*Okay as always, I own nothing of Criminal minds I just get the privilege of playing with the characters for a while.

The team had just gotten back from a bad case in which they were all in their own decompression motions, trying to expel the demons they once again had stood up and fought. On this case, they all had to go into the motions throughout the case though. This happened when children were involved or when the victims were tortured in ways that would make most coward. The team had to find a way to press on to protect others.

They all found different ways of handling it. Morgan through music, Hotch through paperwork, Gideon and Reid a game of chess. JJ was still in the process of finding her outlet when the newest member to the team arrived.

Emily seemed immune to the horrors around her which made the press liaison be in awe of her. Ever since the Hankel case she had made it a side mission to watch the woman so she could find out what her secret too oblivious was.

It wasn't until the first time they had to room together on a case that she was given a glimpse into what made the woman decompress. They were in Las Cruces New Mexico chasing down a serial rapist and Emily had to translate for most of the victims.

JJ was in the room and understood most of the Spanish being said and watched Emily's reactions. On the surface, no one would have seen any response to things being said but she had watched the subtle changes of deep breaths being taken in and slowly being let out or the looking out a window instead of the victim's eyes that were crying.

Then at the hotel she noticed the woman took a quick shower when she came in without saying a word then went to her bag and pulled out a book. She thought Emily was going to read but instead started penning something in its pages. For over an hour she wrote while listening to something on her Iphone without saying a word.

JJ thought she was writing notes on the case because the next morning she seemed to have a new take on it that helped catch the suspect days later. Until that night when Emily went through the same routine and fell asleep from exhaustion with the book in her hand. It fell to the floor and she picked it up and noticed that the book was a journal. She couldn't resist reading the page the book had landed on.


You rattled the grave

and have shaken the bones,

The greed in your eyes

couldn't leave well enough alone.

The dead lay there silent,

begging for peace.

Yet for your enjoyment

torture is all you release.

In life the souls

were mild and innocent,

now in spirit the bones

will not be complacent.

What an arrogant fool,

rolling the dice, you dare.

Thinking life and fate

owe you its share.

Refusing to hear the laughter

of death at your door,

you try to rattle another grave

but fall to the floor.

At your death a feast is called,

karma the only invited guest.

Now released memories

can walk home to the grave and rest.

She placed the book beside the sleeping woman and slid under the covers of her own bed. She thought about how precise the words were. Then she wondered how much strength it took to control those emotions around the words. What evil has this woman seen to be able to enslave her emotions so well? JJ wasn't sure but she wanted to find out more about the sleeping woman's life.

She found herself looking for the book on the occasions that they roomed together hoping that the woman would fall asleep again like the first time so she could see into the secret world know as Emily Prentiss. She managed to glimpse it a couple more times before she realized she had been caught reading it. But Emily never mentioned it but started leaving the book out open to certain pages. When JJ would ask her about something personal that she didn't want or couldn't answer with vocal words so she would find them answered in the pages that were left open most of the time when the woman was in the shower.

This went on for months without either of them mentioning anything about it. It was like Emily needed someone to finally see and know what she could never express in the open. JJ had also noticed on the plane rides that the woman would write letters that she would see weeks later still in Emily's purse or in her coat pocket. Words expressed but would never be sent. She wondered if they were the words Emily wanted to express to someone but just didn't have the nerve to send them.

This case was no different than the others where Emily was concerned. JJ had seen the woman with blue stationary committing her tightly concealed thoughts to paper on the plane back to the B.A.U. When they arrived on the sixth floor they were met by Garcia who informed the exhausted team that they were to go on yet another case in Cumming Georgia. Where two sisters had been abducted less than three hours ago. The team wasn't fond of Georgia after the Hankel case where Reid had been abducted himself. They all looked over at the genius to gauge his emotional state. "Guy's I'm good let's go find these little girls." He said as he punched the down button on the elevator."

They were briefed on the case while in the air for the hour and half flight to Georgia. The team would have to hit the ground running in the cold winter night. None of them were looking forward to the weather. Freezing rain and sleet were being predicted. They had just come off a bad child case and now were going straight into another child abduction. The plane landed at 10 pm with the locals meeting them at the airport. Normally they would have met at the station but a new lead had the agents in the field straight way.

When they got to the wooded area they were split up into teams Morgan, Prentiss, and JJ went north east and Hotch, Gideon and Reid went north west. Both teams had a dog team with them which caused JJ some discomfort. Emily picked up on it and kept the woman to her left so she herself was next to the k9 team. It was cold and as predicted the freezing rain started shortly after they hit the woods.

There had been a report of two hunting cabins that could possible house their suspect that had been seen by a local hunter just hours ago with one of the sisters possibly in it. Team two which Hotch led reached their location first and found the cabin empty.

Team one reached their goal with Morgan pointing that he was going to take the front and the two women were to take the rear entrance. They made their way to the back and were almost in position when the unsub busted out the back door hitting Prentiss head on with the butt of his gun knocking her out and him down.

He got to his feet about the time that Morgan came running through jumping over a prone Emily and tackled the man and cuffed him. JJ was torn between going to the knocked-out agent or the crying children. "Go to the girls JJ, I got Prentiss." Morgan yelled after securing the suspect with the K9 officer. "Hotch we need medics Emily's down and we have the girls," he radioed.

The rest of the team got to their location about the time they were carrying Prentiss out of the woods on a back board. She still hadn't regained consciousness yet. JJ rode to the hospital with the girls while Morgan rode with Emily. It wasn't good that she hadn't regained consciousness. They were all worried about the hard-headed agent.

Thanks for reading