Alright since I have a SVTFOE one-shot series and a somewhat Wonder over Yonder one-shot series, I decided to make a Loud House one-shot series. I have most of these planned out already and if you feel like making a request then go ahead. This first one is a different version on the episode Making the Case. Enjoy.

Months have passed and Lincoln's sisters still refused to speak to him. Lincoln walked up to Luna's and Luan's room and knocked on the door. The door swung open and Luna glared daggers at him, "C'mon Luna, I've apologized, I deleted the video, I've posed a video that embarrassed myself, what more do you guys want?"

"Out of my way loser," Luna hissed and Lincoln's face fell as Luna pushed passed him, "I have a concert to get to!"

Lincoln frowned as he watched Luna walk down the hall and downn the stairs. Lynn walked past him and he stopped her, "Lynn, yoiu forgive me, right?" without responding, Lynn kicked him, knocking him down before she continued to walk away.

Lincoln groaned as he stood up, "Out of our way dirt bag!" Lola and Lana pushed past him and walked down the stairs.

Lincoln let out a depressed sigh, "Move it twerp!" he looked up and saw Lori and Leni staring at him. He moved back and they walked past him.

He frowned and looked back to see Luan staring at him with a frown before she slowly closed the door. Lincoln shook his head and walked to his room.

Lincoln sat on his bed with a knife in his hand. Sighing. he brought the blade towards his wrist and slid it across and he hissed in pain, "Lincoln I...Lincoln!" he looked towards the door and saw Luan standing in the doorway with a worried expression on her face. She ran up to him and ripped the knife out of his hand and threw it to the floor, "Are you insane!"

She took of her shirt and wrapped it around Lincoln's bloody wrist, "Just...let me die..Luan," she looked at him in shock, "You girls will be happy...I won't be around for any of you to hate anymore."

"No," Luan panted, tears threatening to fall from her eyes, "Get up, I'm taking you to the hospital!" Luan pulled him up and started leading him towards the door.

Luan sat on a chair while Lincoln lay on a hospital bed, stitches dawn on his ons cut wrist. Lincoln looked his wrist over, "What the hell were you thinking?" he looked up at Luan, "Why would you try to kill yourself like that?"

Lincoln frowned and sighed, "Luan it's been six months and everyone is still mad at me. The others treat me like shit...I tried to make things right, but..." Luan hugged him and Lincoln's eyes widened, "Luan?"

"Just because the others are mad at you doesn't mean you should try and kill yourself," she backed away and looked at him, "I've been trying to talk to you for a while now, but every time I get close one of the others stop me. Lincoln...I don't blame you anymore...I'm not even mad anymore." she hugged him again, "Promise me you won't do this again Lincoln...I don't want to lose you."

Lincoln looked shocked and pulled back from her to see tears running down down her face, "Why don't you want to lose me, Luan?" Luan sighed and kissed him, shocking him. He backed away, "Luan?"

"Because I love you Lincoln and not like a sister loves her brother." Lincoln's eyes widened, "You're always trying to make people feel better and you're one of the few people who laugh at my jokes. I don't want to lose you,"

Lincoln frowned and hugged her, "I'm sorry Luan. I didn't mean to make you cry," Luna gave a sad smile and hugged him back, "Can um...can you stay here with me tonight?"

Luan moved back and half smiled as she nodded, "Sure. I mean someone has to keep an eye on you," Lincoln half smiled and nodded as he scooted over and Luan lay down next to him, "Goodnight Lincoln, I love you."

Lincoln half smiled and kissed the side of her head, "Goodnight Luan, I love you too." the two fell asleep in each other's arms without a problem.

Okay this one-shot series is going to be mainly focus on these two because I have my reasons, but like I said if you have a request feel free to make it. Anyway as always enjoy everyone and please let me know what you all think.