Chapter 1: The Strange Man

Lucy Heartfilia was walking down the street towards her house. She had just returned from a three-day mission with her team. For once they had received enough money to pay for the blondes rent and food. This is why she was so happy.

"Oh Plue! I'm so glad that Natsu and Gray didn't destroy too much on the mission! Finally I can pay my rent and not get kicked out of my home!" She balanced on the ledge by the water hearing but ignoring the boatmen who were shouting warnings to her.

"Punn Punn!" Her white companion replied and she giggled. But as they got closer to the celestial mages home, they saw a man with a cloak standing at the door seemingly waiting for someone.

She closed Plue's gate and walked up the man, "Um hello mister? Excuse me but why are you here?"

A deep voice came from under the hood of the cloak. "Are you Miss Lucy Heartfilia?"

"U-uh y-yes? Why?" Lucy was confused and since she couldn't see the strange person's face, she didn't know what his expression was.

"I am Sukai-Shin, and I am here to see if you would like to find your true power."

"What are you tal-" She was cut off by the man.

"If you do want to find out, the meet me by the lake in the east woods at dawn tomorrow." Then he vanished.

Now Lucy was confused, actually she was beyond confused. She decided to take a bath to relax her mind so she went into the bathroom and turned on the bath. She walked outside to lock her window and door so SOMEBODY couldn't get in. Then she walked back into her bathroom and took of her clothes to get in the bath.

She laid back and closed her eyes. The words of the strange man echoed in her head. Find my true power? Hah! That's ridiculous. Suddenly her mind flashed back to all the times her teammates had had to save her and she sighed sadly. I guess I should go meet him tomorrow.

Soon she got out of the bath and got dressed. Then she walked over to her table to write another letter to her mom. But, when she looked at the table, there was a note on it. Curiously she picked up the paper and started reading.

Dear Miss Heartifilia,

I am Sukai-Shin as you may have heard me say earlier.

I'm sorry for not explaining much to you but I had a limited

Time to talk to you. Anyways I was very close to your mom

And she wanted me to take you to show you your true self

When you grew older. Now seems like the right time. I will

Be waiting for you tomorrow at the lake. Make sure you pack

Enough clothing and things for a long trip! I hope you will

Come tomorrow. From: Sukai-shin

Hm… So he was close with my mother? A long trip? I guess I should ask Master about this. The girl stood up and got her keys and whip, attaching them to her belt. Then she walked out of the door and locked it behind her. Lucy ran towards the guild and arrived there in a record time of 3 minutes.

Panting, the girl walked towards Mirajane and asked the barmaid if Master was in his office. Of course the other lady was curious but said yes. Lucy went to the office and knocked.

"Come in!" Came a muffled voice and she walked into the room, sitting across the tiny man. "Oh Lucy! What may I help you with?"

"Hello Master, I need your advice on this." She said as she passed him the letter that she had gotten. "I met this man who seemed to have been waiting for me. He said that he could help me find my 'true power'. I'm not sure but he also said that he knew my mother."

Makarov (A/N: Forgive me, I'm no good at spelling names) nodded and started reading the letter. Suddenly his eyes widened. "Dear child, tomorrow go meet him at the lake. He is a very important person in your life!"

"What are you talking about?!"

"Just go! You will find out soon, go pack now! Do not tell anyone about this letter or the man you met; just say that you are going on a long mission that is personal. If Mira asks, say that I sent you on it!" The tiny man pushed her through the door. "Now hurry and go!"

Lucy was confused but continued out the guild doors to her home.

When she got back, she started packing for the trip since Makarov said that it was very important that she goes. She grabbed enough clothing for a week and her toiletries. She brought her makeup just in case she needed to fancy up. And she put them all into a purple duffle bag that she found in her closet.

After packing, she changed into her sleepwear and went to bed.


Lucy P.O.V

Okay. This wasn't the way I wanted to wake up.


"ce! uce! Luce! Lucy!" I heard Natsu yelling my name and I groaned and turned my head. Of course, I didn't realize that Natsu's face was right there in front of me. As I turned my head, my lips connected with something warm and soft.

(Enter deadly scream here) "Kya! Get out, get out, GET OUT!" I screamed as I Lucy kicked him and Happy out of my room.

*End Flashback*

Now I'm getting dressed for the trip and trying to forget the incident that happened this morning. "Ugh, it's so early…"

I grabbed my keys, whip, and duffle bag. I said goodbye to my apartment and walked out.

In The East Woods…

I walked down to the little lake and looked around for Sukai-shin.

"So you came." I whirled around when I heard Sukai-shin's voice.

"Well uh, yeah I did. Why wouldn't I?"

"I'm glad you did."

"Alright then, where are we going?"

"cto stratópedo misó tou aímatos" What did he just- Then everything went black, I heard someone shout my name as everything disappeared from my sight.

A/N: If you want, you can use Google translate the name Sukai-shin and the words he said but I'm just warning you that if you translate the name then it will most likely spoil the story.

Anyways, please review! And I suggest you read all the Percy Jackson books before reading this or else nothing will make sense ;) I'll update soon! Bye my little angels! FTAngel signing out.