Sorry this took so long to get out. Petty things like life, Conventions and Kissanime got in the way, to say nothing of the fact I rewrote this chapter three times because I was not happy with the way it was going. I'm not entirely happy with the way it is now but I wanted to get it out before I started my Halloween story so I might redo this at a later date and I've left this open for another chapter which I'll start on after Halloween. For now, I'll answer the Big Question about Charlotte, that she is, in fact …...

My Name Is ….

Everybody stared at the girl in their midst, trying to get their heads around what she had just said, what she claimed to represent. Could such a thing have a representation? Was there a personification of NATO? The EU? The UN? Had there been a personification of the Soviet Union when it existed? Did it still exist and now went under the name of the Russian Federation? It was not like Russia would reveal it if such a personification existed but the possibilities were endless.

"How? When?" Germany was at a loss for words. He had not been expecting this when this meeting started but an upside was that everyone was too surprised to bicker.

"Charlotte was born on the 8th of May, 1945," Britain replied. "America and I raised her between us. I used magic to set up a portal between my manor house and America's New York apartment and we moved between landmasses."

"When you say 'born', Angleterre...?" Trust France to pick up on that detail and Britain blushed.

"I'm Charlotte's mother," he muttered.

"How could you give birth, Britain-san?" Japan asked. "You are a man." Everybody wanted the answer to that question.

"Well, I ….," he stammered. "I used magic to change my gender. It was that or a caesarian although I wish I'd gone for the caesarian instead."

"The birth was that painful?" Germany asked.

"Well, yes," Britain replied. "But the magic I used change Charlotte's gender as well, she should have been a boy."

"Which is why I call her Charlie," America chirped up.

"Does that bother you, Charlotte," Hungary asked her fellow female personification.

"Being called Charlie or the fact that I should have been a boy?" Charlotte asked and shrugged. "I don't know any different so it doesn't bother me in the slightest."

"How did you manage to conceive in the first place, aru?" China said, perplexed. This time both Britain and America blushed.

"Well, sometimes America and I like to …...," Britain began. "Let's just say that wasn't the first time I changed gender." Charlotte facepalmed.

"Oh My God, TMI," she groaned. "Thanks for that mental image, Mum!" Prussia kesesed.

"Who would have thought Britain would be a pussy!" he chortled. Charlotte went over to Prussia and slapped him around the head. No one made fun of Mum! Well, except her and Dad.

"That's my mother you're talking about, Mr Awesome," she fumed. Mum and Dad had told her a lot about the other nations. Hungary handed Charlotte her skillet.

"Use that next time," she advised and Charlotte gave a Britain-like smirk while Prussia hurried away saying, "Scheiße, now there's two of them!" Yeah, he better run, Charlotte thought. Charlotte did not go looking for fights but she did not back away from one either, especially when family was threatened. Within the family, it was a different story, she was a Kirkland, after all and she could scrap with the best of them. This lot would not see that yet because it was her first World Meeting and she was on her best behaviour. They would all be in for shocks as they got to know her, her personality could be somewhat chaotic, flipping from one to another, depending on which landmass she was on. Britain bemoaned the fact that, when on American soil, she butchered the English language as badly as her father and bounced around with the same excess energy and, while on British soil, she was as sarcastic and tsundere as her mother with the famous Kirkland temper. She could be as foul-mouthed too.

"You were born on VE Day," Germany groaned as the significance of Charlotte's birthday hit him. He hated reminders of that time in history.

"Yeah," Charlotte replied. "Sorry, Germany. I can't help my date of birth."

"Nein, nein," he sighed. "Of course you can't." France sidled up to Charlotte.

"I can't believe Amérique and Angleterre managed to keep you a secret all this time, mademoiselle," he purred. "How did they managed to hide such beauty?"

"Get away from my daughter, Frog-face," Britain snarled.

"Oh, Angleterre," France replied. "I'm just improving diplomatic relations." Charlotte's eyes went wide as France's hand went somewhere it did not belong. She held up the skillet behind France's back where he could not see it.

"May I?" she asked. Britain grinned and nodded.

Clang! France hit the floor as both Britain and Hungary applauded.

"That's my girl!"

"Yay! I've found a soul mate," Hungary laughed while Austria rolled his eyes.

"Don't encourage the girl," he sighed. Charlotte handed the skillet back to Hungary.

"I have one at home," she said and then whispered. "It might stop Mum from cooking with it." And Hungary giggled. This girl had a sense of humour. Britain did not share it..

"I heard that, young lady!"

"I am not understanding," Russia said. "Why you were not telling us about her before?"

"Why'd ya think, Commie!" America snorted. Canada decided to play peace-maker.

"What America means is," he said, quietly. "It was decided that, since the Cold War was beginning and relations between the two of you were not exactly, shall we say, cordial, that knowledge about Charlotte should be ….. limited."

"Not from you though, eh Pancake Bastard?" Romano commented.

"Well, she is my niece," Canada replied. "The rest of the British Isles know too."

"How could Hong Kong not know, aru?" China asked. "He was in your care for much of your daughter's life so why did he not tell me? Not even when he visited?" Britain looked sheepish and scratched the back of his head.

"I put a spell on him," he admitted. "Whenever he left the house and out of sight of her, she disappeared from his memory. I'll be removing the spell after this meeting." China glared at Britain who became defensive. "Hey, I had to protect Charlotte and it didn't harm Hong Kong!" China looked at Charlotte.

"I didn't know until he left," she said. "Mum told me so I wouldn't wonder why he never wrote or called. I missed him though, he was fun. Especially when he would wake Mum up by setting off firecrackers." Britain scowled at the memory while America cracked off a laugh.

"I miss that too," he laughed. "That was bad-ass!"

"Yes, I noticed you were too busy rolling around the floor in laughter to reprimand the boy," Britain huffed.

"Left that to you, dude!"

"How did world events affect you, Charlotte-chan?" Japan asked. He had carefully considered this question. All personifications were affected by what happened in and between their countries but Charlotte was not a country so he wondered how she was affected.

"Well," she said, thinking about it. "I was more affected by the relationship between the British and American governments, especially the leaders. If the leaders got along, so did the governments and I was fine but if the leaders and, therefore the governments, didn't like each other, I would get sick. Churchill and Truman got along well enough as did MacMillan and JFK, Carter and Callaghan and Thatcher and Reagan. Wilson and Johnson and Eisenhower and Eden didn't really like each other though and I was a little under the weather during those periods."

"Which is why America and I did what we could to keep relations from falling apart completely," Britain replied. "It's not fun, seeing your child sick because two blokes can't get along, we didn't want to see her die."

"Ve~ Poor Charlotte!" Italy exclaimed, coming over and hugging Charlotte. "Never mind! Your Madre e Padre will protect you and we'll go get pasta. Pasta makes everything better, right Germany?" Italy was making Charlotte laugh. He was a little, nutty ball of energy. Lunch was going to be fun.

"If you say so, Italy!" Germany muttered. If truth be told, he was beginning to resent the attention Italy was paying to the new personification in their midst. He was not so bothered when he thought Italy's date was an ordinary human but when he realised Charlotte was one of them, he was not so sanguine about it but he wondered why he should care. France had regained consciousness in time to see the exhange and gave a knowing smile and then a grimace at the king-sized, frying pan headache he had.

"It's nearly time for lunch, anyway," Spain replied. "Why don't we break and all go to lunch together? Then we can get to know La Relación Especial together." Germany leaped on the notion.

"Ja," he replied. "That is a good idea." Everyone agreed, Britain most enthusiastically of all. Italy vee~ed with disappointment. He had wanted lunch to be just him and Charlotte but now it seemed the whole world was going to be with them. Germany's reaction was not lost on Charlotte, either and she moved over to Prussia who eyed her nervously, despite the fact she had given the skillet back to Hungary.

"Prussia," she asked. "Is something going on there?" Prussia watched her eyes flick from Italy to Germany and back again and gave a little kesese.

"Ja," he replied. "But West is in denial and Italy is clueless about it. It's fun watching them dance around each other." Charlotte gave a mischievous smile which would have warned America and Britain that Charlotte was scheming, had they seen it.

"So you think that Germany would be jealous if Italy and I dated?" she said.

"Ja," Prussia answered. "Although he wouldn't admit it, of course but I wondered if he would make a move on Italy if he thought someone else was going to get there fir..." He spotted the look in Charlotte's eye and realised what she was thinking.

"Ooooh," he laughed. "Kesese, you're almost as awesome as me." Charlotte smiled and went to Italy.

"Never mind, Italy," she said, cheerfully. "We can go to lunch with everyone and we can go to dinner later by ourselves. How about that?" Italy hugged Charlotte while Germany and, unsurprisingly, Britain scowled while Prussia laughed to himself in the background. Yes, Charlotte liked Italy, he was a sweet guy and maybe they could have had something in the future but she was not going to step on anyone's toes. Besides, she was going to enjoy messing with Germany while she played matchmaker between him and Italy. She had the feeling Prussia would be onside for that and she could have fun with Mum too, knowing what he would be like about her and dates. Maybe Dad would join in with the fun, as well.

"Let's go," America called out. "I'm starving, guys!" Charlotte took Italy's arm, earning another scowl from the German and British Nations as they filed out of the room to go to lunch and get to know The Special Relationship!

Well done to anyone who suggested a diplomatic tie and an especially Well Done to Aph Native America who hit the nail on the head with The Special Relationship :D. North Atlantic! Not a bad idea! I could see the oceans having personifications, probably brought into existence by people who consider the sea their home. As a pirate, maybe Britain had another child he's unaware of. An idea to use in the future, perhaps O_o

I always had the idea that the Special Relationship would be America and Britain's child and I chose the VE Day for Charlotte's birthday because it was around that time that The Special Relationship began to gather momentum. I needed an explanation for how Britain could conceive and give birth so, of course, magic and I threw Charlotte's change of gender in for a twist, maybe I can do something with that too ;P. When writing this, I realised that Hong Kong would have been living with Britain and so would have known Charlotte so I put in an explanation about why he never told China when he went back to him and, as the Cold War was kicking off at the time, America and Britain didn't want Russia finding out and we all know Britain has trouble getting out of 'Mother Hen' Mode.

According to Wikipedia, the strength of the Special Relationship seemed to depend on how close the leaders were. Winston Churchill and Harry S Truman shared similar views on Communism, Harold MacMillan and John F Kennedy were friends as were Jimmy Carter and James Callaghan while Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan really got along well. Harold Wilson refused Lyndon Johnson's request for British troops to be sent to Vietnam so that created some bad feeling and Dwight D, Eisenhower was critical of Britain in the Suez Crisis so I believe Charlotte would have been ill during these times.

I gave a clue with Spain calling Charlotte La Relación Especial which is The Special Relationship in Spanish and to Charm Caster 1127 ;) I'm a Gerita shipper too. Like Prussia said, Germany's in denial and Italy's without a clue. Germany didn't think a relationship with a human would last and so was not so threatened when he thought she was just an ordinary human but now he knows Charlotte's like them, he's feeling jealous. You can believe that she and Prussia will use that and have fun with it.

I must address the comments made by Guest. I don't expect everyone to like my stories, not everybody does nor do I mind criticism, I won't get better if people don't tell what they think is wrong and I admit I've had trouble getting this story the way I want it, these are legitimate points which was why I approved the review. But further flames will be hit by that fire extinguisher know as Delete. I have a thick skin but such comments could put a more sensitive person off writing. I've noticed some 'Guests' leaving unnecessarily nasty comments on the stories of other writers which is a pity because 99.9% of guest reviews are helpful and encouraging and it would be a shame if the .1% brought them down.

I have an idea for a Halloween story, no title as yet but I can say that it will be Germany and Italy, just for you Germany/Italy fans out there.

So till then,

Hasta la Pasta!