Harry Potter as OC Ace, Hermione G. as Serena, Daphne G. as Lusamine, N. Tonks as Hilda, Fleur D. as Alexa, All Regions, Officer Jenny as Harry's Mother, Harry is betrayed and executed and reincarnates into the world of Pokémon fallow him on is adventure to catch pokemon, to see the world and find those he loves. Ash will be cameo and a few years younger the Harry. Gray!Harry,Harem



"Pokemon Talking"


"Telepath Talking"

"PokeDex Talking"

Chapter Two

Meeting the Family and Charmander

Kanto Region Pallet Town

Year 2000, August 24

After Harry had been to his new home for a few weeks he grew into his new name preferring it over his old name and all its bad memories. He's lived happily with his mother Jenny who worked as a Pokémon ranger based out of Pallet Town though she started out as a Patrol officer for one of the neighboring cities. She currently patrols around route one north of town and route 21 south of town but has been taking time off to get herself back into shape and take care of Ace.

Today they were going to visit Professor Oak for some unknown reason to Ace. Like usual his mother drove him around in the side car of her motorbike. The town was quite small probably having a population around two thousand which was small for a town(looked up population sizes for towns smallest towns were around a thousand and rose up to 5,000, etc. each population has a different amount of businesses, schools etc with small towns usually not having much and having to travel far. tried to be slightly more realistic then game population of 8 people). It only had a single convenience store, Ketchum's restaurant, a small hospital/clinic, small town Police precinct and professor Oaks labs and Poke ranch. The rest of the town was made up of farmer's, Ranch's or homes of Oaks aides, technicians, and apprentices.

They arrived at Oaks main lab parking up front since most walked in the small town. Jenny carried Ace in pointing out a few different Pokémon while cooing at him. Once inside Jenny asked one of Oaks aids to get professor Oak and see he was available to talk. They only waited a few minutes in the small lobby before an old man in a lab coat walked out. His eyes were a black blue, his hair that was brown turning grey with age.

Professor Oak smiled, "well hello there Jenny just heard the good news how's the little guy"

Jenny smiled back while shifting Ace, "He's doing great got him all settled in."

Oak smiled while patting Ace's head, "so what can I help you two with."

Jenny's face saddened a bit, Ace noticed this and tried to comfort her though a baby can only do so much, "Can we talk in privet Professor."

Oak nodded, "why of course, just follow me."

They went up a nearby stair case down a hall and into an office study. Oak offered her a seat before he sat across from her. They were silent for a while Jenny trying to figure out what to say while Oak waited patiently.

Jenny hesitated before speaking, "Ah, um I'm not sure how to say this…"

Oak smiled reassuringly, "just take your time."

Jenny looked down, "It's about who Ace's father is."

Oak smiled wondering where this was going.

Jenny looked back up at Oak, "your… your son's the father."

Oak looked stunned for a moment, "John's… John's the father."

Jenny nodded, "yes professor John's the Father."

Oak looked down his mind running a mile a second, "how?"

Jenny looked down sadly, "I… I met him back at Vermilion city when he was studying the water Pokémon there."

Oak nodded remember sending him there to help with his research.

Jenny continued while letting Ace play with her hand, "we met a few time and started to get to know each other… I didn't know…we, we started to go out and shortly before he left we took what I thought was a relationship a step further."

Oak nodded sadly wondering what his son was thinking.

Jenny gave a sad smile, "He left without saying anything, and I thought… thought he would come back. After a month without any contact from him I found out I was pregnant. I remembered him saying he lived here in Pallet Town so I asked to be transferred over to take the position as either a Patrol officer or Ranger here… I hoped I would see him again and give him the news… but… but I didn't know he was already married. He didn't wear a ring or mentioned anything… I thought about confronting him but I… I couldn't so I staid quiet. He didn't…" tears started to roll down Jenny's face.

Oak was upset with his son now but tried to stay calm for Jenny, "it's ok… I understand… I just don't get why my son would do this." He then remembered Ace… 'I have a grandson… I have a grandson!' he smiled at Ace in Jenny's arms now seeing the resemblance to his son, "Could… could I hold my grandson?"

Jenny smiled while wiping away her tears, "yes, yes you can." She said while starting to hand Ace over.

Ace listening was stunned, 'I have a father who is Oaks son… MY PARENTS ARNT MARRIED! Why… And my Fathers married to another woman… what was he thinking. If only I was bigger I would show him why he shouldn't do this to a lady especially if it's his own mother. Wait she's handing me over to the Professor… wait GRANDFATHER?!'

Professor Oak smiled down at his grandson, "oh hello there little guy… I'm your Grandpa!"

Ace giggled back at Oak causing him to laugh, "I've got a grandson, I've got a grandson, just look at you…"

Professor Oak and Jenny talked a bit more while he played with his grandson. Oak wanted to talk to his son and nock some sense into his head but once again his son was out researching and doing who knows what else. Well he will just have to call him later.

Kanto Region Pallet Town

Year 2000, October 16

Jenny was excited a few of her sisters, Cousins, Aunts, and her mother were coming to visit her and Ace. She was excited wanting to introduce Ace to the family. Most children born of the Jenny family were always born girls with one or two boys being born every few generations. Ace sat there playing with a stuffed Growlithe on the couch next to his mother's Growlithe as they both watch Jenny run around the house. Jenny kept mumbling to herself and talking to Ace off and on as she cleaned the house dusting here and there sweeping the hard wood floor vacuuming the rugs and carpets.

Soon there was the chime of the doorbell going off causing Jenny to look at the clock, "oh no their early I thought I would have more time to prepare food for everyone."

The door chime went off again, "I'm coming, I'm coming, give me a sec."

She quickly put away what she was working with before rushing to the door. As she opened the door Ace watched as his mother was embraced in a bear hug from an older woman.

"Oh Rebecca how I've missed you, are you eating enough? Exercising enough? Keeping your Pokémon healthy…" the woman kept going on and on as more woman who seemed identical to each other at a quick glance came through the door chatting away.

Ace could only think, 'why haven't I heard my mom's first name before now? Rebecca… Rebecca, I like it…'

Rebecca Jenny smiled at her mother, "oh I've missed you to mother, and to your answer your questions yes I've been taking care of myself, my son, and my Pokémon."

Jennifer Jenny smiled down at her daughter before looking around, "oh where is my grandson I want to see him." She said excitedly setting off the rest of the woman.

Rebecca quickly walked over to Ace lifting him up, "Here's my little Ace."

The entire group of identical woman quickly ran over surrounding the two of them while squealing and cooing at Ace. Ace noticed that though many of them looked identical to his mother they all had minor differences. They each wore different sets of clothes since they were on vacation to see their family. Some had moles or freckles here and there while others had a range of different shades of color in their eyes while their hair ranged from a Cerulean blue to a green Teal. Ace could also notice that even though most wore their hair in the same style many of the spikes in their hair went different directions then others did. While the older Jenny's Looked a bit different then the younger generation of woman either having their hair down or combed out or even in a long braid over their shoulders.

One Jenny said, "ah look at you little guy, you're so adorable."

Another Jenny, "Can I hold him Can I, Can I!"

Jennifer Jenny moved forward more, "I get to hold him first since he is my Grandson."

Most of the Jenny's, "AWWW I wanted to hold him."

Rebecca gently handed Ace over to her mother, "be careful mother don't you drop him like you did to my sister once." Rebecca shivered remembering how her sister was always hyper and couldn't keep her attention on one thing for long after the incident. She also worried that it might harm him.

Jennifer, "stop worrying so much I haven't dropped anyone else in years." Both Rebecca and Ace sweat dropped at this.

Jennifer smiled down at Ace in her arms, "oh look at you little guy you're going to be so handsome when you grow up the girls will be all over you."

Rebecca, "MOTHER!"

The Jenny's each got to hold Ace while others went off to cook and get dinner ready. Ace noticed his mother was smiling a lot more and laughing every few minutes ass everyone told stories about what they've been doing. Eventually as the food was finished everyone headed out back and set up some tables while others released their Pokémon to join the festivities. The majority of the pokemon were Growlithes, Arcanine, Squirtle, Wartortle, Blastoise, Pidgy's, Pidgeotto's, and Pidgeot's with a few others here and there.

Ace was having fun while also realizing that part of his greatest wish had come true he had a family but he still wished the four girls of his life were there with him. Ace also from listening wondered when he would get his own Pokémon well he'll need to grow a bit before even considering it.

Ace while listening found out that this was considered one of their family reunions since they can't get out of work much with the majority making up a good percentage of the regions police and ranger force. They usually have two or three reunions a year usually one around the thanksgiving and Christmas holidays while the second reunion is usually during the summer as a camping and training trip.

Kanto Region Pallet Town

Year 2003, May 4

It's been almost three years since Harry has been reborn as Ace part of the Jenny and Oak family's. He even got to meet his father and his wife both of them looking a lot like Harry's parents from his last life. The woman's first name was even Lily surprising Harry. The meeting wasn't really a joys occasion as Ace was hoping it would be. Once John had gotten back from his last Research expedition he was confronted by Professor Oat and Jenny along with her mother. At first John was confused about what was going on before it became a shouting match which got worse when Lily got involved.

Eventually it ended with Jenny, Her mother, and Professor Oak on one side while Lily and John was on the other. John wanted to get to know Ace to some degree but couldn't even look at him as if Ace was a shame on John's life. Lily didn't want John anywhere near Jenny or Ace and even went so far as to demand proof with Jenny bringing out the papers stating the blood tests matched John as the father of Ace. In the end Lily and John distanced themselves from the rest leaving Jenny and Oak saddened that John would abandon his own flesh and blood.

Two years after Ace was born Lily had become pregnant and gave birth to twins Gary and Daisy Oak. John allowed his father to be involved with their lives but would not allow Ace or Jenny near them. Another surprise was that Delia Ketchum who had a crush on John for years gave birth to another son of Johns. John and Lily did the same thing as they did with Jenny and Ace distancing themselves. Jenny and Delia became good friends after the events.

Kanto Region Pallet Town

Year 2006, May 4

Ace has had a great life so far with a loving family. He even started exercising and training with his mother sticking to her routines from when she was a police officer. Harry accidently let his magic slip a few times over the years and even could talk to Pokémon and understanding what they were saying. Professor Oak was excited after looking into Aces abilities he announced that Harry was an Aura user and a Psychic.

Ace grew close to the rest of the Jenny families calling his mother's sisters and cousins aunty Jenny since he couldn't remember all their names. He either used Jennifer or Grandma when speaking to his grandmother while only using mom with his mother always saying it with joy. With his grandfather professor Oak he either called him professor or grandpa given the situation.

Ace also began to notice a pull like he used to with Hermione, Daphne, Fleur, and Tonks. He started to get excited about it but it felt like they were quite a distance away possible even in another region. Sadly he knew he was to young to go running off to search.

Sadly during the winter of 2005-2006 John and Lily Oak died in a car accident on their way back from another research expedition. Professor Oak decided to raise both Gary and Daisy though Gary seemed to take his parents stance when it came to Ace and Ash while Daisy loved the idea of have two more brothers.

Kanto Region Pallet Town

Year 2008, August 10

Ace loved going on the summer family reunion trips with the Jenny's. They always camped out for a week or two in one of the forests this time they were staying in the forest along route one. They did their usual get together but they did Survival, Pokémon, and Officer training together. Ace loved learning and experiencing everything on these trips.

Ace decided to walk around the woods close to camp while the Jenny's where training their Pokémon to work in teams. Another reason he liked these trips is that it gave him a chance to explore. He already found a few Pokémon dens the most common were Rattata though he did find a few Spearow flocks that he kept his distance from.

As he was looking around after finding another den Ace heard a Pokémon cry out causing him to stop. Pausing Ace continued to listen hearing another cry he ran off in the direction it was coming from. After about five minutes of searching and following the cries of the Pokémon he came upon a small clearing.

There laying on the ground was a black Charmander with blue flames covered in injuries with a Raticate standing over it.

Raticate clawed at the Carmander, "stay away from my den Stray!"

Charmander cried out, "please stop I won't… Mamma!"

Ace ran over drawing the attention of the Raticate, "Human get away… my territory… My den."

Ace held up his hands in a gesture of peace, "could you please stop hurting the little one?"

Raticate paused at hearing Ace talking pokemon, "Ah a speaker, what do you want with the stray. She's been abandoned, anyways it is not like the rest of its kind."

Ace shook his head, "but why do you continue to harm her. She has done nothing wrong."

Raticate Growled, "she encroached on my territory and den."

Ace nodded slightly, "If I take her away from here would you stop hurting her?"

Raticate looked at the wimpering and balled up Carmander, "take her… and leave my territory."

Ace nodded but slowly moved over to the Carmander, "Hello there youngling ill get you out of here."

Charmander looked up at Ace fearfully, "I want my mama."

Ace looked sadly at her, "I'm sorry I don't know where she is but I can help you."

The Charmander looked hopefully up at Ace, "will you make the ouchy's go away?"

She tried to get up but had a hard time due to the pain. Ace knelt down slowly picking up the Charmander. She shock from the pain and fear.

Ace cradled her while starting to head back to camp, "There there everything will be alright."

Carmander just nodded while holding tightly on to him. Ace quickly made his way back to camp noticing that his mother and aunty Jennys were talking worriedly about something.

Ace ran forward, "Mom…"

Rebecca turned towards Ace the as most of the group seemed to calm down when they spotted him, "where have you been we were getting worried about you?!"

Ace looked down at the Charmander in his arms, "I'm sorry mom I was exploring the forest when I heard the cry of this little one."

Rebecca spotted the Charmander in his arms and quickly ran forwards, "what happened?"

"She was being attacked by a Raticate who was territorial, it also seems she was abandoned by her family."

His mother tried to gently lift the Charmander but she cried out tightening her grip on Ace. Rebecca stopped stepping back.

"I'm sorry little one I wasn't trying to hurt you." She looked at her son, "come on Ace lets take her over to chansey."

They quickly moved over to were one of their Chansey was getting out a medical kit and some blankets. Chansey quickly set the blankets on the table while motioning for Ace to set down the Charmander. Ace gently set her down and was about to step back but she wouldn't release his hand.

Rebcca sighed, "stay with her Ace Chansey will take care of her."

Ace sat there at the table with Charmander while chansey continued to fuss over her. It took an hour of using potions and bandages before she fell asleep. Ace staid with her the entire time gently petting her. Eventually he fell asleep sitting there his mother soon draping another blanket over him smiling.

"you did good my little Ace." She said before walking back over to the fire pits where the rest of the Jenny's where gathered.

After they woke up Charmander wouldn't leave Ace's side and always held onto him when she could. Chansey and the Jenny's fussed over the Charmander most of the time the weren't training. After three days Ace decided that she needed a name.

"do you have a name little one?" Ace asked.

She shook her head no, "well then how about I give you a name?" she quickly nodded.

'hmm what shale I name her not Hedwig… fire naa, flame… nope, what name… wait that might work.'

"Why don't I name you Ashlie, Ash for short?" she looked a him for a moment nodding and jumping up to hug him. He caught her laughing.

"ok then Ashlie it is."

They played together for the rest of the week while the Jenny's trained eventually on the last night before they had to leave his mother gave him a poke ball.

"my little Ace I've noticed how close you two have grown so why don't you see if she wants to stay with you?"

Ace looked at the ball before taking it, "Thanks mom!"

Ace knelt down to Ashlie, "Ashlie do… do you want to be my Pokémon?"

She nodded before starting to jump up and down causing Ace and his mother to laugh. He smiled before tapping the poke ball against her head absorbing her in a flash of light. After a moment he released her where she jumped back up into his arms.