
Another Galaxy

The sun shone brightly down on Obi-Wan Kenobi, who smiled broadly, letting out a happy sigh. He looked with deep satisfaction at his finished house, built of wood, gathered and put together with his own two hands, without the aid of the Force. His home, built with the help of his mate Neah and his new community by the river on a planet 20 million light years from where he was born.

Weeks passed since he last saw Anakin, when he turned his back on the Jedi on that foggy beach. He hoped his friend made it home, found peace with Padme, with the other Jedi. He felt certain the Jedi would take care of Palpatine once they knew.

But the Jedi, Anakin, the Clone Wars…everything started to become a distant memory as he established his life on this new world. Upon leaving the coastal community following Neah's performance, the couple returned to the river valley to settle down, Obi-Wan becoming a fisherman, Neah a teacher and songstress. Days and nights passed pleasantly, and the rumor of another mammoth herd passing through sprinkled conversation, everyone looking with great anticipation to Obi-Wan to see what he'd do next. He'd made new friends, relaxed with his mate, and enjoyed long walks in the wilderness, seeing the changing of the seasons, the coming of what others called summer.

As he looked at his home, the Jedi briefly passed through his mind again. Would he be considered one of the fallen ones, those who willingly left the Order? What did Anakin tell them about Obi-Wan not returning? He could imagine the younger man making up some story to protect the legacy of Obi-Wan, but that made no difference now. No more war; just the hum of peace, of everyday life.

"The house is beautiful," came Neah's voice from behind as she wrapped her arms around his waist. "Thank you, my bear."

Obi-Wan turned around to hug her and was greeted with a wide grin.


"Come with me," she said, pulling his arm. "The creek two hills inland? Someone spotted a bear and her cubs. Come see."

Obi-Wan grabbed his fur coat and moved beside her, taking her hand. He had yet to see the animal after which Neah took her term of endearment for him.

As they walked, he felt a sudden ripple in the Force coming from her, something that made him stop short.

"What is it?" she asked as he stared at her in wonder.

Placing his hand on her abdomen, he felt the shimmer again.

"A child!" he gasped.

"What?!" she said, placing her hands over his. She looked up at him. "Well, I haven't been feeling the same for a few days…I…oh, Obi-Wan!"

Picking her up and swinging her around in the middle of the forest path, Obi-Wan let the joy of his new found life fill him completely.

Floating in empty space in-between systems along the Outer Rim, Anakin sat at the dining table aboard the Tenebris, his head in his hands.

"I should have just stayed with Obi-Wan," he groaned.

"You had no way of knowing," said Zolti, his deep voice smooth, reassuring. Yes, at least he had Zolti.

Returning home brought nothing but pain to Anakin. A little over 104 standard years passed since his departure, but that length of time changed everything. They'd gone straight to Coruscant to find the Jedi Temple completely gone, a memorial park of sorts. Anakin walked through the gardens in confusion before visiting a museum on the premises where he learned the history of the fall of the Jedi. Corrupt, they'd made an attempt on the life of the revered Emperor Palpatine. The Clone army retaliated against their Jedi leaders, annihilating them all. Soon after, Palpatine dissolved the Senate, establishing the Galactic Empire. He ordered the complete destruction of the Temple, the hunting down of any Jedi, the assassination of those loyal to them, including many prominent leaders. These events occurred a mere five years after Anakin and Obi-Wan's disappearance, any record of which Anakin could not find. The Jedi records simply vanished, as if the galaxy were ashamed of their existence.

A statue of Palpatine stood, six meters high, in the middle of this park, and Anakin had sat staring at it for over an hour in disgust.

And the strangest thing of all, Emperor Palpatine still lived, ruling from the palace. From the holonews he watched with Zolti at a local restaurant, Anakin saw the Sith seemed to be a an active noun now, the word used often, not attached to ancient lore but to reality. Accolades of the Dark Side served as ambassadors and law enforcement, annihilating any attempts at rebellion. Large, planet-destroying superweapons kept worlds in check, under the yoke of the Empire. Palpatine, not looking much older than when Anakin left, made weekly galaxy-wide addresses via the holonet.

"How is he still alive?" Anakin asked Zolti as they ate that day on Coruscant.

"Sith sorcery," Zolti shrugged. "One of the things most Sith desire above all is immortality. Perhaps Palpatine achieved it. Kaan would be pleased as well as jealous. I'm surprised one of these little Sith cronies hasn't risen up against him."

Those words itched at Anakin's brain, but he needed to find out the fate of Padme now. Rushing to Naboo, he discovered she'd died after a long life, and he soon found himself standing in front of her grave at a lovely lakeside cemetery. After the dissolution of the Senate, she'd retreated to her family on Naboo, remarrying, raising three children, living out her days on a planet relatively safe from the violent Empire due to its status as Palpatine's homeworld. No mention of Anakin in her biography. But why would there be, their marriage a secret?

Now Tenebris hovered in space, Anakin not knowing what to do next. He pressed his palms into his forehead, trying to keep from sobbing in complete defeat.

"All hope it not lost, Jedi," Zolti said, and Anakin raised his head to regard the man. He sat, smiling warmly at Anakin.

"I don't even know where to begin," Anakin said softly.

"Well, you have the element of surprise. Palpatine probably thinks you long dead."


"And you know a Sith's greatest enemy?"

"Who?" asked Anakin.

"Another Sith," grinned Zolti, and he reached into his pocket and pulled out the key to the cupboard in the library, the one with the numerous Sith and Jedi holocrons. "I know the locations of Kaan's secret bunkers. Three of the five are probably ransacked, but the other two should remain intact. And they are filled with knowledge. And you are strong in the Force. You are the Chosen One."

The key sat on the table, and Anakin stared at it, the pounding of his heart filling his ears. Yes, he was the Chosen One, but he needed more training to take on such a foe. He looked back up at Zolti, who waited patiently, a golden gleam in his usually dark eyes.

In one swift movement, Anakin grabbed the key and stood. Walking down the hall, he entered the cabin with the cupboard, unlocking the door. The holocrons hummed and shook, calling to him in their strange voices. He reached for the first cube, determination filling his heart.

The End

Author's Note: Thank you so much for reading my story! Please let me know your thoughts.

I hope you will continue to join me on my next adventure. Look for my new story, Raised in Darkness, soon. Take care, and may the Force be with you!