Rain pours down from the black sky, which twenty minutes ago, was clear blue and filled with sun. I look at the time on my phone, sighing as I look back out the window, watching the rain run in rivulets down the now empty street in front of "Luckys Cafe." The cafe I was supposed to be meeting my boyfriend at. That was half an hour ago, and I am now beyond pissed, This is the third time this week, the eighth time this month, that Matt Donovan, my soon to be ex boyfriend, has stood me up. I unlock my phone and dial Matt's number, getting up from the booth and tossing a twenty dollar bill on the table as I make my way to the door. Matt's phone, as always, goes straight to his voicemail.

"You've reached Matty-D, you know what to do."

"It's your girlfriend, or at least I thought I was. Thanks for standing me up, again. I'm sick of all these bullshit games. We're through." I growl into my phone, ending the call and locking my phone before shoving it into the back pocket of my black and purple jean shorts.

I leave the cafe, cursing as the wind kicks up and rain begins to pelt my skin. I shiver from the chill in the air, waiting a few minutes at the door for the rain to slow before stepping out from the shelter of the cafe's small awning, walking down the street a few blocks and heading into my favorite club, "Eternal Pleasure". I give the bouncer at the door a smile as I enter the club, heading straight for the bathroom to give myself a once over after walking in the rain. I make my way through the small crowd near the bathrooms and head in, stopping in front of one of the mirrors. My once wavy hair now hung in wet strands around my face, and the charcoal gray cropped t-shirt I wore was now almost black. I run my fingers through my wet hair, attempting to give it some kind of style but give up, wiping my smudged eyeliner and mascara from beneath my eyes then heading out of the bathroom, grabbing an open stool at the bar.

"Hey Elena, let me guess, Donovan stood you up again?" Tyler Lockwood, Matt's best friend and one of the bartenders working tonight, asks me.

I only nod. "Yep, and I'm done with him. I tried calling him and it went right to his voice mail, so I left him a message saying I'm tired of his games and that were through." I respond, sighing. "Jack and Cherry coke, light ice."

Tyler nods, leaving to make my drink. I pull my phone from my pocket and unlock it, deleting Matt's number from my phone before sending my best friend; Caroline Forbes, a text, letting her know what had happened and where I was. I knew she was with her boyfriend of two years, Stefan Salvatore. They had met our Junior year of college, and the three of us usually hung out after I got stood up by Matt. Well, we hung out as long as she and Stefan weren't locked in their room at our shared apartment fucking one another's brains out. I go through the photos on my phone, deleting any that had Matt's smug face in them, which wasn't many. Matt and I barely saw each other since we graduated and decided to try and get a job at the club with Tyler. Thankfully, The club's manager was smart enough to turn Matt down. Come to think of it, this was the first time I'd heard from Matt this week, and every time I tried to call him, I always got his voicemail. I didn't doubt that he was cheating on me, hell it would make sense if he was, then again, nothing he or I did made any sense anymore. I had dated Matt once before, around the same time Caroline met Stefan, and they had had to come and get me when he beat me senseless and left me half naked, bloody, and barely able to move in the campus gym after he raped me. What made me try to date him again for the past two months was pure stupidity considering every time he tried to touch me, I had to force myself from pushing him away from me.

Tyler comes back and hands me my drink, and sets another one down beside it. I look at the second drink, then at Tyler, who shrugs.

"Some guy came over and paid for both of them. I didn't question it cause I figured you 'll want another after the first one if what you told me earlier is the truth."

I pick up my drink and down half of it, grabbing the stem of the cherry in the glass and twirling it in my drink.

"If you see him again, tell him I said thanks. I definitely need it." I reply, pulling the rum soaked cherry out and biting it off the stem, chewing it up, and laying the stem on the bar beside my glass.

Tyler smiles and goes off to do whatever he was doing before I ordered my drink and I grab my drink, downing the rest and grabbing the second glass before turning so I was facing the rest of the club. I sip my second drink, watching the happy couples and random strangers out on the dance floor dancing, debating if I wanted to join in on the fun. I check my phone before shoving it into the front pocket of my shorts, taking a large sip of my drink and getting to my feet. I set my now half empty glass on the bar, my hips starting to move in time to Escape the Fate's "City of Sin". I slowly make my way into the crowd of dancing people, trying desperately not to clock every guy who smacks my ass or tries to cop a feel of my breasts. I finally get to a small opening among the throng of people and close my eyes; losing myself in the music, until I feel someone grab hold of my arm. I try to yank my arm free, turning and glaring at the last person I wanted to see, let alone be touched by. I grunt as I'm pulled flush against my ex's body.

"So, you dump me over the phone, then decide to go out, drink, and dance with every skank and fuck-boy in the bar?" Matt growls, the smell of whiskey strong on his breath.

I struggle under Matt's grip, cursing as he drags me, still struggling, out of the crowd of dancers and out the back door of the bar. It's raining again, and once we're outside, Matt, pushes me up against the outside wall of back alleyway, taking both my arms in his hands and pinning them down. I kick Matt in the nuts, pushing him away from me as he doubles over in pain.

"You've stood me up every time we had a date for the last month, and you think you have any right to accuse me of shit that I didn't do? Fuck off you jackass!" I snarl, shivering as the wind picks up and the rain begins to come down harder.

I turn to walk back into the bar, phone in hand to call Caroline for a ride home, when Matt rips my phone from my hands and throws it on the ground, smirking as it shatters; then stepping on it for good measure. I turn and slam my fist into Matt's smug face, pissed. Matt just laughs, throwing me down onto the cold, wet ground. I hit the pavement with a thud, cursing as I feel the pavement rip into my knees and left arm. I try to back away and get up, only to have Matt pull me towards him once more. He forces me to stay on the ground, using his weight to hold my legs down as he grabs hold of my arms and pins them to my sides.

"If I remember correctly, it's you that's stood me up, Elena. I always came to where we were supposed to meet up for our date, even if it was ten minutes late, and you were no where in sight. Now, you call me to say we're through and come to the bar? I have every fucking right to call you out on your bullshit." Matt says sternly, holding strong as I struggle to get out from beneath him.

"Call me out on My bullshit? Yeah right asshole. I've called you out on your bullshit every time you came over to my house, spouting nothing but lies just to make sure I didn't dump your ass months ago! You're nothing but a fucking lying bastard, and I should have left you a long time ago!" I snarl, spiting in Matt's face.

Matt curses and lets go of one of my arms, his fist slamming into the left side of my jaw. My head snaps to the side and I yelp in pain, bringing my now free arm up to block the next blow. Matt raises his fist again and swings, only to have his fist caught in someone elses grip.

"What fucking rights do you think you have to hit a woman, you sick fucking prick?" A deep voice rumbles from above me, sound a hell of a lot more pissed then I was.