Percy PoV

I was watching the group on the hill when someone came up behind me and tapped my shoulder. As I turned around, I heard someone talking toward me.

"Excuse me, but are you Perseus Jackson?" Someone wearing the American flag asked.

"Please excuse me Annabeth, I will be right back." I muttered at her grave.

"Excuse me sir." I told the guy wearing the American flag when I tried to sneak past him to head home. Then something hit me and everything went black.

Steve Rogers PoV

I felt bad for the poor kid. I mean, he didn't even turn around and Natasha throw a rock at his head after asking if he could have a moment.

"What were you thinking Romanov? He said he would be right back, and he never said that he was in fact Perseus..."

"I know, but it's better to take him unconfirmed and be right, than to let him go and be wrong." She said. I just sighed and picked him up.

"Wow. He is really light. I think that you may be able to carry him when you are out of your suit Tony. Let's get him on the plane and back to headquarters." I said. With that we started heading toward the quinjet, when Thor appeared out of nowhere.

"Who is that my friend Steve?" He asked me.

"This is a suspected terrorist we were told to bring by the name of Perseus Jackson." Once what I said registered, his eyes became almost the size of dinner plates.