I am apparently unable to stop writing One Piece/Harry Potter crossovers. This was originally going to be a drabble for Being Born but I realized I had an actual plot worked out and tons of ideas so instead you get a real fic. I'm sure everyone is heartbroken. Anywho, this will feature all of the Strawhats and deal with at least their first and second year of Hogwarts. Please try guess who everyone had been reincarnated as! I really hope it's a surprise for everyone because not everyone is a Gryffindor and a few people might have swapped genders this go around and one Strawhat did not get reincarnated.

Luffy wasn't sure when he stopped being Harry and became Luffy again. It was a slow realization because then-Harry hadn't thought of himself as anything. He was just boy. Life was easier that way.

Eventually, though, boy became Luffy.

Sometimes Luffy wished he had remained boy. This new life was different and not in a good way.

The Dursley's were awful people. Luffy had never been so hungry in his life. It was torture to watch his fat cousin gorge himself until he was the size of Gomu Gomu no Balloon while Luffy survived on almost nothing.

Perhaps the worst thing, though, was the loneliness. In this world, there was no Ace or Sabo to spend his childhood with. There was no Gramps and his Fist of Love to visit. Luffy didn't even know if his nakama were here. So far it seemed Luffy was alone.

The only thing Luffy did have was his memories. Every night he dreamt of life on the Merry-go or the Sunny-go. Every night he was surrounded by his nakama and every day it was becoming harder and harder to wake up.

"Get up!" Aunt Petunia shrieked rapping at the door to his cupboard.

Luffy sat up with a groan.

"What was that, boy?" Aunt Petunia hissed yanking the door open to peer in at him.

"Nothing!" Luffy insisted shaking his head.

Aunt Petunia sniffed. She looked like she has stepped in something foul, she always looked that way when she saw Luffy. "Go get the paper! I have to keep an eye on breakfast."

Luffy waited until the woman had wandered away from his cupboard and sighed heavily. She didn't let him watch the food anymore. Not only was Luffy unable to cook anything, but sometimes he was unable to help himself and he simply couldn't stop himself from eating the food. Luffy had spent weeks in his cupboard for something like that before.

That was another bad thing. The cupboard. Luffy hated it. It was so small he felt like he was trapped any time he was in there with the door closed. Somehow Uncle Vernon had figured out Luffy's hatred for the cupboard and used that to punish him whenever he felt Luffy deserved it. In fact, Luffy had just freed from a three-week long punishment after the Zoo Incident.

The walk to the front door where the post sat on the doormat was very short. Only a few steps really, his family was so lazy. The former pirate scooped up the three letters and froze. There on top was a strangely thick letter. On the envelope in emerald green ink was his name.

"A mystery letter!" Luffy exclaimed softly running his fingers over the strange paper in awe. He had never gotten a letter before.

Luffy's mind whirled as he tried to think of who the letter could be from.

"Boy! Hurry up with those letters!" Uncle Vernon shouted.

Luffy carefully stuffed the letter down his trousers. He would look at the mystery letter later. Luffy wasn't about to risk the first interesting thing that had ever happened to him.

Later that night after the Dursley's had gone to bed and Luffy was left in his cupboard with the bare light bulb swinging above his head the black haired boy retrieved his letter and looked it over. It looked exactly the same, except maybe a little crumpled from being handled so roughly but Luffy was still excited to open it.

Carefully the boy picked at the wax seal on the back and grinned when it came loose. Inside the envelope, Luffy found two pieces of the thick paper.


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock,

Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Potter,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

Luffy read over the letter again and grinned the more he looked at the letter the wider his smile became. Soon the boy had to force his face into the thin padding of his bed to muffle his joyous laughter. He was going on an adventure.

The next day, having been banished from the house by his aunt, Luffy decided he was going to go owl hunting. The mystery letter had said they were waiting for his owl, Luffy wasn't sure what that meant, but he was going to find one and figure it out.

As it turned out finding an owl didn't take long at all. There sitting on the Privet Drive street sign sat a brown owl. Luffy looked at the owl and the owl stared back at him. "Are you who I'm supposed to give my answer too?" Luffy asked.

The owl ruffled its feathers and continued to stare.

Luffy puffed out his cheeks when he didn't receive an answer.

"Come on owl! I need to borrow you!" Luffy tried again waving the lined piece of notebook paper he had stole from one of Dudley's notebooks. "My mystery letter says they "await my owl" or whatever. I haven't got an owl so I need you!"

The brown owl flapped its wings twice but remained where it sat.

"Fine! If you won't come down, I'll come up!" Luffy decided. Catching the bird would have been a lot easier with his Gomu Gomu powers but unfortunately, Luffy didn't have those anymore. Another reason why Luffy didn't like where he was at currently.

The stubborn ten-year-old stuffed his response in his pocket and stalked up to the street sign. It's wasn't very tall, a few feet taller than Luffy currently stood, and the pole was rather sturdy.

With memories of scaling much taller things, Luffy easily scaled the pole and met the owl nose to beak. "Gotcha! Now take my, ow!"

The owl, apparently not willing to deal with the boy opened its beak and clamped down on the boy's nose.

"Leggo!" Luffy shouted flailing his arms so much that he lost his grip on the pole. The ten-year-old hit the ground with a thump and a hurting nose.

"Ow! You jerk bird!" Luffy shouted rubbing at his nose. "I just need you to take my letter to the mystery school!"

The owl stared down at the child seemingly smug. Luffy was suddenly reminded of the South Bird he and his crew had needed to get to the Sky Island. That memory seemed like so long ago...like the dream it had become.

"Boy! What are you shouting about! Get in this house right now!" Luffy heard Aunt Petunia yell. All of his shouting had likely caught the attention of the neighbors.

Luffy shot a look back at Number 4 and turned back to the owl. "Please, owl! I need to get this letter to the mystery school! I don't want to stay here!"

The owl gazed down at the boy for a moment and swooped down to land on the ground next to him. It calmly waited for Luffy to dig the letter out of his pocket and present it to the owl.

"Get away from that creature!" Aunt Petunia shrieked. She had grown tired of waiting for him to come to her and sought him out instead. "What are you doing? Is that a letter? Give that here!"

"Go owl, go!" Luffy shouted frantically. His aunt would take the letter and he'd never get to go on his adventure.

The owl disappeared into the sky just as Aunt Petunia reached Luffy. "You rotten boy!" She raged reaching out and snagging his ear. "Writing to those freaks no doubt!"

"OW,ow!" Luffy said standing on his tip toes to keep his aunt from yanking his ear off. "I was just replying to my mystery letter!"

"Mystery letter?" Aunt Petunia asked. "I won't have it! We swore when we took you in there would be no more of this nonsense! Just wait until you Uncle gets home!"

Luffy struggled to keep up as his aunt drug him back into the house by his ear and forced him back into his cupboard. Locked inside or not Luffy laid back on his lumpy mattress and smiled. He was going on an adventure.

Deputy Headmistress Minerva McGonagall flipped through the acceptance letters on her desk. All of the witch and wizard born children had, of course, accepted their place at Hogwarts, all except one. The response to Harry Potter's letter had yet to arrive. McGonagall was a little concerned. She remembered her impression of the Dursley's family from the night she and her colleagues had dropped the toddler off at Number Four Privet Drive. They had been the worst sort of muggles then and was sure that hadn't changed much.


A single brown owl swooped into through her open window and landed gracefully on the corner of her desk. The deputy headmistress stared curiously at the paper clutched in its beak. "Is that another acceptance for me?" She asked reaching out to the letter.

The owl hooted in the affirmative and settled down to watch her open it. The letter was folded in half and crumpled. The older woman smoothed it out and read the words in shock.

Dear Mystery School,

I don't know what Hogwarts is, but it sounds like fun! I want to go!

Harry Potter

"Dipsey!" McGonagall shouted. A sharp crack signaled the arrival of the house elf.

"Yes, Mistress McKitty?" The house elf asked gazing up at the witch with wide eyes.

"Alert the Headmaster I need to see him right away. We have a problem."