The two lovers lay on their pillow and blanket island in the middle of the dark forest, completely satisfied. Ramsay's teasing session proved to be fairly strenuous for the two of them, and Sansa feared she would fall asleep naked in the wilderness, wrapped in the arms of her husband. Luckily, her bladder prevented her sleeping.

Ramsay seemed to be drifting with each passing moment. Sansa was almost standing up when Ramsay reached for her arm, clasped his hand around it, and let it slide down to her hand. He gently pulled her back down to him.

"Where do you think you're going, little wolf?" he mumbled, keeping his eyes closed.

"I need to relieve myself, Ramsay, I'll just be a moment!" she reassured. "I won't go far, and no one in their right mind will be out here at this time of night."

"Be quick," he demanded groggily.

Sansa put on Ramsay's shirt and went just past the tree line to relieve herself out of earshot and eyesight. Ramsay lay on his back, still drifting sleepily. He began to dream about chasing Sansa through the castle and capturing and ravishing her till she screamed of excitement and pleasure. He was getting aroused from his half dream…

Unbeknownst to the Lord and Lady, Myranda had been camped out in the forests for weeks, angrily plotting her revenge. She was completely deranged now, but wasn't stupid enough to risk going back inside the castle walls. Ramsay had been the one to train Myranda for hunting, so she was well versed on how to survive in the woods and how to stay hidden and silent. When she saw servants bringing the pillows, blankets, and torches into the meadow earlier in the day, she knew something odd was happening and decided to stick around to see.

Myranda had been watching and waiting all day and all night. She looked on with a jealous rage as Ramsay tied Sansa's hands and fucked her under the stars. She passed the time by stabbing anything and everything around her- small woodland creatures that got too close or tree trunks that happened to be near her as she circled outside earshot of the lover's meadow oasis.

When Sansa left the camp, Myranda knew it was time to make a move. Her deliriousness made her act without really thinking through the repercussions.

She undressed herself and stealthily snuck up on Ramsay. Because Myranda had been a familiar body, Ramsay did not fully wake, he only assumed it was part of his dream. She began grinding on his hardness and he let himself believe it was Sansa in his dream before suddenly snapping awake and realizing what was happening.

Swiftly, Ramsay moved and pinned Myranda down beneath him, tightly clenching her throat with a familiar grip. She thrashed about beneath him, attempting to throw him off her, to absolutely no avail.

"Myranda, you're completely rabid! You're no better than one of my hounds…" Ramsay stated, sadistically. "What exactly were planning to do, here?"

"Ramsay, leave her, we can go and be together- just you and me!" the crazed brunette choked out.

"My dear, why on earth would I do that? I have everything I've ever wanted with her," he explained, letting his grip on her throat loosen.

"But I love you! I LOVE YOU! And you love me! We're supposed to be together- you said WE'D BE TOGE-" she yelled before she was cut off by his hand clenching her throat closed.

"Myranda, you stupid girl! You're nothing and no one," he spat the words, incredulous that he would even have to tell her these things. "Stop testing my patience! Leave, get out of Winterfell, and never return. I am showing you great mercy."

Myranda had never been dumb, but she pushed herself to the edge of her sanity after living in the woods for weeks. There was no trace of rational thought left in her.

Ramsay had fond memories with Myranda. She brought him a sick kind of joy for much of his life, but he wanted nothing to do with her now. Still, he didn't particularly want to kill her. He respected her enough to let her live, regardless of her ridiculous behavior. Ramsay stood up, giving her the opportunity to flee and remain alive.

Sansa approached, completely shocked at the sight before her. Ramsay stood naked in front of a disheveled and naked Myranda. There was barely time for her to process the scene before Myranda sped towards the red head in an insane rage.

As soon as Myranda made a move, Ramsay went for his bow. Myranda had Sansa pinned against a thick tree trunk and Ramsay sent two arrows flying with quick succession and zero hesitation. The arrows pierced Myranda in the back and she shrieked in pain. Ramsay let out a breath, rolled his eyes, and watched her as she fell to her knees and then to the ground. He wasn't exactly remorseful for his actions, and gave an odd sort of shrug. He did what he had to do.

Sansa was in shock, adrenaline coursing through her like a fire. Myranda would have killed her if Ramsay had been a moment slower. Sansa looked down at Myranda laying on the forest floor. Myranda was choking her last attempts at breaths as blood started filling her lungs and throat.

Sansa's eyes began to water, her body trying to process the trauma. Ramsay ran to his wife and began inspecting her for injuries. When he saw none, he took her by the shoulders and looked her in the eyes, "Sansa, are you hurt? Are you okay? You're safe now."

She let out a faint sob and collapsed into his arms. He wrapped them protectively around her. Sansa wasn't exactly crying, just kind of heaving weakly as tears rolled out of her eyes against her will. She was just shaken, not scared or hurt or upset, just shocked and trying to process it.

It was strange, actually having someone to be there for her and protect her and take care of her, no matter the cost or situation. Despite narrowly escaping death just moments before, this was the safest Sansa had felt in a very long time. She knew she was protected with him. She knew he would be there for her no matter the cost to him; killing his old lover in order to save her proved that immeasurably.

"Thank you."

Months had passed since the incident with Myranda. Ramsay had had his hounds feed on her corpse. "She's good meat," he had said, emotionlessly.

Sansa and Ramsay had come to truly love one another, although neither would admit it or use that terminology. Neither wanted to be seen as weak. They had a mutual understanding of how they felt about each other. They hadn't exactly fallen into a routine, since they both liked to surprise the other and be randomly spontaneous, but they were comfortable with each other and lived a happy life.

Ramsay continued with his duties of business and politics, and Sansa took on the duties of running the castle. Roose's wife, Walda, hadn't exactly taken up running the place properly. Among Sansa's daily duties was rehabilitating Theon. He was almost fully functional now.

With Sansa's help, Theon gained bits of himself back. He stopped twitching, he started forming fully coherent thoughts, and he was able to get back to a proper headspace. He did not go back to the man he once was, but instead was able to become a new man, a better man…a proper gentleman.

Theon and Sansa became true friends; she was able to forgive him. Both of them were able to heal, at least mostly. Theon came to care for her deeply and was so thankful that Ramsay actually treated her well. Everything could have gone so, so differently…

Sansa loved to tease Ramsay on a daily basis. If their paths happened to cross during the day, then Sansa would pull him into a side hall or a closet and toy with him. Their passion for each other was seemingly endless. Practically every night they fucked, intense and sweaty love making. They each had their fair share of dominating the other, always playfully fighting for power and finding new ways to tease and arouse the other. Their lives were anything but boring, and that's the way they liked it.

One afternoon, Sansa had been walking the grounds with Theon, discussing ways he could be used at court and what he wanted to do with his time. They agreed he would leave soon for his home and help his sister. Theon left to write to his sister, and Sansa walked past Ramsay who was yelling at some of his men in training.

"Lord Bolton, you look so serious," Sansa teased.

Ramsay smirked at his wife as she passed. She certainly knew how to keep him interested.

Sansa was particularly happy today; she had a secret that she was dying to tell Ramsay. She wanted to wait for the right time, though, and in the meantime she was feeling quite aroused.

"Dearest husband, what do you think of this ring I've been gifted?" Sansa asked sweetly.

"Let me see, wife. Give me your hand," he mused.

Keeping her hand low, Sansa moved closer to Ramsay and, slyly and secretly, she brushed her hand over his crotch and gripped ever so slightly at his member before lifting her hand up to let him view the ring. This prompted a slight blush from Ramsay as he smirked at his naughty wife.

"Lovely," he said before taking her hand to his lips and giving a gentle kiss.

She leaned in to him and whispered in his ear, "I've something to tell you, husband."

She took his hand and led him into the castle and to their chambers. He assumed this was just leading to sex and that she didn't actually have something to tell him, so he asked no questions and just began undressing her when they reached their room. Sansa's hormones were going wild and she decided she wanted to fuck him before telling him the surprise.

They were completely naked and Ramsay had her pinned against a wall as they kissed each other intensely. Ramsay bent down to her breasts and teased her nipple with his mouth, licking and biting, sending tingles through Sansa's body. She could feel herself growing wet, aching for him.

He picked Sansa up and laid her on the bed. He was particularly hard and horny today, so he ferociously ravished his wife. He roughly grabbed her breasts and bit at her nipples before moving to bite at her neck.

She ran her fingers through his hair and pulled, bringing his lips to hers and biting and sucking at his tongue and lips. He moved so that he could enter her, giving them both the pleasure they sought. He inserted himself in her and she let out a gasp. Even after all this time she still had such a tight pussy that the first insertion hurt a little. She learned to love the small pain.

Pain had become a large part of her pleasure nowadays and she knew that's how Ramsay operated as well. She wrapped her legs around Ramsay's waist as he inserted himself deeper into her. She let out a moan of pleasure and he gave a throaty grunt at the glorious feeling they shared.

Sansa ran her hands along his back and scratched, hard, as he began pumping in and out of her slick womanhood. His back was often marked by her, and he loved the scratches. He loved the sharp pain of her nails digging into his skin and the slow burn he felt afterwards.

Ramsay dominated her this time around, slamming into her over and over as she screamed her pleasure.

"Harder, Ramsay!" Sansa cried. She liked to tease him with inadequacy, it fueled him to perform better for her, and she always got what she wanted that way.

His cock filled her tight cunt repeatedly, and each thrust into her brought them closer to their release. Sansa's wetness increased along with her tightness as her arousal came to its peak. She clenched harder as her orgasm came closer to fruition, and the increased pressure enclosing Ramsay's dick was the most pleasurable feeling he could have possibly imagined experiencing. Everything about his wife was pleasing to him, it was a wonder he didn't cum every time they made eye contact.

"Ramsay, I want to feel you cum inside me," Sansa pleaded breathlessly.

He forced himself deeper into her and felt the friction increase as her hips bucked and she felt the tinge of her orgasm. She moaned forcefully at her release. Her muscles spasmed in waves as she rode out her orgasm, and her constant clenching and unclenching caused Ramsay to follow in rapture shortly after. His balls clenched up before he released himself into his wife. His movements became rigid as his orgasm subsided and he let out grunts of satisfaction.

He smiled in complete bliss and relaxed his body. He looked down at his wife who was gleaming at him, and he became overwhelmed with his emotions for her. He knew this was love, or as close to it as he would ever be. He bent his head down and tenderly kissed his Lady.

He moved so that they were laying side by side on their backs.

"Ramsay... I really do have something to tell you," Sansa said quietly. She was calm from her complete contentment.

"Hmm, what's that," he said lazily, eyes closed.

Sansa moved so that she was straddling his waist and she leaned forward slightly, taking his face in her hands. He put his hands on her back and moved them downwards, gingerly caressing her skin.

"I believe…we are expecting. Ramsay, I'm with child."

Epilogue: Ramsay and Sansa were thrilled about their new addition. They ended up having multiple children over the years. Sansa was, of course, a wonderful mother, and Ramsay doted on his children. He was fiercely protective of his family and raised his kids to be strong. Roose and Walda were...poisoned by their enemies, and Ramsay and Sansa became the rightful rulers of the North. Their children would carry on the legacy of the Bolton name. They lived a happy and fulfilling life together in their own little world.