Epilogue: Another Christmas Day

"Have you seen my husband, Mrs. Moore?" asked Marianne with a cheery tone as the Mistress of Delaford, elegant in her burgundy gown, and the housekeeper passed each other in the hallway.

Christmas always added a spring to the Mistress of Delaford's step and most of the servants noted that this, indeed, had an effect to their Master as well. Since that fateful Christmas day that they announced their engagement to their family and closest friends, each Yuletide season celebrated in Delaford was never the same. Unlike past Christmases without Marianne Dashwood in their midst, Christmas in Delaford was now jovial and full of merry making. After all, the Colonel himself, after overcoming his bout of memory loss, announced, once again, that the beautiful and graceful Ms. Dashwood agreed to becoming his wife once again on Christmas Day.

Thus, it was with a smile and curtsy that the housekeeper said: "He is in the library, ma'am – as always."

Marianne returned the curtsy and thanked the housekeeper profusely while greeting each other a happy Christmas for Marianne was not the aloof sort of Mistress. Since her "re-engagement" with Brandon (a term her husband uses and she detest for she never considered herself unengaged to him) and her subsequent return to Delaford to finally plan her wedding, she made sure that the staff knew how much they all mean to her. Hence, it is not uncommon for Marianne to approach them directly and them to her. In fact, it was through Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Pratt and Williams encouragement and wise planning that made their Spring wedding, a year after it was originally intended, possible.

Which brought her thoughts to her present situation. Five years after her engagement and the Colonel's memory loss, she was now Mrs. Christopher Brandon, Mistress of Delaford. And upon entering their library, her husband sitting on the settee, facing away, she could not help but continue with her tradition of greeting him from behind.

Slowly, she approached him and she wrapped her arms arounds him, careful that her abdomen, bearing their 5 month old child, might not be pinched by the wooden frame of the settee. She buried herself in his neck and though she could not see him, she could feel him smile as his own arms made its way around hers. She gave him a soft kiss on the neck and whispered:

"Good morning, Colonel Brandon."

"Good morning. Mrs. Brandon." Was his sublime response as he guided her, similar to all the past Christmas days spent together, to sit next to him in their library's settee.

"Happy Christmas, my darling." Greeted Marianne as she sat next to him.

"And a Happy Christmas to you too, my Marianne. How are you and our little one, here?" He replied, arm draping around his wife and another resting on her abdomen so she may be comfortably seated.

"Asleep like most of our guests are. This little Brandon is as gentle as his father in the morning." She replied, resting both her hands on top of his as they both felt some of their baby's movement, though nothing as vigorous as most days.

"I would be surprised if our little one here is up and about with all of our guests by now. After all, last night's Christmas Eve service seemed to never end. It took all of my bearing not to fall asleep on your lap." He confessed to his wife, making light circles in her arm with his fingers.

"Shall I share to Edward his patron's criticism? For I remember the same patron congratulating his parson for another heartwarming sermon last night." Teased Marianne as she sat straight up and faced her husband.

"Madame, heartwarming it was, though tedious it was too. I expect you to never utter a word to our dear parson and brother for you know what it does to his confidence." He said gravely though there was a slight crinkle in his eyes.

"Alright. I promise not to do so. Nevertheless, I might say a few things to my sister and you do know how defensive she is about dear old Edward." Jested Marianne, laughing at her husbands raised eyebrow.

"Maybe a bribe for your silence?" replied Brandon, joining the laughter with her wife's banter. He took out a small box from his coat pocket and handed it to her.

Her eyes gleamed with surprise despite being married for the past five years and having the same tradition of exchanging gifts with each other in the library every Christmas morning since their engagement. Slowly, she opened the box to find a rose gold chain with a garnet pendant that matched the ring he gave her upon their engagement.

"Christopher, you shouldn't have!" she admonished yet clearly pleased with her husband's thoughtful taste.

"Do you like it, my Marianne?" he asked with a smile, happy to see her reaction

"Of course, my love. Can you help me place it on?"


His hands found the ends of the necklace and as he clasped the lock behind her neck, he gave a short sweet kiss on it for good measure.

"I have married the sweetest and most thoughtful man in all of England." Remarked Marianne happily as she gave her husband a kiss on the lips in return.

However, even before they could deepen the kiss, a child's hurried footsteps soon entered the library, followed by a more cautious set.

"Mama! Papa!" cried the child as she saw both her parents. She ran towards them, light curls like her mother's bouncing about.

"Careful, Rose. Remember, Mama still cannot carry you as she is carrying your brother." Reminded her father as he shifted his three year old daughter from climbing the settee towards his wife and towards him instead.

"Or sister." Reminded Marianne cheekily as she gave her own daughter kisses on the cheek.

"I am sorry sir, ma'am. Rose was up and wanted to see the both of you. She would not settle unless she would see the both of you." Explained the nanny, regretful for breaking the intimate moment between the Master and Mistress of Delaford.

"It is of no consequence, nanny. We are happy to see, Rose this morning. I am sure that you have more to do back in the nursery as young Edmund and Thomas are still asleep. We will be the one to bring Rose down for breakfast." Replied Marianne, smiling at their ever dependable nanny as the latter took her leave.

"What do you have there, my Rose?" asked the Colonel, looking at her daughter's and where she held tightly on to a small square shaped package wrapped in brown paper.

"For you, papa!" she said, handing the man the package

"For me?"

"Yes! From me and Mama!" explained the child, beaming at her mother.

"For me?" repeated the Colonel, this time to his wife who was now smiling openly.

"Yes. Rose and I have a little surprise for you. A Christmas present." Explained Marianne

"Christmas! Christmas! Christmas!" repeated the bouncing young girl in her father's lap.

"Shall we open it together then, Rose?" asked the doting Colonel as she held her daughter's hand, guiding the young girl in gently opening the package.

What was inside truly touched the Colonel.

"Me and Papa." Pointed Rose to the gift, smiling at her mother.

It was a square miniature paining of him and his daughter together sitting on lawn with a rose garden. Though he could not remember sitting for such a painting, it meant that Marianne, his dear and loving wife, had to describe precisely to the painter both the depicted scene and their features.

"I had Elinor make it a few weeks back though I had to request Williams to buy the colors and materials from London. I know this would never be at par with the value of what you have given me for the past years but I could not think of something more fitting to give but the most perfect view here in Delaford." Explained Mrs. Brandon as she could see the amazement in her husband's eyes.

"It is perfect. Thank you, My Marianne" He said, holding the painting and daughter while giving his wife a loving kiss.

"Me too!" exclaimed Rose as she gave both her laughing parents hug and kisses.

The Colonel stood and lovingly placed the painting on the fireplace's mantle. He then turned back to the settee and carried Rose in his right arm while offering his wife his other free arm.

"Allow me to walk you to breakfast, Madame and Mademoiselle." He said gallantly to his wife and daughter. Rose who was happily perched on his father's right arm squealed in delight.

"I thought you would never ask." was his wife's response. Similar to the years past, she locked her right arm with his left but this time, she also gave him a short peck on the cheek.

Laughing, the Brandons walked arm-in-arm to the dining hall together.

The End.

Author's Note: Thank you for all of your support and reviews. It truly encouraged me to continue with this story. Sharing how I view these two amazing characters, Colonel Brandon and Marianne, was one of the most nerve-wracking experiences in my life and your reviews mean so much to me. I will always be grateful.