"I'm impressed that you managed to put a scratch on me without even using your shikai." Aizen stated condescendingly.

"I wouldn't act so arrogant, a poison soaked blade is what caused that scratch." Kisuke stated.

Aizen faulted but covered it quickly with a smirk. He was just about to retort when Kisuke continued.

"This poison will slowly start eating away at your reishi and halts production, you've got maybe another 200 years left, at most. As long as you don't use your reishi, that is. You'll slowly die and not even your 'immortality' could protect you from that."

Aizen clenched his fist while sitting on his throne, the battle had not gone as expected. They were forced to flee because he had underestimated what Urahara could do. But, of course the Blond had figured something out. While he wasn't good at planning, he was very good at solving and his lack of planning skills had never stopped him from reaching a solution.

Aizen then thought of something else the Hogyoku gave him the power to do, with enough time he could transfer himself into another being. That would give him some more time. He decided he needed an heir, but with a mortal, a human. Someone who couldn't out live him and had a higher chance of dying while giving birth. Then he could raise his male offspring to be strong but blindly obedient until Aizen needed his body.

With that thought in mind, he summoned Gin and Tousen. Sending them to the world of the living to look for an adequate incubator.