We Live In Water

I didn't want to post this until tomorrow or until I got more reviews, but I couldn't wait. My favorite person just made my day with a review, so I have to go write like the best story ever for her. No mistakes. This is the last chapter and while it is Sasuke's point of view, it's second person. You guys should go check out my new fic "Sun Sage of Juubi." It'll be up in about twenty minutes.

This is short too. Well, here's comes the finale.

Nothing will ever be the same, and it may never be the best.

You don't say anything, but at night, he's unhappy. He's left with his thoughts.

That's why you bury your face into his back, and smile when he calms down. You want to take things as slow as possible, but he's jittery.

When he was an assassin and not just living off of millions of dollars (that compensated for his disability), he had little to live for.

Now, he has even less.

And that's just you and the babies. He wants to hurry up and get life over with because hell, no one gets out alive. Better to die with a legacy young. But, he doesn't believe that. He wants to keep fighting because he's embarrassed not to.

He wants to die because he's embarrassed not to. But, he's scared. Because, he knows if he dies now, there won't be a legacy. He wants them all to know that he pushed forward until the end.

When the Nara and his Hyuuga wife visit their best friend, and they tell him 'you're still one of us,' you see his eyes tear up.

They rip apart and you could almost swear they are the sky. When they rip apart, so does the atmosphere and you're all being sucked into space. It happens all the time.

Technology is good, but it's not good with people. His prosthetic arm will give out at some points and the fire that used to be in that arm goes to his eyes. They boil like the blue fire on your stove, but you still reach out and touch them.

You want him to know you're not afraid.

Because he is. He's afraid of himself. He has visions that he cannot come to think of. Dream after another. He killed you. He killed Madara, his mentor and friend. He killed himself. But, he won't act upon them.

You tell him that he's only human, and he says all monsters are human.

This is when his eyes become milky. They're the cream Nashi wants on her toast, but it's only when you don't shake the bottle. It comes out on her food as some form of water. And she hates it.

His eyes are sad and you hate that.

You tell Nashi to stop complaining because Naruto is thinking that Nashi hates him. You and Kami both. But, Nashi keeps complaining because she has his personality. Which brings his eyes remorse.

Remorse and regret. His eyes are always spinning with different scenarios of how she'll turn out. When she plays a prank, complains about school, and uses actions to become effective, he's afraid she'll be him. And he, in his own eyes, is a broken man with a prosthetic arm and dead mind.

You want to at least be happy that the second child, a beautiful boy that looks just like you, is nothing like him. But you can't, because the child gives the man's eyes a look of reminisce.

The little boy, only five years old, has the name Madara. It makes it a sad reminisce. Because little Madara, looks like you, a pure Uchiha, which makes him look like Madara, the purest of Uchihas and the mentor who was idolized. You're five year old is smart like you too. So he asks you 'why does daddy look sad when I train with him.' You say you don't know, but you know it's unhealthy.

But, you also know that your son sees the gravestones.

That's when his eyes rip apart fully and you're floating in this dark void of space. And you won't come back down until he's done crying.

He sits back there and he chants the names. Names of men you always deemed bad. Names of men he always thought could change. Danzo...Obito….and Madara.

He goes out there when the kids are at school so the teachers won't call home and tell them how little Madara keeps saying 'Daddy has broken eyes.' He comes in when you're washing the dishes. This way he won't be questioned, but there are no words to describe your concern.

This didn't mean all was bad.

Nothing will ever be the same, and it may never be the best. But, it was great.

Because you were just in between everything. The broken eyes faze is small. When the Nara and his Hyuga wife visited for the first time, he was sad, but he got over it….because you were there.

The visions become mere when you hug him around the chest and cuddle into his lap. He's happy that you're there. You say nothing because he likes listening to your beating heart at night and you don't want to ruin the moment.

His jokes are still cheesy, but you're okay with that because when he got back, he wasn't even making them. His fake arm is nothing compared to that of living, which he is happy to have.

And he isn't so scorned with the death of Madara, Obito, and Danzo. Because he knows he did his best and Madara would be proud.

Love is still as passionate and fulfilling as any other time. You tell him that love making will always be the same, because he and you exchange hearts. He just shakes his head and tells you he loves you more than anything.

And you? Well, you're happy with what you have here. Content that the beginning came back to the end. Content with having him back smiling.

Right now, you're walking to the pond behind your house with drinks. Hinata is behind you trying to whisper gossip in your ear, but all you can feel is her pregnant belly and Itachi's laugh somewhere.

Shikamaru is trying to help Neji sit down, but the Hyuga is persistent and doesn't want to sit. He still wants to play with the kids.

Tsunade is here and so are the others.

Karin is punching Suigetsu in his head, but he has a small smile because that punch directed his head toward her pregnant belly.

Everyone is happy. Even him. He's at the pond right now with little Madara. Nashi is crouched beside them observing because she already know the tale of the fish in this pond. He's holding a small fish in his hand and he gives it to Madara, only for the small child to throw it back in the pond. He claps and looks around for your eyes, because he just loves them.

When he spots you, he yells something about Madara catching his first fish. You smile brighter and he smiles too.

His blue eyes are now a masterpiece; bright. They suck in your eyes, ears, words, and all your strength. And even then, you love this shade. It's the color of a completely closed night. Your strength. Life was beautiful and the atmosphere was stitched together.

You're not close to space, but you aren't far from it either. You're a little in between. You're a leaf, riding along the top of the water. Not quite floating, not quite drowning. You feel the water, but you don't know which way it flows. But, you're okay with that.

With him, you're floating on cloud nine with this invisible current. And when they ask you where, you don't mind the crazy looks Nashi and Madara give when you tell them "We Live in Water."

I'm like about to cry. That was such a cheesy yet deep ending. You'd have to have a deep mind to understand. If you guys have questions. Yes, Sasuke had another child. They named him Madara and he does look like Sasuke. Review and I'll try to reply. :) Now, I'm going to publish my other things.