I seem to be terrible at this 'weekly upload thing' XD. I was in bed last night when I realized 'Oh crup. I didn't upload my chapter today!' Well, riparoni.

I'm sorry y'all I did a terrible job of it! I hope the juiciness (?) of this chapter appeases your appetite, however. Once again, not long, but it's gooood. I think. :D Thanks for being patient with me!

"Chara, you aren't going to win this." Frisk was the first to speak, and her words were warbled and echoey. She didn't technically speak, considering this was her mind, so her voice seemed to come from all around. And yet, Chara wasn't surprised.

Frisk, on the other hand, was very surprised when Chara's voice had the same effect. It rattled throughout the dark space, but it only took a second for her to process the reason. Chara was in her head. It was an intrusion of her mind. So, it only made sense, that the laughter in response to her statement seemed a bit overwhelming.

"I'm not so sure about that!" She finally spoke after the fit of laughter, just grinning. Her mouth didn't move, and most people would think it odd, but Frisk was used to communicating telepathically. As was Chara. The odd part about it was actually witnessing Chara inside her head.

Now, it was very easy to say Frisk would win. She did, after all, have the claim to her own mind. But, taking a step back, it becomes obvious that Chara spent more time, physically, at least, in Frisk's mind. And, in the past genocide, they had faced off before in a similar setting. But there were a lot of differences in this case. The two were more evenly matched. It would be hard to predict which would win, and both knew it.

But both were willing to fight.

Frisk clenched her jaw and growled, glaring through her piercing red eyes. "I wouldn't be so sure about that. But…." With a pause, she took a moment to think. In reality all of her words were thoughts, but she kept some inside her head. "Chara, just let me win!"

"No." There wasn't even a moment of hesitation there. It was extremely harsh, and echoed a couple of times before fading into nothing. Frisk clenched her fists and let out a sigh. She wasn't expecting this. She wasn't expecting to fight her friend.

But, then again, were they really friends?

At this point?

Could it be….that….

Two best friends, connected for life, finally went foul?

It was hard to believe, but that was exactly what happened. Frisk didn't want to come to terms with it, she still had hope, but that left her when Chara attacked. It was surprising. She wasn't expecting it. And, because of her unreadiness, she payed the price.

Chara cut directly through her with a knife. It was a glowing red, and had just appeared in her hands as she commanded it to. It obviously wasn't real, but it did some damage. Some serious damage. A scream broke from Frisk's lips, but it was silent. Her mouth didn't make sound, only her mind, but she needed some way to relieve the pain.

It didn't last long though. Soon, the piercing, burning feeling across her midsection had faded. She glanced down at her torso to see that, even though it felt like she had been cut in half, her body was still one. Frisk reacted quickly, summoning her own blade. It grew from her palm, and a shudder ran up her arm at the tickling sensation against her hand. Soon, the dagger was flying at Chara.

It was about to hit, but instead ricocheted off a shield that suddenly appeared, fading immediately. Chara did have more experience in this realm. She had much more. But Frisk wasn't about to give up.

This was a battle of the mind. Of her mind. It wouldn't depend on killing or injuring the opponent. It would rely strictly on who could inflict the most pain, and who would give up first. "Now this," Frisk laughed. "This is going to be fun." Her grin grew to match Chara's, and her own shield went up just as a spear was hurled towards her. It hit the glowing wall, before cluttering to the ground.

"I wouldn't say...fun, necessarily." Chara, despite her statement, was grinning. She was enjoying this just as much. Despite the consequences, both were drowning in their LV. Maybe it was a matter of who could stay sane.

"What do you say we forgo the shields?" Frisk held her hands open as she shrugged. "Make it a little more fun, since you don't seem to think so." Chara didn't reply, but she let her own protection fade into nothing. "You aren't going to win this anyway."

"I don't think so. Frisk, i haven't felt something physically for years. Do you think pain will hurt me?" She chuckled softly, summoning two swords in her hands. A helmet might have been nice, but it was decided. No protection. Just pain.

Frisk let out a laugh. She thought up a large hammer, and it fit perfectly in her hands. "Chara , we both know that isn't true. You haven't felt physically, but I have." The two ran at one another, clashing. As soon as the items touched they disappeared. Both girls were quick to summon more weapons, charging again.

And again.

"So?" Chara hissed.

And again.

"That means you don't have any tolerance!" Laughing, Frisk made it past Chara's defense and plunged a serrated blade into her chest. She let go, the particles dispersing into the darkness until they disappeared.. Stepping back, she admired the twisted look of pain. Chara's face, once grinning, was now twisted and contorted. It looked just like Frisk's did just moments ago when Chara had first attacked.

It faded pretty quickly, however, and Frisk didn't have time to process what happened before another bucket of pain shot up from her shoulder. She let out a cry as Chara stood over her, grinning. There was a pause, and Frisk expected the knife to disappear as it usually did, but nothing happened. It remained in her shoulder, with Chara's hand wrapped around the handle.

They were both quick to figure out the reason why, but it was Chara who acted first. She let go, the blade fizzing to nothing, and whirled around. Frisk knew what was coming, and she lept forward and away, breaking into a sprint.

The items they could summon depended on their own physical contact. It lasted a few seconds after leaving the hand, or dispersed upon contact with something else immediately. Frisk wasn't fast enough, then, when Chara threw a long, heavy chain. It wrapped around her leg, dragging her to the ground, before fading.

Frisk hurried to jump up, but Chara already caught up. Another knife appeared in her hand and she brought it down, impaling it into Frisk's lower back, right in the spine. She spawned a metal plate on her arm and flung it in front of Frisk, effectively holding her in place. It was physically impossible to touch each other with any effect, but she was able to root Frisk down with the two items.

Frisk's face contorted into terror. Paralyzing pain ripped up from her back and shot into her limbs. Her head was thrown back, and her mouth open with silent screaming. It hurt. It hurt like hell. And Chara had her pinned. Yet her Determination didn't falter.

There were limits to this area of her mind. She could not just escape this, but she could fight back. She snapped her head up, fighting through the pain, and pressed her hand against Chara's stomach. A glowing blade shot out of her palm and into the ghostly flesh, and she pulled back only to wrap her hand around the hilt. Chara's expression almost matched her own, but she still bore a grin.

Slowly, she made herself mimic it. Now, it was a battle of determination. Who could endure the longest?

The answer came much later.

Both had lost track of time, rooted in once place with weapons planted into eachother. Eventually the pain had become too much, but they still stood with tears streaming down their face. Frisk, it seemed, was the first to go mad.

She laughed and laughed. No sound escaped her mouth, it being impossible in the realm, but occasionally a thought would drift out into the open.

Chara whimpered and slid back a little on the sword in her stomach. Although she held Frisk in place, there was no need for her to be stuck. If it became too much, and it certainly was, then she would have to let Frisk go.

IN the time that passed, they had come up with as many ways as possible to hurt one another. Chara had grown spikes out of the plate on her arm, and had lengthened her blade. She would twist her arm on occasion. From the outside, several spikes protruded from her body. Chara was the same. Initially it was a simply sword in her body, but it twisted in and out of her. THe pain was excruciating, but there was no blood.

There was no surrender.


The human snapped her head up, ceasing laughter. Her gaze narrowed into a glare. "What?" Her voice was harsh, and a bit loud.

"Can you trust me?"

Frisk looked like she snorted. "Obviously not."

"I think you can trust me more than yourself."

She shook her head, making sure to prove her point by driving the blade deeper.

Chara grunted. Her mind had been blurry, but an idea slowly formed over the past few minutes. Now it was a full-blown revelation, time to put into action. The sword she had implanted in Frisk's spine grew on the front end to hold her in place. She was able to remove her arm, the plate with spikes slowly disappearing as she let it go.

Another, very small, little sword grew in her hand. It was sturdy, but in reality might not have been able to do what Chara planned. In this realm, however, it went straight through Frisk's skull and into her head.

For Frisk, a huge burst of pain was followed by even more darkness than she thought was ever possible.

Her body grew limp in Chara's arms, but the ghost was afraid to let her fall. She was afraid to let go in case Frisk would wake up, considering she couldn't technically be dead. Could she? Chara glanced her over. She looked pretty dead.

Finally, after a couple minutes of contemplation, she let go of her weapons and her old friend collapsed upon the ground. If their places had been switched, and Frisk was the one who now stood victorious, how would she know how to reset? Chara knew, because she had been here before, and it was a much different experience than dying.

She closed her eyes, summoning all the LV she held to her mind, and then released it out into the world. She let it go with a goal, and it would accomplish it, before the whole timeline would completely reset. If she focused completely, she could see the waves riding through the frozen underground and to the core.

All time had stopped, but it wasn't like anybody was alive for it to really matter.

Chara let out a whimper. Frisk would now have to live with this burden, but maybe she would get some sense into her delusional mind.

Once at the core, all it took was one little hit to break through the wall that held the memories. Chara remembered the blueprint very well, and now that the space was opened, when she went back in time all of the memories would return.

The way completely resetting the timeline worked was complicated. For Frisk to achieve her goal, she would have had to go far out of the Underground and to her parents, before doing something that would prevent her birth. The plan reeked of selfishness, as well as evil.

Chara's, on the other hand, planned to set things right. She planned for everyone's memories to return, so Frisk would see that, even knowing what she did, her friends would forgive her. If they didn't, Chara could always find a way to haunt them for life.

It took mere seconds for everything to shift and get sucked into nothingness. There had been enough of darkness, but the nothingness slowly sucked in consciousness out of Chara.

The next time Chara awoke, she was back at the beginning of the underground. Frisk lay nearby, and for once the little child looked peaceful, sleeping in a bed of golden flowers. It was adorable, honestly, but it wouldn't last long.

Her nose twitched from a flower petal under her nose, and she reached up to itch it with her hand. In the middle of doing so she paused and opened her eyes. They went with wide with alarm, and her face went pale.

They met eachother's gazes.

Chara….what did you do?!