Chapter 8 – Here To Stay

So I'm back with a more scheduled chapter.

"I can't believe you wasted money on first class tickets, normal travel would have been just as good." Kahori complained as they moved up on the escalator.

"Listen up girls today is my treat so spend how you want and regret nothing." Misaki spoke such philosophical words to which the other two girls were not all too confident about.

"But isn't it Tatsumi's money?" Honoka questioned. Sure, Misaki had swiped some but the point did not change.

"Tsk tsk tsk." Misaki wiggled her finger with a smirk. "What's mine is mine and what's his is also mine."

"I don't think it works like that." Kahori tried sorting out her sister's logic.

"Well forget the small details I have an escort waiting for us who's an expert in shopping. She knows the luxury of Shimitobi shopping centre."

When the girls got higher they could see more of the beautiful buildings, there were shops everywhere and many people all scurrying about like ants. Looking up even higher Kahori and Honoka were amazed by just how many levels there were to it.

"Haruka-chan!" Misaki called towards a lone girl who had incredible looks, she was wearing a very bright coloured kimono and was attracting the attention of every male in view.

"With that sudden call, I got from you there was no way I was going to miss a shopping trip." The two girls embraced each other. "Ah Kahori also came along." Haruka looked down towards the youngest.

"Technically it was just meant to be me and Honoka but we appreciate you being our guide." Kahori gave thanks. Kahori and Honoka had kept to their own room when the Red Tails had come over earlier in the week so they never saw each other.

"So Honoka is the name of this young one?" Haruka crouched down so she was face to face with the other girl. "She seems somewhat familiar?" Haruka questioned herself.

"Well this is the younger sister of Taka-chin." Misaki told her with a slight smug face.

"Ohhh…." Haruka quickly got excited. "I'll be taking extra care of you..." Haruka placed her ever so white hand on Honoka's face and rubbed it gently. "He had lovely skin but the poor boy bruised so easily."

Honoka was surprised by this gesture and felt slightly weirded out by it, sure the hand felt amazing but what was the underlining of that other statement.

The four girls then made way towards their shopping trip, Haruka walked ahead of them all while Misaki gave her the details on what their needs were.

"So, we definitely need to buy Beel some clothes, then maybe some for Hilda-chan. Mom already bought her some but nowhere near enough to last her, Tatsumi will be an ass and he will never take her shopping unless he's forced to."

"I must ask why Tatsumi is not escorting you or why Takayuki-kun is not with us? Also, I would not have minded if Hilda-san had joined us, I would have loved to get to know her better and it would have been easier for her fittings."

"They had their own things going on, plus Hilda was waiting for Tatsumi to come home to put Beel to sleep." Misaki clarified on their current positions. "But it's a shame Shizuku couldn't make it, well anyways girls do you want to go get clothes for Beel first or yourself?"

"Let us make Beel a priority first with that unfulfilling father of his. Someplace cheap because the child will grow out of the clothing fast." Kahori used her brain to plan ahead.

"That's boring… let's dress Beel up as punk baby and parade him around." Misaki suggestion did not sit well with the others.

The first hour of the outing was spent going around window shopping, this let the girls feel what type of clothing would be in the shop. Later they went to the highest floor where there was the restaurant lounge.

Haruka treated them all to sushi and soon after their fill it was back to shopping. This time they entered many shops and spending quite a while in every one of them. The three girls would try on so many different outfits and Haruka would then judge them, she would give orders on what went with what and how to pose to bring out a particular asset of the clothing.

The level of shops were all different, in one shop the girls spent an entire hour inside and only bought one item of clothing. Then there was also a shop where the girls spend only twenty minutes and had bought four bags worth of clothing.

There was also the very entertaining moment when a bunch of guys came up to Misaki and Haruka to try and woo such lovely ladies, Haruka had swiftly acquired a Japanese hand fan which sprouted twenty-one knives, one from each section. The men were quick to back away while the two older girls carried on walking like it was nothing.

"I think we'll head home now." Misaki concluded as the four girls sat in a small tea shop. "We have bought enough but I was thinking about spending a whole day shopping in Tokyo during Golden Week."

"A family outing sounds nice but I should warn you it will be extremely busy during that time." Haruka gracefully drank her tea.

"I have few days off from cram school so we could go and we can show Hilda-san and Beel all the sights." Kahori checked her schedule on her phone.

"Sorry I can't make it, my family and I are going on holiday." Honoka smiled thinking about it. "An island in the south… can't remember the name but I'll be away for five days."

"Lucky!" Kahori shouted.

"Dad got a payment from the Insurance company but they also had an equivalent for a holiday for four so he took that. There must have been some cancellations and they passed those tickets on." Honoka explained how she would be spending her week. "I would rather have you there than my older brother but I don't think he would pass on this trip."

"You girls sure don't like Taka-chin much." Misaki spoke to the girls. "He is a really great guy, though I must admit he is quite perverted but a lovable pervert."

"I second that." Haruka backed Misaki's claim. "He was a very interesting character when I first saw him back in our school days, the Red Tails along with Tatsumi and Takayuki-kun went on many adventures."

The girls carried on conversing until Kahori and Honoka deemed it time to head home, Haruka was seen off by the girls when she exited the station and got into a black posh car with the windows tinted black.

The other girls made their way downstairs to where all the trains arrived and departed. They got on their directed service with hands full of bags and departed.

(Scene break)

Shouko Oga stood at the bottom of the stairs while calling out names.

"Tatsumi!" No reply. "Takayuki!"

"Where has that boy gone?" Hirano Furuichi muttered about her son as she walked towards Shouko. "I don't think he is upstairs because his bike is gone, I'll just give him a call and tell him to pick up the stuff from the convenience store."

Hirano walked to the kitchen to get her phone while Shouko carried on calling.

"Hilda!" It was very strange, Shouko had thought that Takayuki had come back and she swore she had heard Tatsumi's voice earlier. She started walking up the stairs and peeked into Kahori's room first and saw no presence of anyone.

She then went into Misaki's room and found it in its usual mess, she then went to the remaining child's room. The door was slightly open and poking her head through she saw the blonde asleep with her head resting on her arms which were placed on the desk.

Shouko then looked towards the bed and saw her son sleeping by his son. She peeked over to look at the two and saw that Tatsumi had blood all over him. 'Another fight.' Thought the mother as she looked to the baby who was also dirty.

Hilda jolted awake as her sixth sense picked up a disturbance. Quickly looking towards her young master, she saw the lady of the house covering the child with the bed covers that had fallen off.

"Sorry I did not mean to disturb you." Shouko moved over to Hilda and spoke quietly. "I came up to see where everyone was, food is ready and we are having lunch a bit late plus you missed breakfast so you must be hungry."

Hilda took a moment to calm herself over the fact that there was no threat, she wiped some sleep away from her eyes and spoke low.

"That would be very delightful." Hilda stood up and both ladies walked out, Shouko went back downstairs while Hilda went to the washroom to freshen up.

When coming downstairs she steered herself towards the kitchen which also housed the dining room, the men on the Oga and Furuichi households were already sat at the dining table with beers in their hands talking away.

Hilda thought about also sitting at the table but opted to go and help the other ladies in setting the table.

"May I be of any assistance?" Hilda inquired.

"Can you be a dear and set the table." Shouko pointed towards the plates on the counter top. "Lay six out, oh, and can you go ask Tatsumi if he wanted to eat."

"I do not think he will be joining us, he instructed on not being disturbed while he slept with the Young master." Hilda knew that Tatsumi was not hungry and she also did not want to disturb Beel by increasing the distance between contractor and contracted.

"Young Master?" Hirano question on the manner in which Hilda spoke off.

"Hilda is foreign so she is still learning Japanese so she addresses Beel in that way." Shouko clarified the mix up with her own thinking, but Hilda always called Beel by that name because of respect.

"We still have not seen their child yet." Hirano questioned.

Hilda carried on what she needed to do and laid out the cutlery, she then was enlisted into a conversation with Youjirou Oga and Akanashi Furuichi. They discussed a few things and Hilda also refilled their beers, she had years of experience in serving the Demon King so this was easy for her.

A while later Takayuki Furuichi entered the room, he was out of breath and was carrying a white plastic bag.

"Here you go mom." Takayuki put the bag on the counter top and took a seat at the table. He was directly opposite Oga's father, his own father was on the right side of the table and Hilda was on the left of the table.

Takayuki pulled out his phone and started messing around, after a while the food was ready and everyone came and took their seats. Mrs. Oga sat next to Hilda and Mrs. Furuichi took the space next to her husband.

"Is Tatsumi not coming?" Mr. Oga asked.

"Looks as if he had another fight while he was out, he even involved Beel because that child is quite filthy." Mrs. Oga was quick to point out.

"Worry not." Hilda explained herself. "Today we shall bathe the young master, I have been purposely putting it off because I did not want him to catch a cold seen as though we are in a new environment."

"When you say we do you mean you and Tatsumi?" Furuichi said with great authority.

"Of course." Hilda answered honestly. Takayuki could feel some jealousy build up inside of himself, he was also having delusions on how Hilda would bathe.

Lunch carried on with Hilda being questioned where she came from, to the outside they seemed like normal answers but only Takayuki knew the true underlining of those answers. When the meal was nearing the end, each person started to drift away.

Furuichi leaned back on his chair tapping away on his phone, both the fathers had moved over to the couch in front of the TV and were now watching a football match. The wives were still seated on the table chatting away.

Hilda however was still eating and she had much more than everyone else, Mrs. Oga got up and started brewing some tea. Furuichi then stopped leaning on his chair and kept giving looks at Hilda, he would look at his phone and then back to Hilda.

"Errm… Hilda-san do you know of this?" Furuichi asked politely and showed his phone to her. Hilda put down her fork down and looked towards the screen, it was playing a video and the text content explained how the gang that took out an electricity pylon had stuck again.

The gang had left their mark on the ground next to a burning building that was claimed by Gunning Skulls. Hilda immediately recognised the mark as the royal seal, she carried on watching until the video ended.

"It seems a though that is the aftermath of the foolish man with his little excursion." Hilda picked up her fork again because she was still learning to hold chopsticks and carried on eating.

Takayuki pulled his arm back and read that many people were claiming this as their own doing just like the last event. Hilda finished eating and excused herself from the table.

"Hilda-chan here take some tea if you are heading upstairs." Mrs. Oga handed a cup of tea to Hilda as she left the room.

Going up the stairs, she went straight to Tatsumi's room and sat back at the desk, she sipped some of the tea and found it hot. Placing the cup down she went back to the book she was reading earlier and she could still not understand what it was about.

Her reading skills were very poor, when preparing to come to the human realm Hilda had studied up on her English and Chinese speaking skills seen as though one was the most used language and the other one being the most adaptable.

Unfortunately, not everything went as planned, Alaindelon had been attacked and sent off from their unknown predesignated course. Hilda closed the book and went back to the bookshelf, putting that particular book back she opted for another.

Near the bottom of the shelves were books designed for younger ages, Hilda swallowed her pride and picked it up. She had to start learning Japanese and not just speaking but reading along with writing.

Hilda could read the Japanese book because that particular book was Japanese to English translation for beginners. It had the English translation as the main and Japanese as its subtext, this would be perfect for her.

While she indulged in her studies and tea Beel started to wake up from his nap, he first opened his eyes and then rolled over onto his hands and knees. Beel started to drum his hands on Tatsumi's face and arouse his father but for some reason he was not responding.

"Did you have a nice nap young master?" Hilda saw that Beel was awake and she tended to the baby. "Unfortunately, the fool is not dead but it would be dealing us a great amount of service if he was."

"DA bu ah nii." Beel lifted his arms up to signal Hilda to pick him up and Hilda did as such. She carried him over to the desk and sat down, Beel played with the book while Hilda remembered something. The afternoon dramas were airing, so she hastily picked up the remote and took a seat in front of the TV.

Tuning into the right channel she had missed a majority of one of the shows but the second one was just about to start, Hilda decided that she could indulge in this leisure for a while.

(Time skip)

Tatsumi shuffled in his bed to get into a better position, he rolled over onto his stomach and then something hit him… no baby. Tatsumi got up in a jolt and removed the bed sheets over the other half of the bed and saw nothing.

"Have they finally left?" Tatsumi asked himself outloud.

"Not even close jackass!" Takayuki Furuichi replied to his idiotic best friend. Furuichi was sitting on the floor while leaning on the bed and playing on Tatsumi's console.

"Well I could only hope." Tatsumi just dropped back on the bed, the whole bed shaking from his weight. "What time is it?" Tatsumi asked with his face in the pillow and hoarse voice.

"About half past six, you've been out for a quarter of a day but you haven't missed anything other than lunch."

"Wait where is that brat and woman?"

"There're both downstairs, Beel is being introduced to my parents."

"That woman better not take the child anywhere too far or I'll kill her."

"You'll be dead before then anyway."

"Man I'm thirsty." Tatsumi got out of bed with a grunt. He was still covered in dried blood and so were the bed sheets. Looking down on himself he was still wearing his shoes and the ripped pants.

"Have your wounds healed?" Furuichi asked as he paused the game and turned around to look at his best friend. Upon Furuichi's inspections the minor bruises and cuts were not visible anymore, however he could not judge the bigger areas with the blood still on them.

"I'm going to go get something to eat and drink first." Tatsumi stood up still topless and took of his shoes and threw them towards the corner of the room.

"Have a shower first and then I think dinner will be ready when our sisters get back." Furuichi went back to playing and for some reason Tatsumi picked up a bit of malice in the boy's voice.

Tatsumi left the room while rubbing his head, when he walked past Misaki's room and having a quick glance and found Hilda sitting on her bed with Beel in her lap.

"Du ahh uuuo!" Beel saw Tatsumi and started to make great advanced towards him.

"Young master do not get too close to that filthy excuse of a human." Hilda happily told Beel.

"Whatever bitch I'm not the one reading a child's picture book." Tatsumi retaliated and pointed to the book Hilda was trying to hide.

"Quiet fool! Now you are awake you can wash yourself as we can also tend to the Young master." Hilda stood up and held on close to Beel.

"Why can't you do it?" Tatsumi was not in the mood to look after a brat let alone put in any effort to wash him.

"This will be a bonding experience for the two of you." She handed Beel over to Tatsumi. "You go on ahead and wash yourself and I will get the necessary items."

"Wait we can't leave Furuichi alone upstairs." Tatsumi remembered about his friend's perverseness.

"Do not worry I know for certain that he will stay where he is." Hilda of course had blackmail material on said boy.

Tatsumi turned around and headed downstairs, no one was in the hallway and the voices were only coming from the kitchen. He went into the changing room and sat Beel next to the basin. Tatsumi closed the door and started to take his clothes and bandages of.

The wound was still visible but much smaller than it was originally and it barely hurt anymore, he then turned around to find out he had not brought his towel.

He shrugged his shoulders and took Beel in to the bathroom, turning on the shower he first let the water come to the right temperature. Tatsumi sat himself under the water first to know if the water was right and then he placed Beel on his thigh.

"WAAAA BULLGH AHHH AHAHHA HAAAAAAA!" Beel suddenly started throwing a fit and then started to cry. The two of them were thrown into an electrical turmoil and Tatsumi tried his best to calm down the child.

When he removed the child from the water source he calmed down.

"So brat, you don't like water?" Tatsumi found something new about the demon child. He placed Beel on the floor and leaned him up against the bathtub, handing the baby a sponge to play with. He then proceeded to wash himself, it hurt a bit when he washed his arm and where Hilda had cut him.

Tatsumi switched on the bath and set it to the right temperature, it dawned on him that he had no idea how to give the baby a bath. The sound of the dressing room door opening caught his ears and he sat back down on the stool to save some pride and not be totally embarrassed if someone actually came in.

Hilda opened the door to the bathroom and walked in, she was wearing her ripped maid attire but she had taken off her stockings and gloves. She also had her hair in a low ponytail rather than tied up in her usual manner.

"Get me a towel." Tatsumi asked while still facing forward.

"Do not think you can escape now that you have finished." Hilda snapped back.

"I ain't going anywhere unlike you, I just want to cover up."

"What do you mean by that?" Hilda took a towel from outside and handed it to Tatsumi.

"You left me with that child and he just had a fit when he got wet."

"Tell me you were not a buffoon and sprayed water onto the young master's face?"

"Well how else was I meant to clean him?"

"You idiotic fool! The young master detests it when his face gets wet." Hilda quickly went over to Beel and picked him up.

"How was I supposed to know."

"Enough! Let us not argue on this and tend to the young master. I will instruct you on the proper method of cleaning him." Hilda kneeled onto the bathroom floor and sat Beel onto the stool. "First, we must wash young master's hair, I will hold my hands over his forehead and you will apply water at a low pressure."

Hilda did as she said and Tatsumi also did his bit, Beel stayed in place for most of it and then Hilda handed Tatsumi a small bottle.

"This is royal demon baby wash." Tatsumi opened up the bottle and looked confused.

"Doesn't look much different from human stuff."

"Well from my experience there is no difference." Hilda had no reason to lie. "You will wash master with this, use your hands to wash his hair, arms, back, front and legs in that particular order. We will leave the face till last."

Tatsumi did as he was told and got to cleaning, Hilda also used the wash to clean. Tatsumi cleaned Beel's upper body while Hilda cleaned his lower half.

"Okay now once again I will cover the young master face so he does not get wet and you apply the water." Hilda instructed, Beel was now clean and looked relaxed.

"How do you clean his face then?" Tatsumi asked. Hilda cupped some water into her hand and rubbed it gently on to Beel face, he was somewhat agitated but did not lose his temper. She then proceeded to clean his ears and nose.

"Now Young master would you like to relax in the bath."


"Get in the bath and hold the young master and do not let his head go into the water." Hilda gave strict instruction to Tatsumi. He got into the bath and picked up Beel as well, slowly submerging the child Tatsumi rested Beel on his lap which was perfect height so the head stayed afloat.

Beel however had other ideas, he started waving his arms everywhere and caused the water to splash up. This made him even more excited which made even more water splash up.

"Where the hell is he even getting this strength from?" Tatsumi asked because the amount of water being thrown out was emptying the bath.

"Young master loves playing in water as long as his face does not get wet." Hilda answered just as she got splashed in the face with water.

"That's enough brat!" Tatsumi got very annoyed with being splashed and he then grabbed Beel's arms which turned out to be a very bad idea.

"GHU GHU WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Beel bellowed his lungs out. The inhabitants of the bathroom were all struck with painful shocks.

"FOOL! Do not make the Young master cry." Hilda shot as she held onto Beel.

"It was bloody annoying of him to splash around."

"The child is only playing and having fun, what is there to complain about!"

The two of them were fighting back at a very high volume. There was a scurrying to the door and when the bathroom door opened Shouko Oga poked her head through.

"Is everything okay here?" The woman was worried by the sudden outbreak of shouting and came to investigate.

"FINE!" Tatsumi yelled as he got out the bath.

"Dry up and get changed while the young master finishes." Hilda said to Tatsumi while she held Beel in the bathtub who carried on splashing.

"Well as long as you are not at each other's throats all the time it should be fine, just don't argue in front of baby Beel too much." Shouko left the room when the tension was relieved.

Tatsumi went into the dressing room and closed both doors, he found a set of night clothes for himself that Hilda must have brought down. They were placed on top of Hilda's own night clothes, Tatsumi didn't even dry himself properly and just put on his clothes.

Tatsumi waited for the two demons to finish up, he could hear the sounds of Beel screaming and the splashing of water. He took this time to check up on his injuries, looking at his face first there was hardly any signs of combat.

Tatsumi lifted the fringe of his hair to have a look at his forehead and that had a light red mark burn but the rest of had healed up. It was a similar situation with his knees but when checking his forearm which still ached there was exposed tissue because he had not wrapped it up properly.

The major wound on his stomach was in much better care, clearly because he paid attention to that it healed much faster. Tatsumi remembered what Furuichi had said earlier and looked into the storage compartments of the dressing room and behold he found a first aid kit.

Tatsumi opened the box and got a bandage and some medical cleaning wipes, he first cleaned the wound on his forearm and then wrapped a bandage around much better than he had done earlier.

Hilda opened the door and she came out drenched from head to toe, she grabbed a towel and wrapped Beel inside and placed him on next to the sink.

"Hey, can you tie this?" Tatsumi tried to politely ask Hilda for some assistance even after the whole argument they just had. Hilda huffed in annoyances but she still tied the bandage on his wrist.

"Take the young master upstairs and dry him properly, inside the milk bag will be a clean pacifier which the young master is fond of."

"Got it." Tatsumi cradled Beel and left the dressing room, Hilda locked it behind them and took of her own clothes and she started to wash herself.

As Tatsumi walked towards the stairs the front door swung open and in walked Misaki with a bunch of bags in her hands.

"Tatsumi come get these things out the taxi." She set her eyes on her younger brother and gave her order. Tatsumi ignored her and carried on walking up the stairs, about halfway up his head was met with one of Misaki's shoes which he caught as it bounced off.

Tatsumi went straight to his bedroom and found Takayuki still sitting on the floor playing.

"Oi Furuichi, Misaki is calling you for something." Tatsumi knew he would do anything a woman asked him to do.

"Really?!" Takayuki asked.

"Yeah here is her shoe so take it down to her."

Furuichi quickly got up and headed straight downstairs while clutching the shoe. Tatsumi was about to sit down on the bed but then realised it had blood on it so he chose the desk chair instead. Resting Beel on the desk Tatsumi did what Hilda had told him to do, Furuichi later returned panting slightly.

"Holy moly those girls just bought two taxis and one mini-vans worth of stuff."

"Well it's not my problem." Tatsumi said while Furuichi cringed on the inside because he fully knew where the funds came from.

"Well the thing is they bought loads of baby equipment and clothes."

"So?" Tatsumi still did not know what Furuichi was on about.

"Think about it Oga, you told me that Hilda-san said that Beel does not like to wear clothes and what if one of them forces clothes on the baby and it cries?"

"Oh crap… well it sucks for them I guess?" Tatsumi held Beel in the air and inspected the child to see if everything was fine.

"DA uh bu ahhah."

"You seem really laid back about this." Furuichi picked up on Tatsumi's less than engaging attitude.

"What's the point? I'm going to get rid of this brat soon so my interests towards these things are very low but my attitude towards staying alive is still very much a priority."

"Well judging by today's news, you are more than just involved, you are literally the centre of all this." Furuichi updated Oga on all the news about the earlier fiasco about the gang.

"Well that was something I did for myself, those bastards made me drop my croquettes." Tatsumi started to feel hungry now. "Anyway, weren't you meant to be searching for the strongest guys around here?"

"I've done all I could and found the three others who make up the Tōhōshinki. It's actually a clever title because the first character of their names make it work, Tōjō, Kunieda, Kanzaki and Himekawa."

"Soooo…?" Tatsumi pushed Furuichi for more information, he pulled out his phone to refresh himself on all the notes he made earlier.

"Kanzaki Hajime- a second year student who is the son of the biggest Yakuza faction in Ishiyama and most the neighbouring cities around Ishiyama.

Himekawa Tatsuya- a third year student, his father is the owner of the Himekawa group. This guy is filthy rich, he hires men for petty things and pays them a fortune. Nothing else is known about him but he does not have an official following but the only thing he needs is his wealth.

Tōjō Hidetora- a third year said to be… scratch that, this guy is known as the strongest in Ishiyama high and the entire city. He hardly comes into school and the rumours that follow him say that he is always taking on anyone and everyone."

"That's it Furuichi this is the guy I…" Tatsumi put the pacifier in Beel's mouth but Furuichi started shouting.

"DON'T INTERRUPT ME! I'M GETTING TO THE BEST BIT NOW!" Furuichi cleared his throat and tried putting on a sexy voice and face.

"Kunieda Aoi- a beautiful second year who has united the girls of Ishiyama under one banner."

"A woman might have a higher chance of parenting Beel if you think about it." Tatsumi interrupted Furuichi again.

"Let me finish… you'll find this interesting because she is the current leader of the Red Tails, she comes from a dojo I think and she exposes her navel a lot. I'm still trying to find a photo of her like that but once I do I can determine her three sizes."

Tatsumi let his friend carry on his moment of joy, Furuichi showed the phone to him and on the phone were the four mugs shots. It was easy to recognise Kanzaki and Kunieda being as he already met one and the other was female. Himekawa's photo was of a man with a pompadour leaving a helicopter with a maid and butler on either side of him.

Out of deduction Tatsumi spent the longest time looking at the picture of Tōjō, the build of the man was big but it was hard to judge from just a picture. Furuichi picked the phone from Tatsumi's hand and started to leave.

"Dinner is going to be ready soon and you might want to make an appearance and see what is downstairs." Furuichi left Tatsumi alone with Beel, it wasn't much longer until Hilda made her way in. She was in her nightgown and had her hair free, Tatsumi got up but something on the desk caught his attention.

He looked down and on the desk was a child's book with only five pages and on each of the page had only three words. Tatsumi just could not keep the laughter inside him as he imagined Hilda sitting at a desk and trying to read the book.

"I see your mental illness is showing up for you to be humoured by your own feet." Hilda's sharp wit was fast.

"The fact about you reading a book like this just cracks me up." Tatsumi lifted the book from the desk and showed it to her. "Don't use Beel as an excuse either, there is blonde hair on this."

"So what of it that I take a stand in educating myself in human language?" Hilda closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "I would never use the Young master as any excuse for my actions. I'm doing this so I can better myself for the goal of the Young Master's, no matter how much humiliation I need to go through."

Tatsumi for some reason just could not think of a comeback to that, he had nothing for her dedication to care for someone… he had nothing as a comeback.

"Well… don't you speak alright Japanese anyway? I know you can't write or read but you can understand and speak it fine right?" Tatsumi tried to squeeze himself out the corner he put himself in.

"Fool I had very little preparation time before being deployed with the Young master here. Japanese is something I did not even touch on but from other languages I could make out some things, but the main source to my communication skills are these."

Hilda put her finger in her ear and removed a small black cylindrical device, at one end was a soft sponge and the other was a blue looking crystal.

"This is a demonic device that can convert income audio into the language I am most confident with." She gave it to Tatsumi and indicated to him to put it inside his ear to which he did.

Hilda then reached into her mouth, she first reached into the top of her mouth and got a thin piece of black something. She did the same again but this time she reached under her tongue and picked out a similar item. Both of them had purple crystals embedded in them, more than likely they were the power source.

"These are translators that change my voice to a selected language of the human tongue." Hilda spoke but Tatsumi heard it much differently. In one ear he heard it in good Japanese but the other ear picked up a foreign language that he had no idea existed.

Hilda replaced the mouth pieces and wiped her hands on Beel's towel, she put out her hand and Tatsumi took out the earpiece and handed it into her outstretched hand. Hilda also wiped it on the towel before putting it back into her ear.

"OI that wasn't even dirty." Tatsumi said as he watched Hilda's actions.

"Everything you touch is filthy." Hilda commented back. "Now change those bed sheets I don't want Young master to lay in such a mess."

Tatsumi gave Beel to Hilda and got to work on changing the sheets, there was then a call from downstairs, his mother was calling everyone down to come eat. After Tatsumi finished his job the three made their way downstairs where there was a lot of noise coming from the kitchen dining room.

In the hallway, there were a large number of boxes, Tatsumi read the labels on some of them. Bed, baby cot, shelving unit, a wardrobe, a full-length mirror covered in plastic wrapping and there was even a mattress leaning up against the wall.

"What idiots, buying all this stuff when you lot are going to go once I've dropped this brat on someone." Tatsumi face palmed at his family's great planning.

"We are going nowhere and Young master is not something you can just drop onto someone else." Hilda got annoyed with the man's comment.

Upon entering there were boxes in the kitchen too and even more shopping bags, there was plastic wrapping everywhere along with tissue paper used for wrapping. The liveliest person in the room was Misaki as she handed out items to everyone like Santa clause.

"Here you go dad a brand new golfing club and Mr. Furuichi we've bought you a watch." Misaki started to rummage through even more bags while the two fathers argued about how they could not take such expensive gifts.

"What the hell made you buy so many things?" Tatsumi questioned but Misaki eyes darted over to Hilda and she grabbed the woman's hand.

"Hilda come I'll show you everything I bought for you."

"Misaki look at the mess you're making, dinner is on the table couldn't you have waited till after?" Mother Oga asked her daughter, who was acting like a child. Shouko herself was also going through the bags and taking everything out.

Tatsumi went and sat down on the sofa near the table, the places at the dining table were all full with the mothers sitting on one side, the fathers sitting on another. Kahori and Honoka were sitting next to each other, they had taken Beel from Hilda and were now playing with him.

Takayuki sat next to an empty seat which Misaki was sitting at earlier, she was now showing Hilda clothes.

"See you seemed to like wearing that Maid outfit but I couldn't find an exact replica so we bought you this." Misaki opened up the box and pulled out a black and white maid outfit.

The clothing was similar to what Hilda previously wore, some of the differences were that the arms covered to the wrists, the length of it was slightly longer, there were more frills to the skirt and the chest area looked less tight and it covered more.

"Hey, Mrs. Furuichi I was wondering if you could make changes to this to make it fit better?" Misaki asked the woman of the Furuichi family.

"I'll need her measurements and her to actually wear it to know the areas on which adjustments are needed, I'm just jealous that you girls didn't take me along on the trip."

Takayuki eyes widened to the mention of measurements, he started planning on how he would acquire such information when his mother writes it down.

"Girls how on Earth did you afford so many items? All this stuff must have cost no less than… six hundred thousand, you better have kept all the receipts." Mr. Oga did a quick calculation in his head, all the adults in the room were also thinking about issue.

"Well we first went out to Shimitobi and bought loads of clothes and then we came back to Ishiyama and bought all the furniture and stuff locally, all in all we spent about eight hundred a fifty thousand but don't worry I didn't get a loan or anything I used a totally justifiable source of income." Misaki lie had semi-relaxed her parents.

Kahori and Honoka looked towards Tatsumi and as he looked back they started to avert their eyes, Takayuki reached out for a plate to get some food for himself and start eating while clearing his throat.

Tatsumi was surprised that his sister was even able to save up that amount of money without spending it as soon as she got it. She even treated people with luxury items when she could have spent it on stuff for herself. Something was not sitting right with this and the gears in Tatsumi's brain were creaking at full speed.

Hilda said her thanks to Misaki and went back to get Beel she then took her seat next to Tatsumi on the sofa while Misaki sat at the table next to Takayuki. Everyone in the room then started eating and chatting amongst themselves.

Tatsumi waited for someone to bring him some food over but unfortunately it did not work like that, he got up headed to the table, he got a plate and poured himself a healthy amount of food.

"Get me some as well." Hilda instructed.

"Get it yourself." Tatsumi was not all happy with this situation as it seemed everyone had it in their head both the demons were here to stay.

"Tatsumi don't be so rude." Mrs. Oga scolded her son and filled a plate for Hilda and gave it to him. Tatsumi sat back on the sofa and put the food in front of himself and her, he placed a pair of chopsticks next to her plate wondering if she could even use them.

"You can better yourself through practice." Tatsumi sadistically said as he hinted towards the chopsticks, he picked up his own set and started to eat.

Hilda gave the man an intense glare but picked them up, she could use them but not very proficiently. She struggled to eat one mouthful while Tatsumi could eat three in the same period of time.

When everyone had finished eating or were nearing the end Misaki got up and headed to the fridge, she pulled out a few boxes and laid them out on the table. Taking off the golden ribbon and opening the boxes, inside were an assortment of cakes and other sweet dishes for an after dinner serving.

"Dessert is served." Misaki announced with pride on her so-called treat. Everyone took a cake of their liking but Tatsumi was not fond of sweet things so he was about to leave and go play on his game console.

"Here take Young master upstairs, I will come shortly up to feed and put him to sleep." Hilda handed Beel over. Tatsumi was annoyed but carried the child up anyway, when he reached his room he put Beel on the bed and turned on his console but something came to mind.

He put the controller in front of the child and Tatsumi himself went over to the desk, looking at the grooves in the carpet he knew someone had moved it. Setting aside everything in that corner and getting out that box he found that money had in fact been taken and he was unsure how much.

Tatsumi knew exactly who the culprit was and also the informative, he put everything back but there was no real point to it as it was no longer a secret place. Hilda decided to walk in with a plate of cake in hand and Beel's bottle of milk in the other.

"Did you tell them?" Tatsumi asked knowing what the answer would be.

"Your sister put up a good counter argument with their need of funds." Hilda cradled Beel in her lap and fed him milk. Tatsumi wanted to argue but he didn't have the energy inside him, he let this be because the money was already spent and he highly doubt he would get it back.

He went over to the bed and sat down on the floor, picking up the controller Beel had dropped Tatsumi started to play some fighting game to let out some frustration.

"Turn that down!" Hilda snapped at Tatsumi as he was disturbing Beel from going to sleep.

"Why don't you go somewhere else than." Tatsumi still held a grudge but turned the volume down anyway.

Beel eventually went to dreamland and Hilda wrapped him up in the blankets, she laid him out in his usual spot. Tatsumi was getting bored of playing and was going to call it quits.

"Why does this form of entertainment retain so much focus from the user?" Hilda crossed her legs over, put her hand on her chin and rested the arm on her heightened knee. "The Great Demon Lord extensively contributes his time to such games, it baffles me to how it holds their attention."

"Same thing with those blasted dramas and soap operas you lot watch." Tatsumi was implying to the stereotype of women and TV.

"I must admit the human realm has many forms of cultural differences than our own." Hilda walked up to the shelves where the TV rested and picked up the other controller. "My attitude towards such things has always been less than satisfactory but seen as though this form of fun has a multidimensional transgression it has piqued my interest on the matter."

Tatsumi was not all that sure what Hilda was on about but he got the feeling she wanted to play, he sighed lightly and took the controller from her hand and turned on. Having fiddled with the menu and made it two-player he handed the controller back and set the game to a one vs one simple battle.

"Bottom two buttons control the legs, top two for the arms, triggers are specials and combinations are just mixing the lot of them pressed together." Tatsumi gave the lowdown to his competition, Hilda looked to her controller and back to the TV as the counter went down.

"FIGHT!" The announcer started the match. Tatsumi wasted no time and went straight for the attack. He pulled of the longest combo for his character which dealt the most damage and he knew he would have time seen as though the opponent was Hilda.

Hilda had her one eye flickering between the TV, her own controller and Tatsumi's controller; she was pressing the indicated buttons but unfortunately her character was getting plummeted. The vibrations from the controller indicated the level of damage received and in less than ten seconds Hilda's life bar went to zero and the match was finished.

"PERFECT!" The announcer gave victory to Tatsumi who never got hit once.

"Ha…" Tatsumi gave off a little chuckle quietly. Hilda did not find it funny and with her foot she kicked him in the arm.

"Again." She ordered holding the controller with more confidence. "That was my first time so I was merely getting a feel for battle." Hilda was feeling slightly more pissed then she thought she would be. Of course, Hilda knew she was going to lose but it felt even more degrading that she had anticipated.

Tatsumi stayed quiet but felt great inside for winning over Hilda even if she was a noob player, he changed his character and played another match because he was not going to go easy on her.

When the next match was counting down Hilda started pressing the buttons before the fight started, Tatsumi went in on the attack and got another perfect game. This carried on for quite a few games, he would chose a new character every match and would perform a high damage combo to get the perfect winning screen every time.

"Once more, I have the controls figured out now." Hilda ordered for another match. Tatsumi booted up another match and chose a random fighter. Hilda had stopped button mashing and was going for a more applying method.

Tatsumi won the game but for the first time he did not get a perfect but instead Hilda had memorised the fighting moves of the character. Tatsumi had worried about that, he had purposely chosen different character each match so she would not be prepared.

Tatsumi got bored and requested a game change to which Hilda did not argue against, he changed the disk to a racing game next. The results were much similar with Tatsumi winning every game and Hilda improving bit by bit after every game, they changed game again either when Tatsumi got bored or when Hilda got frustrated but she was having fun.

Game after game Tatsumi dominated Hilda until he called it quits, they had been playing for more than a couple of hours but to them if felt much shorter.

"Well I think that's enough." Tatsumi interlocked his fingers and stretched his arms above his head, his saw the enlarged demon mark and remembered the question he wanted to ask.

"Very well it will be a long day tomorrow." Hilda got off from the bed, Tatsumi did not know what she meant but that was not important right now.

"Oi why the hell has this gotten bigger." Tatsumi fisted his hand and held it in front of Hilda's face. She narrowed her eyebrow a bit and said her deduction.

"Well it seems a though the more you call upon the power of the Young master the size of that mark will increase. That mark is giving us a visual meter on how much Demonic power is residing inside you as the contractor."

"Wait… the more lighting that comes out the more demon like I become."

"Not exactly but like I said demons need a contractor to bring out their full power here in the human realm, of course this is all new to me but all seems to be going well." Hilda made her way to the door and left.

Tatsumi wanted to argue back but did not want to wake Beel, Tatsumi shut the light off and he laid next to Beel. The minuscule amount of light seeped into the room through the curtains from the outside street lamps, this illuminated the room just enough for Tatsumi to see his mark.

Thinking about his little adventures with the brat, Tatsumi concentrated about the feeling he got when he was with Beel. This started something as strands of lighting were being emitted from his fingers, they were being formed from the middle of his fingers in a web like manner and they were illuminating the room.

Tatsumi quickly shook his hand in panic and the lighting diminished, he looked towards the child and thought about how he needed to quicken the pace finding another parent for the brat before things took a turn for the worst.

(Time skip)

"BEGH… WHHAAAAAAAAAAA!" Beel cried with his arms flailing above his head, Tatsumi was also awoken in a painful way as volts entered his body.

"WHY THE HELL ARE YOU CRYING?" Tatsumi shouted but this just made Beel cry even more. Tatsumi cradled Beel which eased the lighting attack but Beel was still crying. At that point a tired looking Hilda came walking in with Beel's milk bottle and turned on the light, she automatically took Beel and fed him the milk which quietened the child quite quickly.

"Don't tell me this is going to happen every night?" Tatsumi lay back on the bed and yawned in his sorry state.

"Not every… some worse than others and the rare chance where there is nothing we can do. I expected this would happen seen as though young master has eased into our current environment." Hilda gave Beel's timetable but this just made Tatsumi dread even more.

He got off from the bed and made way to the upstairs wash room to drink some water because the kitchen sink would be too far away. Glancing at the clock in the dressing room it was about two in the morning. Tatsumi put his mouth under the faucet and drank the water, he rubbed his eyes and made way back to his room.

He got back and Hilda was rocking the now sleeping baby, her hair was dishevelled and she looked tired. She put Beel back and took her leave, Tatsumi was surprised at that was all it took. He went back to sleep and decided that he really needed to get rid of this child.

(Time skip)

Youjirou Oga stepped over a box, he shimmied around a few more boxes and then cleared the plastic and bags of the dining room sofa to sit down. It was Sunday morning and he placed his cup of coffee on the table that was littered with even more clothes and bags, he was working over a slight hangover from last night's drinking and the ever so late crying.

Turning on the TV he let the sound of the news play in the background while he read the paper of some left out item, Shouko Oga was standing in the kitchen cooking breakfast for everyone. She was also dodging around left out items and rubbish.

Kahori sat at the table messing on her phone while eating her cornflakes, the remaining four residents were still sleeping.

"Mom I heard the neighbours complaining earlier about last night, that child has some amazing lungs on him." She was talking about Beel.

"Well all children cry and some more than others and then you have those who wake up the whole neighbourhood." Mrs. Oga also remembered about last night, there was then some shouting and crying happening upstairs but it was ignored knowing what it was about.

Breakfast was being served and then Misaki walked in with Beel in her arms and a bottle in his mouth, Misaki looked as if she had just woken up but she was smiling brightly at Beel.

"Mommy and daddy really like going at it early in the morning don't they Beel?" Misaki asked the feeding child. Said people walked in and both looked in a bad mood, they sat at the table on opposite ends and were not making eye contact.

Misaki sat next to Kahori and carried on feeding Beel, she yawned very unladylike and asked for food.

"What got them to fight this time?" Kahori asked.

"Tatsumi was being lazy and didn't want to feed Beel and let the poor baby cry, Hilda then got pissed and said it was also his duty to feed Beel." Misaki informed everyone.

"HEY, I was awoken half way through the night and today I just wanted to sleep, let the damn woman deal with feeding that brat." Tatsumi made things clear to anyone who was thinking bad about him.

"I also get up when you get up." Hilda stated her side of the argument. "The Young master only wanted his milk and you could have easily have given it to him. There was no need for you to be such an unproductive, idle, insolent, foolish parent." It seemed as she really wanted to get those insults of her chest.

Before things could get more out of hand, mother Oga stepped in and calmed everything down.

"Okay let bygones be bygones and carry on forward. Now Tatsumi you need to help out with taking care of Beel while also tending to Hilda wherever and whenever possible and beckon to her every call. Hilda please be patient with Tatsumi as all this is new to him and he is still learning."

Both parties listened to the wise words but they would rather not act on them. Breakfast was eaten with relative silence while the two youngest played on the sofa.

"Now Tatsumi Misaki said you offered to set up all the new furniture." Mother Oga informed her son about this which was totally new information to him. "Get the bed done first so Hilda can get a comfortable night's sleep rather than her be on that horrid fold out bed."

"The floor would do fine for her or the shed would be perfect." Tatsumi uttered in an audible voice. Hilda remained her composure in front of the family, though her thoughts were that he was a total ass.

"Next is Beel's cot." Shouko continued as if Tatsumi had not even said anything. "Build the shelves, dresser, wardrobe and throw out all those jump manga your buy." Tatsumi did not really listen to his mother because he felt as if she was droning on.

"Take the tools out the garage and it'll be really easy to build by following the instructions." Mr. Oga knew very little about such things but thought he knew more just for owning a toolkit.

"This stuff is going to take all day." Tatsumi complained as he thought about how much effort it would take to erect everything.

"Well you better get going then because you also have to clean up all this as Hilda and I are going to go out later." Misaki told Tatsumi which was also new news for Hilda.

"Very well I will humbly accept but I will need to be home for when the young master needs to be put to sleep." Hilda went along with Misaki's plan.

Everyone one got done eating and they all headed off to their individual tasks. Mr. and Mrs. Oga had to go shopping as the very nearly empty fridge needed restocking so they took their leave, this left only the five youngest at home and Tatsumi got straight to work.

"Kahori bring Beel upstairs and look after him while I put all this crap together." Tatsumi ordered the youngest Oga while he picked up the single bed and made way upstairs.

"Hey genius maybe you should put the foldable bed back in the shed before you take that one up." Kahori gave advice which Tatsumi could not see a single fault with. He went upstairs and entered Misaki's room.

Inside was the usual mess and Tatsumi took the sheets and blankets of the spare bed and threw them onto Misaki's. He put a hand on either side of the bed but for some reason it did not close.

"Unclip the latch and pull the handle to make it collapse." Kahori instructed Tatsumi once again. It worked he took the bed downstairs with little effort but made sure not to hit anything, Kahori followed with Beel in her arms.

After the bed was covered and put in the shed Tatsumi then went and picked up the bed and put it in Misaki's room, he unboxed it and laid out all the wooden pieces on the floor. Misaki and Hilda were coming out the bathroom and Misaki saw what was going on so she added her verdict.

"Oi idiot that bed is not going in my room, set it up in yours so Hilda is closer to Beel when he wakes up in the night."

"The hell is that woman going to be sleeping in my room!" Tatsumi was not going to share a room with her, he held the instruction in his hands and crouched to look at all the materials.

"Well one of the new wardrobes is going in here, the other wardrobe is going in your room along with the dresser, bed, cot, shelves and mirror." Misaki listed off the furniture on her fingers.

"How the hell is everything supposed to even fit in my room?" Tatsumi got up from crouching and handed the paper to Kahori for her to make sense of it.

"Don't worry if we move your bed to the other end, bring the shelves to behind the door and move the desk to the window everything will properly fit." Misaki gave a smile and thumbs up.

"You missed the part about how the TV stand will have to be sacrificed." Kahori jotted her sister's memory, Beel started struggling because he wanted to be let down and play with the new items.

"No!" Tatsumi put his foot down and he would not budge, Hilda waged in her own idea.

"As much as I would like to sleep next to the Young master it would be much more beneficial for the fool to be next to him."

"See." Tatsumi said. "Keep her bed in this room and… *sigh* you can put everything else in my room." He caved in but at least they were in separate rooms.

"Okay." Misaki was quick to accept. "But I can also put my shelves and all those books in your room as well." Misaki jerked her head towards her own storage unit.

"Wait a minute we can put them in Kahori's room, her room is not all that packed like yours." Tatsumi remembered the floor plan of the house. "Mom and Dad's room is the biggest so I'm sure we can shove something in there."

"Leave our parent room out of this but sure Misaki can put here shelves and books in my room but that is all, I have my own stuff as well but if Hilda-san wants to put anything she can." Kahori dictated to Tatsumi but was polite to Hilda.

With the arrangements settled they set off with what they needed to do, Hilda took charge of Beel and she had the pleasure of sitting and watching. Tatsumi first moved the shelves into Kahori's room along with the books to which his sisters and Hilda helped.

Kahori then decided that Misaki's room needed a cleaning so while she vacuumed and put all the odd things in the right place along with the countless items of clothes, Misaki found some old things and reminisced her past while sitting in the corner of the room.

Tatsumi took charge of building the bed, he found it much harder than he thought it would be. He went and fetched the tool's his father had told him about and got to work. While he fumbled around with all the bits and bobs, Hilda picked up the instructions and smirked so that Tatsumi could see her expression.

He definitely thought she was a bitch.

With the cleaning done and the bed build with both brawn and brain the whole room looked so much better, Tatsumi went downstairs and picked up the mattress and dropped it into place on the new bed.

"Wow!" Misaki exclaimed, "I've never seen so much of my floor in years." With that done they moved onto Tatsumi's room. "You don't have anything hidden in here do you? Do you want us to leave the house for a while so you can dispose of the items or hide them in the shed?" Misaki winked with a smug face.

Kahori felt awkward to be listening to this conversation, sure she can be naïve but she knew what her elder siblings were talking about.

"Hey, don't put me in the same boat as Furuichi besides I think he took it all home, there wasn't a box there like he said." Tatsumi thought about the whole hiding it in the shed incident and when he put the bed back the item was not there.

"Well I was the one who brought the bed out and that box caught my eye, did you have a look inside beforehand?" Misaki asked Tatsumi.

"No." Tatsumi got slightly curious.

"Well it had some very extreme things in there, seriously where did that boy even get those from." They dropped the subject and went about rearranging the room.

First, they removed everything from under Tatsumi's bed and put it outside, Kahori was in charge of throwing out the Jump manga and vacuuming. Tatsumi was doing all the heavy lifting, Misaki was dictating where everything would go and Hilda helped move things out the room while inspecting some items and books.

They then moved the wardrobe and desk away from the far side of the room and replaced it with the bed, the head was against the left wall which left space by the feet side. Misaki lunged for Tatsumi's hidden spot and then the two siblings got into a fight.

Tatsumi wanted her to leave it alone but Misaki insisted and tried emotionally blackmailing Tatsumi into handing the money to her for the benefit of having two more people living under their roof. Kahori came and took the box and hid it in her own room, she told them not to waste time as their parents wanted to have everything done by today.

The desk was then moved to where the bed used to be near the window, the TV unit was moved to the foot of the bed along with the game console, Tatsumi thinking in his head that he actually preferred this as he could play while laying down.

Mr. and Mrs. Oga came back while their children were working, with them back Misaki wanted to go out with Hilda. Hilda however said that she was going to put Beel to sleep first and Kahori also said it was time for her studies.

So, while they were all doing their own things Misaki gave specific instructions to Tatsumi about where everything went. Misaki then left with Hilda, Beel was sleeping in Misaki's room and Kahori had gone to study.

This left Tatsumi alone to work, he actually did not mind it now that there was no one to annoy him. He first brought up the two wardrobes and got to building those, the first one took a considerable amount of time but the second one was faster seen as though both were identical.

The wardrobe itself was large and wide with it having three doors, a set of double doors and then a single. There were two so that made six compartments altogether, this took up a lot of space on the left wall.

The shelving unit was an easy build that went in-between the old wardrobe and bed. The left wall was flush with furniture now, there was the head side of the bed, the new shelves, Tatsumi's wardrobe, the big wardrobe, the second big wardrobe and the old shelves that now were behind the door.

The other side of the room looked slightly less clustered but there were still more to add along with cleaning up all the wrapping, Tatsumi thought about going for a break and then he went downstairs for a snack. Upon entering he the kitchen his senses started to tingle, he then remembered about the distance limit between him and Beel.

Being very careful Tatsumi rummaged around the shopping bags and found what he wanted, microwavable croquettes. Quickly heating up the whole pack he jogged back upstairs with yet another packaged piece of furniture and started to scoff his food down.

It was just past midday and he spend a few hours on erecting the items, while eating Tatsumi worked on building the last two things. One was Beel's cot and the other was a dresser, Misaki had made it super clear that it had to be placed by the window to allow all the light in.

Opening up the box was easy but the instructions were much harder, the previous things were easy to build with only the door hinges being stubborn, but this dresser had runners in it as well as a weird design.

It followed the colour scheme with the rest of the room but it was just so damn confusing, Tatsumi stepped back and flipped to the last page of the booklet to see the finished product. It was now that he realised this dresser was in fact a dressing table.

There were three sliding drawers on each side and a mirror that fitted on the table top, Tatsumi got to work when suddenly he found his body starting to tingle then BAM he was hit by lightning with the sounds of Beel's crying that could be heard from the other room.

Tatsumi rushed into Misaki's room and picked up the crying child, he patted Beel and rocked the baby. Beel calmed down and sniffled, Kahori came in after hearing the cries.

"Did Beel wake up? Hilda left his milk with me." Kahori showed the purple bag in hand.

"All this brat ever does is eat, sleep and cry." Tatsumi was all edgy after being shocked.

"He's a baby so of course that is what he would do, it also reminds me of someone who also only eats, sleeps and fights." Her sarcasm ticked Tatsumi off, he walked back to his own room and went and sat on the bed.

"C..can I have a go at feeding him?" Kahori asked not sure if her older brother would shout or not.

"Sure go ahead." Tatsumi was fast to hand over Beel, he made Kahori sit on his bed and handed Beel to her. Tatsumi warmed up his milk on the desk and then handed the bottle over to Kahori. "Don't make him cry and stay within fifteen metres of me."

While Kahori fed Beel, Tatsumi got to work on the cot instead, it was much easier to build with all the experience he had today. He was lucky there was someone to look after Beel while he finished and by the time he finished everything and threw out all the rubbish it was already late afternoon.

"This room looks amazing." Kahori stood at the door and admired the room, Tatsumi put on a face that did not show much enthusiasm but inside he was extremely proud of himself. Stretching his hands over his head he picked up Beel from Kahori's arms and they then made their way downstairs.

Upon entering the dining room the mess from earlier was cleaned up but instead all the clothes, shoes, cosmetics and accessories were laid out in neat piles. Mrs. Oga sat there watching TV while she sorted the countless amounts of clothes to the right place.

"Don't tell me I have to put all those away?" Tatsumi was not in the mood to do anymore work.

"You've done enough for today and I highly doubt the girls would like you looking through their undergarments." Mrs. Oga held out a set of panties with a bra.

"MOM!" Kahori quickly became flustered and turned red, she quickly headed over to her mother and hid the items behind her back.

Tatsumi couldn't care less about them and took a seat on the sofa, as he did the phone started ringing and nobody bothered to pick it up as a few bells later it stopped.

"Tatsumi!" Mr. Oga called from the other room. "Takayuki is on the phone for you." Tatsumi picked up the phone in his room and answered.

"What up?" Tatsumi used some weird slang.

"Dude you at home?" Takayuki sounded slightly panicky.

"Yeah." Tatsumi wondered why he did not just get his slave… erm… friend to come over and build all the crap instead.

"Get to a TV and turn to channel four news."

"Why?" Tatsumi asked but did as Furuichi told. Getting the remote from his mother Tatsumi changed the channel.

On the TV were half a dozen police officials sitting at a table with microphones in front of each man. There were numerous camera flashes, the text on the news said that a statement was going to be issued about an uprising terrorist gang.

"With light of recent events it has come to our attention that this new gang poses an extreme threat. We are working close with the Self Defence department in locating and subduing the terrorist, with the first incident being in a residential area and the second within a shopping district it has become a high priority." The representative of Ishiyama police spoke out, many reporters out spoke to ask questions and then a reporter on the left was chosen.

"Have there been any arrests or speculation on who these people are?"

"We have made headway in our investigation to locate and seize these criminals and put an end to their ideology." The screen behind the men lit up and showed a shaky and blurry video about Tatsumi as he threw a motorcycle over his own head into the earlier gang members.

"From this evidence, we have already made great strides to apprehending this man along with his subordinates."

"This is total bullshit!" Tatsumi shouted down the phone and got a stern look from his mother.

"Dude they are totally talking about you and what if I get involved? There is something really fishy about this and I don't want anything to do with it." Furuichi was being typical Furuichi.

"They can hardly recognise me from that video but don't you think they are making a huge deal out of it, I know for a fact worse things than this have happened and cops don't do shit." Tatsumi carried on the conversation outside the room with Beel still with the women.

"That's why I say it's fishy, something does not add right because they never brought up the attack in the Ishiyama refractory stretch which was huge news. You left that big ass mark by the building!" Furuichi shouted.

"Like I said they can't pin anything on me and even if they start something I don't mind punching a couple of cops. But something doesn't feel right…"

"So basically, I think there has been a cover up and someone is pulling the strings from behind the scenes." Furuichi summed up.

"Well I don't really care cause I got my own problems to deal with, I got to drop this kid off real fast because the night time crying is going to get on my nerves."

"Well anyways I need to go now, I'll see you in school tomorrow and we'll discuss things then." Furuichi still had the nervousness in his voice. Tatsumi hung up the phone and went back inside and sat next to Kahori who had Beel in her lap and both were watching some cartoon.

The day went on relatively normal with Tatsumi not doing much parenting while his mother and sister looked after Beel, Tatsumi however did intervene when they tried putting clothes on the child. Tatsumi picked up that Beel did not want to wear them and got there before the crying could start.

Hilda came home a little later alone and took care of Beel straight away, Misaki came when dinner was getting ready with even more shopping bags.

She however was lectured by their mother and was ordered to sort through everything they had bought and put them in their proper place.

"I would also like to assist where possible." Hilda chimed up to help Misaki as she felt obliged seen as though they did it for her and Beel. Misaki complemented Tatsumi on his job with the furniture and Hilda also gave a good word.

Misaki, Hilda and Kahori all worked together to put all their clothes into their respected places. The new wardrobes in Tatsumi's room were quickly filled with Hilda's clothes, shoes and other items. The dressing table also had the cosmetics Misaki had bought but Hilda was quite surprised as she had never used such things.

Tatsumi was finally ordered by Misaki to bring up the last thing which was the mirror, putting it opposite the wardrobes the room now felt complete. Misaki started taking photos of the room and the contents of the wardrobes, she was texting away to her friends bragging and showing off.

Tatsumi looked around and it felt weird that this was not really his room anymore, his wardrobe literally had more of Hilda's and Beel's clothing in it then his own. Mrs. Oga called everyone down for dinner and they all made their way down to dinner.

(Scene break)

"We are still locating the man along with his associates but please give us more time…" The man who was speaking had a wad of Yen notes slapped into his face. The man himself was wearing police attire and was now bowing while holding his tongue.

"There… speed up the process or you might just see a drop in funds along with mysterious leaks and a variety reports on the corrupted officers of Ishiyama police." The man who was talking was the one who had thrown the money, he was a tall man with a pompadour and was wearing very expensive clothes.

"My apologies Himekawa-sama, we will extort any lead we have." The man bowed even lower and left the dark room.

"So, Mr. big shot will you work for me or will I have to break you..." The man known as Himekawa talked to himself as he re-watched the footage of a teen throwing a motorcycle with ease.

"Yes, that's just what I'll do." Himekawa nodded his head as a gleam shone off his glasses.

Thanks for reading. Special thanks to Frayner who has Beta read this chapter along with editing and adding to the story.