Lila: Ok, so I just remembered that I have to go to a Parent-Teacher Conference tomorrow, so I've decided to add this a day early!

A New Day In Domino

Yuuki Family's Morning Start As Usual

"Jaden! Do you always have to be late for school?"Jaden's father, Jason and a police man, asked and Jaden huffed.

"I'm going!"Jaden snapped and went to leave when his mother, Santana, said to take some breakfast first.

"Could you even try to be punctual sometimes?"Jason questioned.

"I am punctual!"Jaden snarled.

"Yes, of course. The rest of the world just wakes up too early."Jaden's eye twitched at that."Eat your cereal and hurry, ok?"Santana said as he walked out of the room.

"Uh, ok dad."Jaden said and stared at the picture of Atticus that was on the milk bottle."Have the police found anything out about that boy yet?"

"Not yet, but I have some news for you. My colleague, Summer, just called."Jason said and Jaden looked at him questionably."Rūku's police found Heba's parents car."

"Really?"Jaden asked, eyes wide.

"Yes but there's no sign of them. The whole family has vanished."

"Rūku is far away from here. I wonder what they were they doing in Kyoto?"Santana thought out loud.

"I'll try to find out. I'll see you in the evening."

"Have a good day at work, Jason."Santana said and waved bye to Jason while Jaden went back to staring at the picture of Atticus.

'This situation is just getting more and more complicated...'Jaden thought with his spoon of cereal in his mouth.'I have to tell the guys.'

With Yugi

'Mom and Grandpa were right, this isn't such a bad town to live in.'Yugi thought with a sigh as he rode on his bike.

He really missed his grandfather because, even if the time Yugi had with the elder man was short, he learned a lot from him in that short time. Quickly, he shook away any memories of his Grandfather that tried to surface from the back of his mind. Yugi made a sharp turn, deciding that he would go through the park. As Yugi did as he planned, he saw Ushio and his gang standing around a tree along with some new guy in their gang. Yugi watched as the new guy tried talking Ushio out of whatever he was doing in the hallow tree. It wasn't long before Ushio fell out of tree because of a... winged cat!?

"What in the name of Ra?"Yugi whispered with wide eyes. Ushio grabbed a broken branch and went to beat it."Leave it alone, Ushio!"Yugi yelled as ran over to the group, forgetting about his bike.

"Pretty tough, new boy."Sneered one of Ushio's friends and Yugi glared at him.

"You think you can tell me what to do?"Ushio growled out and took a threatening step towards Yugi who didn't back down.

"Leave the cat alone."Yugi snarled, not even flinching. Ushio just smirked.

He grabbed Yugi by the neck causing Yugi to gasp and start claw at Ushio's hands."Put him down!"A new voice snarled.

The group looked over to see a teen that looked just like Yugi but his hair style was a bit different. What freaked Ushio and boys out was that the teen's red eyes were glowing. Dropping Yugi, Ushio and his friends took off before the red eyed teen ran over to Yugi and helped him.

"Are you alright?"

Yugi looked up at the slightly older teen and nodded."I'm ok... oh! I'm Yugi. Muto Yugi."Yugi said, smiling at the teen who smiled back.

"It's nice to meet you, Yugi. I'm Amon Atem."Atem said before looking down at his feet.

This caused Yugi to do the same and he giggled when he saw the cat nuzzling itself against Atem's legs."He likes you."Yugi said, bending down to pick the cat up and held it gently.

"Is he yours?"Atem asked, smirking at the way the cat curled in Yugi's arms.

"Huh?"Yugi said before shaking his head no."Oh no, he's not mine."

"Oh well, you two seem made for each other."Atem said, reaching forward and scratching the cat underneath it's chin.

"I guess we do."Yugi said and smiled softly as the cat started to purr.

"I'll see you are school, right Yugi?"Yugi blinked and looked up at Atem before nodding.

"Yeah! Bye!"Yugi said brightly.

Yugi started to walk away, with the little winged cat, when his free hand was suddenly grabbed and he was whirled around his eyes widened when Atem kissed his forehead, making him blush darkly. Unknown to Yugi though, when Atem kissed his forehead, Atem did some sort of spell that would let Atem know where he was at all times.

"Bye Yugi."Atem said and left Yugi staring after him before looking down at the winged cat with a smile on his face as it starting purring a bit louder.

'Yep, I'm really starting to like this town.'Yugi thought with grin on his face.

The Next Day

Yugi, Ryou, Malik, Jaden and Joey were walking though the school and were talking about their latest subjects. Heba and Rhodes Atticus.

"...and that's all I know."Jaden said with his hands in his pockets.

"Isn't Kyoto in the borderline between here and Osaka? Do you think that they're trying to escape?"Ryou asked in concern.

"Maybe... But would be what are they escaping from?"Joey said as he opened the door to the cafeteria and let the others in before himself.

"That's a question I can't answer."Malik said, sighing as they sat down at their usual table."Heba didn't speak much about his family, even though we have been in the same class for three years now."

"Do you think Heba has something to do with that twelfth grader boy who disappeared?"Yugi asked as he looked between his friends.

"It is possible."Joey said before he shrugged.

"He doesn't."Jaden said with a serious look in his eyes while Malik raised an eyebrow at him.

"How can you be so sure?" Malik said and Jaden blushed when everyone looked at him.

"Well...yep...I have been trying to tell you guys something for these past few days...But I don't know where to start..."Jaden said and looked away for a second then looked back at them."I know what happened to Rhodes Atticus."

"HUH!?"The others cried out in shock and stared at Jaden wide eyes.

"What? Why haven't you said anything to us, Jay?"Joey said and narrowed his eyes at his friend.

"Because it's all my fault!"Jaden said and banged his head on the table.

"Oh no! Jaden, what did you do now!?"Malik growled out, glaring at Jaden who sat up right.

"His sister came and asked me to look for him so... I uh... I agreed... so..."

"So?"Ryou asked and raised an eyebrow at Jaden who blushed darkly.

"Well...everything happened about a week ago... You know Kakuteru to Yume? That disco near the supermarket? I knew Rhodes was going there so I thought I could get his attention..."

Everyone looked curious at this."Uh, Jay, no offence or anything but you're a guy so how would you get his attention unless you grew a pack of assets."Joey said, smirking.

If it was possible, Jaden's face went fifty shades darker."Well...erm... You see...I kind of changed my gender and..."

Malik's, Joey's and Ryou's eyes widened while Yugi suddenly groaned and placed his hands over his ears."Don't say it, don't say it."Yugi chanted with his eyes closed.

"I managed to change my clothes into my guardian ones along with the wings..."Jaden said and his face dropped when Yugi glared at him.

"Jaden!"Yugi cried out loud enough for only his friends to hear him.

"My parents were already asleep so I just thought about what I wanted..."Jaden said, looking down at his food."And in a minute, I was a girl and I was in my guardian form... Well... sort off... I didn't have the wings and the shirt was tight and looked like leather... Anyway, everyone was staring at me..."

"Rhodes too?"Malik questioned, hiding his smirk.

"Yeah! He stared at me the most! We danced and we talked the whole evening..."Malik couldn't stop himself from hiding his smirk anymore.

Jaden paled when he realised that he just sounded like a girl and it could be used as blackmail against him."How could you! You used your magic to get into some disco!"Joey hissed out and glared at Jaden.

"I didn't think I was doing anything wrong!"Jaden snapped back angrily.

But before they could start arguing, Yugi cut in by asking,"What happened then?"

"Huh? Oh! Rhodes asked me if I wanted a ride home and I said yes..."Jaden said before blushing in embarrassment."Then he suddenly stopped the car and tried to kiss me."Jaden squeaked out the last bit and everyone's eyes widened.

"What did you do!?"Jaden's blush darkened even further.

"You really wanna know?"Jaden whispered and everyone nodded."I turned him into a frog..."Everyone's jaw dropped while Jaden continued."He got scared and jumped out of the car, disappearing into the woods."Jaden then ducked his head, hiding his blushing face.

Yugi suddenly placed a hand over his mouth to stop himself from giggling along with the others and Jaden's head snapped up and he glared at them. It didn't take them long to start laughing loudly and pointing at Jaden whose glare just darkened.

"What are you laughing at!? This is serious! A tragedy! A horrible disaster!"Jaden screamed as people started looking at them.

"Having some trouble, my friend?"A blue eyed and blue haired boy asked, smirking at Jaden who growled low in his throat.

"Jesse, disa-"Jaden was cut off by Joey placing his hands over his mouth while the others shouted,

"Don't say it, Jaden!"Jaden glared at them, silently telling Joey to let go oh him and he did. Jaden then turned to a confused Jesse and smiled at him. Totally fake.

"Jesse, could you kindly leave me alone?"Jesse grinned at that.

"Sure thing, doll."Jaden's eye twitched but he continued smiling until Jesse was out of sight.

The group then looked at one another before they got up and left the cafeteria, knowing that it was better if they talked somewhere else."What are we going to do?"Jaden asked once they were outside of the cafeteria.

"We have to find him as soon as possible and..."Yugi trailed off as soon as he caught sight of Atem who was talking to someone.

Their eyes met before Yugi groaned and held his head as he shut his eyes tightly and groaned as they walked outside."Yugi! Are you dizzy again? Is it serious?"Ryou asked as he turned around to face Yugi who opened his eyes and looked at the group who looked at him in concern.

"I... I'm shuddering and feeling very dizzy... I feel like I'm falling into emptiness..."Yugi mumbled.

"No!"Joey suddenly yelled as he saw something in the corner and pointed at it causing the others to look at him.

"What now, Joey?"Malik asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Look! This isn't my imagination!"Joey said and Yugi gasped.

It was Heba and he was going through the wall."Heba!"Yugi cried out causing Malik, Ryou and Jaden to stare with wide eyes at where Heba is.

"It can't be! He's going through the wall! He's... he's a ghost!"Ryou yelled in panic.

"It looks like he's trying to ask us to help him!"Yugi said."He wants to tell us something!"

"Let's follow him!"Malik said, already running down the stairs and towards where Heba disappeared too.

"We can't leave school just like that! We still have too hours!"Ryou yelled as the others ran down the stairs.

"Let's study harder tomorrow then!"Jaden said, smirking.

Ryou sighed but followed them over to the wall."Pegasus won't be pleased about this..."Ryou mumbled sullenly.

"The Principal will never know, get out of the way boys."Malik growled out as his hands started glow a bright golden colour.

The others quickly did as he said and to get out of the way as he slammed his fists into the wall and everyone watched with wide eyes as Malik made a circle like door opened on the wall to the other side.

"There we go, this is our door."Malik said, smirking at the others before walking through it with them following closely behind him.

"Can you close it?"Yugi asked.

Malik nodded with a roll of his eyes."Of course but that's only if I concentrate hard enough."Malik turned back to the wall and tried to turn it back to normal but all he did was make the top of the wall collapse and crumble.

"Hahaha! It broke!"Joey said while Ryou and Yugi paled.

"We're doomed..."Ryou muttered.

"Er... guys, Heba isn't here anymore."Jaden suddenly stated causing everyone to frown in disappointment and anger.

"Let's go, there's only one place where we could look for him..."Yugi said with a determined look in his eyes.

Lila: Cliffhanger! Lol, I've always wanted to say that! Anyways, R&R plz! I don't ask for much, I'm being honest here, I don't even care if u guys think that it's bad, u could even tell me if something should be changed, I really don't care what, just give me something to work with!