A/N: So I initially thought about not posting this here but I don´t know why I can´t put the link to it in the notes or reviews so I decided to post it. This is an extra chapter and it´s literally smut, also it´s the first smut I´ve written so constructive criticism is appreciated.

Sherlock entered his room and stopped by his closet. His hair was dripping through his neck and into his bare chest, a blue towel wrapped around his waist. He sighted as a huge grin appeared in his face. This week had been crazy…. He still could not believe that he had told John how he felt about him and that his feelings were reciprocated…it sounded unreal to say that John was his boyfriend. Boyfriend? Companion? It did not matter what they called it, John was his and he could not believe it, he was constantly afraid that all of this would end up being just a really good dream and that he could wake up at any time. Sherlock knew it was not a dream, it was real it just felt…amazing! And, if Sherlock was being honest, all the physical contact he had had with John, even if it wasn´t nothing special yet, made it very clear that Sherlock was not dreaming. John´s body against his… He had to stop thinking about it.

Sherlock opened his closet, took out a pair of boxers and some loose pajama pants and dressed them dropping the wet towel on the floor.

Sherlock smirked looking to nowhere in particular, thinking about John like he was in trance.

John passed by Sherlock´s room distracted thinking about Sherlock. The effect that man had on him was inexplicable. John couldn´t resist him, that dark soft curls, those cheekbones, that pale and strong chest….

John stopped abruptly in the middle of the corridor. Through the slightly opened door of Sherlock´s room John saw him. Sherlock Holmes, the man of his fantasies and now his boyfriend, standing in the middle of his room, back turned to the door, shirtless….

John smiled to himself. Sherlock was so beautiful it was impossible to resist him. The doctor opened the door a bit wider and started walking in the direction of the half-naked detective trying not to make noise.

Sherlock heard footsteps approaching as he smiled to himself. It was definitely John, of course it was John! Sherlock couldn´t barely hide his excitement. He kept still, waiting, trying to look distracted.

John got to Sherlock and hugged him from behind, his arms around the detective´s waist pulling him closer. Sherlock smirked. He knew it. He grabbed John´s wrists and tried to release himself from John´s embrace but John was holding him strong. Sherlock attempts only made John loose his grip slightly, his arms getting back to the initial position, holding Sherlock firmly, as soon as the detective stopped trying to get away. Sherlock looked to John over his shoulder and saw a huge smile on the doctor´s face just as the one on his own face. John leaned further and placed his slightly parted lips on Sherlock´s neck kissing him softly then he looked up again and placed a quick kiss on Sherlock´s lips moving to the detective´s neck once more. He kissed Sherlock´s neck with passion, licking it lightly and sucking it gently leaving small bruises all over it. Sherlock was in ecstasy, air leaving his lungs in brief and quick exhalations through his parted lips, the detective was backing up his head against John´s shoulder trying really hard to not let any sound escape his lips.

John removed his lips from Sherlock´s neck and bit the detective´s ear lightly while moving his hands down the detective´s waist. Sherlock felt John´s hands moving down like they were made of fire, burning through his pajama pants and against his skin. Sherlock inhaled sharply, if John´s hands moved a bit down…. Sherlock released the air he did not even realized he was holding in his lungs as John´s hands stopped in his hipbones pulling him closer. Sherlock could feel John´s excitement against his back and he couldn´t lie…he felt the same way, there was no way of hiding it, the evidence was right there making his boxers feel tighter than usual.

Sherlock opened his eyes and started to, slowly, turn around to face John. The detective raised his long arms and placed them around John´s neck as the two men kissed passionately. With every second passing it became harder for them to control themselves; they were hungry for each other and they weren´t hiding it anymore. Without even realizing Sherlock had moved his harms from around John´s neck to the doctor´s back, his hands pushing John´s crotch against his own. John´s hands also moved down from Sherlock´s waist to his arse squeezing it gently and creating friction between their body´s.

John slowly started walking towards the bed pulling Sherlock with him, never breaking their kiss.

Sherlock fell in the bed with John falling shortly after and placing himself between the detective´s long legs as he started to kiss him deeply. Sherlock grabbed the end of John´s shirt as he broke the kiss and pulled John´s shirt leaving him bare chested and pulling him in for another long kiss.

The two men were kissing nonstop, grinding against each other when John suddenly stopped.

Sherlock looked confused.

"Why did you stop?"

"I…I just want to make sure you want to do this….Because, you know…you were never opened about your sexuality so I don´t know if…you know…"

"John, you don´t need to worry that much…I am not that fragile."

"I know…I just want to be sure you want this as much as I do…I am just worried about you…"

"I know…"

Sherlock puled John closer and whispered in his ear, his voice deeper than usual.´

"John Hamish Watson you better start kissing me again and you better not stop this time."

That was all John needed to hear.

The doctor leaned in kissing Sherlock again moving down slowly kissing the detective´s cheek, along his jaw, neck and chest sucking on Sherlock´s nipples lightly and moving down again. The doctor looked up at Sherlock with doubt in his eyes. Sherlock nodded and smiled. John smirked and grabbed Sherlock´s pajama pants taking them off along with the detective´s boxers.

John could not stop himself to stare. The man underneath him was so beautiful.

Sherlock pushed John up again kissing him and rolling them over in order for him to be on top of John, pinning him to the bed. Sherlock reached for John´s belt undoing it and pulling the doctor´s trousers and pants off. The detective kissed John´s lips one more time moving, then, downwards and taking John on his mouth, sucking, liking and kissing with his lips parted.

John tried not to moan but it was impossible, feeling Sherlock´s lips around him felt amazing, the detective was backing up his head against the pillows, grabbing handfuls of the bed sheets, his hands closed tightly into fists. John was breathless, by instinct he reached for Sherlock´s dark and soft curls burying his hands in them.

"Sherlock, stop…. I can´t take it that long…."

Sherlock kissed John´s stomach getting back to the detective´s lips and kissing them passionately unable to hide the grin on his face. He had just left John moaning and panting like he never thought he would be able to see but John was not going to leave things like that.

John pulled Sherlock on to the bed again and turned him around so that the detective was laying with his belly downwards. The doctor kissed Sherlock´s neck, back and down.

Sherlock left out a surprised gasp as he grabbed the pillows. That felt…wonderful. John kept moving his tongue and lips against Sherlock leaving the detective screaming and panting in minutes. John kissed Sherlock´s back again and reached for the bedside drawer taking out a small plastic bottle. The doctor turned Sherlock to face him as he poured the substance into both of them and then tossing the bottle aside.

He looked Sherlock in the eyes and raised the detective´s long legs higher. John placed a small kiss in Sherlock´s lips and then lowered himself laying flatly against Sherlock every inch of their body´s connected.

John moved slowly at first but started to move faster as Sherlock´s got used to the feeling. In some time both of them were moving rhythmically against each other, breathless and moaning.

John turned Sherlock around and pulled him up so that they were both on their knees. John kissed Sherlock´s neck and bit it lightly, Sherlock looked over his shoulder and kissed John as the doctor reached around Sherlock and started to move his hand pumping him.

The two men were breathing quickly, both were on the edge. Sherlock let out a loud moan as he fell against the bed with John on top of him as he also let out a loud moan.

They were both panting trying to control their breath. John moved to the side laying with his back against the bed and pushing Sherlock to lay with the head on his chest.

John kissed Sherlock´s forehead and then his lips softly as he pulled the duvet to cover their body´s.

John hugged Sherlock tightly as he whispered.

"I love you, Sherlock"

Sherlock smiled and got closer to John hugging him too.

"I love you too, John."

They smiled to each other, placed a small peck on each other´s lips and fell asleep quickly on each other´s harms.

There was nowhere else where they wanted to be.