Hell… Hell couldn't handle it. Not anymore. It was too powerful. The thing knows as the Doomslayer had just sealed the Well after tearing hell's army limb from limb once again. It must have lost several hundred of its forces, not to mention the champions and guardians that were also destroyed by it. For only a moment it was gone till it was thrown back into bowels of hell once more. They fought it, all of them together, but he still tore and ripped apart hundreds. The only reason they managed to stop him is because he ran out of ammo; even then it used its bare hands.

They sealed him once more. In hopes that this would hold him for much longer. They used their powers to send it a drift, beyond the realm off the red planet, and beyond the realm of this solar system. Yet they would not leave hell. For by the time they were next able, others that appeared liked the Doomslayer arrived… no... they needed to wait till they could meet something that could give them the edge that they needed.

They continued to allude Cortana's rage. Her idea that artificial intelligence was superior to all life and thus must rule it was terrorizing. She had already taken out dozens of human military bases. What made this worse is the fact that the covenant was using this to push on humanity from the other side. As what little remained of them seemed to be gaining strength. How this was possible was beyond confusing.

"How is everything?" Captain Thomas Lasky said stepping onto the bridge. The man that controlled the warp turned to him.

"As you know Sir. Infinity was designed to be able to run for literal years. So were good. It's more of a metal game now." He stated. Another called over.

"But we've got Dr. Halsey, several current generation Spartans, and the four Spartans that managed to survive reach. Not to mention the man that destroyed all the halo rings? And defeat the Didact. We've got this." The person said turning back to their screen. A loud thud echoed.

"Still, we're one ship. Don't matter how big."

"Uh… Captain." Roland called up, his yellow figure appearing on the main control desk.

"We have to stay positive." Captain Thomas said to them. "Cortana won't attack this ship. I can promise you that."

"Captain!?" Roland called again. The captain turned to the A.I.

"Yes?" He asked. The figure pointed to the glass. A large metal container was pressed up against it.

"I've got strange readings. But I can tell you for sure. Something in there is alive." Roland said. Captain Thomas scratched his head.

"Alright. Send some people out to grab it and bring it to Dr. Halsey. Extreme caution."

Four marines grabbed the container and brought it down into the labs that Dr. Halsey was using. She looked at it and found it to be covered in markings that she had never seen before. Also it had a chair around it that was comprised of a metal comparable to that of titanium; each link was nearly half an inch thick. But it was odd… it wasn't really uniform; like whatever made this put it on out of fear that the rest wasn't enough. She got plasma cutters and torches and began to open it up. But for some strange reason it was a lot harder than it should have been. Like a different force was pushing back at her tools.

When she busted it open after nearly two hours what she found inside was something that was beyond strange. An armored suit, roughly six foot three and with an old design of a space marine. She grabbed a scanner and looked at what it was comprised of. What it showed was amazing. Base metal was of course titanium, making this suit with the 300 to 400-pound range with four different other metals. But that wasn't what was amazing: that was the fact that it had an unknown element coursing through it; and there was a body inside.

She began to have machines remove the suit till only a man with a very old militarized haircut, and enough scars to cover ten men, was left. She set the armor up off to the side and went over to the body with a needle.

"Alright… let's get to work…" She pricked his skin with the needle. His arm flew up and grabbed her by the chin and he sat up and glared at her with a growl. He then picked her up with one arm and tossed her ten feet away from himself.

"Get on the ground!" A marine said pointing a Taser at him. The Man grabbed the needle off the table he was set and the marine tased him. The man grunted and turned around and threw the needle into the marine's face. It pierced his cheek.

The marine let out a scream as the man ran at him, swept his legs out from under him, and slammed his body into the floor. Another Marine ran up behind him and he ducked under a punch before slamming his own into the guys face before grabbing his arm and pushing it down so he could slam his knee into the marine's chest. A marine ran up behind him and he threw the first marine into him. He took a breath and a marine ran up behind him and hooked his arms under the man's as another an up to punch him.

With a grunt he brought up his feet and slammed them into the marine with such force that he went flying seven feet while throwing himself and the marine holding him backwards. They crashed onto the ground as the marine lost his footing. The Man rolled back off him and slammed a fist into his chest before putting one into his face; knocking him out.

A Marine ran up and the man slammed a bare foot into his stomach so he doubled over. The wrapped his arm around the marine's body and flipped him upside down before slamming his back into the floor. Another Marine ran at him and he returned the favor. He hit him with a close line and slammed the back of his head into the ground as he pulled him down.

A marine that had a broken nose grabbed his walkie talkie. He spat out a tooth.

"We need a big guy… over." He said before passing out again. The last marine in the room got an elbow planted across his face as he hit the ground the doors to the lab opened and a man that stood just above seven feet tall was there.

"Ok. Calm down before I have to hurt you." Carlo Hoya stated. The man lowered his arm to his other and placed a fist within his other hand. With a simple crack of his knuckles, Carlo knew this guy wasn't going to just give up easy.

Carlo began to run at him. The man returned the favor. Carlo punched down and the man dodged and landed a punch to Carlo's stomach before jumping to the side and punching him in the kidney. Carlo swung wide at him and the guy jumped back. Carlo reached out and knocked him to the side with a punch. The guy wobbled a little and shook his head as Carlo came back him and gritted his teeth.

He jumped up and wrapped an arm around Carlo's head and began to elbow it over and over again before slamming a knee into his jaw. Carlo grabbed and threw him into the metal med table; the metal bending behind the force.

"Fucking asshole!"

The man grabbed a scalpel and ran at the Spartan once more. He stabbed the medical tool into his thigh. Carlo bent down slightly and the man punched him in the face twice before Carlo punched him back. The man rubbed his face and found that his nose was bleeding as Carlo yanked the scalpel out from his thigh. He ran at Carlo and hit him with a double drop kick to knock him back before running and punching him into the wound on his leg. Carlo punched him back a bit as he was on one knee. The man staggered but grabbed Carlo's arm and threw him slightly while holding onto his arm so it was now up with his shoulder while Carlo was on his back.

The man kicked Carlo in the side of the head before using his weight and muscles to break Carlo's arm. He jumped onto Carlo as he let out a scream and began to punch him in the face over and over again before Carlo shoved him off and kicked him the chest back ten feet.

"Fuck…" Carlo said holding on his arm as it was both broken and dislocated. The man got up and spat off to the side with his saliva mixed with his blood. Carlo got up and regretted as he thigh was still bleeding badly… he hit the artery, and something told Carlo that it wasn't accidental. Three marines came up behind the man and hit him with three Tasers. He gritted his teeth and wrapped his arm around the three wires and yanked the guns out of their hands He ran at them but two more hit him. A needle was launched into his arm. They let up the Tasers, as they did he ran at the three that tased him first and knocked one to the ground with a flying knee before blocking a punch from another and knocking him to the ground before the Tasers started up again as another needle was shot into him.

He was brought to his knee and a marine punched him across the face but found his finger in the man's teeth. The man bit down and ripped it off with his teeth. The marine fell back with a scream as another Taser hit the man. Even with all that it still took the man a moment to collapse.

"Damn…" One of the marines stated.

"Dr. Halsey. Tell me what or who we're dealing with." Captain Thomas Lasky asked as the Master Chief walked with him in his armor. They were in the holding cells, normally used for covenant prisoners, but now there was something even more dangerous. They walked up to a metal cell with a force field blocking the entrance with the man on his knees on the floor and his hands shackled. "Is he grunting?"

"He does that when he thinks." Dr. Halsey. "He doesn't seem to like to think. More of an action person. Like you." She nodded to Master Chief.

"So he doesn't talk?" The captain stated. "Is he a mute?"

"Not that our scans can tell. More along the line of he doesn't like to talk." She stated. "Also I was able to test his blood once we sedated him, and I got my shoulder put back into place, I found that he has at least four different drugs and elements coursing through him. Giving him extreme strength, almost to that of a Spartan."

"Elements?" Master Chief questioned. "What do you mean."

"Exactly that. An element that we only have trace amounts of. Lost nearly three and a half centuries ago. His body seems to contain it to a degree. Like he's been exposed to the heart of it." She then shook picked up a vial with his blood in it and sloshed it around for a moment. "Also this is some scary stuff. It has at least four different drugs in it. All of them boosting his strength, endurance, and reaction speed to levels just shy of a Spartan's."

"So what is he?" Master Chef asked. "He looks human."

"The armor he wore is beat up so much we can only get a few markings off it that actually mean sense." Roland said popping up next to them and a hologram of the armor appeared next to him. "Only one on it actually match anything in our database. U.A.C."

"The U.A.C?" Captain Lasky questioned. "Wasn't that a branch of the U.N.S.C?"

"More of like its predecessor." Dr. Halsey said. "I actually used a few of their ideas when creating the Spartan program. Especially the idea of the ultimate marine."

"So this guy was one of them?" Captain Lasky said looking over at the man as he glared back.

"The only one Captain." She answered. "It was just an idea, at best an experiment. Somehow though this guy became this ultimate marine. But That still doesn't explain how he's alive, not even close how he's here. Then again most of the U.A.C was secretive."

"What are these weapons?" Master Chef said picking up a double barrel shotgun off a long table that was practically covered in weapons. The Man in the cage glared at him. Master Chef set it down and the man returned his eyes to the floor.

"His." Dr. Halsey stated. She gestured to a small iron box. "A warp pack. Was an idea we had a while back. Allowing for solders to carry a great deal more weapons and ammo with him."

Captain Lasky picked it up and opened it up to see a whirling purple energy.

"Problem is that there is a constant possibility of it rupturing and destroying everything in a six-meter radius." Dr. Halsey said almost sarcastically. The Captain set it down and took a few big steps away from it. "Can't risk scanning it for that reason."

"There are 10 guns here." Master Chef stated. "Who needs and arsenal like this?"

"Apparently him." The Captain said then looked at Dr. Halsey. "Let me talk to him. See if I can get him talking."

"Good Luck captain. Last guy who went in there got the skin on his nose ripped off when that guy bite him." Dr. Halsey said.

"You fixed since then right?" He asked as he went to the cell and put his hand over the scanner. Dr. Halsey shrugged. He took a deep breath and opened it up and as he did everyone in the room aimed at the man that was currently being held down by his restraints. He looked up at Captain Lasky as he held his hands behind his back.

"Hello. I am the captain of the Infinity, the vessel you are currently being held on." He told the man. "You hurt a good number of my men. But I'm willing to take it as a shock reaction. A lot of soldiers have that happen once waking up from a trauma."

"…" Silence.

"Don't like talking. Alright, yes or no questions then." The captain said as the man continued to glare at him. "Is that ok?"

"…" Silent. Not even a single motion from his head.

"Come on… work with me here-!" As he said this alarms went off. "Roland what is going on!?"

"Five Covenant Battle cruisers." The A.I. answered. "Several bordering parties have already hit our ship."

"Return fire and start sending troops to the breaches." The Captain said turning away from the man.

The man grabbed him with a hand that was partially dislocated as he had popped it out of the shackles. Blood dripped from the skinned parts of his wrists. Lasky felt himself getting yanked down and forced to open the shackle around his other hand with his clearance pass. The man put him in a headlock as the other soldiers got ready to shoot.

"Don't!" Thomas Lasky called out. "Okay man, you've got three options right now. Let me go and we use plasma shackles next time. Don't let me go and wait for that Spartan to blow your head off your shoulders with that pistol."

"Is that permission Sir?" Master Chef said pointing a magnum at the man's head. Even from twenty feet away and such a small window, it wouldn't be an issue.

"Only if he doesn't let me go." He stated. "The last option is that you let me go and help us. I give you your weapons and you fight with us. You do that and we can figure out exactly what you want. You have twenty seconds."

The man grunted and glared at Master Chef. Ten seconds passed and he nodded his head. He let go of the captain and he unlocked his legs. The guns remained trained on the man as he got up and walked out. He fixed his wrist and went to the table covered with his weapons and began to put them back inside. His armor was off to the side and so he put it on. While wearing the suit he cracked his knuckles.

"You're out of ammo." The captain said as the man pulled his pistol out of the warp pack. "So for now I think your gonna have to survive off that pistol and guns you pick off the ground till we get your custom ammo made in the armory."

The man stared back at the Captain and the Captain took a step back.

"Come on." A sergeant said walking passed the man. "You're with us."

A few marines followed and the Man seemed to shrug and followed. Killing was killing after all.