AN: I was just watching some scenes from the season 5 finale and I got some inspo. This is going to pick up from the end of the Olitz scene in the Oval. Let's see how this goes.


"Thank you," Liv said, trying to cover up her sadness and then walked out of the Oval. What does he mean he supports my choice, she thought to herself. He had that sadness in his eyes, the same sadness he had when they first met on the trail. Or when they had to hold Ella together at the church after he found out about Defiance. The same sadness that she saw every time she left him…

He can't know about the abortion. But he can. Abby found out and Abby works for Fitz, it was stupid of Liv to think he wouldn't eventually find out. And he said he supports my choice… of course he would, because he's perfect - no, don't go there, Olivia. Liv's thoughts were racing as she was walking to her car.

As soon as she sat down in her car she pulled out her cell phone and called Abby. Abby picked up almost immediately, "Hey, Liv."

"Does Fitz know? About the abortion." Olivia got straight to the point.

"I'm so sorry-" Abby tried apologizing, she thought Liv was going to be pissed.

"No, it's fine. Don't apologize. What happened?"

"I have no idea. I walked into my office and he was just standing there. He had the files. Your files. He must have been looking for something? I don't actually know why he found them but he did."

Liv let out a sad groan, "I just saw him. He seems miserable."

"Yea… he tried convincing himself that it was a lie at first but… he must've come to his senses."

Liv felt so awful, "Will you come over for a glass of wine tonight? I need to get drunk."

"Yes, of course. Be there at 7."


It was 8pm and Liv and Abby were both already pleasantly tipsy. They downed their first few glasses of wine, Liv because she couldn't stop thinking about Fitz, and Abby because she had a long week, also because of Fitz.

"How great is this, we are drinking because of the same guy," Abby tried joking.

Liv laughed, "But for very different reasons." She shook her head and paused a moment for speaking again, "I can't stop thinking about him. I mean… I can never stop thinking about him. And his heart is broken, because of me, for the hundredth time."

Abby had never seen Liv this beat up over Fitz, and she's seen quite a bit. "I think his heart will always be broken if he's not with you… when he was sleeping around with all those women, I have never seen him so miserable. He was trying to get over you, or at least numb his feelings for you. The same way you do-"

"- with Jake." Liv said sadly. "Yea, I know. By the way, I'm done with Jake. For real."

Abby just nodded.

Liv had to ask, "How was he? Before he found out about the abortion? Was he happy… at least a little bit?"

"I think he was. He was getting really excited to get be out of the White House in 5 months. He keeps talking about where he wants to move when he's out."

Liv smiled sadly, "That's good."

"He says Santa Barbara, but he keeps bringing up Vermont… for whatever reason."

Liv's head shot up at the word Vermont, "What?"

"He keeps saying all whimsically 'It's a possibility' about Vermont. Like who would want to go live in Vermont when you could be living in Santa Barbara - Liv, what?" Abby noticed that Liv had stopped listening and she downed the rest of her glass of wine.

"Vermont," Then she shook her head, "That's our place."

"What? Your place? What does that mean." Abby was confused.

"It means that he built me a house there. A whole freaking house. A huge beautiful house. With bedrooms for lots of kids…"

"Holy shit."

"Yea. That was our dream. Vermont and marriage and babies. Or I thought it was our dream. In actuality, that's his dream. My dream is just him. I want him." Liv was speaking passionately.

"Present tense? Want?" Abby asked

"I will never not want him, Abby."


That night, after Abby left, Liv continued to get drunk. She wanted to get drunk enough to where she could call Fitz without wanting to cry or scream.

And when she was drunk enough, she needed to call him. It was an actual physical need. She knew he would answer, he left the ball in her court that afternoon.

So she called and he picked up on the third ring, "Hello?"


"Olivia… what's wrong."

"Nothing," she chuckled dryly, "nothing at all."

He could hear her drunkenness, "Liv, you're drunk."

"I am drunk. Because of you."

"What? Because of me?" Fitz asked incredulously.

"Because I miss you too. So much. So much it hurts… so I got drunk."

"It doesn't help."

"What?" Liv didn't understand what he meant.

"As someone who is very well versed in trying to drink away the pain of missing you… I'm just letting you know, it doesn't work. Actually, I'm pretty sure it makes it worse."

"Yea, I think you're right."

Fitz let out a breath through his nose, "Why are you calling, Liv?"

"I miss you."

"I miss you too. But I don't think you'd be calling right now if you weren't drunk."

Liv felt so bad, this is what he thinks of her, "I got drunk so I had the courage to call. And tell you I miss you too. And ask if you're okay… you looked so sad today. And I wanted to call you because I," She had felt her emotions coming to the surface and couldn't hold it anymore and started crying, "I want you to be okay."

"I'm not. I won't ever be okay without you." Fitz felt his eyes begin to tear up. The combination of talking about being without Olivia, and hearing her cry was proving to be too much for him.

"I don't think I will either, Fitz" Liv was sobbing at this point.

"Okay, Livvie, I need you to calm down. Deep breaths." He started to breathe in and out steadily so she could copy him, and when she did he said, "You're okay."

"Can I come talk to you? Tomorrow." She asked

"Yea, of course. You don't need to ask me that."


It was noon the next day and Fitz was on his lunch break. He knew Liv would be arriving any moment. She had called Charlotte that morning to let her know that she would be there on his lunch break.

When she walked in, his stomach fluttered just like it always does when he sees her.

"Hi," she spoke first.

"Hi. Come sit," Fitz smiled.

When they were seated on the couches, opposite each other, Liv immediately spoke, "I'm going to get straight to the point, so I don't lose my nerve."

"Okay," Fitz kept smiling at her.

"You know about the abortion, right?"

Fitz's smile broke, "Yea, I do."

"And you don't hate me?" Liv asked softly.

"It's hard to hate someone you are deeply in love with. Remember what you said? I could never hate you. Well I could never hate you either, Liv."

"I want to explain…"

"Alright," Fitz nodded his head.

"When I found out I was pregnant, we were in a terrible place. You had moved me in to the White House, I let my dad out of prison, I was having awful PTSD while having to act as first-lady. The dream of being with you… it was not that. That was not us. So I found out I was pregnant and I knew right away I was going to get an abortion. Because I loved you, and I loved us, and I knew that baby would be miserable. I didn't want our baby, our dream, to be born in the political limelight. With her dad barely having divorced his wife, or her mom being America's first mistress. I wasn't going to ruin our dream like that." Liv had tears streaming down her face, "I want a baby with you. But I didn't want a baby with you like that. I want our baby in Vermont."

Fitz had gotten teary eyed listening to Liv profess her want for a baby with him, "In Vermont, huh?"

Liv chuckled, "Don't act like you haven't been thinking about it. Abby tells me almost everything you say."

It took Fitz a moment to figure out what Liv was referring to but when he did he smiled and said, "Get over here." When she didn't move he said flirtily, "Livvie, you better get over here."

She stood up and then walked over to him and he immediately gripped her hips and pulled her down onto his lap. She thought he was going to kiss her but instead he buried his face in her neck and wrapped his arms around her. She sighed contently and nuzzled into his body.

He pulled his head back and then teasingly said, "You know, you just made this a lot easier on me."

"What?" Liv giggled.

"Well I was going to wait five months 'til I was out of office, but I was going to get you back. I decided that after my presidency was up I could focus on whatever I wanted… and of course what I wanted was you." He then kissed her very softly on the lips, "But you just sped up the process. And now, we can talk about Vermont."

"What about it?" Liv flirted.

"How we're going to live there. And make a baby." Fitz kissed her again.

"Are you sure you want a baby? You're not exactly a spring chicken." Liv teased.

"Excuse me?! I'll have you know that people think I'm not a day over 40." Fitz felt slightly insulted.

"I'm teasing you, Fitz. But I'm not living in Vermont full time… I still need my life here in DC with OPA. So I was thinking Monday-Thursday here and then Thursday-Sunday in Vermont, Thursday will be travel day? At least for the first year or so before the baby is born. And then we can figure it out. I'm thinking we can start trying for the baby right after we move? I've been on birth control forever so it might take a while to get pregnant."

Fitz was staring at her wide-eyed, "You've really thought about this."

Liv blushed, "Well if I was going to come here, I needed to have everything handled."

"Oh, of course. I wouldn't have expected anything differently." Fitz leaned in and kissed her again. When he tried to pull away Liv put a hand in his hair and pushed him closer. She opened her mouth and slowly took Fitz's bottom lip between her teeth. She slowly pulled away and kept his bottom lip between her teeth and when she released his lip and looked at him, she knew he had turned him on.

She felt like teasing him a bit more, "Alright, well, it's time I get back to work," and then started to stand up.

"Woah woah woah… I don't think so." Fitz grabbed her and pinned her body onto the couch then settled on top of her. "You don't get to kiss me like that then leave. Especially when I haven't made love to you in like seven months."

"You wanna practice making that baby?" Liv asked then licked up his neck to his earlobe. She nibbled his earlobe and said seductively, "Practice does makes perfect."

"Let's practice then," Fitz said as he lifted her thigh to wrap her leg around his body and ground his already very-erect dick into her center.

Liv moaned, "Get my underwear off, Fitz."

He pulled down the straps of her dress so her breasts fell out then took her right nipple into his mouth. She let out a moan, "Baby… underwear."

He just moved his head to the other nipple and started sucking harder. He moved one of his hands to the seat of her panties and felt her wetness through the lace. "Patience, sweet baby."

"Seven months… no patience," Liv panted out as Fitz stroked her clit through her underwear.

Fitz lifted her dress up and off her body and then said, "I really love you in a 's so sexy, and so easy to get into," He finished with a wink.

"You're so shameless - holy shit," Liv was interrupted when she felt Fitz suck her pussy through the lace of her underwear. He then finally rolled them down her legs and when they were off, moved his hands up so they were each cupping a breast.

As Fitz started to pull at and tweak her nipples, Liv moaned out, "I'm almost there."

"Mmm I know baby, cum in my mouth."

Fitz's dirty talk pushed her over the edge and her back arched off the couch as she came. When she came down, he kissed up her body with a smirk on his face. "How was that?" He cockily asked.

She shook her head and nipped at his lips, "So good."

He sucked a kiss into her neck and then whispered into her ear, "seemed like it."

After giggling, she pushed him up and said, "Alright, hot shot sit up."

When he sat up on the couch, she stood up in front of him, still completely naked. She then leaned forward and pulled of his tie while hanging her boobs in his face. She started unbuttoning his shirt and then leaned in to whisper into his ear, "I'm going to ride you so good now, baby."

Fitz let out a breath and helped Liv quickly get rid of his pants and boxers. He then grabbed her ass and pulled her down so she was straddling him. She grabbed his dick and then slowly sank down onto him.

"Fuck, baby. You're tight." Fitz moaned out.

At that, Liv started bouncing up and down on him. She was staring directly into his eyes, and they felt like one for the first time in a long time.

"Keep going, Livvie. I'm gonna cum."

"Cum for me baby," Liv huskily said and then started sucking on his earlobe. She was rubbing her boobs against his chest and felt her orgasm come to the surface.

After a few more minutes, Fitz let out a loud grunt and came. Liv followed right after and let out a slight scream and buried her face into his neck.

Fitz laid them back down on the couch and they were a tangle of limbs with noses pressed up against each other.

"I love you," Liv surprisingly said first.

"I love you too, Livvie. That," referring to the sex, "was incredible."

"We're going to have fun making that baby of ours," Liv said softly.

Fitz rubbed her back, "Hmm, isn't that the truth."


AN: Alright there it is! I was going to just go one one-shot, but if you guys like it, review and I will think about adding more one-shots :)