied shortly, although there wasn't any malice to it, it didn't sound all that friendly either. So with a courteous nod, the two cats parted ways.

The rest of the afternoon dragged. Fireheart settled herself beside the nursery, content to lay there and watch her Clan move about her. Her kits frisking around Goldenflower, who she sent a greeting nod. Obviously Goldenflower could see how tired and defeated Fireheart looked and decided to give her some peace.

As the sun began to sink below the treetops, the hunting party returned. It was followed by Whitestorm and Brightpaw, drawn away from the training hollow, no doubt, by the scent of fresh-kill. Sandstorm and Cloudpaw soon afterward.

There was plenty of prey to go around, but no cat approached the pile. News of the naming ceremony had spread through the capm. Fireheart could hear Thornpaw, Brightpaw, Cloudpaw, and Swiftpaw whispering in excited mews outside their den until Bluestar padded out from her cave, when they hushed one another and looked up with huge, expectant eyes.

The ThunderClan leader leaped onto the Highrock in a single, easy bound. She had clearly recovered from her physical injuries after the battle with the rogue cats, but Fireheart didn't know whether to feel relieved or worried by this. Why hadn't her mind recovered as quickly as her body? Fireheart's heart quickened as she raised her chin, preparing to call the Clan together. Her voice sounded dry and cracked, as if it had grown brittle from lack of use, but as she yowled the familiar words, Fireheart felt her confidence return.

The sinking sun glowed on her sleek flame-colored fur, and she thought of her own naming ceremony, when she had finally become a warrior. Proudly squaring her shoulders Fireheart moved to the front, casting a glance at her kits that were being shepherded into the nursery, looking tired. Dustpelt came to join her, sitting stiffly beside her, unable to suppress the excitement that shone from his eyes. Fireheart herself, despite all her other responsibilities also couldn't hardly contain her own excitement.

"We are here today to give two Clan kits their apprentice name's," Bluestar began formally, glancing down to where Brindleface sa with a kit on either side of her. Fireheart hardly recognized the boisterous gray kits she'd seen wrestling in the nursery earlier. They looked much smaller out here, with their fur neatly groomed. One of them leaned toward its mother, its whiskers trembling with nervous excitement. The larger kit kneaded the ground with its paws.

An expectant hush fell over the rest of the Clan. Fireheart wondered which one she would be mentoring.

"Come forward," Fireheart heard Bluestar's command from above. The kits padded side by side to the center of the clearing, their mottled gray coats bristling with anticipation.

"Dustpelt," rasped Bluestar. "You will be mentor to Ashpaw." Fireheart watched as Dustpelt left her side and walked toward the larger gray kit and stood beside him.

"Dustpelt," Bluestar went on, "this will be your first apprentice. Share your courage and determination with him. I know you will train him well, but don't be afraid to turn to the senior warriors for advice."

Dustpelt's eyes gleamed with pride, and he leaned down to touch Ashpaw's nose with his own. Ashpaw purred loudly as he followed his new mentor to the edge of the circle.

The smaller kit remained in the center of the clearing, her eyes shining and her little chest quivering. Fireheart caught her eye and blinked warmly at her. The kit stared back at her as though her life depended on it.

"Fireheart," Bluestar paused when she meowed her name. Fireheart's spine tingled as she saw a glimmer of pride flash in her leader eyes. "You will be mentor to Fernpaw." The kits pale green eyes widened in surprise, as Fireheart step toward her.

"Fireheart," Bluestar meowed. "You are loyal and brave. Pass on all you can to this young apprentice."

"Yes, Bluestar," Fireheart replied. She bent to touch noses with Fernpaw, who happily touched noses back with a pleased gleam in her pale green eyes. As Fireheart led her new apprentice over to the edge of the clearing, she casted a look up at Fireheart. Who purred encouragingly at her.

The other cats began congratulating the two new apprentices, crowding around them and calling them by their new name's. Fireheart joined in, happy for Brindleface's kits and being able to mentor one of them. Fernpaw and Ashpaw looked overwhelmed themselves, both happy to drink in the praise of their Clanmates.

"What will we be doing tomorrow?" Fernpaw asked, looking up at Fireheart with interest.

"How about I show you the territory?" Fireheart suggested, that was the first thing she had done with Cinderpelt. So it wouldn't hurt for Fernpaw to get to know the territory. Fernpaw gave a nod of anticipation as Fireheart directed her off to the apprentices den to get settled.

"Have you decided who's going to lead the dawn patrol?" Whitestorm's question startled Fireheart, who hadn't noticed the white warrior coming up behind her.

Fireheart hesitated. She hadn't even thought about it, or the rest of the patrols and hunting parties for the next day. He'd been to busy worrying about Bluestar and her kits.

"Give it some thought," meowed Whitestorm, turning away. "There's plenty of time yet."

"Cinderpelt can lead the patrol," Fireheart decided quickly. "And take Longtail and Mousefur with her."

"Good idea," purred Whitestorm. "Shall I tell them?" He glanced over at the fresh-kill pile, where the cats were beginning to gather.

"Yes," answered Fireheart. "Thanks."

She watched the white warrior head toward the pile, feeling her own belly growl with hunger. She was about to follow when she noticed a dark ginger pelt accompanied by a black-and-white pelt, sneaking their way towards the gorse tunnel, almost going unnoticed by everyone else.

Shock then fury shot through Fireheart, it was Spottedkit and Swiftpaw! Rising to her paws Fireheart stalked up behind the two, just as they were about to enter the gorse tunnel. "What are you two up too?" Fireheart asked, forcing her tone to sound casual.

"Fireheart!" Swiftpaw gasped, turning around while Spottedkit looked guiltily at her paws. "We, were just...Er…" Swiftpaw looked like he was scrambling to find a good excuse but it was Spottedkit surprisingly that confronted her mother.

"I wanted to see the ravine, and I asked Swiftpaw to take me. He said it wasn't safe but I told him I was going anyway, with or without him. It's not Swiftpaw's fault, he just wanted to protect me!" Spottedkit said defiantly, her eyes blazing bright, reminding Fireheart of her father, Tigerclaw.

"You shouldn't be going out so late," Fireheart scolded them both. "It's dangerous."

"Why is it so dangerous?" Spottedkit asked, shuffling her paws.

"Err…" now it was Fireheart who was lost for words, uncertain of what to tell her young daughter. She didn't want to say anything about Tigerclaw and the rogue cats.

"Cause of foxes and badgers." Swiftpaw answered coolly, amber eyes locking with another younger pair of pale amber eyes. Swiftpaw was giving nothing away, and Spottedkit slowly nodded her head, although she seemed somewhat skeptical, her eyes narrowed somewhat. It seemed she got her suspicion from her father.

"You should get back to the nursery, I'll be there shortly." Fireheart told her daughter, watching as Spottedkit looked dejected and with her ears and tail down, slinked back towards the nursery.

"And you, Swiftpaw," Fireheart looked back at the young apprentice. "Should learn not to take out young kits on your own without permission." it came out venomously and she didn't try to fake how angry she was.

"Whatever," Swiftpaw snorted, clearly getting his attitude from Longtail. The young tom slipped past Fireheart, joining in on plentiful fresh-kill pile.

Suddenly Fireheart didn't feel hungry anymore. She saw Bluestar lying under a chimp of ferns beside the warriors den and longed to share her worries with her old mentor. But the haunted look had returned to Bluestar's eyes as she picked halfheartedly at a small thrush. Fireheart felt a sadness like ice in her heart as she watched the ThunderClan leader heave herself to her paws and walk slowly toward her den, leaving the thrush untouched.

Feeling tired and drained, Fireheart stumbled towards the nursery, which seemed a lot bigger the normal, both Frostfur and Brindleface she-cats had returned to their lives as warriors now that their kits had left the nursery. It would be lonely without Brindleface, Fireheart reflected as her kits were curled sound asleep in their nest.

Goldenflower looked up, blinking warmly as she laid in Brindleface's old nest. Looking over her kits. "Spottedkit just came in, I didn't even know she left!" Goldenflower muttered, looking fawndly at Firehearts kits. It sent a spark of jealousy through Fireheart, knowing Goldenflower is able to spend so much time with her kits and she couldn't.

"I found her trying to sneak out with Swiftpaw," Fireheart replied, just as quiet as she maneuvered herself into her nest.

"Those two are close," Goldenflower remarked, reminding Fireheart that Goldenflower was Swiftpaw's mother. Fireheart let out a non verbal sound of agreement, although she didn't say that Swiftpaw was leading her daughter into trouble.

"I'll leave you to sleep now." Goldenflower meowed quietly, the pale ginger she-cat stood up quietly and exited the nursery soundlessly.

Fireheart waited for a moment, just listening to the sounds of her kits gentle breathing and light snores. Slowly, Fireheart sunk into sleep.

Soft paws padded through Fireheart's dreams that night. A golden tabby that looked so like Mothkit emerged from the forest beside Fireheart, that for a moment she thought that this was Mothkit grown up. But as she turned to them, the cat was broad shouldered with lean muscles and a ripped left ear, and clearly a tom with piercing amber eyes.

The tom didn't say anything, but Fireheart felt connected to him. Almost on a kinship level. Before she could say anything, the tom turned from her and walked away. Surprised Fireheart began to follow, breaking into a run to chase the golden tabby cat through the woods. She called out to him, but even though his pace hadn't seemed to quicken, he stayed ahead of her, deaf to her cries.

Without warning, a dark gray shape loomed out from behind a tree. It was Bluestar, and the eyes of the ThunderClan leader were wide with fear, Fireheart swerved to avoid her, desperately trying to keep this strange tom-cat in sight, but then Fernpaw leaped at her from the ferns that lined the other side of the path, knocking her other. Lyng winded for a moment. Fireheart could feel Whitestorm's eyes burning through her sleek fur as the white warrior watched her from the branches of a tree.

Fireheart scrambled to her paws and raced after the tom once more. He was still several fox-lengths ahead, padding steadily on without even turning to see who called him. Now the rest of ThunderClan had gathered along Fireheart's path. As she dodged and weaved through them, they called out to her-she couldn't make out their words, but their voices formed a deafening chorus of meows grew louder and louder until they drowned out her own cry so that even if he were listening, the tom could not have heard.

With one backwards glance, the golden tabby tom's amber eyes seemed to bore right into hers…


Wow! Long time! No update! Finally I am able to post 'Rising storms!' ya! I hope you all enjoyed my last 3 books! And I hope you enjoy this one as well! Also look up 'A New Beginning' by : RedRodTheRebel. Jr (it's really good! So go read it!) anyway! Here are so fun facts about the series you might not know!

Three toms besides Tigerclaw have fallen in love or have crushes on Fireheart. (Being Ravenpaw, Onewhisker, and Deadfoot!)

Fireheart is jealous of Goldenflower because she thinks she is a better mom than Fireheart is.

The strange cat in Fireheart's dreams will not show up in the Heart of Fire series. Although they will walk in Fireheart's dreams until the next series rolls around.

The strange cat that Runningwind's patrol scented is important for later in the series and even the other 2 continuation series!

Yes, Fireheart is an active queen, deputy and mentor now!

No, Fireheart will not have another mate! (Besides Tigerclaw)

Yes, Leafkit has a crush on Thornpaw. (Which I find totally cute!)

Yep, Hawkkit is a mama's boy.

Swiftpaw and Spottedkit will be best friends.

Mothkit has decided to become a medicine cat, and Spottedleaf agrees with the choice, but Fireheart can't help but think she is making a hard choice at a too young age.

Fireheart is still in love with Tigerclaw no matter how many times she tells herself that she's not.

Cloudpaw is more better handled under Sandstorm then he has before in his past life with male Fireheart.

Fireheart misses the things that she might never have back, being Tigerclaw, her best friend Graystripe and her adopted kits, Featherkit and Stormkit.

Fireheart sometimes regrets Bluestar making her deputy, reason being is that it takes her away from her and Tigerclaw's kits.