'How? How could this have happened to me? What in hell did I do to deserve this?' She thought to herself, arms crossed tightly over her chest as she walked in the direction of the gymnasium of her high school. Seirin, to be more specific. Rain poured down on her head and she scowled.

She had just returned from an overseas abroad basketball team to study some things. She was an aggressive basketball player, but since Seirin didn't have a girls team, and she wasn't always allowed on the boys team- much to her disappointment- she didn't get to play very much other than in practices. Instead she took the managers position, though she was more like a coach with Riko, and a player.

'She' was Daichi Imogen, a second year at Seirin high school. Her reddish-brown hair fell a couple inches past her shoulder and her bright green eyes could send a chill down any persons' spine...but that could also be that she was fairly intimidating. She wasn't too tall either; falling at a height of 5'5. She couldn't complain because that was part of the reason she was such a great basketball player, but like every player, she had her own weaknesses.

Imogen adjusted her hood over her head, though she had an umbrella open above her. The rain just wouldn't let up and she had to walk all the way from the train station.

"Oi, how ridiculous..." She grumbled, kicking the doors to the gymnasium open and walking in. She watched as the group of boys, and girl, jumped in their spots, completely startled.

"RIKO!" She growled, stalking towards the coach.

The second years began to grumble and step away, leaving those who were obviously the first years to take the brunt of her irritation. She roughly nudged past a tall red-head, ignoring him as she stalked up to Riko.

She paused, looking over at the familiar face.

"Oh, Kuroko-san? You joined the Seirin basketball team?" She asked, turning to the blue-haired male. He blinked in confusion before slowly nodding.

"EH?! SHE KNOWS KUROKO TOO?" The group of boys behind her shouted. Imogen turned around and pushed her hood back.

"Neh, of course, we played basketball together in middle school." They all blinked before shouting again.

"EH?! Wait, does that mean you're like Momoi-san from Aomine's school?" Koganei asked with wide eyes. Imogen shook her head, raising a brow.

"Hell no, I played with them. That analyzing and storing information thing isn't for me, thank you, Koga-san," she muttered, glaring at him. He hid behind Mitobe, apologizing rapidly.

"I didn't know you played with them! Kuroko-san, is that true?" Riko asked, stunned. Kuroko nodded his head.

"She was usually a fill in if someone got injured..." He mumbled.

"Girls aren't supposed to play on boys teams!" A red-head that she didn't recognize butted in. Kuroko seemed to shiver at the memory.

"I-Intimidating." Imogen snickered at his response, slinging an arm around his shoulder.

"You guys never asked where I came from, but I guess you did ask how I got so good, however where's the fun in that if I tell you?" She asked slyly, shrugging her shoulders.

"Midorima and Aomine taught her a lot of what she knows," Kuroko interjected.

"OI! YOU!" Imogen glared at him and he shrunk back.

"What?! No way, does that mean she's as good as them?" Red-head asked in bewilderment.

Imogen suddenly smirked, slipping her hoodie off and her sweatpants, leaving her in her practice shorts and tank-top. "Why don't you come and find out?"

Red-head seemed to grin as well. "Imo-chan, no. Aren't you tired anyways?" Riko cut in, blowing her whistle abruptly.

"Aw, come on, Riko-chan, let me put the little bugger in his place," Imogen whined, pouting childishly.

"Tch. What a child." Oh, red-head. He was in for a cruel awakening.

Imogen turned around with a sickeningly sweet smile. The second years, and Kuroko, stepped back.

"Oh boy, now he's done it. Riko-chan, I'd restrain her now," Koga said, Izuki nodding in agreement. Riko shook her head. "Too late now."

Imogen smiled and picked a ball up from the floor, dribbling it a few times. "Alright, so we'll play a one-on-one, first to three. I win, you're going to apologize to me and run extra laps. If you win, well, that won't happen," she teased, walking onto the court.

"Keh, as if I'd let a weakling like you win," red-head retorted. "Oi, Kagami-san, you might want to rethink what you're saying!" Koga called to him. Mitobe nodded, scratching the back of his head.

Imogen stood in the center of the court, waiting for red-head, who was apparently Kagami, to stop in front of her.

"Ah, it's a shame that pretty boy's like you talk too much. I bet I get your blood boiling," she teased. Riko sighed and counted down before blowing the whistle.

Before Kagami even had time to blink, Imogen was gone, already running towards the hoop. He rushed to catch up, just barely making it. She made a motion to jump, watching with wide eyes as Kagami jumped up higher than she'd ever seen. She smirked, remaining on the ground and pivoting around his body, jumping up and watching it sink through the hoop before landing back on the ground.

"I'll admit, you've got a great jump, but geez, could you at least try. Aomine would be so disappointed if I didn't show you what I can really do," she said, sighing. She picked up the ball, tossing it to Kagami.

"I'll give you a head start, sweetheart."

Kagami growled before beginning to run towards the other basket. Imogen grinned and chased after him, quickly pulling ahead and stopping in front of him. He grunted and looked to his left and right, trying to decide, but before he could, the ball was out of his hands and already halfway down the court.

"Go, go, go, Imo-chan!" The second years chanted. "Wha-!?" He turned and ran after her, barely able to make it before she made another basket.

"Ne, Riko, what kind of first years did you recruit? He's not a regular, is he?" Imogen asked, a sly grin on her face as she caught the ball again, dribbling it lightly.

"She's not even playing to her best ability," Kuroko muttered, the second years nodding in agreement. Imogen laughed quietly, looking back to Kagami.

"No, hard feelings, but I could have won this in a single three-pointer from half-court- maybe. Courtesy of Midorima-san!" She taunted. Kagami was glaring furiously at her, catching the ball when it was tossed back to him.

She stayed at the other end of the court, watching him score a nice dunk. She hummed, running after him and snatching the ball and dribbling it back to her side, however she ran from side to side in a zig-zagged pattern, making it hard for the red-head to keep up with her, and she was so fast!

Imogen dribbled it in between her legs when he got in front of her to block, running backwards until she was at the half court line, catching the red-head off guard. She gave the subtle flick of her wrist, the high arc letting the ball swiftly fall into the net.

"Ah, that's three! Pretty boy, come here real quick," she requested, resting the ball against her arm and hip. Kagami begrudgingly walked over towards her, glaring quite frustratedly.

How the hell could a short girl beat him?

"Great, take your shirt off," she ordered nonchalantly, while Riko and the second years watched in confusion.

"What? You're like coach?" He asked, tugging off his shirt anyways. Imogen suddenly smirked, snatching his shirt out of his hands and stepping away.

"Nope, I just wanted to sneak a peek, thanks, pretty boy~!" She exclaimed, getting a good look at his torso before handing him his shirt back.

"Sorry, all the guys had to endure it in their first year too, but I'm going to admit, you've got some nice muscles," she said, sighing quietly. Kagami's eyebrow twitched and he tugged his shirt back on; embarrassed.

"Anyways, RIKO!" She shouted, stalking over to her again.

"Guess what happened when I was in America! The little bastard captain at the championship tournament tried hitting on me and then when I told him no, he sat me out for the last quarter of the game... I mean, we still won, but I was so mad!" Imogen ranted, shaking her head.

"Ah, sorry to hear, Imo-chan, but now you're back home so you can help us get better so we can win too. We got beat pretty badly by Aomine Daiki," Riko explained solemnly.

Imogen tilted her head and nodded. "That's to be expected- woah, woah, surely you guys had to go against one of the Three Kings and one from the Generation of Miracles, right?" She asked incredulously.

"We went against two of the Three Kings in one day, Midorima's team too," Hyuga explained to her.

"EH?! A-And you beat them?" She asked with wide eyes.

"Yes, however Aomine got us in the end." Imogen shrugged her shoulders.

"Well yeah, I figured as much, he's hard to beat, but how'd you manage Shutoku? Midorima's three pointers are unstoppable," she pointed out. Riko smirked.

"Kagami-kun blocked a bunch of them and Kuroko's passes helped us score a lot too, plus their team work was great," she explained. Imogen's head cocked to the side, her eyes wide.

She turned around to face the red-head.

"What the hell kind of mutant do you have to be to be able to jump high enough to block Mido-kun's shots?" She asked, blinking a few times before grinning. "Rikooo, I think I'm in love," Imogen said, jokingly.

Kagami looked away, his face red. 'What the hell is wrong with this girl?'

Hello! Thanks for dropping by! I'll be updating every week or so, possibly every day depending on my mood and schedule. This is a KnB story, if you couldn't already tell. I started this a long, long time ago so the first few chapters may not be up to par like my writing now. I'm still figuring out how to use this site since I'm so used to using quotev or just never posting so I apologize for mistakes. I don't know who my OC will end up with, I leave it open by creating opportunities for literally every character so I suppose it's up to you readers, but that can wait since this is only the beginning. It follows the anime for the most part with some scenes thrown in and some of my own personal experiences. Anyways, enjoy! xxx