NEW STORY FOLKS :P Hey all, have you seen Suicide Squad because I am now IN LOVE WITH IT! Now this story has huuuuge spoilers for those who have not seen it (hurry up and go and watch it for goodness sake people!) and you don't want it spoiled, trust me :D So please enjoy … REVIEW … and join in the madness ;)

Being slammed into a few walls and then handcuffed to a railing was not the way I planned on ending my evening. I had planned on rolling around in the money I had managed to snag from a small bank. One little snag in the plan, I didn't count on Batman appearing and knocking two-shades-of-shit outta me.

So that's how the cops found me, a bruised black eye and a bruised ego to match. Last time I ever take advice off Marioni!

Head pushed down as the cops secure me in their squad car I can see them high five. Baring my teeth I snarl. Fucking cops.

"So boys, where we going? Anyway nice?" I smirk at the glares I get off them both as we drive away.

"You are going to jail, and staying there this time Raven." Chuckling I play with some loose thread from the car seat. Sure, I'll stay there for a night, see all the old friends and then bust out … again.

"I highly doubt it." I murmur seeing us nearing the Police Station. Then completely passing it by. Huh?

"Um boys, not to judge you on your directional skills or anything but the, uh, station is the other way …" Seeing their smirks I can't help but squirm slightly.

"We know." How ominous. Perhaps these bozos have learnt how to intimidate criminals now, clever boys.

Looking out the window I can see Gotham rushing past us, past Maroni's place, Jokers and then past Penguin's. Confused, I bite my lip. No other criminal hideouts are this far south, none that I knew about anyway.

More time passes and my fingers were getting twitchy on my knees groping for where my gun usually is. Bloody Bats, he took all my weapons, hidden and obvious, and put them in a black bag which Cop Number One has on his lap. Why on earth I didn't think to bring my exploding coins with me I do not know. What a day to forget them.

We – finally – pull up at an airport. Huh, strange. Shoved into a wheelchair and handcuffed to said wheelchair the cops start to push me towards a small military airplane and a guy who had way too much camouflage on.

"This her?" Looking back at the cops nodding I feel myself be pushed more towards the other guy as they also pass my bag over as well. Uh, not to interrupt but what the fuck is happening right now? "Good. We'll take it from here," glancing around I can't see any one.

"We? I only see one of you buddy." His sneer made my fingers twitch, as he stepped aside another guy in a white coat came towards me with one big ass needle. "Uh that's not for me right?" He ignored me and lined it up with one of my veins on my arm, struggling I try and break free of the cuffs. "Hey listen pal, I'm sorry for whatever I've done just get that needle away from my arm! I promise I won't do any more robberies…" I ramble as he chuckles making me struggle harder.

"Goodnight, Princess." He stabbed the needle into my arm and released whatever was in it. Shouting every insult I could think of I tried my hardest to break free as spots appeared in my vision.

"She's tougher than the others." Hearing white coat snigger I glared up at what I think is him, he winked as the military man literally punched my lights out.