Hey! I've had some writer's block, so if you're waiting to hear from me, you can chew on this.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Teen Titans. Yeah, I know. Why? ^_^

OK, enough of me. Ready, set, GOAT! I mean, GO! Sorry, I'll stop.

. . .

Anonymous Blogger on the Anonymous Teen Titans Blog:

OK, so we know a lot about the Titans. What they do on a daily basis, what they wear, what kinds of things they say, what they eat, their battle strategies, you name it! We will start with-

Robin- he's a walking traffic light, complete with green sleeves, gloves, and leggings, red tunic, and yellow utility belt. Don't forget his fancy schmancy toys, his Robin crest, his mask, his super special cape, and his shoes. I mean, come on, it looks like he stuffed vinyl socks into metal slippers! The Boy Wonder has little known about his past, only that he used to work with you know who. He never, ever takes off his mask (and if he does he replaces it with dark sunglasses), and he has only shown the contents of his precious briefcase to his closest friends, the other Titans. He is a skilled fighter and acrobat, has trained under the True Master...

This vigilante is also TOTALLY UNDESERVING OF STARFIRE. Starfire shouldn't be with him...

Oh, I've been going on about him for some time, haven't I? I guess we should move on to the next Titan, the most beautiful and amazing Titan-

Starfire- she's an alien from the planet Tameran, in the Vega star system. She loves Tameranean food, and on earth, she will eat almost anything, her favorite of all being mustard. She has a pet named Silkie, one of Killer Moth's larvae. Her starbolts and laser eyes only add to her stunning beauty, along with her fiery red hair, exotic skin, nice shape, hot purple uniform, and sweet temperament. Unless you make her angry, of course. She has almost unlimited strength, super fast flight, and a dangerous temper. But even so, all these make her so much more awesome...

She definitely should have NOTHING to do with him. She is so much better than that and deserves so much better than that...

I guess it is finally time to move on, though 5 pages is certainly not enough to fully describe her awesomeness. Moving on, we come to-

Cyborg- the half-man half-robot hero that is a role model for all, both kids and adults alike. You can often find his sleek blue/white/gray mechanics having a good time in the park with kids with prosthetics. He takes very good care of the T-car, his "baby", and also spends time playing video games. He loves to barbecue and eat meat, and has a humongous appetite. His stomach is almost impregnable, except for Tamaranean food, tofu, or soy milk. With his mechanical half, he can see well in low light, shoot from a sonic cannon in his arm, and even shoot a rocket from his shoe...

Next, we come to-

Beast Boy- the joking, fun-loving member of the team. Thought to be the youngest, his lack of growth physically is thought to be due to the Sakutia virus that caused his powers (his lack of maturity- all him!). Details are unclear, but when he was young, he was bitten by the rare Sakutia monkey and infected with the deadly Sakutia disease. Somehow he received an antidote, but it caused him to turn completely green, and also gave him his morphing powers. He is said to be able to become any animal, but it is unknown if this is true. His suit is magenta, with black sleeves and legs and a silver belt. Beast Boy, a vegetarian, is very fond of tofu, but he also loves video games, jokes, and mopeds...

What happened of the relationship between him and the geomancer Terra? Many people had reported sights of the two going on dates throughout the city. Now, the blonde superhero is nowhere to be found. Did he break up with her, causing her to leave? Or, did she break up with him, and ditch them all? Or...

OK, enough is enough. Finally, we come to-

Raven- mysterious, secretive, anti-social, evil? There is the least known about the mystical sorceress on the team. With her violet hair, amethyst eyes, and pale, almost gray, skin, where could she have come from? Who could her parents be? She could easily be the most powerful of the Titans, but the extent of her powers remains unclear. Raven is always seen in a black leotard, blue cloak and boots, accented with a red stone clasp and a belt of the same design. She is the least social of all her teammates, most secretive...

Furthermore, could she have something to do with the missing chunk of time on that strange day? Do one has any idea what happened, except for the Titans, who chose not to disclose any details on the event...

More speculation may be given later on the trustworthiness of the sorceress.

As you can see, we know a lot about the Titans.

But, there is so much more that we don't know!

I sent my recruits to plant secret cameras in the Titans' base, to see what things they do in secret. Here's what we found:

Robin: The great Boy Wonder



I know, right? The tough, solemn hero takes bubble baths! Priceless!

Starfire: The beautiful Tamaranean

Writes POEMS.

That's so amazing! She's totally awesome.

Cyborg: The bionic hero

Has a


That's so unlike him! You would expect him to spend his time on mechanics.

Beast Boy: The green shapeshifter


You wouldn't think he had the patience. But apparently he does.

Raven: The secretive sorceress


I know, kind of a let down. But hey, info is info!

And don't worry, all the tapes have been disposed of, reluctantly mind you.

That's all for now!

-Anonymous Blogger

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Thanks to all of you who are following me or ROL! Sorry to have you wait so long, but I hope you have the patience to wait it out!

Plus, I made a couple of changes to both the chappies, so be sure to check that out.