Kazuki knew that leaving Kaoru there in his room was wrong. Wrong on so many levels. Kazuki knew that kaoru was easy to mess with which in turn meant that he could get hooked on any touch or word Kazuki gave him, and Kazui wanted that. He wanted to trap kaoru with the promise of pleasure, using the younger student's lust as his shackles that will keep him in the room for Kazuki.

Being alone after the meeting, Kazuki just could go through it. He knew he couldn't go to Aiko for comfort, not after what happened earlier. Kaoru was so caring, so considerate, he would wait there for Kazuki even if Kazuki didn't end things the way he did. Making Kazuki feel all the more guilty for doing what he did. He truly didn't deserve someone like Kaoru and all Kazuki always felt himself near ready to burst with emotions whenever he was around the twin. But now wasn't going to be the time to think of such happy moments.

Kazuki went downstair and outside to the gazebo in the garden. The sun was almost fully settled passed the horizon, but the lights in the garden illuminated the area. Kazuki had always appreciated that the area was properly lit for outdoor occasions, he had found himself outside a lot during his first months with the Hiros.

In the gazebo was a table and a pair of chairs for people to sit and enjoy a snack outside in the garden. If only Kazuki was going to face such pleasantries. Sitting in the gazebo was Shion, her back towards Kazuki and a house staff by her side. Kazuki truly wished that he could just turn around and walked back into the manor without Shion seeing him, but he knew that facing her was the only way out of his problem.

"Good evening, Shion," Kazuki said as he sat in the chair across from her. Kazuki made eye contact with the servant that had brought out tea and waited with Shion, telling the man to take his leave.

Shion had been looking over a document on the table, the contract, but then directed her attention to Kazuki. She was dressed for the meeting, wearing a simple dress and headband.

"Kazuki," she said with a nod, her voice serious and lacking any for of compassion. "Are we expecting anyone else?"

"No," Kazuki said curtly. He didn't want anyone else interfering with this affair, not Ryuu, not Aiko. This matter, these problems and mishaps, were between Kazuki and Shion at the moment. There will be no ulterior motives, no way of pulling the rug from under Kazuki years from now. For once, Kazuki was going to be the one that calls all of the shot, and unlike the people did before him, he was making sure to take everyone into consideration.

Shion flipped through her papers with a nod, saying, "there is no need to go through pleasantries, lets us just get to the point."

Kazuki agreed, not wanting to be there a second longer than he needed to. All he wanted was to have her leave and never see her face again. Her lack of empathy during the meeting made it so no one would want to drag it out.

"We will be brief then." Kazuki retrieved his own copy of the contract from where it lasid in the envelope besides him. "If you look near the end of the section listing the terms of the agreement, it say in the fifth line of the paragraph that if one party enters the area of the other, it is the intruder who breached the contact prevention rule." Kazuki looked up from the document to the brown eyes of the girl across from him. "By you coming to Ouran you have entered my area due to me being enrolled there after you left making it so that it was a neatruel area."

"And as the preacher of the contract I have to obey what terms you have fairly come up with," Shion started as if it was something she had known her whole life. "So what terms have you come up with, Kazuki?" Her words made the question seems like a challenge, testing to see if Kazuki actually has the guts to boss her around, to be on the other side of the command.

"Simple," Kazuki said. "Leave Ouran Academy immediately. You were there for one day at an open event, no one needs to know that you re-enrolled. You were there for a visit like several other people were and so there is no reason for you need to show back up. Go to whatever school you want to, London, Tokyo, America, I don't care, just leave me and my family alone."

Shion looked at him with a raised brow, seeming almost proud that Kazuki was able to be so demanding and stern with his words. He wasn't going to act as if this was a sort of challenge, he just wanted her out of his hair and far from him. He wanted to get his life together, and having her there would not only present him from going on, but cause him to take a step back. He had said it a lot, that he was going to move on and forget about it all, but Kazuki truly felt it in his heart that he was no longer going to let the past control his future.

"I don't accept," Shion said calmly.

The three words made Kazuki's heart spike. "What do you mean, you don't accept?" Kazuki was beginning to lose his cool a little, the anger in his voice coming out a bit too spitefully to be deemed as professional. Did she honestly think that she could just up and say whatever she wanted, like she was still his superior. He had seen her act like this several times before, like everything had to bend to her word and will. "These are my terms, you don't have a say in it. According to the contract, yo-"

"I'm not going with the contract," Shion said matter-a-factly.

Kazuki gawked at her with wide eyes, her smug look all he could see. There's no way, he had the upper hand, he was the one that was in change of all of his. He and his family had thought it all out, how could she have gotten to this? She was tied to this contact as much as the rest of them. Kazuki focused back on her smug smile, the small smile haunting him. "You planned this," Kazuki whispered.

"Of course I did," Shion said with an air of confidence. "Do you really think that I was that stupid to allow you guys to actually have the upper hand? You, Ryuu, and Aiko all against me, unfair, don't you think? So, I let you think that you guys were going to pull something over me, me being the 'naive' girl who was 'too upset to think clearly.'" Shion narrowed her eyes at him. "You guys are extremely wrong for trying to do that, so this is my pay back, I reject your proposal and I'm dropping the contract."

Kazuki clenched his fist tightly by his side. "You can't just 'drop the contract', Shion. You signed it, you agreed to these terms that we set in place." It was almost as if Kazuki was trying to find some kind of external force to hold down Shion, to show for once that she didn't have the power she always thought she had.

"Well, no I don't," Shion said wit a shrug of her shoulder. "What are you going to do about it, expose me? We both know that you can't do that."

"Oh, Kazuki, you don't really know much about the business world, especially how the yakuza deals with things." Shion picked up the contract, the physical embodiment of the deals and promises that they had made. "This is nothing but ink and paper in which we give value to. If I want to say this means nothing, then it. Means. Nothing." She dropped it, the paper falling down to the ground, discarded like the care Shion had for it.

Kazuki saw red as he looked at Shion, who looked as cool as ice. Since day one, she had no intention of following it. She allowed them to think they were playing her when she had always had the stings. And if it had worked in her favor, then she could have kept with it like they would have.

"So here's my proposal," Shion said with a consistent look and all Kazuki wanted to do was punch her right in her little face. "Act as if nothing major ever happened between us. As simple as that. We don't need rules, contracts, or convoluted phrasing of words. I knew you guys since I was little, which is true. I don't need to disguise my life, I lived between Japan and England, which is true whether you would have been involved or not. I don't see why we need to try and make it seem suspicious, that is how people end up wanting to look into it."

"And why do you think I would agree to this?" Kazuki spat.

"Open your eyes, Kazuki," Shion said, rolling hers. "We have the same exact interest here, neither one of us want to be caught. Our families dabbled in human trafficking, that is not something that we want exposed. That is bad even for my family. The question is, what can you possibly do about it, hmmm? Tell on me, in turn exposing yourself? Maybe leve Ouran yourself, that wouldn't hurt me in the slightest." She gave Kazuki a look that made it seem more like she was trying to reason with him and not

"Leave," Kazuki said, the only thing he was able to get out. He couldn't say anything else, what was there left to say? He had played right into her hand and he knew he couldn't do anything, she knew that.

Shion stood, knowing that she had won the battle. "I'm not the enemy Kazuki, I have the same interest as you do. It isn't my fault your family doesn't know how to play their cards." With those final words, she began to walk down the path that led to the side of the manor that had the gates to exit the property. Kazuki sat by himself for a little, seething in anger. How could she do that? He had been completely played since the very beginning. By Ryuu, by Aiko, by Shion, they all knew exactly how to play the cards and in reality, Kazuki never had any to begin with, he had always had the empty hand. He bolted out of his chair, causing it to fall to the ground although he couldn't care about it in the slightest.

Kazuki quickly made his way back into his house and stormed the stairs to get to his room. The whole manor could have probably heard him, and he couldn't have cared less. He wanted them to be disturbed, for their peaceful evening to be interrupted because of his anger. Why was he the one always suffering? He knew he wasn't the only one, but he couldn't see why the world really enjoyed toying with him in particular. What had he ever done to deserve any of this? No, he didn't have to deserve it, it was just how the world worked and he was too tiny and insignificant for the world to care what happened to him. Kazuki marched into his room, swinging the door open widely only to slam it shut hard enough to cause all the walls to come crumbling down like his state of mind.

"Fuck you!" Kazuki screamed as loud as he could. He could feel all the heat rushing to his face and he was more than liking pink, but what did it matter? Did it ever? Did anything he ever did ever matter in the long run? He could fight, accept, or simply ignore something, but it was still going to happen. Kazuki crunched up into the a ball on the floor, yelling in anger and grabbing fist fulls of his hair. He balled his fist into ball, slamming them onto the ground. Pain shot through his hand from his previous injury, making him shout in pain.

"Kazuki," a worried voice said from behind the angered student. Kazuki turned around and saw Kaoru sitting on the bed, an all too familiar look of concern on his face. Immediately feeling embarrassed for his outburst, Kazuki tucked his head between his knees, hiding his face from the other. Footsteps could be heard coming closer to him, but Kazuki refused to raise his head. There was a moment of silence, although Kazuki could feel the presence of Kaoru next to him.

"You really have anger issues," Kaoru said blunty, and Kazuki felt a hand being placed on his back. "I would say it's whatever, but you are hurting yourself, Kazuki." The hand on his back left and Kazuki felt its touch on his own wrapped hand that was throbbing with pain.

Kaoru's voice was calm, but not like Shion's cold, meticulous one, but in a soothing way that made Kazuki want to force his nerves to stop flaring with anger. Kaoru's hand rubbed gently over Kazuki's, trying to comfort the older student.

"I would really like if you stop hurting yourself, Kazuki," Kaoru continued. "You put too much pressure on yourself, you bottle things up, it isn't good for you at all and it really hurts everyone to see you like this." The hands on Kazuki disappeared for a moment until he felt the pair return, taking a hold of his wrists and pulling him up. "Come on, you had a long day, lets go to bed."

Kazuki allowed himself to be pulled by the hands, slowly rising from his sitting position like a rag doll with no will to do anything of its own. He stood on his own two feet, yet Kazuki had never felt so unstable in life. He looked at Kaoru who gave him an extremely forced smile.

"You...you don't need to worry about anything right now," Kaoru started slowly, his hands moving from Kazuki's wrist to the buttons on his suit. "Let's just get you ready for bed, you should really get some sleep."

Kazuki watched as Kaoru took of his clothes, the twin did not looking back up at Kazuki. The older student allowed Kaoru to do as he liked, not wanting to do anything at the moment. He couldn't will himself to do anything. Only when Kaoru was getting his shirt off did Kazuki remember the state in which he had left Kaoru.

Taking the twin's hands in his, Kazuki looked at Kaoru who was unbuttoning the white shirt. Kaoru looked up at Kazuki, a curious expression playing on his features. "Kaoru, I...I really can't," Kazuki said in a defeated voice.

Kaoru looked at him with a questioning stare before his eyes blew wide and his face blushed bright. "Kazuki, no, oh my gosh, no," Kaoru stammered, looking away from Kazuki and focussing his eyes on the remaining buttons, continuing his action with fumbling fingers "I wouldn't want to. Hell, it… I don't necessarily not want it… I, ugh," Kaoru groaned, ripping Kazuki's shirt form him and gripping his friend's wrist and dragging him to the bed. "I'm not an idiot, I know that the time for something like that and this isn't it." Kaoru practically pushed Kazuki on ot the bed and quickly went over to the door.

Kazuki's heart rate jumped at the thought of Kaoru leaving him, he should have kept his mouth shut. Kazuki was a moment away from begging the twin to not leave, to remain with him for a little longer when he noticed that Kaoru was flipping off the switch and slowly walking back to the bed. A bit awkwardly, Kaoru took off his own shirt and began to pull the covers from where the were tucked.

"Y-You're staying?" Kazuki asked as the cover was pulled from under him.

"You were going to ask me to anyways, weren't you?" Kaoru said a little sheepishly as he slid into the bed. He motioned for Kazuki to join him, which Kazuki did in almost slow motion. Kaoru fanned out the cover, allowing cool air to blow over them before the soft cover rested over them, like a cloud setting upon the two.

"Besides," Kaoru said, moving closer to Kazuki. Kazuki looked into those warm brown eyes that seemed to look directly into him and could easily uncover every secret he had. "I wouldn't want to leave you. You may not want to agree or admit it, but you're a people person, Kazuki. You need others in you life that you can depend on." Kaoru's eyes looked downwards as he said, "and I'm happy I can be one of those people for you. I'm ready to listen to whatever troubled you today."

Kazuki gave a soft sigh. "Kaoru, I'm not really re-"

"Its okay if you aren't, not now. I don't need you to say anything at this second, I want you to close your eyes and go to sleep." Kaoru's hand came up and brushed the hair from in front of Kazuki's face, a soft smile playing on his lips. The twin leaned over a kissed Kazuki's lips, pulling away before any other action could be taken. "Please just rest."