Well hi there! This is my first story. I've enjoyed so many on this site over the years so I thought I'd give it a shot myself. Review, be honest, let me know what you think.

Emily groaned as she stepped off what she believed to have been the longest flight of her life. She stretched and yawned, happy that she finally had room to do more than awkwardly shuffle while trying not to wake the passenger next to her. It had been 18 months since she had last set foot on US soil and a smile came to her lips as she realised that this would be her final homecoming. The military had served her well, she was greatful for all it had given her and that she had accomplished, but it was time to move on and her service had ended. With that thought she headed to the baggage claim.

She could barely contain her excitement as she headed through to arrivals, her eyes scanned the crowd eagerly until she heard her. A squeal pierced the air and people turned to look as Hanna Marin came flying toward her. "Oh my God I can't believe you're actually here! Is this real? You look great Em, seriously what did they feed you out there?" Emily just tightened her grip around her best friend. Sure they had face timed but nothing compared to actually holding the people you love in your arms and being able to speak in person. This was something Emily had learned early on in her service and it had certainly given her a different outlook on life and the people she wanted in hers.

"Easy there babe, let her breathe" Caleb gently peeled his fiancé off a beaming Emily.

"Sorry, I just really missed you Em"

"No complaints from over here" Emily grinned, honestly she couldn't think of a better way to be greeted.

"Come on let's go get the car and get you back to the apartment, you must be exhausted" Caleb said giving Emily an affectionate squeeze of the shoulder before picking up her bag and heading to the exit. Hanna linked her arm with Emily's and they followed with Hanna asking question after question. Emily laughed and rolled eyes, trying to answer them all before the next one left her lips.

Hanna and Caleb's apartment was beautiful and modern, a reflection of its owners. Hanna was working in fashion, something to do with choosing which lines would appear in New Yorks biggest department stores. She had face timed Emily a few months ago to tell her she had got the job and gushed about her new role, but Emily only managed to get the gist of it through Hanna's excited screams. Caleb worked in some kind of technical security. He had worked for a major company initially but had soon used his connections to branch out into freelance and now had some very high profile clients of his own. Which is how the conversation had started.

Hanna had gone to make them drinks when Caleb sat himself down next to Emily. "I understand you've only just got back but have you found a job yet? Or have any idea what you might want to do?"

"To be honest I've no idea, I guess I should have thought about it but I was more focused on getting myself home in one piece" Emily joked.

"How would you feel about private security?"

"I guess I would be open to it, why do you ask?"

"I have a client who I've been working with for some time. Have you heard of Kenneth DiLaurentis?"

Emily had heard of him, to be honest she couldn't imagine who hadn't. They were practically American royalty. He was a high profile business man who owned a lot of hotels and high end property. His family were constantly splashed over the front pages of tabloids and magazines, well they had been before she left and she didn't imagine much had changed.

"Yeah I know who he is" Emily said cautiously "I don't know anything about technicial security though"

"It wouldn't be a technical role. I was at his offices last week and he mentioned that he was looking for security for his daughter. The last guy had to be fired for making "inappropriate advances" he asked if I knew anyone in that area that he could trust, preferably a woman. I think he was joking about that part but I may have put you forward" Caleb looked at Emily awkwardly "I didn't want to assume anything, I just knew you were coming back and I didn't think it would hurt to ask you"

She knew who his daughter was, Alison DiLaurentis. New Yorks most famous socialite, she had a reputation in the press for being, well a bitch. However people seemed to love her anyway judging from the amount of attention she received and the amount of magazines Emily had seen her face on. To be honest Emily didn't really pay much attention, she didn't care for people like that so that's where her knowledge on the family ended.

Caleb noticed her hesitance "It would pay pretty well"

Deciding she had nothing to lose by speaking to Mr DiLaurentis Emily finally answered him.

"Sure, why not" She shrugged.

"Great" Caleb smiled "You have an interview with him tomorrow at 8am"

"You were that confident I'd say yes huh?"

"Say yes to what?" Hanna questioned coming in and handing them their drinks

"Caleb got me a job interview working security for Alison DiLaurentis" Emily replied accepting the glass.

"Oh my God! Alison DiLaurentis!" Hanna practically screamed "Why didn't you tell me you'd done that?!" She yelled at Caleb, excitement all over her face.

"That" He gestured at her response "Is exactly why"

Emily stared up at the grand building in front of her. Suddenly she was nervous. "Relax" she told herself "you've faced gunfire and the threat of bombs for the last 5 years, this is a walk in the park" She took a deep breath looking at her watch, 7:45am, then headed through the doors.

"I have a meeting at 8am with Mr DiLaurentis" she told the woman at the desk. She typed a few things into the computer in front of her before looking back up to Emily.

"Yes, please go up" She directed Emily to the elevators.

Emily walked over to the elevator before realising the woman had never told her the floor, it didn't matter there was a man waiting for her inside it that seemed to know exactly what she was there for. She stepped inside the the doors and took a deep breath, she was not a fan of elevators. Who wants to stand in an enclosed metal box when there's always the risk it could hurtle you to the ground toward your death.

"Morning" Emily greeted. The man in the dark suit merely nodded in reply and then looked away. Emily just stared at the doors waiting for them to open, deciding it was pointless to try and converse with him. Instead she just focused on breathing and hoping she would make it out alive.

Finally the doors opened and she rushed out into another reception area. The woman manning the pristine oak desk gave a cold smile. "Mr DiLaurentis will be with you shortly, take a seat"

She walked over to a leather chair and waited. After several minutes the cold woman spoke up again. "Mr DiLaurentis will see you now" Gesturing for Emily to go through the large double door that presumably led to his office.

She smiled warmly at the woman and gave a quick thanks but she had already gone back to her computer. "These people are arseholes" she thought to herself and proceeded to open the door.

"You were early, I like that. Time keeping is very important to me, but I assume you got that drilled into you in the army"

It wasn't a question from the man at the other end of the room facing away from her staring out of the floor to ceiling windows that made up the whole back wall. He turned to face her and walked over to his desk taking his seat and signalling for her to take the one in front of it.

"So Emily Catherine Fields, grew up in Rosewood Pennsylvania, studied at Pepperdine, served 5 years with a distinguished record and arrived in New York yesterday"

Again there were no questions so Emily just said "That is all correct"

He looked at her as though he were studying her intently "Everyone has a past Emily, everyone has done something they would rather not have come to light. My question is what's yours?"

Emily looked back confused "Excuse me?"

"I have had my best people looking into you, these people could find out if you didn't hand your homework in once when you were 13. Every other candidate they've found something, but you? Well you're as clean as whistle."

"There's nothing to tell" Emily simply stated "I just didn't have that exciting a life I guess"

"I like that, excitement usually leads to danger. I need my family to be safe." He continued to study her "Well, as I'm sure you've already gathered, I know all I need to know about you. I just like to meet the candidates as a formality. Somebody will be in touch"

That was it. Emily hadn't had many interviews in her life but this was without a doubt the strangest one. "Ok" she stuttered "well thank you for your time" she rose from her chair and headed out of the large door back to the dreaded elevator and the silent suit that occupied it.

"Hold the door!" Emily looked up to see Mr DiLaurentis marching briskly toward the elevator. "I have another meeting across the city, I'll see you out"

It was another silent ride and once again as soon as it was over Emily quickly headed out of the doors just after Mr DiLaurentis. She followed him through the main foyer and out of the main entrance where a large black town car was waiting at the curb for him. As he headed toward it Emily saw him. A man in black with his hood pulled up walking quickly toward him and reaching into his jacket. Emily sprung into action, instinct taking over. She reached Mr DiLaurentis in two quick strides grabbing him and putting him behind her shielding him, just as it hit. She looked up to see two burly security guards accosting the man as he yelled something about killing animals not being sport. Emily looked down at herself, she was covered in thick red paint and the remains of the water balloon that had been holding it were at her feet. Mr DiLaurentis didn't even look rattled.

"You're hired, my assistant will call you with the details later today"

With that he climbed into the car and was gone. Emily left standing on the pavement wondering what the hell just happened.

So yeah let me know what you think. This first chapter was obviously just to set the story up, do I bother continuing? Either way I hope you have a great day : )