So this is my first story and I don't really know how this is going to go so I would really appreciate some feedback as long as it isn't any nasty comments. If you don't like it then get over it but if you do feel free to let me know. I really hope you guys like this.


September 21st 2157

Groaning, I roll over and hit something hard.

"What the fuck?" I whisper to myself.

My brain hurts and it's too hard to think right now so I make my way out of bed and go to the bathroom. It's only then that I realise that none of my stuff is in here. This isn't my apartment.

"What the fuck?" I mutter again.

Walking out, I look into the bedroom and see a naked body in the bed. Those tattoos are definitely not Tobias'. Holy shit, it's Eric! What did I do?

Running back into the bathroom and locking the door, I start silently breaking down. I knew that I didn't love him anymore but that didn't mean I had to cheat on him. I don't know what to do.

Wiping my tears, I quietly walk out and put my clothes on and sneak out of his apartment and make my way to mine down the hall. How did this happen? All I remember from last night is having a few shots, Eric talking to me and then dancing with him.

I'm fucked. My relationship with Tobias is fucked, not that it wasn't already.

It's been just over three years since initiation finished, which means Tobias and I have been together for three years. Lately Tobias has been taking more and more shifts in the control room so I never get to see him and when I do, he is all grouchy and tired.

We started growing further and further apart once I decided to become a leader after the war with Jeanine. He didn't like the idea that I would be working closely with Eric because he is an 'assholey piece of shit', his words, not mine. Ever since I started as a leader, Tobias started getting all possessive and controlling, not letting me go to small get togethers the leaders had, because Eric would be there. He hates it when I talk to him. Tobias' controlling personality is one of the reasons I haven't moved in with him, I want to be able to have an out in case it ever gets too bad.

Tobias has never liked Eric, but ever since the war he has becoming increasingly nastier to him. Eric was the one who helped me save the city and shut down the system while Tobias was in the background fighting off some of the traitors trying to get in. He has been jealous of Eric because he wanted to be the one to save everyone.

Through training for leadership with Eric and working closely with him, we've become good friends and although he is still that tough, doesn't take bullshit leader I first met, he isn't that bad. Once you get past all the mean comments and intimidating glares he's actually a big softy, but he'd kill me if I told anyone that.


Once I showered and got ready for the day I made my way over to Tobias'. Which is where I find myself now, sitting on his couch, with a bag of clothes I kept at his place, waiting for him to get back from his 'early morning run' which is code for 'coming back from my secret girlfriends place'. Yeah I know he's been cheating on me for at least the past three months but I haven't been too fussed because I've been trying to end it with him since just before I figured it out.

I figured out that Tobias was cheating on me when he stopped touching me all the time and started having these 'early morning' runs and 'late shifts'. I also saw a hickey near his hip bone that he tried to hide from me one day. The only thing I haven't figured out is who.

After half an hour of waiting he finally comes through the door, he doesn't see me straight away and makes his way into his kitchen, then coming into the living room to sit down.

Finally, he notices me and he grimaces and then looks guilty. I must have had a grim expression on my face.

"Hey," he says quietly.

"Hey," I mutter back.

"How long have you been waiting here?" He asks.

"Only about half an hour, I, ah, need to talk to you about something." I'm getting nervous about my decision. I don't know how he will react.

"Oh god, you found out didn't you?" He groans. "I'm so sorry, I just didn't know how to tell you and then I started getting more shifts so I didn't see you as much and I didn't want to hurt you I promise but I ju-"

"Wait, what are you talking about?" I cut him off, he was rambling too much.

He starts looking even guiltier, I think I know what he's talking about. I'm about to find out who he's been with.

"Well, ah, you see, I'm sorry I promise I never meant to hurt you. Can you please just not get angry until I explain?" He begs. I nod, telling him to go on.

"I've been cheating on you," he whispers guiltily. "I just didn't know how to tell you. I've been sitting on these feelings for so long and it just happened and I couldn't help it. I do love you I promise; I just love you more as a sister rather than a lover."

"I feel the same way," I tell him, taking his hand. "I also know about the cheating but I'm not mad, just a little disappointed that you didn't tell me earlier. I've also been trying to figure out who she is, the girl who's captured your heart."

"I don't know how to tell you this but, um, it's not a girl." He whispers so low I can barely hear him. Did he just say it's not a girl?

"Okay, well that's fine but who is it?" I ask, trying to mask the surprise in my voice.

"It's Holden. You remember him?" He asks. "He was in the initiation class the year after yours, he's from Amity."

Holden was one of the surprising ones; he did what I did and jumped up the ranks slowly to a good position. I think he was fourth. The thing I'm still trying to get past is the fact that Tobias is gay, like why the hell did he stay with me the past three years?

"Can you just tell me why you stayed with me for so long? Why didn't you just end it the moment you realised you weren't interested in me?" I question.

He takes a minute to get his answer.

"It was because I was scared, I didn't know how you would react or how anyone else would react. I mean we are a power couple around here." He mutters. "I did love you and I was attracted to you but that was before you filled out and got curves. Don't get me wrong, you have a nice body but it's just not what I'm attracted to."

So basically he liked when I had the body of a teenage boy.

"Okay, and were you planning on telling me anytime soon?" I inquire. "I mean, we are, or were, in a relationship."

"Yeah I was actually going to tell you this weekend, I had gotten the day off so we could spend time together and I would let you know. I didn't want to just drop it on you." At least he had a plan.

"Okay, but now I've got to tell you something." I mutter, taking my hand out of his and running it through my hair. "I'm sorry, I really am. I was drunk and I didn't mean for it to happen it just did."

"Can you just tell me because I'm starting to worry?" He begs.

"I had too many drinks last night and I don't remember much but I slept with Eric and I didn't mean to because I wanted to end us first before I did anything with anyone. I'm sorry." I mumble.

"Tris, it's okay. I saw you on the monitor last night with him. I'm not mad." His reassurances lessen the guilt but its still there, I don't think it is going to go away anytime soon.

"Thank you and I'm so sorry." I jump up and hug him.

"It's okay Tris. We both stuffed up and if we were any normal couple we would have been screaming and throwing things at each other, but we're not." He says.

"So do you think we can stay friends?" I ask.

"Yeah, I think we can stay friends. You've felt more like a sister to me for a while and it'd be nice if we finally could act like that." He suggests.

"That would be really nice," I say. "So, when are you going to go public with Holden?"

He blushes and doesn't try to fight the big smile on his face.

"We were thinking of going public a few weeks after I ended it with you."

"I think it's nice that you two can be like this, and you know what? If anyone gives you a hard time about it, then you can count on me to stick up for you." I promise him.

Well there it is. If this goes well I should be posting regularly. Feel free to correct me if I've made any mistakes. Thank you x