~~~Chapter 10: Recovery~~~

(AN: Anyone notice something about last chapter? Guess! Or not… The last chapter is the Fanfic cover picture! Took me nine chapters to get the cover out to make sense… And all to decide that I will stop the fanfiction for a while until I return back to it… The story really hasn't turned out anything like I hoped it would in the beginning; though I rewrote it once, it's still not too improved so I am gonna take a vacation away as to clear the mind of this failure. The story will remain readable and incomplete as I feel like if I continue to get feedback for what I could do better with version 2.0 then perhaps the next version will turn out like it was meant to. Anyway, here's to the last chapter of the incomplete story. (This was not going to be the end, but it is for now.) ~Dragon)

When we came back out of the library, we found that most of the guild went home but our friends never moved from where they sat originally. Happy was the first to realize that we emerged from the library and announced our presence. We made our way over to the table consisting of Happy, Gray, Juvia, Levy, Gajeel, Lily, Erza, Wendy, Carla, Mira, Lisanna, and Cana. Happy formed his wings and took to the air, landing on Natsu's shoulder.

"How'd it go?" Gray asked.

"Good," I answered, giving a sincere smile to back me up.

"Great to hear," Erza added.

"You okay, Natsu?" Happy questioned.

The pinkette replied, back to his normal enthusiastic self, "Fine, Happy. Don't worry 'bout me."

Gajeel snorted, "Well, he went a full 360. The hell happened back there?"

Juvia added, "That doesn't much matter. Juvia's glad you could work it out!"

I responded, "Thanks, Juvia."

"So, you're not splitting up?" Lisanna confirmed.

"Nope," Natsu answered, blunt as ever.

It was nice to see how everyone was looking out for us. Not long since we returned to the dining hall had everyone began to part ways. Gajeel and Lily being the first to go, leading the rest to do the same. It was a long day. Juvia, Gray, and Natsu left with me, though Juvia and Gray parted for Gray's place before reaching mine. Have to say that it seemed to me that there might be something going for them, but I didn't want to march into their personal territory. Not after the whole debacle with Natsu that just passed.

"G'night, Luce!" Natsu announced when we stood in front of my apartment.

"Good night, Natsu," I returned and went for the door.

His hand grasped my arm before I could even get the door open. I looked over my shoulder to him questioningly. He didn't look to me as I stood waiting for what he wanted to say. Due to his hesitance, it didn't take too much effort to know what subject he had in mind.

He said, "Before you go…"

I encouraged, "Yeah?"

Nervously he continued, "You didn't have to… You know… I was a jerk, and…"

"No, I was a jerk," I interrupted. "But that's all done and over with. We can put it in the past, you know?"

"Yeah, but… Still, you didn't haveta do it," he responded, losing his grip on my arm.

"I wouldn't have done it if I didn't want to," I said, turning my face away as my cheeks grew hot. I didn't give him much time to say anything afterwards as I wished him 'Good night' again and passed through the front door.

Making my way up the stairs to reach my apartment, I heard Happy ask Natsu about what we meant. He simply passed the question to the Exceed, saying that he'd tell him later. Happy sounded so torn. I closed my door behind me, but didn't go very far as I rested my back against the wall. He must've been so confused as to what to feel about this whole situation.

Natsu was so offended, and hurt. Then we split our team for a day. After the job with Gray, he came back to the guildhall and now we were fine again. At least, for the most part. It's not like it wasn't confusing on my end either.

I pondered over the events of the past few days as I got ready for bed and climbed into the fresh sheets. It all started that I didn't want to kiss Natsu, and I went and did it anyway. My hands unconsciously went up to touch my lips at where I could swear I could still feel his warmth. I suppose it was inevitable anyway, but that didn't cross my mind when I did it. He really is my best friend, and I couldn't lose him. Especially not after I've made my feelings clear.

That was the first night that I actually slept for more than just three-four hours to wake up with a sleeping Happy in my arms. I instantly held him closer to my chest, thankful that he seemed to have forgiven me too. The slosh of water running sounded from the bathroom, and I peeked to see Natsu emerge from the W/C. Usually, I would have made a big fuss that the two made their way to break in and use my accommodations, but just knowing that they were both back into doing their normal behaviors made me happy enough not to care about that.

I felt my cheeks heat up as I watched him reach for his pants and tug them up over his boxers. He was working on pulling his vest over his biceps when I sat up and greeted with a groggy, "Good morning."

He nearly jumped to the ceiling as he whipped his head in my direction surprised, returning, "Moring."

"What time did you come over last night?" I asked, whipping the last traces of exhaustion from my eyes.

"'Bout midnight, you were already passed out," he returned simply, finishing with his vest and rewrapping his scarf around his neck.

"How's Happy?" I questioned, getting out of bed but making sure not to wake up said Exceed.

"Fine, why'd ya ask?" he responded.

I replied, "Well, he's been between the both of us. It must've been hard for him to comprehend what was going on."

He reassured, "Don't worry 'bout it any more, Luce. We're fine."

I gave in, "Alright, if you say so."

"Well, it was your idea in the first place last night, ya weirdo," Natsu taunted.

He gave his signature reassuring grin and I couldn't help but smile in return after my initial eye roll to his comment. I disappeared into the bathroom to get ready myself, getting my quick morning shower. When I was drying my hair, Natsu declared that he'd meet me at the guildhall. It was sweet how he did that and I wondered if that would become a habit of his like breaking in to wish me 'Good morning' before he left for the guildhall had.

(AN: Thanks to the following people: OgaxHilda, Crimsonlink310, Otaku4ever731, JcL107.)