«You are now mine, Princess.»
The Queen's voice was husky, deep, as her stare. She was terrifying, yet gorgeous.
The blonde nodded behind the bars, still kneeled.
«Yes, Your Majesty.» she said, her voice trembling.
The Queen kept staring at her. A satisfied, surprised smile crossed her face.
«I could do so many things to you...»
The girl kept staring down. «You can do me what you please.»
The Queen smiled, pleased.
«Good answer... You finally understood who's in charge...»
Emma gave a little smile, but didn't say a thing. She looked at her, though, intensely, without moving her head.
Regina put her finger under her chin, making her lift it.
«Good.» she said, looking at her. «You're ready.»
The girl looked confused. She squeezed her eyes. She smiled, though.
«Ready for what?»
«You'll see, my dear.» Regina smiled, then called a guard to make him bring the girl to her room. She vanished in a dense, purple smoke.