I would like to reiterate once more that I am not stealing Michi's story. I have full permission to adopt the story. Michi is in Nepal (as of now) helping with the earthquake relief. Hopefully by Memorial Weekend (in America, 23-25 of May) I will have her entire story re-posted here with grammatical corrections. I do have two friends who are reading each chapter before I post them; so hopefully they'll catch any other mistakes I may make. Treat me kindly or not is the same choice you make while you read this fanfiction, but I am adopting her fanfiction as a favor she's demanding I pay her back.

Disclaimer: I honestly own nothing. I don't even own Prisca. Which is sad because I gave Michi the idea of Prisca...

I can't remember much of my death, I remember the day of my funeral and every day before my death. I remember my name, my family, and friends. I remember all that I had sacrificed. "Grace and mercy be with you. We have come here to remember before God, our sister Prisca Caelum; to give thanks for her life; to commend her to God our merciful redeemer and judge; to commit her body to be buried, and to comfort one another in our grief."

I was a Slytherin, but not like Draco or Pansy. I was a Slytherin who died on the light side of war. I remember that I was searching for some way to lessen the causalities of any ally that my charge would have. "Here Rests Prisca O. Caleum. The Returning Marauder's Pride. 1979 – 1991. Companion, Loyal Friend, Loving Daughter, Caring Sister, Outstanding Student, Quickest Dueler and Tactician, Most Cunning Witch of Our Time; We Love You."

I remember the shocks throughout my life; the scorn I received for making my choices to protect the few true friends I had made in my first three years. I remember the shocks I gave; when I willingly went to the Yule Ball with Potter, when I petitioned and won the rights to become Hermione Granger's magical guardian after the whispers of Voldemort had returned. "I, Prisca Olivia Caleum, swear to my magic that I am of sound mind and body to prepare this will. If any of the Order members or DA members are watching this, then… then I've succeeded and… And I'm no longer part of this world…"

I remember when I first held Ovid in my arms after mother had delivered him. I remember erasing the memory of the child from my family after father had died in my arms. I remember swallowing my pride and begging for Weasley to protect him, to treat him as a child who needs love. "… And for any pain that brings you, I am sorry. I will not go into any details of how there are multiple bodies of me across the battlefield, only know that I did fulfill my sworn duty to Hogwarts. That I would do everything in my power, everything in my knowledge to protect and serve the student body of Hogwarts."

I remember many aspects of my life. Just not how I died. Or rather, which death I had died. I read that it would be one of the side effects of creating the potion. Afterall, I did died a thousand times within one battle. I have only one regret. "Pwide go bye-bye? Teddy miss Pwide." "She was the Slytherin that I had always wished to teach." "There we go, daffodils. That suits the little Lion better than those boring white flowers." "I never did get to say thank you for petitioning for me." "We'll raise him right for you, Prisca. He'll always remember you."

I got attached.