Summary: Missing scenes from the episode White Lies prt 2, focusing on Sharon's confession and her dealing with her emotions in the aftermath of the shooting. (spoilers for 5x11 5x12 and 5x13)

Rating: K+

Disclaimer: I do not own Major Crimes or any of its characters.

Note:My apologies for this one being so late. Just one last missing scene to add. Thank you all for reading and your kind reviews!


Sharon set at the end of the bed, The plain black lace up boots stood on the floor and she had been about to slip her feet into them when, in an unguarded moment, a memory got the better of her and her mind drifted off. For a few moments, the sounds of voices were pushed to the background and, whilst lost in thought, Sharon didn't notice the figure appearing in the bedroom doorway.

"Sharon?" The door was pushed open a little further. The light that fell into the room caused the brunette to look up.

Sharon's eyes took in the dark clad person in the doorway. "Brenda."

Brenda's hair was pulled back into a neat, tidy bun in the back of her neck and she wore a simple yet elegant black dress. Her black sunglasses were tucked into the small side pocket and she wore a pair of elegant black pumps with a strap across the ankle. A fine silver necklace dangled down across the front of the dress.

"How are you holdin' up?" Brenda softly inquired.

Sharon thought about the answer for a moment. What could she possibly say? She was preparing for a funeral… The funeral of a man who had been part of her life for quite some time. A man who had died in a way she didn't wish upon anyone. She swallowed hard and looked down at her hands. She felt empty and helpless.

"I don't know," she confessed, then peered up at Brenda through her eye lashes. The blonde former Chief was the last person she had expected to see today but Brenda had told her that she knew this was the place she had to be today. She'd flown in from Washington the day before.

"It's what he would have wanted," was what she said when Sharon had answered the door and saw her standing next to Fritz. She had stepped into the condo and hugged Sharon in the way old friends did.

Footsteps approached and Brenda moved aside to let Rusty into his mother's bedroom. When Sharon saw him she was once again struck by how grown up he looked in his suit. Provenza had helped him with his tie. Sharon had lost count of the amount of times she had felt he was still too young for this, but then she remembered everything else he had already been through and he had been too young for all of those things too. It just wasn't fair.

"Amy asked me to let you know that it's almost time to go," Rusty said. There was a hint of sadness in his voice. He stood close to Brenda and then, unexpectedly, he said, "He would be so proud of you today, Mom."

Tears stung behind Sharon's eyes as she looked up at her son. He had seen her cry a lot over the last few days and she no longer hid her emotions from him. He had been her rock in so many ways and it made her feel guilty at times. But Rusty had been incredibly strong in the aftermath of the shooting and the events that followed and today he had proven himself even more.

Sharon slipped her feet into her boots and tied the laces, bit back a quiet sob and then stood up. She smoothed out the non-existent creases in her dress uniform, made sure her hair was still in place in the bun in the back of her neck and avoided looking in the mirror as she filed past Rusty and Brenda out of the bedroom and into the hallway. The sound of voices intensified but when she rounded the corner into the living room, everyone fell silent. She could feel their eyes on her.

"It's time," said Provenza. He too wore his uniform and he briefly looked at Sharon, saw the dark circles around her eyes. She saw the extra lines across his face. The last week had aged both of them. He took a step towards Sharon and put a hand on her arm. "You know Andy would be here if he could."

"I know," Sharon said. "It just makes me sad he doesn't get to say goodbye."

Provenza nodded and then joined the line of people leaving the condo. Sharon was the last one to step outside. She looked back one last time before closing the door behind her, sighing heavily. Nothing would be the same after today.

Everything had changed.