Author's Note: Hello there, i'm here with another story here, and a good one in fact. I've been planning this one with a friend for a while and we are now doing this together. I would like to thank Glazier Blue for all her help with this, and a matter a fact my partner with this story, so she's collabing with me on this. Enjoy.

Chapter One: Not Quite Right

Wood scrapping against a rough cardboard surface sounded, which followed by the sizzle of wood. A faint glow appeared within the center of the lair as Splinter had struck a match and is now using it to light a long piece of incense. His old eyes watched as the flame burned the end of the stick, which started to darken from the heat as an aroma started to hit his sensitive rat nose.

Seeing as the incense didn't over burn he pulled the flame away and extinguished the match with a flick of his wrist. Placing the spent match on the ground he took a moment to close his eyes and inhale the relaxing scent; already feeling calm.

"Peace and quiet…at last," he spoke to himself, since no one was around. Once more he had the lair to himself and could relax without any interruption from his teenage sons. No loud noises, no arguments, and no need for him to making any unexpected dodges to avoid any recreational vehicles. He still shudders from that one time.

Yes he enjoyed these times alone, but that didn't mean he didn't enjoy his son's company. Outside of training he would love to spend time with them, bond with them the way they used to when they were children. Any chance he could get with them would be the ones he would treasure. But right now his sons were out on a training exercise, which meant a good time for the rat to relax and reflect. Taking another whiff of the incense and relaxing more Splinter then placed the slowly burning stick on the ground before placing his hands together and closing his eyes. It was time for him to meditate. Unfortunately if the rat thought he would have a peaceful few hours to himself, he was wrong.

Both of Splinter's ears twitched as he heard footsteps approaching him, which prompted his eyes to open and stop his meditation before it could even start. Who could be here right now, his sons were supposed to be out. They had just left in fact, and wouldn't be back for a couple of hours. Looking up both eyes rose in confusion as his second youngest walked towards him…alone. An unreadable expression was displayed on his face as the old rat stood up, making sure to pick up his walking stick for support.

"Donatello, is something the matter?" Was the first thing he asked. Why was his son by himself? This is a bad sign but he didn't look to be hurt or in any distress so nothing is wrong, or is there? "I thought you and your brothers were out on a run in the city?"

"I'm sorry…I just needed the others away for this…so that way they don't listen in or something," the nervousness remained on the turtle as he continued his talk with his father. "I Just wanted it to be us, and I figured now would be a good opportunity."

Now curiosity had the rat, his sons always came to him to discuss personal problems with him, all of then, in which he managed to help them with. And now he understood the reason for why he was by himself. Sometimes during one on one talks his sons could say something that could be embarrassing to themselves, which their brothers could use against them as blackmail. Boys would be boys after all.

The rat had to mentally shudder as thoughts back to the talks he had when his sons were transitioning from children to teens, and the more personal talks he had with them. During those times they would try to find a way to talk with him alone and away from the others, so this was understandable. His father mode instantly activated as he now had to find out how to help his son. "Of course Donatello, what is troubling you?"

"Um…do you mind if we talk in your room? It feels better talking in there…and more relaxing," Don requested, now looking at his father, and hoping he would agree.

This caught Splinter a little off guard but still understood, as most of their talks took place in the rat's room. Just being in there brought his sons a sense of peace and security, which is the reason why talks always happened in there.

"Of course, come my son," Splinter turned and headed to his room, ears twitching as he heard his son following right behind him.

For a couple of seconds they walked in silence, and were only feet away. Seeing as they were going to enter the rat decided to get things started, "So my son, please tell me what- Mmph!" all of a sudden without warning a damp cloth suddenly appeared in his vision and pressed into his face, a pungent odor filling his nostrils as he accidentally breathed it in. His ninja skills instantly kicking in as he automatically elbowed his hidden assailant behind him.

"Ack!" a familiar voice hit his ears as the cloth receded from his face. Free of it he turned around to face his attacker, but something was wrong as he felt woozy. All of a sudden his vision started to get hazy, and at a rapid pace his body seemed to be getting sluggish and slow. Almost as if it was shutting down.

Concentrating he tried to see who attacked him, but his eyes widen in shock as he only saw his smartest and most gentlest son nursing his plastron, a damp cloth in his hand. Was his son responsible for this? Why did he attack him?

"D…Donatello…what…" he tried to speak, falling down to his knees as his body started to fail him. He leaned on his walking stick, using what power he had to keep himself up. "What is the meaning…?"

"I'm so sorry father," Don's eyes closed as a small tear fell. His whole demeanor changed from being nervous to one who was on a mission, but his voice sounded as if this pained him. The genius turtle walked over to the rat, as he watched him drop his walking stick. His paws were now the only thing keeping him up. Splinter's vision now seeing double and things started to get dark and the voice disorienting.

"W…Why?" was all Splinter could say as his arm gave out as he fell on the ground, his body robbed of strength.

"I'm sorry…but I can't let you interfere…" that was the last thing Splinter heard as his eyes closed, the image of his son's guilty face the last thing he saw.

A/N: Hope you like. I know now you all have questions about what's going on. Well they'll come with time, and patience. If anyone have questions please feel free to ask and I'll answer. Till Next time.