Super Mario Bros. Super Show: Six Golden Coins

Episode Eight: Wario's Castle Part Three

With Wario gone, it was like an evil curse had been lifted from Mario Island, beginning with the storm clouds over the palace dissipating until the sky was clear and sunny again. The castle itself also transformed, the sickly black colors fading back into their original pristine white, and the W emblem above the front door had even been rotated back around to its original M position.

"Did I beat him?" The dizzy Luigi asked as Mario helped him up.

"Sure, Luigi, sure you did." The red plumber replied with a laugh. "Now let's go free our friends so that we can celebrate the return of peace to Mario Island, and maybe even finally start our vacation."

Now that everything was back to normal, it was easy to free the others from Wario's now ineffective traps, and it was quickly discovered that the spell on the inhabitants of Mario Island had been broken as well, leaving no danger of being attacked when the five of them went back outside. It turned out that Wario must've been working some powerful magic, because now it was like nothing had ever even been wrong in the first place.

Ships carrying tourists were already coming into Port Mushroom, and the recovered Mascots of Luna Land had reopened the park for the enjoyment of all, with the extremely unhappy Tatanga as their star attraction. The same was happening with Pumpkin Park, although it was still really scary, now just without the possibility of joining the ghosts that haunted it. Even Macro Mansion was getting business again, aside from the unpleasant discovery of a large rat in a trap.

The citizens of Gear City quickly worked to rebuild the Mario Mecha, although none of them could explain how it fell down in the first place, and there was no longer a risk of getting attacked by the wildlife inside of either Treetop National Forest, or Turtle Town. All in all, Mario Island was a safe place to take a vacation once again, and that was what the group finally did… for several weeks.

Having convinced most of the people on Mario Island that he was a hero, Toad decided to stay and live in the palace, officially retiring from the servant life. Mario and Princess Peach went back to the Mushroom Kingdom, since it was never too long before Bowser was up to his old tricks again, although it never was explained why Peach didn't take extra precautions to keep herself from being kidnapped.

And as for Luigi and Princess Daisy, they both decided to stay in Sarasaland, since this Kingdom was not without its own troubles, especially with the risk that Wario could someday return. He never did... in fact, the villain headed for distant shores, where he eventually ended up becoming a sort of, maybe, kind of hero in his own right… but that is another story.


"Hey, now, wait a second, Mr. Liquid." Luigi said, walking over to the couch. "If you haven't paid anyone for the work they've done on our show, then how are we supposed to get another season, huh?"

"What do you guys need another season for?" Mr. Liquid asked, putting his arms behind his head. "Back in '89 you guys only had one season, and those other Mario spinoff shows didn't even include you two losers. The only person who did do each show was that creepy guy who did the voice of Bowser."

"So what are we supposed to do?" Mario asked. "Just let you hide here until the angry mob forgets about you, and then all go our separate ways like nothing ever happened?"

Mr. Liquid thought about it for a second, and then casually nodded in agreement before picking up the remote control in order to watch TV. This time, however, things were not about to go so smoothly for their non-employee paying boss, shown as the two plumbers nodded to each other before slowly walking over to him, getting on both sides.

"What?" Mr. Liquid asked, setting the remote down.

Saying nothing, the two plumbers suddenly grabbed him, and a struggle ensued as the Mario Brothers carried him over to the open window where the crowd was still gathered outside, although much filthier after all of them had fallen down the coal chute. Mr. Liquid kicked and fought the whole way, but after a struggle that was much more difficult than it needed to be, they managed to toss him out the window.

"Well, I guess that's that." Luigi said as they closed the window. "What are we gonna do now, Mario?"

"I don't know, Luigi." Mario replied, the crowd becoming a lot more riled up outside all of a sudden. "Maybe the people in charge will just forget we're here, and we can keep doing this show?"

They both shrugged as they sat down on the couch, turning on the TV, and then starting to eat what was left of Mr. Liquid's popcorn.

Do the Mario!

Swing your arms from side to side, come on, it's time to go, do the Mario! Take one step, and then again, let's do the Mario, all together now! You got it, it's the Mario!

Do the Mario!

Swing your arms from side to side, come on, it's time to go, do the Mario! Take one step, and then again, let's do the Mario, all together now! Come on now! Just like that!