What am I going to do? There are just too many things I need to worry about at once right now. Ron was absently pushing the remains of his lunch around his plate. It's not enough that we have to go back to school in four days and my plan is absolutely shot to hell, Harry and Hermione have to start acting absolutely mental. I swear I don't think that Hermione's stuck around in the same room as us for one minute longer than absolutely necessary for the past week. We only ever see her at meals anymore and then she ignores us and runs out the door as soon as possible. I mean I could get if she did that to just Harry after what I told her, but she has no reason to avoid me. Damn it, I don't understand her at all. And on top of Hermione trying to hide from us as much as possible, Harry's become completely miserable.

Okay, I know that it might be my fault to some extent but come on, man, get yourself together. All I did was cockblock you a bit, you were doing the same to me. When two plans collide, someone's going to come off worse in the result.

So why am I getting the feeling that Harry might not have had a plan at all? I was so sure that he was just reevaluating at first, or maybe mourning his plan's utter failure, but that shouldn't take him this long. This all started with Hermione locking herself away so that seems like the most likely cause, but...aarrgh! I'm not built for this mopey nonsense. I guess there's only one way to figure out what's wrong with him.

"Hey, Harry, we've not been flying for a while. How about it?" This may be more serious than I first thought. He's not even reacting to the idea of going flying. That may be the worst thing that can happen to a Quidditch Captain. "Harry?"


"I asked if you want to go flying today." A shrug? A shrug?! "Actually, you know what? I'm not giving you a choice. You and I are going flying."

"I...okay." Damn it, Harry, will you sodding wake up already?!

"I'll get my broom and join you guys."

"Oh no you don't, Ginny. This is going to be just me and my best mate. You aren't joining us."

"And why not?" Because I can't have a talk like this with Harry if there are witnesses.

"Because this is going to be some time for just us blokes. Harry and I haven't had any time for just the pair of us since he got here." Okay, that's not strictly true, but I don't care as long as Ginny buggers off.

"Hmph. Fine. I'll go spend some quality girl time with Hermione. You boys do whatever you want." Oh, now he looks up. We need to get you out of this funk, mate. Harry and Ron made their way down to the Quidditch pitch after Harry had collected his broom from his room. Ron grabbed his Cleansweep from the shed. Let's see if we can't wake you up with some fast flying.

"You're it!" The two boys chased each other across the sky for a while. He's flying as brilliantly as he ever has, but something's wrong. It's like he's doing it under the Imperius. He hasn't smiled even once. Guess we can't avoid this. Ron slowed down and fell in beside Harry who slowed to a drift without complaint. "So, are you moping because Hermione gave you a knock back or is it something else?"


"Don't play dumb, Harry. You've been moping around since Hermione locked herself in her room. You're not telling me that the two are not related."

"Well, no. I mean, yes, it's awful that Hermione won't even look at us any more, but what do you mean by knock back?"

"You tried to get her to go out with you or at least be more friendly than friends are and she shot you down. What else would it mean?"

"That's what I thought, but I never tried to get Hermione to go out with me."

"Huh? Then why were you putting the moves on her?"

"What? When did I do that?"

"Oh come on, Harry. No one gives nighttime flying lessons if they aren't putting a move on."

"They don't?" Oh for fuck's sake! Does he really expect me to believe that he didn't know what he was doing? That's...his face really does look like he doesn't get it. How on earth could he not get it? This is ridiculous. He looks like his familiar just died. "Is that what Hermione thinks?"

"Well, it's Hermione and she's mental so I can't be completely sure, but yeah, probably. I mean it's what anyone would think, right?" It's probably best if I don't tell him that I more or less put that thought in her head.

"I need to talk to Hermione." Oh great, I've got him all fired up again, just not in the way I wanted.

"Wait! Harry, what are you even going to say to her?"

"That I think she's an amazing person and a beautiful woman, but that I wasn't trying to hit on her."

"And you think she'll believe that? I'm not saying it's not the truth, but you have to realise that your actions told her something completely different."

"Then how do I get her to realise that I wasn't trying to muck up our friendship."

"Not starting out whatever you say with the kinds of compliments that you give to a girl you're interested in might be a little more convincing. Hermione's going to be looking at whatever you do as a part of an attempt to put a move on now. She'll be suspicious of anything you say. You're going to have a hard time convincing her that you don't like her like that."

"That's not-...I didn't mean to make her uncomfortable. Can't I do anything?"

"Not easily. You're pretty much stuck waiting for her to come to you." No, don't droop like that...ugh, I'm going to regret this. "Look, I'll try to talk to Hermione for you if I get the chance. Not sure when that would be, seeing as she's avoiding me too, but I'll give it my best shot."

"Thanks, Ron; for the advice and the offer. Want to play a game of chess?"

"Of course!" This is more like it. Glad to have you back, mate.


Harry wasn't trying to get under my robes. I should have had more faith in him. Harry thinks I'm pretty. He said that he didn't mean it like that not that he wouldn't want to be with me like that. Harry thinks I'm pretty. No, he said beautiful. Hermione was sitting under the open window in her room with her back against the wall. Ron didn't know what he was talking about at the pond.

"I still say that you're the only witch in Britain who would hide away because she thought that Harry Potter was hitting on her. It's even more ridiculous now, though." I don't need to hear that from you. You have no idea what this must have done to him. All because I was too scared to actually talk to him.

"None of those other witches have to worry about whether or not their friendship with him would survive if they decide to jump his bones."

"So you do want to jump his bones."

"I..." Yes.

"So, were you just doubting yourself into inaction?" Hermione just shrugged. "Just as well, I suppose. He wasn't hitting on you after all." No! I mean...I can't even figure out what I mean in my own thoughts. I...I wanted him to be hitting on me? But I hid anyway? That sounds pathetic even if I don't say it out loud. Now that I know that Harry wasn't actually trying to seduce me I suddenly realise that I wouldn't have minded. Well, I wouldn't mind as long as he did it without trying to trick me. I...I think I might fancy Harry Potter. What do I do? What do I do?!

I know what I won't do. I promise you, Harry, I will not turn into one of those silly fangirls who don't know the first thing about you.

I have to apologise to him. Harry has no idea why I was avoiding him. Stupid stupid stupid. I was the only person he trusted with his secrets since his second form teacher. He must have felt like I was abandoning him too. What have I done? Why couldn't I just be a Gryffindor and talk to him that night?

I need to talk to Harry as soon as possible. I need to clear this whole thing up before it's too late. I need to tell him that I still want to be his friend. Should I tell him that I want to be more than his friend? That might be a little too much honesty. Too much honesty for myself if I'm honest. I have no idea what Harry would-


"Aaah! Ginny? What's the matter?"

"What's the matter? You've been stuck in your own little world for so long that I was starting to worry."

"Oh. Sorry about that."

"It's fine, I suppose. I just wanted to know if you're ready to face the boys yet or if you'll be staying locked up in here?"

"No, I'll join you."

"Let's go then, before you can talk yourself out of it."


"You'd better not have talked yourself out of it already."

"No. It's not that. I just...could you not mention to the boys that we heard them talking? At least not until I've had a chance to talk to Harry."

"Yeah, yeah. I'll keep quiet and not tease them."

"Thank you, Ginny." The two girls headed downstairs and found the boys playing chess. Harry! Oh my, I didn't realise how much I missed seeing those green eyes. Oh, Ron. Honestly, was that dig in his ribs supposed to be subtle? Very well, if Harry is going to wait for me to come to him I'll just walk up to him and explain...wait, I can't with Ron and Ginny watching. I don't need the awkwardness of talking around what we've shared under the stars when I'm trying to apologise. Should I just drag Harry off somewhere? Somehow I can't imagine Ron and Ginny not trying to listen in. I think maybe I should wait for later tonight so we can be sure we have some privacy. I should definitely try to let Harry know that I want to talk to him if I can, though. It wouldn't be fair to leave him in uncertainty. God, I didn't think being around Harry and knowing what I do now would make me so nervous. I suppose it's at least better than the uncertainty about his intentions. At least I have some idea of how I can try to resolve this.

"So...Hermione, you want to join us in a game of gobstones?" Have I really been so distant that even Ron feels the need to treat me with kid gloves? Probably.

"Okay. Why not?"


"Yes, really, Ron. Why? Don't you want me to play?"

"No, no, we want you to play. Just a little surprised is all." Come on, Harry, say something; please. What am I thinking? Harry isn't suddenly going to ignore what Ron told him while they were flying. He's probably assumed that that is the way things work. Then again, I'm not doing a wonderful job of convincing him otherwise. Maybe I should-

"Yuck! Oh, that is disgusting." Who on earth thought that spraying the loser with that stuff would be a fun aspect to a children's game?

"Well, you should have been paying attention. I thought you'd left those thoughts up in your room."

"They snuck up on me."

"What thoughts?"

"Nothing, Ron. You and Harry had your moment and Hermione and I had ours, remember? No butting in."

"Fine. Want to play another round?"

"I think I'll go get cleaned up actually. I wouldn't want your mother to get mad at me if I show up to dinner like this." Well this wasn't exactly the reentry I had hoped for. I really shouldn't have joined in that ridiculous game. I know I'm no good at it at the best of times. Well, better get cleaned up before I head down for dinner. This is likely to be awkward until we go to bed. Focus on the talk with Harry tonight. I cannot afford to wimp out like I did last time. Planning would be good. I'll work out exactly what I need to say to him. That should let me figure out if I can afford to tell him that I...that I wouldn't have minded if he did try to hit on me.

Hermione went through the rest of the day on autopilot. She ate mechanically and watched the others interact while keeping a book open on her lap as a cover. She was the first one up to bed and spent most of the time until the house quieted reviewing what she would say to Harry.

I think it's been about fifteen minutes since I heard anyone moving about. Can I go yet? Is it too soon? I don't care anymore, I'm going. Hermione swung her legs out of bed and rummaged through her trunk. Where is it? Where is it? There! I hope I don't need to use this to make him listen to me. Hermione clutched the polished, rosewood disk in her hand as she crept down the hallway to Harry's room for the second time in a week. She crept inside quietly and made her way over to the bed. I'm getting an uncomfortable sense of deja vu. No chickening out this time, Granger. Whoa!

"Wha-?" Harry shot bolt upright the moment she touched his shoulder. I'm not sure if I want to know what torment produced that reflex. "Hermione? What are you doing here?" What am I doing here? No, come on. You rehearsed this.

"I...I was hoping we could have a flying lesson and...and maybe a talk?" That didn't come out the way I rehearsed at all. What have I gotten my self into? Too late to back out now. You've crossed the Rubicon, Granger. Please, Harry, please just hear me out.

"...okay." He sounds so dubious. That can't be good. Harry got out of his bed and grabbed his Firebolt. He looks uncertain too. Just keep moving. If you're both uncertain one of you needs to keep moving. Hermione picked up Harry's blanket from the bed and clutched it to her chest, feeling its warmth through her pajamas.

"Could we start with that talk?" Harry just nodded and swung a leg over the broom. Thank you, Harry. Hermione hurried over and got on behind Harry. He feels so tense. When they got up to the roof Hermione sat down as quickly as she dared with the blanket wrapped around one shoulder and the other end held open in invitation. Harry looks like a spooked animal. I don't think talking will help yet. Hermione waited for Harry to sit down beside her trying to look as calm as possible. Please, Harry. My arm is getting tired. As if he had heard her thoughts Harry gingerly sat down next to Hermione. Finally. Thank you. Hermione let the blanket fall around Harry's shoulders before leaning into him slightly. Neither teen said anything for a long moment.

"I shouldn't have avoided you. I'm sorry." What?! I was supposed to be subtle and-...never mind.

"It's okay. Um...why did..."

"Why did I avoid you in the first place?"


"It's...it started with something Ron said to me the morning after our last lesson. He told me that you were only teaching how to fly in order to get in my knickers. It scared me, Harry. I didn't know how to react to that. Above all I didn't want to ruin what I had with my first and best friend. It was a situation I've never been in before, one that I never thought I would be in. I wanted to work out how to respond before talking to you. That was a mistake. I should have just talked it over with you in the first place. So: I'm sorry." I don't dare look. Say something, Harry. Please just say something.

"I think I understand. I didn't until today when Ron explained it to me, but I think I do now. If you want we can stop doing these lessons at night, but I want you to know that I wasn't trying to, umm, get under your robes or make you uncomfortable or anything."

"I heard what Ron explained to you. You two were fairly close to the house and my window was open. I have to say that I thought he should have told you that he was the one who made me think like that in the first place."

"He did?" Can I ask him? I really want to know. I need to know.

"Umm...Harry? Did you mean what you said this afternoon? Do you really think I'm pretty?"

"Of course." Oh. That's...wow. He didn't even hesitate.

"Thank you, Harry. That's...no one's ever said anything like that to me before."

"What? Why on earth not? What about Krum?" That's sweet. I don't think that there is anyone else who would be so honestly confused about why I've never been called pretty by a boy.

"Viktor didn't really compliment me on my looks. He always told me I was one of the most intelligent people he'd ever met."

"Hmph. Idiot." I think this is as close to an opening as I'm going to get to bring up my own feelings. Do I dare? Hermione fiddled with the disk in her hand as she weighed her options. What will he say? Only one way to know for sure. But what if-...no, be a Gryffindor. Just like Ginny said: don't give yourself a chance to talk yourself out of it.

"Harry? There was another reason why I was avoiding you."

"Oh?" Damn, this is hard enough without that worried note in your voice.

"I...was trying to figure out my own feelings about...us."

"Did you?"

"I'm not sure."


"Harry? Will you do me a favour?" Hermione pushed the token she had been holding into Harry's hand.

"You don't need this, Hermione. Of course I'll do you a favour." Hermione folded Harry's fingers around the token he was holding out for her to take back.

"Kiss me." Don't look away. Of course he's surprised. One of you had better be sure about this. "Kiss me like you kissed Cho." Is it me or is it getting warm here? Oh, it's just my cheeks. God, this is embarrassing. Will you please say something instead of looking at me like you're reading my soul? Come on, Harry just-...oh. Harry had moved a stray lock of her hair that had been fluttering in the breeze behind her ear and leant in. Hermione's thought process ground to a halt as she felt her best friend's lips on hers. It was over far too soon. Wha-...where am...I just kissed Harry! Oh, wow. That was...I certainly hadn't imagined it like that. Who knew kissing someone could be so intoxicating?

"That was...not like kissing Cho." Shit. Did I do something wrong? I should have known I couldn't measure up to-...he's kissing me again. Kiss back, damn it! Kiss back! This te the kiss lasted a good while longer. When the need for air forced them to break apart Hermione tried to force her thoughts into some kind of order.

"I think I'm confused Harry. Isn't not kissing like Cho a bad thing?"

"Not at all. I told you last year that it was, well, wet. She cried the whole time. I feel...a lot better kissing you than I did kissing Cho." Is he blushing? He is. I made Harry Potter blush. Sod that! I kissed Harry Potter and he came back for more! Hermione could feel the smile spreading on her face.

"Maybe we should postpone our flying lesson until tomorrow. I think there is something else I would prefer to practice tonight."


I guess that's that. Ron eased his broom through his open window. I just hope that those two don't ignore me like they just did when I'm in the same room. It works out well enough when I'm trying to stay hidden, but it would get annoying to be the third wheel all the time.

My plan was a complete and utter failure. I'm still not sure where it all went wrong. Maybe I should ask Hermoine to help me understand girls. She'd probably know. She knew about Cho last year. I hope she'll be willing to help, I think I may really need it if I'm ever going to find a girl of my own.


Best. Holiday. Ever. Harry was lying in his bed feeling too giddy to feel asleep. That was an absolutely amazing experience. If Hermione lets her hands wander like she did when we flew back down these lessons are going to be bad for my blood pressure. I've never felt so good about my life. I wonder if this means that Hermione and I are going out? It certainly seemed to when I kissed Cho. I'll ask Hermione out tomorrow night just to be sure. I'll have to talk to Ron about hanging out with someone else on our first Hogsmeade weekend, assuming Hermione says yes. I hope she does.

Still, even if we aren't dating I have someone who cares for me now. I'll make sure that nothing happens to her. Bring on Death Eaters. Bring on Voldemort. Hermione cares about me and I will make sure she makes it through this war.

The End

AN: That's all folks. I want to thank you one last time for reading this story. I know some of you will be wondering about what happens to Voldemort, the Dursleys and whoever kept Harry there, but I leave that up to your imaginations.

I hope that you will leave a review to let me know what you think of the story. I experimented a bit with some aspects of the story and can't help but be curious how they were received.

Until next time: happy reading,
