A/N: Drunk me decided to write a thing. Sober me decided to edit and publish it. I originally put this as a bonus story in 'Jaune Beats All The First Years', but something in me is telling me to have it as it's own separate story, so I did. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: RWBY belongs to Rooster Teeth.

Qrow was on a mission.

A very important mission.

A personal mission.

He wasn't out to scout for Ozpin.

He wasn't out to hunt down Grimm.

He wasn't out to take out a White Fang cell.

He wasn't out to take in a super criminal.

Nor was he out to conduct another panty raid on Winter Schnee's dresser.

To be honest he stopped after Winter booby trapped her dresser.

Plus it got boring after a while.

Today was the day Beacon Academy held its initiation.

The test that would prove the worth of the upcoming students.

His two nieces, Yang Xiao Long and Ruby Rose, would be participating in it.

And he was going to watch them.

His didn't plan on intervening should they, and they will, run into trouble.

They didn't need it.

They were capable, strong warriors.

He should know, he helped train them.

He took pride in it.

But that's a story for another time.

Right now, he was morphed into the form of a crow.

Flying high above the Emerald Forest.

Trying to find his nieces so he can watch them kick ass.

And he couldn't find them.

This was usually the time when Ozpin would launch his students off the cliff.

So where was everyone?

Was he too late?

Was old age finally getting to him?

Then a familiar noise to his left caught his attention.

He turned his head towards the noise and saw Yang.

She was flying through the air, using her shotgun gauntlets to propel herself as she flew through the air.

Yeah, that's something she would do.

Guess he showed up a little early then.

But now where was his other niece, Ruby?

He heard a whistling noise and looked up.

He saw the red reaper that was Ruby Rose.

Flying towards him at over 100 miles per hour.


"Birdy no!" the little reaper cried out.

Ruby kept on flying to wherever she was flying, sad that she thought she just killed a poor little bird.

Qrow was sent spiraling out of control.

And he lost a lot of his feathers from getting hit by the niece missile.

Losing control and falling fast, Crow turned back into a human to try and land carefully.

It didn't work.

He landed face first into the dirt and skidded across the dirt.

He finally managed to lift his face of the ground, spitting out a mouthful of dirt and grass.

Behind him he saw that he made a very long trench in the ground.

Groaning and aching in pain, he stood up in a hunch and began to walk away in shame.

He really hoped no one saw that.


Ruby Rose landed and took out Crescent Rose, ready for combat.

However, other thoughts plagued her mind.

"*sniff* that poor birdy. His family will never see him again. I'm so sorry!"


"What's so funny Ozpin?"

Ozpin gave his scroll to Glynda.

Glynda saw the recording of Qrow getting shot out of the sky and crash landing.

She lost herself in a fit of giggles.

She sent a copy of the video to herself and to Winter.


Qrow downed another shot at the bar.

Then his scroll started to buzz.

It was a picture message from Winter.

Did she finally cave in to his charming good looks?


It was a picture of him face down in the dirt.

It was followed by a picture of Winter laughing.

He scoffed.

Damn you Ozpin.

(The next day)

Ozpin frowned at what he saw on his desk.

His coffee mug was smashed into a million tiny pieces.

The only clue to the perpetrator?

A lonely bird feather.

A/N:I hope you guys enjoyed reading. Have a pleasant day!