This story is completed. My heart is both heavy yet happy with how this chapter comes to end. But I will be updating my other stories now since this one is done. I hope you all have a great day and enjoy!

Until Next Time,

Muse XoXo

This years love had better last
Heaven knows it's high time
And I've been waiting on my own too long
But when you hold me like you do

It feels so right
I start to forget
How my heart gets torn
When that hurt gets thrown
Feeling like you can't go on

This Year's Love- David Gray



"Ms. Wright, I can assure you that your reputation will remain unscathed, but." Olivia hands her the file containing the actress's most secretive and personal information "time is ticking."

She looks through the file horrified that Olivia has managed to find all of this dirt on her in a matter of days. "How did you?" she asked shocked

"My team and I are very good at we do for a living." Olivia says calmly

"Does anyone else have this?"

"No" Olivia responds promptly "but that doesn't mean they can't find this."

Rebecca Wright was the most sought after actress in Hollywood, she has managed to break the barrier for women in the movie business, not only does she command top billing but she also managed to lead in action films. A genre that particularly preferred her male count parts over her, but she did it. The work, the sacrifices are all being jeopardized over who she fell in love with.

"Ms. Wright."

"Call me Rebecca, please."

Olivia smiles sadly "Rebecca, in five days your husband will unleash hell, everything and everyone you know will forget about you as the person, the icon and see you only as a spectrum. "

"I offered to pay him."

"He's hurt." Olivia says calmly "money sometimes doesn't solve everything, he wants you to feel his pain."

"I'm feeling it." Rebecca says softly removing the lone tear that managed to escape.

"We can't stop him from unleashing hell but we can control the story if we act now."

A minute passes without a word being said. Olivia more than anyone knows that time doesn't stop just because you want it to, there are times where we have to face the music and keep moving on through the pain.

"Rebecca" Grabbing her hand she smiles willfully at her "I know more than anybody what it's like to be on top of the world one day and to be lower than the ground the next, but. Who you love, you should never have to hide that."

She cries sadly at having to hide herself out of fear.

"I'm scared." She says honestly

Olivia nods her head in agreeance "it would scare me if you weren't."

They laugh softly at the joke.

"Rebecca, you love a women and that is okay. You shouldn't be punished for loving someone and having them love you back. I promise, I will not let you fall. The world doesn't shame love. We root for it. Trust me, when I tell you that I can turn the worst day of your life into a better one."

She stares at Olivia, deciding whether to trust her or to follow her own PR team.

"Okay." She says after a minute of silence

Olivia nods her head in confirmation before rising to action. "Quinn, call Dianne Sawyer and plan our exclusive interview."

"What!" Rebecca yells standing up alarmed.

"Rebecca, we can hide in the shadows or we can stand in the light and own our truth. Who you are and who you want to be matters. Representation matters. Own your life and know that it is yours and yours alone. Trust me."


Her feet are swollen, her body aches after the grueling three days on the road, running from station to station, reporter to reporter. She drops her bag at the door, automatically feeling the weight of the world being removed from her shoulders, she exhales loudly.

"Mommy, mommy, mommy!" Her heart begins to burst at the sight of her three year old daughter running to her with such vigor and glee.

She crouches down to the ground picking her up warmly.

"Hi baby" Olivia says excitedly rubbing her daughter's head sweetly.

"I missed you."

Olivia smiles happily at her daughter "I missed you more." Olivia promises

"Did you have a good day?" Her daughter asked sitting in her lap

Olivia nods her head while staring at her daughter "I did, but coming home to you and daddy made my day the best."

"Daddy's cooking."

"He is?"

Lucy nods her head "he said you would be tired from saving the world."

Olivia laughs loudly kissing her daughter on her forehead while they walk hand and hand into the kitchen.


Turning around Fitz smiles at his wife.


Olivia walks to him, kissing him soundly on the lips before wiping her lipstick off his lips.

"I didn't hear you." Fitz says

"I was trying to sneak in" Olivia says wrapping her arms around his waist, softly inhaling his scent that seems to soothe her.

"How was your day? Was she difficult?"

"I actually knew where she was coming from, she's in love with someone she wasn't supposed to love. I've been there for before." Olivia says knowing Fitz would catch the subtle mention of them.

Fitz turns around to face Olivia kissing her gently on the lips.


"Yeah Lu?" Fitz asked turning to look down at his daughter.

"I want a hug too."

Olivia smiles at her family, she somehow managed to make. There are days were she pinches herself in disbelief that her daughter is real, that the man she always loved is finally hers and she is his. The beauty that comes with life sometimes leaves her breathless at the endless possibilities life has in store for her, and for them.

"How was school?" Olivia asked carrying her daughter on her hip

"I draw a picture."

"You did!" Olivia said excitedly

Lucy nods her head happily at her mother being so excited to see her work.

Jumping out of her mom's arms she runs upstairs to grab her backpack.

"How long do you think we have?" Fitz asked

"Knowing Lucy, I'll say one minute."

Grabbing his wife, Fitz traces her lips with his thumb "one minute?"

"One minute" Olivia whispers before connecting her lips with his once again.

It amazes her still to this day, how far they have come separately and as a unit. The first year of marriage came so quickly and the thing that surprised her the most was that she wasn't afraid or planning her next escape but quite the contrary. The second year of marriage came and went and before she knew it, Olivia was softly requesting that they should add an addition to their family. Life with Fitz showed her that love wasn't something to fear; that happiness is a victory that anyone can achieve if they so choose and Olivia most certainly did.

At the end of the day love became her greatest strength. In the past five years Olivia has learned more about herself then she ever thought possible. The idea of becoming a mother was a daunting challenge and fear but the more she surrounded herself around love, the more accepting she became about it being possible.

She remembers the day Lucy was born. The pain was excruciating, the day was never ending but holding her hand thorough out it all was her husband, her champion, her best friend, her one true love.

"Just breathe" he whispers in Olivia's ear as the contraction leads her gasping for air.

"I can't" Olivia cries "I can't Fitz" Olivia pleads "It hurts"

"I know baby" he cradles her head, gently pushing back her hair "but I'm so proud of you"

"She's not here yet" Olivia cries in pain

"But she will be" Fitz promises "This your baby, Livvie. You have worked too hard and come too far to let her go." Pushing back his sleeves, Fitz grabs Olivia's hand "we made her together, let's do this together." Fitz smiles softly "just you and me"

Olivia nods her exhausted "Just you and me"

With one finale look at Fitz, Olivia pushed with every bit of strength she had until she heard her cry.

The world stopped moving. Time stopped clicking, all by the sound of her cry. The moment was unlike anything she has ever experienced before. The room went silent as only her voice echoed throughout the room.

Quickly the nurse places Lucy on Olivia and the minute she heard her mother's heartbeat she stopped crying.

Fitz blinks back the tears threatening to fall at the sight of Lucy in her arms. Olivia doesn't attempt to shy away from the tears running down her face, her hands begin to shake at visceral feeling she is feeling at this moment. The overwhelming joy spreading throughout her body.

"Hi Lucy" Olivia whispered with her own tears falling down her face.

For Olivia, this defining moment set every hardship and heartbreak in place. All the bad that happened in her life brought her to this moment where it would all be worth it. She was afraid, though she never told Fitz but the second she heard her cry every piece of her body became alive.

For so long she has told herself that this wasn't possible, not for someone like her, not for someone who has done the things she did. This was never even a dream for her, such notion seemed incongruous to her at the time but she did fantasize about the idea of becoming a mother every once in a blue moon. But not even her wildest dream would be able to quench this indescribable thirst of love filling her veins and pumping into her major arteries and organs, somehow giving life a new meaning.

The nurse places Lucy on her chest, and within seconds her cries ceases at the only sound she's ever known; her mother's heartbeat.

"Have I ever thanked you?"

Fitz looks up from his plate "for what?"

Olivia smiles with tears in her eyes as she looks at their daughter "for her" Olivia pauses "I never knew…" she stops talking to regain her strength "I never knew that this was real. That she was real. You and her had been waiting for me to get my act together and I'm sorry for taking so long to catch up to you"

Grabbing Olivia's hand, Fitz looks down at her wedding ring. "We found each other though."

Kissing the palm of Fitz's hand, Olivia turns to her daughter.



"Tell me your good and bad part of the day."

What started as a general question and curiosity turned into a family tradition. She supposes it feels cliché to have family traditions but Olivia relishes them. The joy of creating and making her own family despite losing her own at a young age is not lost on her, she believes it is a reason why she makes it a point to always be home with her family every weekend because it's movie Saturday and every Sunday she'll go grocery shopping so that she could make her daughter her lunches for the week just in case she has to fly out for a client.

Taking a sip of her wine, Olivia smiles happily at her daughter "Well I didn't have a bad part of my day because everything turned out great for my client but my best part of the day was coming home to you and daddy."


"Yes, Lu?"

"Can I have your tea?"

Olivia chokes on her food at her daughter requesting to drink Fitz's scotch

"Daddy we share" Lucy begins reprimand easily taking on Olivia's motto

Olivia looks at Fitz turning red from laughing so hard

"Gib me some tea" Lucy says laughing along with her parents though she wasn't sure what exactly what was so funny.

"That's your daughter, Liv!" Fitz said still laughing

"My daughter!" Olivia yells back "she's taking after you with that desire for tea"

"Lu" Fitz calls out to get his daughter's attention "what is mommy drinking?"

Looking at her mom's purple glass closely, Lucy stumbles with question "umm" bending down to look at the glass "purple milk." Lucy says proudly causing Olivia and Fitz to stumble over with laughter. Laughing was an action Olivia did not partake in, there was never anything to laugh about except her inexplicable use of projecting, yet now all she does is laugh and laugh until her belly becomes sore with the constant tightening.

"Come on" Olivia says grabbing Fitz's hand to stop him from washing the dishes after dinner.

"We have to clean up the kitchen, you go ahead and go to bed and I'll take care of Lu and the kitchen."

"No" Olivia pouts pulling Fitz away "we are going to bathe our daughter together and then we will clean the kitchen together and after that…."

"What's after that?" Fitz asked seductively wrapping his arms tightly around Olivia's waist

"You'll just have to wait and find out, won't you?"

"Aren't you going to be tired?" Fitz asked concerned knowing that Olivia has been across the country in California for the past four days while they live in D.C

"I'm never tired of you." Olivia says walking upstairs hand and hand with Fitz.

Olivia was getting ready to give Lucy a bath, until Fitz came in and stood by the door watching Olivia as she got Lucy in the tub

"Do you mind if I come in and help you?"

Olivia smiled sweetly "Of course, We love daddy right Lu?"

Lucy nodded her head happily "I love mommy and daddy."

Laughing Fitz rolled up his sleeves and got on his knees, Olivia went and sat on the toilet and watched Fitz as he bathed Lucy. No matter how much they did this routine, it never got old only better. Fitz was always a good father but seeing him with Lucy everyday just changed her entire philosophy. Fitz was different but in the sexiest way possible, he was more attentive, more alluring, he was always thoughtful and kind but there was something different in him that made her get lost in his piercing blue eyes.

Watching Fitz with Lucy only intensified her yearning for him. She never grew tired of him no matter how much she saw him, their blissful bond had always remained intact even when they were at their most acrimonious times.

Olivia watched Fitz closely as he bathed their daughter. It did nothing to suppress her libido if anything it only intensified it; Fitz's bulging biceps, his relaxed smile as he looked at their daughter, his white shirt clinging to him; Olivia was able to see his defined abs through his wet shirt. Closing her legs, she bit her lip and watched as her husband, the father of her child bathe their daughter.

"Do you want wash her hair?" Fitz asked turning around to look at Olivia

Without saying a word, Olivia moved to sit beside him by the tub as they washed Lucy's hair together.

"What's wrong?" Fitz asked walking out of Lucy's room after putting her down.

She pulls his shirt, forcing him into her "your perfect." She whispers

Looking at him she grabbed the bottom of his shirt, Fitz quietly lifted his hands up as Olivia removed his shirt. With his shirt on the floor, Olivia reached for his pants, but he grabbed her hands and looked at her soft brown eyes.

"Take off your clothes" His thick baritone voice echoed through the room sending chills down Olivia's spine.

Hoisting her up Fitz carried Olivia, and softly placed her on the bed, Fitz moved on top of her kissing her lips with as much passion as he could must. Breathless he looked at Olivia and ran his fingers through her hair out of breath and completely and utterly dazzled he whispered "I love you Livy"

Smiling at hearing Fitz's declaration, Olivia scooted further into bed while keeping her eyes focused on Fitz, there was something different about Fitz that told her, he was going to send her to the moon and stars

Lifting her head slightly, she crashed her lips against her husband, inviting his warm tongue into her mouth. Kissing Fitz with everything that she had, she claws at him- yearns for him in a way that makes her completely insane yet sane.

Removing himself from her, he looks at down at her. Her breath peaks when she sees him slowly unbutton her pants while maintain eye contact the whole time, she squirms to help but every time she does he pushes her hands above his head "Next time you move, I'm going to handcuff you." He says deeply

He slides her pants off and then her shirt comes off, she lays on the bed in only her bra and panties, she licks her lip in anticipation; being with Fitz has changed her, she has become self-resilient, fearless in a way she always wanted to be- strong but not overpowering, sensual but not improper.

Fitz watches her with steady eye; he unfastened the front of her bra and pulled it off.

He slips the tips of his fingers inside the elastic band of her panties. Cool fingers massaged her stomach. He tugged her panties down her legs and crouched before her, easing her feet out of the fabric.

She lays herself out for him, and she has never felt more beautiful, wanted.

he lifted her foot, kissed the instep and started running kisses on her skin as he worked his way back up her body, lingering at the apex of her legs and then up her ribcage to her breasts.

"What do you want Olivia?" His voice drops an octave as he watches the unfinished masterpiece lay before him

"Make me feel beautiful." She says softly gently throwing her feet on his thigh and slowly up to his chest, rubbing it back and forth

Slowly spreading her legs apart, he takes a deep breath, letting his eyes feast on the naked body of the women laid out before him. Lying down on his stomach he looks up at her while kissing her clit making contact for the first time.

"Fitz" she gasped at the feel of his lips on her

"Please…." Olivia begs

Looking up at her he smirks as he leans back down and flicks his tongue against her clit making her moan again in pleasure

"Fitz…" she moans as her eyes flutter as he continues to tease her

Fitz silences her with his mouth as he continues to stroke her, her whimpers and moans of pleasure are music to his ears; he keeps his eyes open -afraid to blink and miss the miraculous vision of love and making love. He wants to see all of her. He wants to see her fall apart and he wants to be the reason why- that it is his touch, his kisses, his love that allows her to spiral out of control and that only he and he alone can possess her the way she has possessed him.

His eyes never leave hers as he slowly rises to his knees.

Immediately she frowns and moans at the space between them and his lack of lips and warmth on her body. With her heart beating in her throat, her eyes rose to meet him and looked with trepidation at the thought he wished to stop. Her cheeks flame with color as she tries to soothe the burning tingling of her body.

His thighs part her own, his legs spread wide, forcing her to hook her ankles around his calves.

Olivia could not remember ever feeling as mindless or out of control. Her need for him is unlike anything she has ever experienced before.

He teases her, prodding his head near her entrance, enticing her.

"Please." She pants, she is dying and her only salvation strings from him.

Reaching up Olivia guides Fitz where she knows he belongs, in one stroke he buries himself in her as he devours her lips to silence her moan. A satisfying sound escapes her mouth as she lifts her head to look at him. The look in her eyes is unspeakable she fights to breath at the fullness of him inside her. His hands are planted firmly to ground as he finally becomes one with her.

As she stretches to make room for him, he slowly and meticulously begins to grind against her with a tight grip on her thigh to hold her against him. She whimpers as she feels him bringing her pleasure, he silences her moans with a passionate kiss. Her lips are like velvet as he swallows her mouth whole wanting to taste all of her. His fingers rake though her hair, feeling like strands of soft silk, his lips kiss the hollow of her neck, teasing, and sucking to entice her to cry out in pleasure.

It is inside her that he sees he is where he belongs; he is made for her and she is made for him. Her body concaves to fit him; releasing her essences to draw him in further and further into her tight body. Every thrust was as fierce as the last with an urgency to fill her up all the way to the hilt. The sound of sweet pleasure escaping her plush lips lures him to continue, striking something within him that wishes to hear her cry out the sound of his name.

Her breath disperse, her lips quiver.


"Tell me again?" Fitz asked while lying in bed

"You're just in shock that she's a lesbian."

"I'm shocked, but I'm happy for her. Not that my opinion matters to her."

"She was scared coming out but in two days, her interview will go public." Olivia says kissing Fitz's bare shoulder while they talk in bed like they always do.

"How do you feel?"

"I think she will stand tall and own her truth." Olivia says honestly

"You have really branched out, Liv."

"Thanks to you."

"No" Fitz chides rubbing Olivia's back soothingly "you were going in that direction, I just pushed you in that direction sooner."

"I was so nervous helping clients outside of Washington, especially celebrities. And now I'm expanding OPA."

"But you're natural and they know you are the best." Olivia smiles at Fitz's complement. Even if she was having a bad day, hearing his voice would change her entire output for the day.

"I just hate being away from you two." Olivia whispers

Kissing her forehead he tightens his grip "we'll be here when you come back home."

"She's perfect Fitz, I hate being away from her and you but…"

"You don't have to explain yourself, we've discussed this before. If you have a dream or desire I will help you achieve it. You don't have to compromise your career for your family, I'm not asking you to."

Looking up at Fitz she smiles at him "I love you so much."

"I love you too."

"I've been thinking." Olivia whispers with her voice giving out

"Yeah?" Fitz asked turning to look at Olivia

"We should try" she interlocks their hands "we should try for another baby."

She waits a minute before looking up at his mildly surprised face "really?"

Olivia nods her head "yeah, I don't want Lucy growing up alone. "

Fitz smiles at her happily "okay"

"Okay" Olivia repeats

"I think we should try again, right now." Fitz moves to lay on top of Olivia causing her to giggle.

"We already did that today, several times might I add."

"We're just being through that's all." Fitz responds warmly "we could have already made him."

Olivia laughs as her fingers play with Fitz's hair "what makes you think the next time would be a boy?"

"Because it's a boy. I need a boy to help balance out the house, plus I need a break from doing Lucy's hair when you aren't here."

Olivia begins to laugh at the idea of Fitz being outnumbered "But I love that you know how to do her hair that you took the time to learn. It's sweet." Olivia answers honestly.

"Well…she is my baby."

"Let's make another one "


"Yeah" Olivia whispers "having babies with you, is probably one of the smartest decisions I made and plus your loaded so."

Fitz falls on his back laughing at Olivia "I forgot, you are only with me for my money."

"Yup, plus you have good hair so."

"I'm not sure whether I should be offended or flattered."

"How about a baby?"

Looking over at Olivia with such happiness in his heart he smiles from ear to ear "I'll take a baby."


"Growing up, I was abandoned by my parents. Life wasn't always a dream for me. I faced many hardships. Much sadness and unfathomable pain. That pain was the reason why I created Olivia Pope and Associates because I believed that if I helped someone they in return would help someone else and maybe, just maybe the world could become a better a place." Olivia looks around the room as she speaks to the crowd.

"I have had my share of scandals. My reputation, my life's work was almost over because of who I fell in love with." She pauses for a moment as she recalls all the pain and destruction that came with loving the married president.

"What we did wasn't right but does that make us bad people?" Olivia asked the crowd

"Is it possible that good people can make bad decisions or is it a bad decision at all?" Olivia ponders "my job is not to question who you are and the sins you have committed. My job is to help you through the worst day of your life. I've been called, angel, hero, savior, devil, and monster. Depending on which side of the table you sit from me, I can be all of those things."

"I am the best in my profession. That is not arrogance, it is a fact. And I should be the best considering the many scandals I have been a part of myself." Olivia says causing the crowd to laugh with her. "But I did fall from grace and I fell many times trying to reach the top until I finally asked for help. It was humbling and painful but I learned just how beautiful it is to reach the top with someone walking by your side every step of the way. It was that feeling that inspired me to expand Olivia Pope and Associates and to stand in front you all right now. OPA is no longer just a name but a value, a principle. Expanding Olivia Pope and Associates was not an easy decision but as I stand before you all I see friends, family, loved ones who inspired me not to give up on myself and my dream no matter how hard it became. My name is Olivia Pope and welcome to Pope and Associates."

The crowd rises to their feet in a standing ovation. Her name is being echoed throughout the large room, the screams and cheers are deafening but turning gently to her left all she can hear is her voice fading out the others, her eyes water at the sight of Fitz holding their daughter in his arms as they cheer for her.

Standing tall she lifts her head to embrace the crowd.

It's handled.