Hello everybody, welcome to the next chapter of the Bloody Chains! I have been thinking about the teams of this fanfiction and I will have Ino and Sakura switch teams.

Anyways pairings will be: Ino, Female Lee, Female Gaara, and Female Haku. I hope you all like these pairings.

Naruto will not just use his Chakra Chains as if since they are pure chakra, it will not work well if he fights a Hyuuga. So I will give Naruto some jutsus, I will have his elemental chakra be fire.

Summary:These chains, they are a gift. I was given this power at birth by my mother. It keeps me safe in this cruel world. The world of the shinobi, now I use this power to defeat those standing in my way. And I won't show mercy to those who cross me.

Naruto of the Bloody Chains

Chapter 2- Genin Team

It has been a week since Naruto stopped Mizuki stealing the forbidden scroll. In his opinion, he thought Mizuki was stupid for thinking he could get away with it. Anyways, he's spent that time either training, hanging out with Ino, or avoiding Leia.

Right now, he's going to the academy with Ino to get their teams. "So who do you think will be in your team?" Ino said as she looked at her spiky blonde haired crush. "It won't matter as I really don't care." Naruto said as he crossed his arms.

"Naruto-kun, you won't make anymore friends if you act like that." Ino said as Naruto didn't listen to her. "Let's just hope Sasuke, Kiba, or Sakura will not be on our team." Naruto said as Ino agreed.

As they arrived at the academy, Ino tried to avoid Kiba and Sakura. Kiba pervs on her, Sakura annoys her, and she just doesn't like Sasuke. Naruto is the same. He doesn't like the way Kiba looks at Ino, Sakura screams so much it might burst his ear drums, and he just hates the shit out of Sasuke.

"Out of the way Ino-pig!" Sakura shrieked as she tried to push Ino out of the way. Keyword being tried everybody. A Chakra Chain formed as it pulled Sakura up. "Naruto-baka let me down!" Sakura shrieked as she kicked her legs around.

"Ok." Naruto said as the chain disappeared as Sakura landed on her ass. They walked passed her as the two blondes walked into the classroom. "Let's just hope Kiba would leave us alone." Ino said as she sat at a desk.

Before Naruto could sit down, a bark stopped him. "Oi Naruto!" Kiba said as Naruto turned around. "Oh if it isn't Kiba. Do you want a biscuit boy? You want a biscuit?" Naruto said as he reached into his pocket.

"Do you think I'm a dog!?" Kiba said as Akamaru barked as he wanted a biscuit. "Have a biscuit!" Naruto said as he threw a biscuit in Kiba's face. "I fucking hate you." Kiba said as he walked away.

"Alright class. Class! SHUT UP AND SIT DOWN!" Iruka yelled as the class shut up and sit down. "Ok Team 1…" Iruka began as Naruto zoned out.

"Team 7 under Hatake Kakashi is Yamanaka Ino, Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke." Iruka said as both blondes slammed their faces into the desk as they ignored Sakura's shrieking.

"Team 8 under Yuhi Kurenai is Inuzuka Kiba, Aburame Shino, and Hyuuga Hinata." Iruka said as Kiba looked over at his teammates.

"Team 9 is still in circulation from last year, so Team 10 under Sarutobi Asuma is Haruno Sakura, Nara Shikamaru, and Akimichi Chouji." Iruka said as Sakura began shrieking, Shikamaru began sleeping, and Chouji is eating a bag of chips.

"Alright, wait here for your sensei's to come." Iruka said as he walked out of the room.


It has been two hours later, the newly formed Team 7 is waiting in the classroom. Sasuke is brooding in the corner, Ino is talking to Naruto, and our blonde protagonist is writing in a small book.

Then the door opened and in walked in a tall jonin with gravity defying silver hair. "Yo!" He said as he waved his hand. Just then a pair of Chakra Chains formed and went to the jonin.

The first chain surrounded the jonin and the second one began to spank him… "No no! I'll be on time Kushina-sama!" He wailed as he cried comically.

Ten minutes later, he introduced himself as their sensei and told them to meet on the roof. "Let's go, Ino-chan." Naruto said as climbed out the window as a chain wrapped itself around her waist.


"Good you two are on time." Kakashi said as the two blondes are on the roof thanks to Naruto's Chakra Chains. A few more minutes later, Sasuke came up the stairs as Kakashi finally started talking.

"Well each of you will introduce yourselfs and say likes, dislikes, hobbies, and dreams. Alright, Ino you can go first." Kakashi said as the only girl on the team began to speak.

"Well my name is Yamanaka Ino. I like my friends, flowers, a certain boy. My dislikes is a pink banshee, a certain dog, and perverts. My hobbies include gardening, gossip, and hanging out with Naruto-kun. My dream is to become as strong as Tsunade-sama." Ino said as Kakashi motioned for Naruto to talk.

"My name is Uzumaki Naruto. I like to train, ramen, and Ino-chan. My dislikes is also a certain pink banshee, dog, perverts, and a duck butt person. My hobbies include training, eating ramen, throwing biscuits at Kiba, and hanging out with Ino-chan. As for my dream, I am not sure." Naruto said as Sasuke was about to begin, but Naruto interrupted.

He walked to the edge of the roof and threw a biscuit. They then heard a loud "Fuck you Naruto!" from down below. Sasuke was about to speak but Kakashi interrupted him.

"Tomorrow you three will have my genin exam. Meet me at training ground 7 at 8 a.m. sharp. Don't eat breakfast unless you want to puke your guts out." Kakashi said as he used the Shunshin no Jutsu.


The next day, Naruto and Ino arrived at the training grounds at 9:58 and already saw Sasuke there. "Morning Duck-butt." Naruto greeted as he ignored the glare from him.

Then Kakashi flickered in front of them with a masked smile. "Hello, sorry I'm late. I got lost on the path of life." Kakashi said as Naruto nodded in agreement. "Yes, the road of life as many twists and turns." Naruto said as in Kakashi's mind, a chibi version of himself waved a flag saying 'Favorite Student!'

"Alright you three, you're job is to get these two bells before this alarm clock goes off at twelve." Kakashi said as he took out two bells and placed an alarm clock on a rock.

"But Kakashi-sensei, there is only two bells." Ino pointed out as Kakashi placed the bells on his waist. "True, so if one doesn't get the bell, you will placed back in the academy." Kakashi said as they were shocked.

"The probability of you passing is 33.33 percent." Kakashi said as he timed the clock. "And the test starts… now!" Kakashi said as the three genin disappeared.


Ino and Naruto are hiding in some trees as they tried to come up with a plan. "If there is a 33.33 percent chance of passing for each of us. There is three of us, and 3 x 33.33 is 99.99 percent. The way to pass is to work together. Fresh genin can't beat and experienced genin." Naruto said as Ino thought over it.

"It makes sense as if we work as a team, the three of us can get the bells. Sasuke won't work with us though." Ino said as she saw Sasuke attempt to take the bells. "Ino-chan, use the Shintenshin no Jutsu to take over Kakashi to hold him off for a bit. Sasuke and I will try to take the bells." Naruto said as he jumped to help his teammate.

"Chain Style: Multiple Chain Barrage!" Naruto yelled as he sent around ten chains at his sensei. Kakashi jumped away and Sasuke also jumped away. "I can take him myself!" Sasuke said as he glared at Naruto.

"Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu!" Sasuke said as he sent a large fireball at Naruto and Kakashi. Using his chains as a shield, Naruto was able to protect himself as Kakashi jumped over Naruto and went to attack Sasuke.

The jonin landed behind the last loyal Uchiha as he formed his hands in a tiger seal. "Konohagakure Hiden Taijutsu Ōgi: Sennen Goroshi!" Kakashi yelled as he shoved his hands up Sasuke's ass.

The duck butt was sent flying while holding his rear. "Chain Style: Entangling Chain Wave!" Naruto yelled as he sent a wave of chains at Kakashi. The jonin jumped in the air to avoid the chains.

As he landed, a trio of chains rushed out of the ground as they wrapped around Kakashi. Just as Naruto was about to walk to the entangled jonin, he was replaced by a log.

"Shit. Where is he… Ino-chan!" Naruto yelled as he rushed to his best friend. "Oh no you don't!" Ino yelled as she slashed behind her with a kunai. Seeing she cut nothing, she turned around to see her sensei.

"Almost Ino." Kakashi said as he activated a genjutsu. Ino tried to look away as she was too late. When she looked around, she noticed she was still in place.

"What happened?" Ino said as she looked below her. There she saw Naruto, but he has multiple kunai and shuriken sticking out of him. "This is a genjutsu, kai!" Ino said as she dispelled the illusion.

When she opened her eyes again, she saw Naruto having a taijutsu match with Kakashi. Naruto seemed to be losing as he couldn't get an opening to strike.

Finding an opening, Naruto uppercutted the jonin as kicked him away. "Chain Style: Chain Blade!" Naruto yelled as he formed a single chain and sliced at his sensei.

Going to dodge with a kunai, Kakashi was not expecting the chain to miss and wrap around him. "Now Sasuke!" Naruto said as Sasuke jumped over him. "Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu!" Sasuke yelled as he sent a fireball at the tied up jonin.

Using the chain to drain his chakra, Naruto was able to make sure that he didn't escape. But he didn't want him to get hurt, so he completely surrounded him with the chain just as the fireball hit.

"We got you sensei." Naruto said as Sasuke panted as he used a lot of chakra. "We need the bells Naruto-kun." Ino said as Naruto lowered the entangles jonin. Right as he let the chains fall back, Kakashi jumped out and slammed his foot into Naruto's chest.

"Naruto-kun!" Ino yelled as she ran to her best friend. "Chain Style: Multiple Chain Wave!" Naruto yelled as he sent a wave of chains at Kakashi. As Kakashi dodged the chains, he failed to notice Ino throwing a kunai at the bells.

"Move over dope! Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" Sasuke yelled as he sent a fireball at Kakashi, not noticing Ino behind the jonin. The silver haired ninja jumped over the fireball and Naruto used his chains to save Ino.


"Well looks like you three failed to get the bells." Kakashi said as he landed on the ground. "No we didn't sensei." Ino said as she held up the bells. "I used a kunai to slice them off as you were busy with Naruto-kun." Ino said as Kakashi sweatdropped as he failed to notice a kunai thrown by a genin.

"Alright, but who will you give the bell to?" Kakashi asked the only female of the group. "Let them have it sensei, another year at the academy won't kill me." Naruto said as Ino was shocked. Not because of what he said, but because he was willing to leave her with the duck-butt.

"You three… passed!" Kakashi said with an eye smile. "But I thought that…" Sasuke trailed off as Kakashi began to explain. "The reason behind this exam was not to get the bells, but to use teamwork." Kakashi said as the genin paid attention.

"As a shinobi, I live by this rule. Those who break the rules are trash, but those who are willing to abandon their comrades are worse than trash." Kakashi said as he began to walk away.

"Meet me here tomorrow at eight for your first mission." Kakashi said as he used the Shunshin no Jutsu. "Well, I'm gonna celebrate this by throwing more dog treats at Kiba." Naruto said as he walked away.

"Wait up! I wanna throw some to!" Ino said as she ran after her best friend. Sasuke just walked home to brood to celebrate…

Done! I hope you all liked this chapter as I tried so hard to plan it out. In other news, as of midnight last night, I AM FINALLY FIFTEEN YEARS OLD! Some of you may not care, but I just want my parents to take me more seriously for my birthday.

Anyways, I hope you all like the pairings in this story. This has been Demongod123, and I will see you all later.